Why would any woman vote for Trump?
2016-09-06 15:33:14 UTC
Especially after him praising the work of Phyllis Schlafly. I'm NOT a Hillary supporter btw.
206 answers:
2016-09-08 06:08:14 UTC
The voters need to look at the Democratic Record over the last 8 years. The Obama Administration has not done much for our nation. Race Relations are at an all time low and for a large part this is because of the policies of the Democrats that leave large parts of our urban areas in poverty and many rural areas as well. The Democrats have not done anything to encourage Companies to stay in the US and their record on Trade has benefited everyone by the US. The Obama care has been a disaster hurting small business and raising insurance costs for most people. The middle class slips further into the lower class financially, our schools are more concerned about the rights of a few students and the teachers unions that disrupt the chances of the others to learn. They want to give free college education to many kids that are barely literate when they leave our public schools leaving more debt for our children and grandchildren. HRC and the political class has had their chance and so why not try Trump. I believe that being the savvy businessman that he is he will delegate to the best and brightest, not political cronies. In the last 8 years only the Wall Street cronies and the political class have benefited by the policies of the Democrats and yes there are Republican majorities in congress but the majority is not a supermajority which makes it easy for the Executive to veto legislation. HRC is not a friend to women she only spouts that drivel when she pays women on her campaign less than men. She is only a woman, grandmother, mother when she is pandering to the public. She only loves power and has been involved in many things like the email scandal, Benghazi but also the "Whitewater" affair when her husband was president. Is Trump a he kind of sexist..yes but Bill Clinton was worse. Trump again will bring in "real" experienced folks with "real" experience and heck what do we have to lose since HRC would be far worse. I am voting for Trump as a woman because he is a much better option than HRC.

America is in danger because the "Political" class is holding all the power. This is basically what happened in the Soviet Union under Communism the politiboro held all the power and money where everyone else was a slave to the "party"
2016-09-10 10:48:04 UTC
I am a guy. But nor Trump or Hillary are fit ro be president. I think most American's are feed up with politicians that they want to vote trump. Either way thier is no fix. Both are liars and not honest. If American's really cared about this country and constitution. I would vote 3 party for the sake of their children's future. Out of anger trump and clinton is no good. My vote goes to Jill Stein.* Do your research before voting *
2016-09-06 17:53:35 UTC
While I'm not voting for either candidate this time around, it really makes sense to me as to why so many people would vote for him.

First, I'm going to start by saying that few people like Trump. There are plenty of people who think Trump is really just the worst who still are voting for him. The reason is actually pretty simple. Think about it this way, for example: Trump and Hillary are complete opposites, right? Well, yes, and no. When it comes to economic issues, Trump and Hillary are about as similar as night and day. Trump supports small, individual businesses and decreasing the wealth of the 1%. He's very anti-establishment, doesn't like big banks or Wallstreet, and is in favor of raising minimum wage. Hillary, however, supports big business, and couldn't really care less abut the current gap between the rich and, well, literally everyone else. She's really big into the establishment, and is practically the slave of big bankers and Wallstreet.

On the other spectrum, Trump is kind of a jerkoff. He's not very sensitive or politically correct, and says a lot of bologna that he knows that, a, he can't actually do, and b, he doesn't actually mean. He's racist, sexist, and crude--however, he's honest, and has upheld the same policies and beliefs for a long time. On the other hand, Hillary is very politically correct, but she doesn't really believe a whole lot of what she says. She only has one issue where she hasn't flip-flopped her opinion in the last three years--and that's women's rights.

Now, let's look even deeper. Trump doesn't hate gay people. Or transgender people. Or abortions. In fact, he's really just said, "hell, let 'em do what they want." Bottom line, he's no real threat to our current social issues. There won't be any progression, but we don't have to fear mass regression in civil rights like everyone says we do. Being honest, it's just all a bunch of fear-mongering. Hillary may promise to push civil rights and social issues, but she doesn't actually support gay marriage and I think she could care less about transgender rights right now.

So this is what it comes down to. When someone looks at these two candidates, they have to choose what is most important to them--economic issues, or social ones? If you're a young American in college who can barely pay rent and feed yourself, you'll probably say that right now, the last thing you want is someone who is another slave of the establishment in the white house. If you're lower middle class, you'll probably look at Hillary and feel a little twinge of loathing. If you're an older individual, social issues are probably more important to you. If you're a middle-aged woman, you'll probably vote for Hillary.

Unfortunately, more people dislike Hillary than like her--when it comes down to it, she's not going to win the election because she and her husband have left a bad taste in the mouths of both democrats and republicans alike.

The truth is that some people want change--even if it's in the form of an egotistical, racist little gnome with a spray tan.

I hoped this helps you understand a little.
2016-09-10 16:08:38 UTC
Honestly, Trump is the best option, my first was Ted Cruz, but he dropped out, now we're stuck with two not so great options.

Both are arguable, Hillary more than Donald.

