How can some people be against abortion?
2015-09-24 08:39:57 UTC
Why should a women be forced to have something grow inside them? Imagine if you were unable to have a growth removed?
414 answers:
2015-09-25 01:58:32 UTC
Some people are ignorant to abortion. Say it is murder, probably have a perfect life where nothing has ever been tough for them, they aren't very educated about abortion and choose to ignore it.

I have never had an abortion, I have a 6 year old and have been told that she will most likely be the only child as I will have difficulty now conceiving. I don't look my nose down at those that can get pregnant and chose to abort it.

I believe that people make the right choices by themselves, sex is a natural thing for couples, accidents can happen, some people wear and use all the prevention they can and still accidentally get pregnant, some people are married into a very abusive relationship and want to get themselves out of it for their own safety, let alone bringing a child into the middle of it, some people get raped, some people just feel like a baby too soon wouldn't be wise and some people feel they need to get a good career choice first- this isn't being evil/murder, this is a very sensible thing to do, you've got to bring a child up for life, you've to put more than 250,000 pounds worth into them from born- 30 or however long you need to support them, it's wise to have money to support the child, same as having a home and food on the table, a child needs stability not struggling through life.

I really shouldn't be horrible but their are so many children in care, coming from broken down families, financial break downs and parents that are drug abusers- these people are making their children suffer, a child should be at home with their mum and it would be nice for the child to have both mum and dad unless they absolutely cannot by law- It's much better for the child to have been thought about in all aspects,

If people had abortions because it wasn't the right time, there would be less children in care, there will be less parents unable to cope because they would wait for the right time and not feel like they should keep it just because they want a baby to dress, babies soon grow up..
2015-09-25 21:56:42 UTC
I get if you're not ready for a child it can hard. But a life is a life and you're ending it. Abortion ain't the only option. What about adoption. You can give birth and never see the child again if you don't want to. But seriously, a life is a life. If you're a teen and were reckless and giving birth means your parents will find out. Then you made a mistake. You weren't ready for sex if you can't tell you're parents your pregnant. If you were unlucky and got raped and it was not up to you, then ending a life is still not okay. You may not want to tell you're parents but there has to be a better way of dealing with it that abortion, that's all I'm saying. I know I'll get a lot of hate from this, but I'd you're allowed an opinion than so am I
2015-09-27 07:30:44 UTC
The fact that you are even comparing an unborn child to a tumor inside of you makes it evident how little respect you have for human life, and frankly I find that both sad and disgusting. From the moment of conception a human is just that: a human. The amount of potential that could be living inside a woman is incredible, while it is a slim chance that someone would give birth to the next great politician, artist, scientist, doctor, etc. the potential is still there. Someone who has an abortion could be depriving the world of that person, you just never know. And even if they don't change the world, that unborn child could one day grow to be the world to someone else. Think about the most important person in your life: your best friend, girl friend, boyfriend, partner, spouse, sibling, etc. The way they make you feel or what they contribute to your life is without match, now imagine depriving someone else in the world from that joy because of an abortion, it's sickening. My best friend was adopted from a woman who almost aborted her, but then had second thoughts and chose adoption. I can't fathom my life without her and I don't even want to think about what could have happened to her. I know not everyone may share my religious views, but a child is a child of God from the moment of conception. If you are a Christian that should be enough to prove my point right there.

I know that the most common argument against pro-life is "accidents happen." Yes I do understand that not every pregnancy is intended, but I also understand that (in most cases*) that sex is a choice. You do not just wake up pregnant, it takes action. If you are choosing to engage in sexual activity, you are responsible for what happens. Contraception does not always work- this is a common fact by now, so everyone should know that they are taking a risk in engaging in sexual intercourse. Safe and RESPONSIBLE sex should be something taught from a young age by both parents and school health classes, that's all there is to it, being responsible with you body. The discussion does come up about the financial situation of those who were not intending pregnancy, again I say you should be in the financial state to assume the responsibility of a child if you are having sex. For those who do chose to not have an abortion, I am all for government programs that help the mothers carry their child full term and adopt them.

*I do however find abortion to be acceptable ONLY in the case of the pregnancy threating the mother's life or incest/rape. That is it.

2015-09-25 08:06:22 UTC
Because it isn't just growing inside you, it's a separate being. It been has it's own DNA, and it is selfish to get rid of it because you don't want it. There's something called adoption. They look like babies, and at some points, can even feel pain, move, and have a heartbeat. They may be growing inside the woman, but that doesn't make them part of the woman's body.

