Global Warming and Cooling and Warming again Why Don't they get it?
2007-01-17 05:56:07 UTC
When The Vikings settled Greenland it was just that GREEN and full of forests and animals and able to support many settlers in the years around 800. By 1200 the area was too cold the trees were all gone and it could not support even a small community and they left. Just prior to the American Revolution the colonies had 10-15 years of warm weather that resulted in many harvests during the growing season. After the Declaration 1776 the growing season was so short even 1 harvest was hard to complete Winters became harsh and it was considered "Gods Wrath" on the Americans. With all the changes including the "LAND Bridge" between Asia and America Why are the Global Warming people so Blind? One Volcano produces more soot and smoke than all Humans since the Industrial revolution. Last Year New York Had 3 Snow Storms in December and None this year, so according to these people NYC will be the New Miami in 2 years at this rate. I will not plan On wearing My Bikini, Jones Beach January 15
Fifteen answers:
Elise K
2007-01-17 12:42:52 UTC
Pardon me, Greenland was never green.

Erik the Red *called* it Greenland in a publicity stunt attract settlers. There were only ever about 600 small farms divided between two settlements. It was a little greener than it is today along the fringes, including mature birch trees that grew to 4 meters, but that is not the same as saying it was "full of forests". Furthermore, it did not last and frankly the Norse may have hastened the collapse of the ecology by letting their sheep overgraze.

By the "Little Ice Age" of the 14th & 15th centuries, the farming was so poor on Greenland that settlers starved and the settlements were abandoned. In the meantime, the Inuit had arrived in the late 12th century from the northwest and were able to maintain a presence on the island to this day with thier seal-hunting based culture (as opposed to a farming culture).

So, while I agree with major thrust of your argument, you should be aware you are crippling your credibilty by not getting the facts straight.
2007-01-17 06:18:43 UTC
Yes the earth warms and cools in cycles, normally a cycle will last thousands of years with a gradual heating and cooling of various parts of the earth as it shifts on it's axis.

However we seem to be accomplishing a warming trend wherein our median temperature has risen a few degrees in the last century, and it is accelerating, all this without shifting of the earth on it's axis.

The current trend does not fit into regular weather patterns, and that is cause for concern.

This year is an El Nino year with a shift in ocean currents we are going to see some very odd weather patterns. You must look at a larger scale, being the median or average temperatures over the last century.

By the way soot and smoke don't contain carcinogenic poly-carbons.
2007-01-18 07:03:14 UTC
This sounds like a belief statement on your part. What's the question? It's not clear.

For a primer on climate change, please consult the included link.

It is irrefutable that average global temperatures are trending up. That's probably the only fact that is easy to demonstrate. What's causing it, how long it will last, and what its local and global effects are and will be are easier to argue over, because weather and climate are extremely complex to model.

It is warming up globally. There are already significant effects being experienced by humans. The ramifications of a continued warming are indeed potentially disastrous.
2007-01-17 06:05:15 UTC
So what your saying is. Because Volcano's produce the same stuff we do, then we should continue destroying our planet? There are constant weather changes, and patters of warm and cold through out history, but the difference is. We are altering it in an unnatural way which is detrimental to us. It's happening at a much faster rate. People, animals and plants, are all adaptable creatures over time. Hundreds or thousands of years. Evolution proves that. But you can't expect a species to survive when it happens over 20 or 30 years. If you are saying that Global warming is not a problem, then I urge you to go buy the biggest SUV you can find, and burn Styrofoam, and spray as many bottles of Aerosol you can find. But don't cry when things take a turn for the worst.
2007-01-17 06:14:25 UTC
Global Warming is a falsity. A way to line the pockets of the politicians who push it. The only reason it is pushed by politicians is because of the potential gain from ignorant people to donate to the cause.

in the 70's it was a mini Ice age...didn't happen

in the late 80's and early 90's it was the ozone miraculously fixed itself

in the new millennium it was Y2k.....we are still alive

Now it is Global warming....with snow in New Mexico....go figure..
2007-01-17 06:02:06 UTC
There is so much that we don't understand about climate change. If you look at the actual amount of land that humans inhabit about 1/10 of the earths surface and then take the amount of urban land about 1.5% of the 1/10. the numbers really don't add up for human caused climate change
2007-01-17 07:23:27 UTC
I look at the global warmest fanatics the same way as those religious fanatics, remember the ones that use to stand on the street corner screaming the world is coming to an end soon.
2007-01-17 06:13:42 UTC
Great question - except for the lack of facts. Greenland was so named because of the lack of green (conversely, ICEland was named to keep people away from the volcanic greeness)

One year of bad harvest does not equal a trend. You can't point to one year of hot or cold and dismiss a 40 year trend of increasing 'average' temperatures, of glacial ice that has taken 1000s of years to form to be melted in a century.

If Greenland ice melts, you won't need to go to Miami. It won't be there.

When Mt Pinotubo erupted in the Phillipines in the 90s, it reduced the world's average temp (for a year) by about 1.5 degrees. Soot is NOT the same as carbon dioxide emissions. We're not talking about 'dirty' skies, we're talking about carbon dioxide infiltration into the seas, and as a global 'warmer'.
2007-01-17 06:04:23 UTC
Yeah, thanks for the weather update. Millions of oil guzzling vehicles and waste from factories, the raping of the Amazon has nothing to do with a hole in the ozone and a change in the weather. When are YOU going to get it? There is a problem and it should be addressed, not blown off so the Americans can go back to watching reality TV, content that there is nothing wrong in the world while polar ice caps melt.
2007-01-17 15:03:52 UTC
i hope your families home gets blown off the street by a tornado or twister, i hope a bush fire burns your house down with you and your brain washed puppet family inside it, then ill ask you, does global warming exists, you capitalist brain washed puppet?
2007-01-17 06:45:22 UTC
seems like the only couple of countries that dont get it are China and the US
J Q Public
2007-01-17 06:06:37 UTC
well what they say is it is intensifying,not that it hasn't happened naturally in the past. why has bush bought into a left wing scare tactic?
2007-01-17 06:02:44 UTC
The Earth warms and cools in cycles. Global warming is the left wing's scare tactics and fear propaganda.
Richard Cranium
2007-01-17 06:09:15 UTC
Al "stubby toe" Gore is an IDIOT
2007-01-17 06:00:30 UTC
Climate change is here to stay, live with it........................We are

all going to need to adapt to the changes out there......................

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