I would prefer Trump over her just because I would never want a criminal running our country. Usually I wouldn't want a badly spray tanned orange peel who runs his mouth with no guard over his words either but as I've said in this answer god knows how many times Trump for me personally is the best option and I would rather have him other Hillary any day even though I never thought he would even be my choice of vote.
Andy F
2016-09-08 14:32:10 UTC
I'm not a woman and I'm totally opposed to Trump. However, I've read on the Internet and heard on the radio that some women support Trump because they like his positions against Mexican immigration, against Muslim immigration and against abortion. Although I believe in truth, he used to support abortion rights until he decided to run for president.

These are 3 reasons why SOME women will vote for Trump, IMO. But from what I've read and heard, a large majority of women will not vote for him, because he's grossly sexist and offensive in the ways he talks about women, and he's also a hate monger. Many women really don't like candidates to be hate mongers.

-- democratic socialist / I wanted Bernie Sanders, but I'll definitely support Hillary as a "lesser evil" compared to the Donald.
2016-09-08 09:37:01 UTC
assuming voting women should and will vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman is SEXIST

just as sexist as voting against someone because she is a women

Hillary has systematically attacked women when her husband raped them as being bimbos ,, that is reason enough

Hillary (attorney) represented a rapist who raped a 13 year old girl and hid evidence to get him off

these are facts not name calling like the liberal answers here

Yes Trump is not as good as other choices but any woman voting for Clinton is doing it for all the wrong reasons.

So vote Trump is the only real choice,, sure you can vote Johnson But he is so far off the reality train and a vote for him is a vote for Hilary and Bill

While I would vote for a women of quality Clinton is not one

bring us a Margaret Thatcher type and you have my vote --- voting trump is a only choice at this point

doing what is right is right for everyone not special privileges for special groups

if people are focused on special rights they are also focused on taking rights from others

Clinton is about power for herself

Trump has weakness yes- but he is way more qualified than Hillary -- he knows too much regulations and taxes have killed jobs in the USA -- Hillary wants more taxes and more regulations thus only government taxpayer funded jobs left

the biggest part of the people opposing trump are those lifetime government employees who fear trump will not honor the lifetime REP and DEM way of keeping all those unneeded over paid bureaucrats

and all of those un-needed over paid government employees fear

2016-09-11 00:23:21 UTC
The real question is, why would ANYONE vote for Hillary? You'd have to be brain dead to do this. Look how pathetic the DNC was. They had to hire seat fillers and it was proven true. Clinton is a proven liar. Dems always play the race card, always. When did Trump ever do or say anything racist? You cannot prove this. Hearsay is not proof. Trump saying that he wants to enforce the laws that protect our border is not racist. Bill Clinton implied that Trump's campaign motto "Make America Great Again" is racist. Bill said the same exact phrase when he was running. The only thing Trump is guilty of is not thinking before he speaks sometimes but who really cares? Hillary has to lie and back track the nonsense she spews all the time. Oh and for those who want to say Trump went bankrupt 4 times. Tell the whole story. A few, 3 or 4 out of nearly 200 of his endeavors went bankrupt. Hardly a failure.
2016-09-07 09:42:24 UTC
Women are voting for trump
2016-09-10 10:05:50 UTC
The media outlets are making Trump look bad. A lot of people also say the reason they are not voting for him is because he uses cuss words. He is being his honest self. So many candidates are "fake" when they give speeches, but Trump is HONEST. Also, he is a business man. The U.S is billions of dollars rich, yet we owe billions of dollars as well, but Trump could help get our debt under control. It may not seem like it, but your best bet is to vote for Trump. BTW I am a foreign religion, just if you were wondering.
2016-09-10 13:29:03 UTC
A woman would vote for trump because they are so desperate to not have someone as horrible as Hillary in office
2016-09-08 06:18:54 UTC
Actually no one should vote for the Trump now there is only one person who is best to be a president of USA and she is Hillary Clinton
2016-09-10 12:50:03 UTC
They believe the latest thing he has said that they agree with. They probably also believe a vote anywhere else is worthless or cannot fathom sacraficinf whatever principles they think they are keeping by voting for him.

I'm voting for Gary Johnson as a protest. There's candidates I'm sure I could have settled on in the Republican Party, but I refuse to be completely misrepresented, because Republicans failed to fulfill one of the basic purposes of a political party to educate and engage its constituents. My vote will swing for balancing the budget, paying down the national debt, then ending accepted inflation. Also for non-interventionist policy or extending the rule of law to criminalize people for their own harm/choices.