This is completely different than a tumor. A tumor can cause cancer and can kill you, and in most cases, a baby cannot (if it can, then we can talk about abortion). A tumor isn't a person. A tumor can't be born. A baby can.

"It seems everyone that is for abortion has already been born."

~Ronald Reagan
2015-09-25 10:43:42 UTC
I'm against women having sex with no concern if they get pregnant because they just take the morning after pill. I'm against females that get pregnant and terminate life just because it inconveniences them. Have the baby you created and adopt it out so it has a chance of a life. Having an abortion is a massive decision as far as I'm concerned and it has nothing to do with religion.

Of course in cases like rape or abuse abortion is completely understandable and it's the right of the individual, but that does not mean life should be held in so little regard. Imagine having an abortion and then thinking in the years to come what your aborted baby would be doing.
Michael Hoffmann
2015-09-25 11:59:02 UTC
The better question is why do some women have an abortion in the first place? No abortions, no opposition.

People have the right to form any opinion on any topic or to have no opinion at all, based on their moral, philosophical, or theological beliefs.Just as it is a woman's right to choose to have an abortion

I respect the people that argue that life begins at conception ( it does) as a counterpoint to your assertion that a child is a unwanted growth requiring a surgical procedure to remove them.

I am unable to walk in the shoes of a woman who is this predicament, nor can she walk in the shoes of the unborn child. But just because a child is unwanted, and runs the possibility of being raised in an underprivileged environment, does not mean we should accept abortion as the best solution.

I mean really, it is offensive to hear that some people are against killing an unborn child?

If anything the oppositions voice may have spared the lives of countless children whose mothers were on the verge of terminating their pregnancies only to have a last minute change of heart.

For that, I choose to keep on speaking.
Sarah M
2015-09-24 14:38:59 UTC
Some people believe abortion is murder and do not compare it with a tumor (because it's not like the tumor can eventually live apart from its host body and go on to contribute to society or something). <-- Enjoy that mental image!

What's really bizarre to me, however, is that the same people who are against abortion (for the most part) are also against increasing funding for welfare or SNAP, against sex education in schools, against birth control options like the morning after pill (Plan B), against education programs for the poor, against paid maternity leave, (etc). Oh, and pro-death penalty. It's a real head-scratcher.

I mean, if you're pro-life, why not agree to help make the mother's life a little easier if you're going to mandate that she have the child she can't afford already? Instead, a lot of the legislation has limited access to abortion to the poorest folks (the rich can afford to pay outright if their insurance won't pay, and travel to whatever location has it). If you're poor, or a teenager, you drop out of HS, work a job to pay for a bus ticket to the nearest facility (and the abortion cost), and by the time you have the money, you're at 20 weeks and now it's a late term abortion (which is not legal in a lot of states), so you're stuck having the baby you couldn't afford in the first place, and now you'll be a minimum wage worker because you're not educated and have a kid to support. That seems fair.

Further, there's no equivalent on the father's side of things. So let's say your kid has a rare kidney disease and you (father) are the only match. Nobody is making you give your child one of your kidneys so the kid can live. How can you make a woman give up her uterus for a kid if you can't make a man give a kidney. Both are for the life of the child... which has somehow been designated as more important than the mother's wellbeing.

And don't get me started on whether the woman has been raped. While a lot of anti-abortion folks would allow this exception, rape is extremely difficult to prove (and a lot of the signs of rape would be gone by the time a woman discovered she was pregnant, so if she didn't report it right away, there would be no physical evidence to say otherwise). Imagine if, after being raped, you decided not to say anything and just try to move on with your life, then discovered you were pregnant by the rapist. Now imagine the law of the land stated you had to be raped or your life would be at risk to carry a baby to term. No sign of rape, and no police report. Now you get to be cross-examined by whatever health care provider and made to feel like a cheap slut who is just trying to use abortion as a very late morning after pill. So, you carry the fetus. Every time it moves, you are reminded of what horrible thing happened to you. You can't look at yourself in the mirror anymore because you just see a swollen belly carrying HIS baby. And there's nothing you can do about it.

On the other side of things, I lost a baby I wanted and I could not ever imagine purposefully ending a pregnancy. Ever. However, that's my story and it's not everyone's story. I also could not imagine forcing another woman to become a mother if she didn't want to.
2015-09-27 10:39:21 UTC
Would you agree that life - in part - is about the choices you make?

Someone was appalled in a comment made above about how you were comparing a pregnancy to a tumor.

