I could care less how they feel, personally. Civicly, it concerns me. However, it isn't as though the rest of the world is a pretty sight, either. Being that we are all humans, no one can claim all of the piety and shove all of the villainy upon any other, nationally speaking. Even the Soviet Union had it's saving graces, and I am a Cold War US Navy veteran. I disagree with Iran's way, but, I respect that it's theirs, as a nation.
I had one of the most fun conversations of my life talking with a French farmer, near Switzerland, about dirt one day. He and I came together, not as an American and a Frenchman. We came together as agrarians. It's all about respect and simplicity. Anyone can hurl an insult, as a monkey hurls dung, but, who can look to their fellow man, in a place so far away and share something real?