I wanted Rand Paul, and I'd have easily settled for Jim Webb from the Democrats. Now I get Gary Johnson...
2016-09-10 14:22:20 UTC
I'm a woman, and I'd vote for Trump because I don't support Hillary.
2016-09-10 08:35:23 UTC
I m voting for Trump because he is the better choice no way in hell would I vote for Hillary. Hillary doesn t give a crap about Women s rights or anything. She just wants power. She will destroy America worse than what Obama has done.
2016-09-10 06:39:57 UTC
Least of two of both evels.Hillary lies all the time about her bengazi mess. Put peoples lives in danger by her carless handling of classified documents. Mixing business with her job while world crumbles around her, some guy went to jail concerning a video that she said was the cause of the Bingazi attack. So Donald trump made a few stuped comments an build a wall to secure the country an so he get branded with the race card lies an the worst of both evels.

Hillary is probably telling lies as I type. God help us
2016-09-10 04:52:19 UTC
None would, and Trump wouldn't either. But Trump repeatedly said GOP voters are idiots and will vote for anyone willing to blatantly lie to them. So, we are left with a conundrum: Trump mocks the very people who will vote for him and we try to fire out why.
Elodie Montoya
2016-09-10 10:22:43 UTC
Honestly I don't think anyone should want Hilary or Trump but when it comes down to it one of them will be president there is no third option and Hilary is the best of the two so if we don't want trump we have to still vote for Hilary
2016-09-08 06:10:03 UTC
Why would anybody vote for Trump, man or woman?
2016-09-08 21:12:53 UTC
If you are a woman voting for woman

That is Sexist

If your color voting for color

That is racist

Why can't woman vote for Trump

It's all Political Views Not Race or Gender or Religion Views.

I know Hillary taken all Mexican Votes

Black lives matter votes

And taking Muslim


And Woman votes

Why is it that woman should only vote for gender race and religion that political views.

I don't vote for her cause she is corrupped and flip flops and she has blood on her hands and I don't trust her
2016-09-10 10:10:19 UTC
Women are voting for Trump because Hillary further victimized the women her husband Bill Clinton raped.

Women are voting for Trump because he will question the "status quo" that keeps the US pursuing war with Russia.

Women are voting for Trump because he wants black people to succeed and not continue as victims of the Democratic party, Trump does not support the "Black Lives Matter" anti-police movement.
2016-09-08 08:18:10 UTC
I would vote for trump just because Hilary is a flat out liar she lies about everything I don't want the first women prez to be her and that reflect on all the other women in the world she will **** up so bad that they will never have another women president
2016-09-10 07:14:24 UTC
I'm voting for trump and I'm a woman
2016-09-07 07:27:26 UTC
Some won't vote for him because they haven't learned how corrupt the anti-American administration is, with Hillary vowing to keep the same America-destroying policies. Some would vote to keep the criminal crooked Hillary far from the white house and hopefully in prison. Some will vote for Trump because he tells it like it is. Some will vote for him because he is our last best chance to save freedom for those after us. I will vote for him because I believe he cares for our country.
2016-09-10 14:38:32 UTC
I don't think it's a matter of being a woman, as much as you should vote for who is more capable of handling the issues, not just women's issues (which pale in comparison to veteran homelessness, the economy, war, etc.)

We have Hillary's track record of war, and the economy. She doesn't look too appealing. Clinton has proven that she only cares for herself, while Trump has not ever been in office, and has Congress to check him when he does get there.

Now, you have to realize the limited power of the President, and realize Congress is almost exclusively men who have a proven track record of ruining things for women. That is far more important.

Remember, unless you even live in swing state, it won't really matter who you vote for. (Electoral College)
2016-09-08 07:31:51 UTC
Great question. Any woman who would vote for Trump abandons her self-worth. And for that matter, any Christians who would vote for Trump does so with their moral and Christian values in peril.
2016-09-08 09:13:50 UTC
Great question. Any woman who would vote for Trump abandons her self-worth. And for that matter, any Christians who would vote for Trump does so with their moral and Christian values in peril.
2016-09-10 14:15:58 UTC
I will start by saying I am not a worker for any campaign. I am a normal hard-working American citizen who happened to see this question, and it kind of struck a nerve for me. As a female professional (scientific field) who as followed Hillary for many years, I feel that I have examined this issue from all sides, not just for the moment but over time. 20 or 30 years ago I would probably have voted for Hillary. She used to be a beacon that we women looked toward and followed. The issues that women have faced over the years are real. I know because I have lived through those years and I have experienced the lower paycheck and the lack of promotions. I worked side by side with a man I later married, and we could both see the difference in how we were treated in a big company. Most of the difference was not because the men in charge just didn't like women. It was because the "measurement tools" they used had not been properly "calibrated" to include women. Sure, there was - is - some out-and-out discrimination, but that is easy to change compared to the more subtle problem that our fathers and grandfathers had with understanding women in the workplace.

Perhaps Hillary was always what she is now and I just didn't see it years ago. Either way, I do not want her to be the first woman president. History will not be kind to her in her role as Secretary of State (look at her disastrous handling of Benghazi), and I think that is an indicator of how she would be as President. I want the first woman president to be someone I can be proud of as a woman. Fellow females - please do not vote for her just to see a woman in the White House! The person someone is - not just her gender - counts.