I'm sure they lack the capacity to comprehend that a cancerous tumor demonstrates very clear signs of life, so why do they feel justified killing that lifeform with radiation treatment when they dont a pregnancy?

It's hypocritical, at best, but let me speak from experience:

I've had two three wives and three abortions between two of them.

Why? There's a number of reasons I agreed to the abortion they weren't aware of - they didn't know I was shooting blanks and couldn't get a woman pregnant, I withheld that truth from them, so the potential they had an affair was pretty high and I just didn't want to jeopardize the marriages so i said "I'm not ready for kids"

I was adopted myself, quite likely a product of an affair.

So now, at 45, I'm single and alone and homeless.

So even IF I'd had someone else's kid and raised them as my own, chances are, right now I'd not be alone. There's a decent chance the marriage might have held together. There's a decent chance the that my kids would have been intelligent, like I am my wives are, but more societally functional, which I am most certainly not.

Abortion, to me isn't a moral issue any longer like it once was. It's a philosophical issue.

Life, to me, is ubiquitous and weird, something that's become profoundly absurd at times as a homeless man.

To me - me and my wives didn't "take the life" of an unborn child with the abortions, we merely made the conscious choice to shift that unborn child it into an alternate reality where it would be wanted and needed.

To me - at the time - I regarded the unborn child as a cancer because of the belief that my wives were cheating on me. Since then I have come to wake up to reality and to understand how thought is the device of conception and not the physical act of sex itself, and that their belief in the act of sex manifesting a child could have been enough to create the pregnancy itself.

How can you be against abortion?

To me. It was a choice. And a difficult one at that, and still is.

I do wonder. Do my own kids know me?

You see, I believe abortion doesn't terminate life.

It merely ends the growth in this 'world'.

Somewhere, in an alternate reality where it was wanted and desirable, that growth continued.

How can some people be against abortion?

Perhaps their myopic vision of growth and birth is limited to this physical realm?

I dont judge them for that belief.

My advice is not to yourself.
2015-09-25 13:50:05 UTC
Ughhh.... Couldn't keep her legs closed was never raped didn't use birth control or should have been more careful to follow instructions.. Waited too long to get an abortion has a six month old kicking living heart beating fetus with a metabolism! Her pain of giving birth and having the state take the child into custody is not MORALLY worth the brutal agony of 2nd degree murdering that unborn infant! If you think that second trimester abortion doesn't happen today I would say you are mistaken and are not familiar with the facts! A woman's folly does not justify that kind of abortion. She hardly even has to pay for it except give birth and leave the hospital alone!
2015-09-26 10:02:15 UTC
Let me first get this out of the way, I am pro choice. Before I get attacked for that, let me say why. I am a VERY open minded person. I have never been in a situation to need an abortion, so I don't feel as though I can stop someone from having one because idk what it's like. Also, I can't limit someone because of MY own personal beliefs/moral/religion.

But I do see why people are against them. That is a living thing you're carrying around. It's not a common "body part" such as an arm or a kidney. This is something that develops a heart and has nerves and can feel pain. Many see as though that is something that needs to be respected, and shouldn't be murdered because of your lack of protection (this excludes rape). It is something that can't speak for itself. Whenever a girl gets pregnant and decides to keep it, everyone will tell the father he needs to "grow up and take responsibility for not using protection and be a father". I hope this doesn't cause controversy :)
2015-09-27 07:54:39 UTC
Why isn't the government allowed to kill it's dependents aka homeless/orphans? Who decides what a person is? Why limit murder to things growing inside you? Why not the ones who literally can't live without you, such as babies maybe the paralyzed and the vegetables (patients)?

Can't have the law playing favorites, either it's completely ok to kill innocent dependent creatures or it's not.

I don't care either way but you better be able to define what a person is, and explain why it's ok for a mom to kill a fetus and only a fetus?

Or maybe the problem is me maybe it's not murder, because the baby is not a person, it has no nervous system or brain activity (although a animal isn't a person but it's a living thing, do pro-choicers not believe the fetus is alive) but we're kinda just forcing our definition of a person on people which can be redefined at any given moment, like I said you better be able to define what a person is or you're going to end up with a lot of dead bodies and possibly slavery.

It's your body you deal with the "problem", without the government funding it because let's be for real the government deciding what a person is or is not, is just a bad *** idea.

