When The Vikings settled Greenland it was just that GREEN and full of forests and animals and able to support many settlers in the years around 800. By 1200 the area was too cold the trees were all gone and it could not support even a small community and they left. Just prior to the American Revolution the colonies had 10-15 years of warm weather that resulted in many harvests during the growing season. After the Declaration 1776 the growing season was so short even 1 harvest was hard to complete Winters became harsh and it was considered "Gods Wrath" on the Americans. With all the changes including the "LAND Bridge" between Asia and America Why are the Global Warming people so Blind? One Volcano produces more soot and smoke than all Humans since the Industrial revolution. Last Year New York Had 3 Snow Storms in December and None this year, so according to these people NYC will be the New Miami in 2 years at this rate. I will not plan On wearing My Bikini, Jones Beach January 15