I am retired now, but I used to have security clearances to do the work I did, and I know firsthand that you do not get any kind of security clearance without being told exactly what your responsibilities are and without signing off on those responsibilities. I read the questions and answers concerning Hillary's email fiasco, and she is either (a) lying or (b) stupid or (c) both lying and stupid. You can't just claim to have had a knock on the head back then and can't remember something, or that no one ever told you what you could or could not do. That is just ridiculous.

I can throw a lot of darts at Trump, but it has occurred to me that the biggest aggravation I have is with his social and political blunders. Seriously, is that the most important thing to look for in a candidate? I think not. Probably every one of us who has little or no political experience would have trouble navigating the political obstacle course, especially when the media is ready to turn everything into something that will sell or that will fit their agenda. I do not think it is an indication of racism or sexism or any other -ism. With Trump, I am seeing more of the real person than I am usually allowed to see in a politician, especially one as smooth and experienced as Hillary. If we could see the real Hillary, we might see something that we would not expect and that would scare every one of us.

I believe that Trump will be good at placing the right people in the right places to make the right things happen. He will not hide behind some political facade just to protect his political aspirations. That is the complete opposite for Hillary. I believe she has had to sacrifice her own beliefs - even her soul - to be a part of what the Democratic Party has become and to achieve her goal of being the first woman president. I find it really sad.

Our Constitution will be trampled under Hillary. Her impact on the Supreme Court will outlive all of us, and we will someday look back and wonder why we didn't prevent it. All of us, whether we are Republicans or Democrats or Libertarians or anything else, no matter our color or gender or whatever other differences we have, will have this regret in common.

With respect to our economy, it will be difficult for anyone to get us back on course. We are so far in debt that we can't even imagine what it means anymore. Anyone who has ever owned a business knows that we do not live in a very business-friendly country. To have a prayer of fixing this problem – or at least getting us moving in the right direction – a person must first have a vision of what we need to do. I believe that Trump has that vision. I'm not sure Hillary ever had it, but even if she did, the machine that exists behind her will never allow her to use it to our benefit.

I will be voting for Trump, and I will not have any hesitation in doing so. I will not be voting for him because I think he is perfect or because I agree with him on every issue or because I just don't like Hillary. It will be because I think he is better suited to the job than she is. I fear that he will not be able to change our course, especially not in just 4 years or even 8, but I would rather have someone who knows where to head than someone who either doesn’t know or doesn't care.
2016-09-08 09:35:43 UTC
I don't understand how anyone can listen to Trump and think, "yeah, that guy should be President." I don't get it, and I particularly don't understand why any woman would support him--or, frankly, why anyone who's not a millionaire believes he's going to do anything for them. The Trumpanzees are being duped--he tells them what they want to hear (and he'll change it as many times as he feels he needs to), and they eat it up.
2016-09-08 18:18:19 UTC
Woman especially woman with children should support Trump . Drugs are killing kids all over the place. He is the only one who talks about stopping drugs coming in and going on the offensive to stop all this death in our country. The well being of our kids calls for a strong leader with new ideas and one who supports our police.
2016-09-08 10:28:54 UTC
Woman who know that Trump isn't racist or sexist and actually know the facts vote for Trump because they know he's the only right choice
2016-09-07 09:16:18 UTC
While people worry about gays. illegal immigration, and any other greedy reason, I will be voting or trump to save this country from being destroyed and our economy, and i'm a woman.
2016-09-10 09:33:40 UTC
Because Hilary would make a far more useless President Than Trump. I'm not in favour of either of them it should be known!
2016-09-09 06:25:59 UTC
Donald Trump makes a lot of headlines for his statements about women—but they’re almost never good ones. There’s little need to rehash his fight with Fox News host Megyn Kelly, which he, uh, memorably blamed on the fact that she had “blood coming out of her wherever.” Or that his spat with Kelly started when she called him out for insulting other women. Or that after the spat, his fanbase tweeted sexist comments at her en masse. Even when he talks about his own daughter Ivanka, he sometimes gets in trouble. (Remember when he said he’d “perhaps…be dating” her if she wasn’t his spawn?) Oh, yeah, and then there was that the whole “schlonged” incident.
2016-09-10 13:33:52 UTC
I am a woman and I vote for trump as he is the lesser of 2 evils. neither is perfect, but Hillary has lied and cheated with Clinton foundation and internet server. I would have voted for her as I am a democrat but she as the secretary of state under Obama has made things worse oversees. she had her chance and spoiled it.
just visiting
2016-09-10 11:00:52 UTC
I will vote for Donald Trump because he is the best option at this point in time.
2016-09-07 05:03:48 UTC
The question should be 'why would anyone vote for trump', the man is clearly bipolar and need medication
2016-09-06 15:35:00 UTC
If their husband is an abuser and a conservative then she would most likely vote for Trump, because she's being forced to. Donald Trump has done nothing for women, he raped his ex-wives. Hillary Clinton has made a career out of fighting for the rights of women. Hillary Clinton stood up for all of those women that Bill Clinton abused, instead of with her husband which was courageous. Donald Trump said that Megyn Kelly bled out of her "wherever" on national television, and made fun of Hillary Clinton for going to the restroom during a debate. Donald Trump is a disgusting human being and a sexist.
2016-09-07 08:00:28 UTC
Because you know where you stand with Trump.