The only way to fund abortions and keep murder laws in tact is to call a fetus a parasite, but then you'd have to explain why we can't kill newborn babies after all it is actually a leech and the honest answer would be completely emotional, why do your emotions matter more then pro-lifers?
2015-09-25 10:49:20 UTC
The baby didn't ask you to get pregnant and have to end its life before it's even begun, even if you're not ready for for a child you can give it up for adoption since so many people are dying to have children who can't. The only reason I can see it being okay is if its a baby made from rape, they've got some sort of painful disease which it would be cruel to allow them to live with, or if it is an actual danger to the mothers health to deliver a baby. A baby isn't a growth, it they aren't an inconvenience and there are people in the world who would be so happy to bring up an adopted baby. If you're not going to use contraception that's your problem, I think abortion should be illegal except for extreme circumstances like I said before. They're ending a life, anyone of you could have been aborted and never had the chance to live.
2015-09-27 15:43:22 UTC
Many people believe it's against human right for a person to be able to choose whether or not that fetus lives. However they would never understand unless they were in the position those poor women are. A rape victim. Wasn't her choice. Or a young women who doesn't think she'd be able to give that baby the life it deserves. And maybe from one silly night you can't change you have to consider abortion. Some women are forced to have Abortions too because their wombs are just not strong enough to carry another baby. The mother can not help it. Many people just don't actually spend time thinking about others reasons
2015-09-25 10:13:53 UTC
It's all a matter of someone's opinion, I personally would never judge or have anything against a woman who has an abortion and agree women should have the choice however I myself could never have an abortion it doesn't matter under what circumstance I couldn't bring myself to do it as I feel everything happens for a reason (cliche I know) and I wouldn't want to play God, which people could say is being hypocritical as I myself couldn't do it, but wouldn't judge a woman who could, But it's just having an open mind just because I wouldn't doesn't mean I'd look down on or judge someone who would

It's personal opinion
2015-09-24 20:10:22 UTC
Adult Sexuality over the lives of children? Children more now than ever are under assault by Adult Sexuality and its importance. It's your sexuality that caused the inception of these children, it's your immature decision of life or death followed a your irresponsible act that was completely selfish. Then you wonder why living children are discarded like a piece of trash every day across this country. All the abuse that children are exposed to today in a country that proclaims itself to be at the pinnacle of civilized life. It's completely disgusting, now you will get yours by the hand of your own government under the ACA as you will be insured but nothing will be done for you when you are old and require medical procedures that would save and lengthen your life. I have elderly relatives that live in Socialist Europe where there's government healthcare and every one of them has received the death sentence because the perceived cost benefit was not in their favor. State sponsored euthanasia which is no different than abortion.

To stop the war against abortion maybe you Liberals should pass a law where any premature birth of a child before let's say 8 months shall be euthanized. You must stop the premature birth of children that counter

your arguments such as the record child that was born just after 20 weeks and 4 days.
2015-09-24 12:33:59 UTC
You understand me to the core. Parasites ew. lol

Also, what some people don't understand is that we live in a highly sexualized society. People make mistakes and some people are more fertile than others and even one mistake can lead to pregnancy! I think that lack of understanding is how NOT SERIOUS sex has become is but how INSANELY SERIOUS having an unplanned child is! It's serious even if the child IS planned! Better an opportunity for a safe and legal abortion than a child that is resented or cannot be provided for!! Oh, and people who argue for adoption are insane because you know what? It costs upwards of $20,000 to adopt a child and it sometimes years!! IT IS NOT AN EASY PROCESS and a lot of children end up in foster homes due to this difficulty. If someone wants to be against abortion you might as well protest to make adoption easier on people who actually WANT children!! Ok done!
2015-09-24 17:30:47 UTC

But we keep them in cages.

Why can some people be against abortion?

Because a human the latin...fetus.

is a human.

Humans are supposed to have souls.

Some have them, some deny it.

It's the same with intelligence, sentience, realized consciousness.

The more aged term was the "quickening"

We are talking about the offspring of human parents.

Their human child, regardless of his location, a child

is a human person.

Denying that by using terms uneducated and illiterate people

can form opinion from?

Like using scientific language from latin?

That dehumanizes the truth about the human offspring.

in the mind of the publically educated.

A cute little legal dodge to kill poor people on the grand scale.

and get them to call it their right, and they do it to their own kind?

I guess the Human Zoo is full-up for now. Better off dead.

Than slaving in a prison. Right?

Or, can each and every one of those souls have a chance to help the world ? Please try to control conception, not birth.

Even public schools teach that, but the abortion rate continues.

The second part of the question speaks as if forced insemination is happenning. It is not.

These questions are repeatedly asked by products of the public school system.

They completely lack data , info, and the understanding of it.

Why isn't there an "app" for that?

The most innocent of humans is getting the death penalty.