Many straight women are very oppose to Hilary.
2016-09-07 08:05:30 UTC
Because trump stands for equality for everyone. Hillary stands for a world at her feet
2016-09-10 03:41:34 UTC
Melanoma trump will be voting for Donald after swallowing loads
2016-09-06 15:51:45 UTC
no one ever should vote for trump no matter what, also because Bernie's out, and its unacceptable to not vote, and you cannot vote for the green party because they're libertarians and that's gross plus they're against vaccines which is obviously stupid, so you have to by fault vote for Hilary if you want the least amount of corruption in the united states.

i wasn't originally for Hilary but shes the only option by default now sorry.
2016-09-10 03:16:39 UTC
1. Hillary is worse than Trump

2. They don't know who Gary Johnson is
2016-09-08 13:49:25 UTC
Its either him or Hillary that's going to be president, and I'd rather have a sexist running the country than a criminal. Voting for a third party candidate is throwing your vote away.
2016-09-07 10:03:50 UTC
Anyone voting for Trump is crazy, or to dumb to realize the consequence
2016-09-08 11:30:38 UTC
I don't support Trump, that doesn't mean I support Hillary, I just think Trump is a bigot who would murder us on a global scale.
Elijah Tenenbaum
2016-09-06 15:47:14 UTC
Stupidity is the only reason I'm that comes to my mind.

That Trump has support from any American is evidence that our education system is failing.
2016-09-10 13:10:22 UTC
For the same reasons some men will vote for Trump: nativism, the Supreme Court picks, his aggression (which suggests he'll fight for us?), and the wish to try something radically different.
2016-09-10 16:13:17 UTC
Well, mothers of young children and daughters of aging parents will vote for someone who is promising to repel Obamacare. Because if it remains as it is, no one will be able to get any medical care unless they work in Pentagon or the White House. I am a lifelong Democrat, but wellbeing of my family is a lot more important to me than any and all political views I might have.
2016-09-10 16:56:27 UTC
In terms of votes that really count, it is either going to be Trump or Hillary Clinton. Now, you have to decide who is going to damage the country less.
2016-09-09 09:19:34 UTC
They just want to eliminate all of the problems and get rid of people Trump blamed on. Those who vote for him are racist and cruel. Hillary Clinton is too because she works for the KKK.
2016-09-10 09:27:25 UTC
She was correct in all cases. Now the mother goes to work to pay for the day care that she needs because she works. In the mean time the switch to majority 2 income households has just raised real estate prices and consumerism. Woman are not any better off and the family unit has been greatly hurt.
2016-09-10 19:31:44 UTC
People like me want trump to win, you know why? Because CNN and New York Times and others are trying to force us to vote for Clinton, and we feel that pressure that media wants to put on us and it doesn't smell good, we have lost confidence on Hillary and media won't stop supporting her when media should not choose one side, we don't know much about trump so we want to give him a chance, he's the only option we have, because we know what We can wait from Clinton and it's not good so we vote for the other cause we believe nothing is worse than clinton
2016-09-08 07:42:02 UTC
real American voters put their personal feelings aside and vote for who and what is best for America and We, The People. And Trump IS the best choice.
2016-09-08 08:22:04 UTC
The question should be 'why would anyone vote for trump', the man is clearly bipolar and need medication
2016-09-08 13:49:00 UTC
Hillary Clinton stood by a husband who had sex with woman after woman after woman. Now, we're supposed to admire, and vote for, this woman. I THINK NOT.
2016-09-08 07:13:42 UTC
what is the alternative, hilliary? if hilliary get in to office this world will be in worse shape. at that point we all need to put our head between our knees and kiss our rosy *** goodbye. so I don't have to do that I am voting for trump. my name is Kathleen Bartlett. yes I am a woman
2016-09-07 07:55:03 UTC
because hillary is a horrible example representing women, honor, decency, integrity and womens rights. anyone man or woman voting for hillary needs to speak with the parents of the Benghazi 4 who because of hillarys evil were murdered... The evidence against hillary should make everyone cringe and demand the gas chamber at least...
2016-09-10 19:45:37 UTC
Correction: why would anybody want to vote for trump?
2016-09-11 14:01:30 UTC
Equal opportunity, no more mandatory gender studies and liberal arts courses in college, women get to pass the acedemics courses without getting a free pass showing women empowerment that equal to a mans, women don't have to be drafted when they are 18 if there is a war, traditional roles of mandatory women hitting on men will be abolished for men approaching women instead ensuring womens rights to have their picks at partnerships through compatibility of their own design of choosing instead of being nervous and not hitting on anyone out of the fear of looking easy in front of their sisters which will make them look like they are the power holders while playing hard to get to impress their sisters for respecting themselves, they will also get laid in college instead of playing the victim card of false rape allegations showing women empowerment over victimizations, but with responsibilities instead, and movies and games for gamer girls and tomboys will be cool again instead of laim.
Good Karma
2016-11-12 01:41:16 UTC
least of two of both evels...hillary lies all the time about her bengazi mess... put peoples lives in danger by her carless handling of classified documents... mixing business with her job while world crumbles around her, some guy went to jail concerning a video that she said was the cause of the bingazi attack... so donald trump made a few stuped comments an build a wall to secure the country an so he get branded with the race card lies an the worst of both evels...

hillary is probably telling lies as i type... god help us
2016-09-08 18:07:55 UTC
This election is not going to end well. I would not assume that either side will just accept the results and come together. There is a massive hate in this land that will not be cured by the 6:30 p.m. news.
2016-09-08 19:22:03 UTC
Unfortunately, more people dislike Hillary than like her--when it comes down to it, she's not going to win the election because she and her husband have left a bad taste in the mouths of both democrats and republicans alike.
2016-09-10 18:43:03 UTC
Why would women vote for Hillary? Someone that makes fun of rape victims, Defends rapists and stays with a man that has sexually assaulted multiple of women? It doesn't make since?
2016-09-10 09:29:19 UTC
He gave a multitude of women a chance to prove themselves in business. Putting them in charge of large building projects. His crude language aside he has an outstanding record of being good for women. And obviously cares deeply about their health issues.

I dont really fault him for falling into temptation as much as he had coming his way it would have been tough avoid some affairs.
2016-09-10 14:05:52 UTC
Trump is lesser abusive he less lies about what he's doing and makes a effort to stay the **** with it
2016-09-10 11:13:13 UTC
2016-09-10 22:17:09 UTC
Because "women" are not a separate country, they're Americans like everyone else, and their first priority should be what's best for the family unit. Or are women not a part of families anymore? Just every man for themselves?
Roger O
2016-09-08 18:07:16 UTC
Voting for a President is like getting married to someone. Would you want to be married to a person that is not trustworthy and is known as lier?
2016-09-08 13:28:44 UTC
Because he's not Hillary. That's reason enough for any sane, rational intelligent person to vote for him.
2016-09-06 19:29:30 UTC
She might think of the future. Want her children to have jobs. Live in a orderly society. not fear her daughter will be assulted by illegals. Her boys not bent over & breach loaded by people from the middle east. Little things like that.
2016-09-10 16:29:24 UTC
2016-09-08 09:26:18 UTC
They use their heads to find out things themselves instead of

falling victim to moral panic disorder.

They know the real deal that her family's foundation accepted of millions of dollars in donations from Middle Eastern countries known for violence against women and for denying them many basic freedoms.
2016-09-10 19:33:31 UTC
Maria S
2016-09-10 15:07:39 UTC
For the same reasons a man would. Unfair taxation. The terrible Obama care. Not wanting this free immigration into the country. The insane crime rate that we have since Obama has been in charge.
2016-09-10 06:03:25 UTC
Maybe because the opposing side is just as bad? It doesn't really matter who you vote for, both have their good and bad points, there's just more bad points with this case
2016-09-10 22:31:20 UTC
Same reason as a man. Bush W sucked. Obama sucks. Hillary is more of the same. We need a change. Have u seen the murder rate in Chicago. Love these long winded answers. It is basal.
2016-09-07 12:49:26 UTC
why would any body vote for trump. he'll get us all killed with his mouth.
2016-09-10 20:14:25 UTC
A woman who would vote for Trump is an uninformed individual without full understanding of "what the heck is going on" in the world. She is usually a HS graduate married to an undereducated blue collar man desperate to hold on to past ideals that benefited only a few people like himself. She goes along with her husband, because he has the most enfluence in their life together. Actually, she doesn't pay any attention to the facts or details that the various media sources are presenting. Poor "thing", she's trapped by her environment!
2016-09-10 06:53:16 UTC
Maria b
2016-09-10 05:24:06 UTC
Why would anyone with half a brain vote for mr. Cheeto face?
2016-09-10 08:49:26 UTC
Phyllis Schlafly is a woman
2016-09-08 15:31:00 UTC
Because Hillary is a cheater and a LIAR!!!!! I don't trust her as far as I can throw an elephant!
2016-09-07 10:35:12 UTC
By way of an answer, what did P.T. Barnum say about a certain kind of person being born every minute?
2016-09-10 12:38:48 UTC
Because we all long for a president who would hire someone like Roger Ailes. We honestly long for sexual harassment in the workplace to become the norm in America.
2016-09-10 06:22:35 UTC
Phyllis Schlafly happened to be a a woman.
2016-09-10 08:16:21 UTC
Because apparently they haven't been watching for the past year. Anybody who voted for him is ignorant.
2016-09-10 06:01:19 UTC
Women aren't stupid enough to vote for Trumpy.
2016-09-10 20:17:06 UTC
honestly i think that some people will choose him because he is much more well known than Hillary Clington because i asked my younger cousin and he new who trump was but had no clue who Clington was!!!
2017-03-08 19:28:27 UTC
a woman would vote for trump 'cause they are so desperate to not have someone as horrible as hillary in office
2016-09-08 05:27:24 UTC
I am from Italy but i really support Donald Ttrump as president!
2016-09-10 11:10:59 UTC
I wouldn't vote for him! I honestly, think he's all talk and no action.
2016-09-10 17:20:27 UTC
No one should vote for him
2016-09-08 10:29:55 UTC
Want to tell me what the DEMS and OBONGO have done for women