The capital punishment verdict is changed to life without parole.

Whaaaat are you ???
2015-09-25 08:12:06 UTC
If you want to adopt, don't be picky and adopt an orphan from a 3rd world country!! Home refugees etc. or don't complain at all!

We don't make babies out of every ovary we have, do we? It's not a loss of soul. Also, if done early the fetis doesn't have a heartbeat yet or whatever so put your damn suspicions of life to rest.

Accidents? I mean, the MAN should have been wearing a condom. Pills don't always work. It's the mans fault if an accident happens.

And what about rape? If you got raped, would you keep the child? Rape isn't something you should take lightly. It'll pain the mother and the child who was despised by his/her mother.

Of coarse, some woman are able to get past the trauma and accept. That's ok too.

STOP distancing yourself and put yourself in these woman's shoes.

If you still think it's so bad then why don't you implant the child into yourself and YOU give birth instead! If you're not willing to then STFU.
2015-09-27 11:49:13 UTC
I am against abortion because...all of the above responses make sense to a degree, but the pregnancy/the requisite sex was not the new life's fault, and if bearing the child is not a threat to the mother's life, adoption is better, and abortion should not be an option. There are so many women who want a child. Before I get the expected comments, the backgrounds of potential adoptive parents are carefully checked. If the pregnancy is life threatening to the mother it should be an option. Women who do not want to/are not ready to have a baby needed to be abstinent, or accept the possibility of having a child. Religion is a factor in many objections.
2015-09-28 11:08:29 UTC
Some people who get abortions think that their situation is the same as someone who has been raped getting a abortion. Children are not accidents. Abortions are not supposed to be used as birth control because it does damage to the body.

Abortion harms the baby and causes extreme pain before the baby dies. I knew a person that had an abortion twice. When she finally got with someone that wanted kids she couldn't have any. If you are raped I believe you should have that option because you did not choose to sleep with someone. Though I would hope that adoption is an option.

Why not get your tubes tied if you don't want kids?
2015-09-27 11:41:53 UTC
people claim a fetus isn't living can i just say thats a lie and everyone is buying it. A fetus is alive, in all honesty a fetus is considered living at conception. I have been raped and i did get pregnant but i didn't have an abortion. people just don't want the responsibility of another human. if you don't want to be a mom why not give the baby to someone who does? many couples can't have babies. after seeing what planned parenthood does who would want an abortion, its outrageous that people see babies being disected and then their parts sold and still have abortions. its sick and all planned parenthood cares about is money not the women not the babies just money. I'm against abortion and i'm not ashamed about it.
Robyn Watson
2015-09-26 05:47:44 UTC
The question is. Why should a baby be made if your just going to end its only opportunity at life ? And most people are so against it because when the fetus is removed it is still alive. And sometimes they are just thrown in the bin or left in a room to die. And that is so cruel. That baby wil never get a chance in this world. It's the person responsibility to use protection to not fall pregnant v it's their choice I have been trying for a baby and now I'm finally pregnant not many people get that chance. It's sad that some women are so fertile that they can fall pregnant so easily and just get rid of it bits not fair on the baby
2015-09-26 14:47:48 UTC
I am 100% against abortion, as it is murder and an innocent life is taken. There are women who seek abortion as a way of getting out of having the responsibility of raising a child. Well if she isn't ready to take care of such a huge responsibility, then she should have kept her legs closed. In a case where a woman was raped, I still don't condone getting an abortion. If the women doesn't want to keep the child, she should give it up for adoption. There are thousands of women in the world, who unfortunately, are unable to conceive. I'm sure they would love the opportunity to love and care for a child who isn't wanted by its biological parent(s). In my opinion, abortion should never be seen as an option.
2015-09-25 12:53:20 UTC
I think its because after only 18 days the fetus has a heartbeat so therefore it is a living being. Why is it that people don t see getting an abortion as murder BUT they call it a double homicide when a pregnant lady is killed? Makes no sense. Now I am the type of person if I don t agree with someone. Im not gonna sit there and argue with someone that they are wrong. Its a free country and people can believe what they want to believe.
2015-09-25 13:17:01 UTC
The people against abortion are usually the ones who have never had to go through it. There is nothing wrong with an abortion if it is affecting your health, you are not in a stable frame of mind or financially viable to look after a child. It's better than bringing a child into a world of misery.
2015-09-24 20:23:27 UTC
I like to look at it in two ways.