over the past 8 years. Do you really want to try to do that. You will

get shredded.
2016-09-07 11:29:41 UTC
I am voting for him, because of the two candidates that are left in the running - I believe he has the most workable plans for the US.
2016-09-08 08:12:31 UTC
Of course
2016-09-08 10:48:39 UTC
Why would anyone vote for a pathological liar?
2016-09-08 12:22:47 UTC
PLEASEM DO NOT. Save our country. Vote for Hillary.
2016-09-10 12:03:01 UTC
Only Americans are like that.
2016-09-08 10:09:19 UTC
Whi knoes
2016-09-10 10:13:43 UTC
because most WORKING women understand hitlery's silent acceptance of the rape of Kathleen willey, Jennifer flowers, Juanita Broderick, paula jones and monica is wrong. horribly horribly wrong.
2016-09-10 14:19:34 UTC
Why vote. I think they all just say what they want to get in the Whitehouse.
2016-09-07 13:33:49 UTC
if anyone is able to see the movie "Hillary's America" they might consider what they are voting for in Nov.
2016-09-10 07:52:43 UTC
why don't you stop b*tching on him as a person and see what he wants to do for this country? he has amazing ideas and he'll actually do something unlike obama.
2016-09-08 03:41:12 UTC
Because many women think Hillary is worse.
2016-09-07 22:46:48 UTC
Why would any women vote for a lying sack of ****??
2016-09-06 15:36:25 UTC
Why would anyBODY vote for Trump?
2016-09-10 15:27:23 UTC
Is the woman is a racist and a biggot! She will vote for him no doubt!
2016-09-10 03:11:42 UTC
Because some women have some brain
2016-09-06 20:19:55 UTC
they should not!! Trump should never be President.
2016-09-10 05:29:43 UTC
Cause hes hot af
2016-09-10 03:20:02 UTC
Be cause he is not Hillary, and some women care about our nation.
2016-09-10 04:36:37 UTC
She wants to feel we are safer as a country and at home and would like to have a job
2016-09-08 10:16:07 UTC
Because Hillary is just as bad
2016-09-11 07:38:14 UTC
ya voted for whom in the last 3 national elections?

midterms and prez,, who did ya vote for?
2016-09-07 09:23:00 UTC
Because they are smart and educated on current events and politics
2016-09-10 10:29:34 UTC
You all seem to mistake idiocy for honesty. Just saying any thing that pops into your head to please your listeners, also is not honesty it is pandering. I am still waiting for any true policy to spill through the crazy.
2016-09-10 13:16:29 UTC
its either hilary or trump
2016-09-08 08:23:40 UTC
Maybe because when he offends women (Rosie O'Donnell) they werent they ones offended, Rosie was.
2016-09-08 17:27:00 UTC
Because they dislike hillary
2016-09-08 07:22:41 UTC
Yes because Clinton is no better
2016-09-08 11:51:48 UTC
Any woman or man or woman ?
2016-09-08 12:45:28 UTC
Because they have the right to even if I don't agree.
2016-09-06 15:42:10 UTC
By being a brainwashed Conservative puppet.
2016-09-10 13:47:46 UTC
Racist evil people would! It's disgusting
2016-09-08 12:42:01 UTC
For the same reason anybody would. He is way better than Hillary.
Alright alright alright
2016-09-10 22:18:29 UTC
They won't
2016-09-06 15:37:52 UTC
Not sure. He and his supporters have made it clear they does support women's rights.
2016-09-09 02:34:21 UTC
2016-09-10 09:22:20 UTC
No ******* clue I guess those who hate others because of their gender and race.
2016-09-10 15:33:18 UTC
Because he is not a corrupt lying politician.
2016-09-06 15:36:16 UTC
What the heck's wrong with Phyllis Shlafly?