Scenario A. A young girl is raped, and falls pregnant. She's struggling to get through school as it is, and she can barely afford to look after herself let alone a baby. Yes, she could give it up for adoption, but along the way she has medical bills, maternity clothing, special foods and vitamins and nutrients and whatever else a woman requires over the term of pregnancy. It's not fair on the young girl. In this instance, I would agree with abortion.

Scenario B. A girl willingly has unprotected (or even failed protected) sex with one or two or however many guys. She falls pregnant. She knew the risk when she had sex whether she used contraception correctly or not. In this case, I disagree with abortion. She knew the consequences, she took the risk. If she doesn't want the child, she can give it up for adoption. Knowingly reproducing and then killing her offspring, I don't understand that.
2015-09-26 10:01:57 UTC
One, a baby's heart starts beating 18 days after conception so an abortion is ending that life without the owner of the life's concent. Two, less than 1% of abortions are for rape victims. Here are some photos with information on the types of abortion and what happens to the baby during them.
2015-09-25 16:47:59 UTC
People are for and against many things. So why should abortion be any different? For some, abortion is the murder of an innocent life. For others, a reason to avoid the hardships that the child (and parent/s) may face if it was born. To each his/her own. Just don't expect unanimous support.
2015-09-25 02:40:54 UTC
I am not pro-choice. Women do not have the right to choose when another life is at stake. People can do whatever they want with their own life but they cannot have control of another. They should not have the option to choose whether or not they want to get an abortion.

Abortion should be mandatory for all pregnancies. Instead of having the choice to abort or not, it should be made mandatory by law. That way we can remove the vile human race from the Earth is less than a century. That is the only way we can achieve world peace and save the environment.
2015-09-24 11:17:20 UTC
There is a huge difference between an abnormal growth and the growth of a human being. You have a lot of growing up to do...this question is ignorant and selfish. (because yes, if there is a life after this, you will answer) be more responsible having sex. Abortion should not be used as a birth control...thats what pills and condoms are for!

With that being said...I do believe a person has the right to choose abortion...there are other factors besides ones promiscuitity, stupidity and selfishness that taint the freedom and choice for others, who should have the right to choose it.
2015-09-25 08:18:32 UTC
Because it is still a life. People say that it's fine to abort it because it's not fully developed and what not, but so what? It will be fully developed soon and it is still a living being - fully developed or not. You make it sound like these women are forced to sleep around and have a baby. Well maybe if they closed their legs, they wouldn't have this problem. If a woman gets pregnant, it is her responsibility to give birth and look after that child. Remember, she chose to have sex. You wouldn't be saying that if we were talking about murder, someone killed someone so they go to jail. It is exactly the same thing. People can live without sex. It is a proven fact, so unless the woman is married with a loving husband who is willing to bring up the baby, she shouldn't be having sex.
2015-09-27 11:31:09 UTC
People are full of opinions about everything a man or woman does. The opinions of others does not pay the bills of another. Nor do opinions ameliorate the stress of a guilty conscience. Most people do not see "getting rid" of an embryo within their body as murder. What is murder? The killing of another human being? What is an embryo? Psalm 139:16 says this concerning what God sees: "Your eyes even saw me as an embryo. All its parts were written in your book. Regarding the days when they were formed, Before any of them existed."

Before you can even get the pregnancy test or a doctor to tell you if you are pregnant, God has already seen the human inside of you. We can see from that scripture that God notices and cherishes even the small cells that form a baby, the embryo. Yes, it is true that abortion can be a choice for someone with medical issues or even a rape victim. Sometimes, It is not the woman's fault that they are pregnant. But is it the baby's, the embryo's fault either?
2015-09-28 14:19:47 UTC
There is more than just the old debate about being a homicide or not.

I see a strong industry behind all this, just waiting to make money at the expense of people that, unfortunately, have less access to simple things like "good education", healthy hobbies, and so on. People that live their lives on promiscuity because that's the only "leisure option" that they can afford and understand.

This strong industry, when legally settles down in a place, does whatever it can, in their powers (huge economical powers) to perpetuate the condition of these people. Maintaining them more ignorant and poor. Investing in everything that leads to promiscuity and unsafe intercourse.

The abortion industry is a social cancer.

When someone finishes it...

I won't be against abortion.
2015-09-25 17:23:18 UTC
The way I see it is most likely if you have an abortion, you are uncapable of providing for the child and giving it a safe and stable environment. If the child is put into the foster system, what will their happiness and quality of life be? What about a woman who was raped? You're going to force her to keep the child? In what world is that fair or (don't you even dare) her fault?! Also, why do people care about what individuals do if it has absolutely no effect on them? Women should have the choice to decide what would be best for everyone. Mind your own business, you're not in charge of other people's lives, and by taking away their right to make their own choices, you're not "saving" anybody. You might be forcing a child into an unhappy life and unsafe environment, and is that really best for them?
2015-09-24 19:14:48 UTC
I have been against abortions my entire life. Its very cruel and just so wrong. When I talk to someone that says that well its her choice to have the baby or not, I tell them that If a Women was murdered and was pregnant that is counted as a double murder. But how can that be if planned parenthood says that a unborn child cannot feel anything and its not a baby until he/she is born. Its murder and its so sad and heartbreaking. If you cant give a good life for your baby then all that you need to do is put he/she up for adoption. Families around the world would love to have a baby.
2015-09-25 17:49:17 UTC
The anti-abortion sentiment is mostly born out of a dangerous adherence to religious tenets. Too many people feel that what they think is right "because God says so." What a load of crap. As I look through some of the other answers, I see the words "accident" and "mistake" a lot; as it turns out, these same accidents and mistakes also lead to the spread of HIV, genital herpes, syphilis, chlamydia, and all of the rest of the family of STDs. Unfortunately, the only thing that seems to hit people with any sense of reality is the possibility of having a baby. If going after the corrective procedure for having a baby is effective at suppressing the spread of all of these diseases, then so be it. More importantly, more people are against federal funding of abortions than the abortions themselves. The reality is that, except in cases of rape, pregnancies happen because people choose to engage in behavior that leads to them. Would you pay for your neighbor's tattoo removal? Or the surgery to repair his rib cage after he had a few beers and drove his car off the road? (Or worse, into someone else's car?) The reality is that any responsible person in a sexual relationship who knows that having a baby is not an option is doing everything possible to avoid it. Those who don't take responsibility should not be gifted with free medical services.
2015-09-26 06:44:27 UTC
In some cases if is okay like rape, or harm to the mother life or you cant cope financially, emotionally.

But That is potential life inside of you. When your heart stops beating you are pronounced dead so shouldn't it be the same for the start of life. The heart starts beating at 18 days. If you dont want that bundle of joy someone else might. ADOPTION is an option. Dont be selfish and take a life just because it is inconvenient for you. What if you're mother had you aborted....

And as usual as humans take everything to the extreme. I heard of a story where a women wanted an abortion because she was going skiing and it was inconvenient for her to be pregnant. The logic : oh yeah i want to go skiing so let me just kill my baby! That is wrong.

If you dont want a baby, then be sensible! idiots. Condoms, pills, morning after pill. There are many ways to protected yourself in todays modern world. Abortion should always be the last option.
2015-09-28 05:03:24 UTC
Almost no one has an abortion because she does not physically want to be pregnant. Life circumstances pressure her to think that the death of her child is the solution to these issues - over 60% of women who have abortions have faced pressure or caved to pressure from their child's father.

A question for you, do you support abortion up until the day of birth? If not, your argument about not forcing a woman to carry someone inside her body is specious. We agree that at some point, at some week, some gestation, it's not okay to take the life of the child. We just disagree on what week that is.
2015-09-27 07:32:13 UTC
You see, theres 3 types of anti-abortionists. First, The ****-headed religious idiots who think just because some imaginary old man in the sky s "son" wrote that something is wrong in some cheesy, hypocritical book *cough* the bible *cough* thousands of years ago, it should instantly be made illegal. Then, you have the conservative ***-wipes who want to take all these rights away from women (Hell, if these tards had their way, we d still have slavery and women wouldn t even be able to vote). In fact, most of the conservatives trying to "make america great again" (otherwise known as making america the most backward 1st world country in the world as far as rights go), don t want anyone to have rights except the white males. Then, you have the 1% of SMART people actually attempting to come up with a legitimate argument to oppose this (And these are the only opposing people I will actually have a legitimate debate about this with, as I know the 2 other groups will do nothing but talk over me and spew bullshit about "God s will"). Honestly, I respect this 1% because they aren t making themselves look like complete shitheads by arguing against abortion (which is pretty hard to do).
2015-09-24 15:17:11 UTC
Abortion is a barbaric and inhumane practice. The science backs up what the moral argument against it has been all along.