2016-09-10 16:50:56 UTC
The same reason a man or intersex person would: stupidity.
2016-09-10 03:05:27 UTC
Haha he's an idiot and funny guy
2016-09-10 10:09:30 UTC
Because he is against muslims and illegal immigrants and he is reasonable about abortions
2016-09-06 15:35:33 UTC
The women I know of voting for him are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
2016-09-10 03:30:49 UTC
Because he is by far the lesser of two evils
Brittany G
2016-09-10 20:44:18 UTC
Because they hate Hilary...simple.
2016-09-10 12:04:23 UTC
He is a good candidate for all lpeople
White Locust
2016-09-10 22:32:47 UTC
Why would anybody vote for anybody based on their skin color or gender ? dumb
2016-09-08 03:04:50 UTC
ALL of the republican "get out the vote" volunteers in my area are BLACK WOMEN.

(including my wife!)
2016-09-07 15:01:37 UTC
team no trump...
2016-09-06 15:34:12 UTC
I guess they may just support his policies ignoring the individual.
2016-09-07 10:23:55 UTC
Good question
2016-09-08 12:07:09 UTC
Because they are American. And Americans are stupider than pig ****.
2016-09-07 06:17:03 UTC
Because she agrees with his policies.
2016-09-10 16:02:57 UTC
hes hot
2016-09-09 12:30:03 UTC
they look down on themselves

trump says what they think
2016-09-08 08:04:56 UTC
Because their crazy
2016-09-10 10:30:15 UTC
Because of that sexy mop on his head
2016-09-08 07:29:27 UTC
No clue
2016-09-10 15:33:10 UTC
Because they like him?
2016-09-10 11:50:53 UTC
Because we don't need Hillary. (We don't need them both)
Google Meister
2016-09-08 13:09:52 UTC
Because he's a pussy slayer.
Ta'nashia Jones
2016-09-10 16:47:15 UTC
Look at this craziness
2016-09-10 20:27:37 UTC
Woman??????? Why would anyone, but they are out there and will.
2016-09-08 10:44:38 UTC
I wish no woman would..
jason w
2016-09-10 16:43:25 UTC
Lestermount would
2016-09-10 14:44:07 UTC
Because they are ignorant fools.
Masud rana
2016-09-08 08:54:24 UTC
Great question.
2016-09-10 08:24:43 UTC
He is better then the crook Clinton
2016-09-08 07:42:02 UTC
Because we need to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
2016-09-08 12:11:20 UTC
To keep the muslims out.
2016-09-10 12:33:48 UTC
If she is an unenlightened doormat.
2016-09-08 08:40:30 UTC
He is probably attractive
sky l
2016-09-10 11:06:51 UTC
cuz I don't have any other option
2016-09-08 07:52:06 UTC
Because Hilary is cancer
2016-09-10 11:49:31 UTC
Because they agree with him.
2016-09-07 19:44:29 UTC
They want to. How else can I explain it?
2016-09-10 16:11:06 UTC
Steven Delgao
2016-09-07 15:17:00 UTC
Cause they are fools
2016-09-11 00:42:02 UTC
There are just as many dumb women as there are dumb men.
2016-09-08 13:42:56 UTC
He is so racist they shouldn't
2016-09-10 14:19:50 UTC
2016-09-10 11:02:07 UTC
2016-09-08 22:45:00 UTC
Because they are brainwashed and stupid
Linda R
2016-09-08 11:34:52 UTC
Because he tells the TRUTH!
2016-09-10 15:00:01 UTC
why do women have rights anyways?
2016-09-08 13:42:08 UTC
Because they are Republican
2016-09-10 14:56:22 UTC
2016-09-08 10:46:02 UTC
Dumb idiots...or paid idiots
2016-09-08 13:10:12 UTC
Because they're dumb
2016-09-10 12:44:01 UTC
George Smith
2016-09-08 06:57:31 UTC
I have no idea
2016-09-08 15:24:19 UTC
i agree
2016-09-10 22:42:01 UTC
They wont
2016-09-08 08:19:53 UTC
2016-09-10 18:32:08 UTC
Must be the most handsome??
2016-09-10 19:33:11 UTC
2016-09-10 16:09:49 UTC
2016-09-10 08:27:25 UTC
Why would anybody
2016-09-10 11:35:56 UTC
2016-09-10 17:19:29 UTC
2016-09-08 09:00:42 UTC
i dont know why its weird.
2016-09-10 09:18:12 UTC
I'm a woman, and I am, so please shut up.
2016-09-08 05:13:56 UTC
because Republican
Xpewar noob
2016-09-08 06:59:31 UTC
2016-09-10 13:22:53 UTC
2016-09-10 09:01:37 UTC
They are stupid?
2016-09-11 06:41:38 UTC
sex appeal
2016-09-10 16:20:06 UTC
2016-09-10 12:14:24 UTC
there dumb
2016-09-10 17:57:49 UTC
2016-09-10 15:26:45 UTC
Chris M
2016-09-10 12:36:29 UTC
2016-09-10 16:27:56 UTC
2016-09-10 11:36:03 UTC
tbh idk

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.