Our culture has completely perverted the meaning of sex. While it's pleasurable, it's sole intent is not our gratification, it is to produce life. People having sex know full well what the implications of those actions could be. We could take care of the problem of mass abortion in this country with better education and a return in our communities to a reality check of ethics and morality.
2015-09-25 20:42:02 UTC
what a pain some people are (you). There is a morning after pill a woman could take. Or she could be more moral and keep her legs together, or she could be more responsible and not have sex. Or if she's going to have sex then to be on the pill. Abortion is killing and there are things one can do NOT to kill. It does take a grown up to know that though. If a person is religious they would have the baby and then give it up for adoption. Life is precious to some people. Life IS a gift from God.

you're sick if you compare a human being to a growth.
2015-09-26 15:24:31 UTC
In order to understand, you have to set aside your views.

I'm honestly mixed because on one hand it is life but then on the other there is another story. Under the circumstance that a woman has been raped or if the fetus threatens her health for some reason then I think it s acceptable to have one but only under those circumstance!

I will tell you this for sure! Abstinence only has failed! Realistically speaking teens will end up having sex because their hormones are acting crazy! For crying out loud, we are humans! We reproduce! It's how we keep surviving! So of course our hormones are going to act crazy! We need to teach everything about safe sex and how people can prevent pregnancies to avoid having an abortion to begin with! Teach them how to use a condom, birth control, and what to do if there is an "accident", and everything!

I don't consider what I am saying to be valid just yet because I haven't done enough research to be confident in my own views. This is just what I think so far.
2015-09-27 09:53:57 UTC
Yeah, I'm a teen and I think it's selfish how others think women should never abort. What if a young girl who was early in puberty end up pregnant from rape and now has to go though painful problems cuz people think no one can abort. That's sick. Or if a girl was too young and could not support the baby for whatever reason. Can you imagine that? How about the chances of a child of rape growing up knowing it's mother put them in for adoption cuz she was raped and wasn't meant to be pregnant and the poor kid ends up with depression or suicidal because of what happened. I wouldn't want a baby like that cuz what if it looked like the guy or gave bad flashbacks you know..

Thats why Im pro choice.
2015-09-25 01:16:46 UTC

And I understand why people can be against it, when a woman is pregnant, it's not a "Thing" growing inside them, it's an unborn CHILD, a BABY. The only Pro-Lifers I have issues with are the extremist ones who believe that abortion should be illegal. I'm Pro-Choice because I believe that EVERY female should be able to make a choice about her own body, and her own life, without ANYONE ELSE interfering. The Government should have NO SAY in a woman's choice about HER body and HER life.

All you fundie Christian theists out there can rage at me all you want, YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO TELL ANOTHER WOMAN WHAT SHE CAN AND CANNOT DO WITH HER BODY AND HER LIFE!
2015-09-25 08:57:08 UTC
In talking about the irony that pro-lifers tend to be pro-capital punishment, take this irony for a spin. Children in our society are treated like fine fragile china. My dad used to be taken out to the barn and had to pick a switch off a tree to be spanked with. Then Adrian Peterson gets arrested for the same thing today (rightfully so in my opinion due to the child's age but I digress.) You can practically look at your child or yell at them and get them taken away, forget about spanking. If we as a society are this protective of children this way, then why aren't we when they have no voice in the womb? As long as we all dictate our moral compass the way we see fit, this problem will never change. The law states murder is a crime. If a person was deaf and mute it would still be a crime. My sister in law is the product of rape and she was raised in the full knowledge that she was loved even more because of it. Her mother said she was not going to let that evil man destroy an innocent life. But I believe compromise is the only way to get anywhere so it seems to me we could start by not allowing abortion over 20 weeks. It is insane.
2015-09-25 03:28:53 UTC
Abortion is a barbaric and inhumane practice. The science backs up what the moral argument against it has been all along.

Our culture has completely perverted the meaning of sex. While it's pleasurable, it's sole intent is not our gratification, it is to produce life. People having sex know full well what the implications of those actions could be. We could take care of the problem of mass abortion in this country with better education and a return in our communities to a reality check of ethics and morality.
2015-09-25 13:47:09 UTC
That means it would have been ok if your mother aborted you.

Since you say that all unborn babies are mere "growths," as if they are tumors, that means that every one of us are mere "growths," because we all started out as an embryo.

This question makes it sound like you think that ALL women should have an abortion, and have it every time they get pregnant. Meaning, 100 years from now, human beings would be extinct, if that happened.

How can most people be FOR abortion? It means the deliborate end to human life. If that life had been outside the womb, you would call it murder, and be outraged. But just because it's inside the womb, that all of a sudden makes it ok? How? The deliborate end to life is murder, period, inside the womb, or outside the womb.

The term "abortion" makes it sound like women are aborting a flight mission, when really, they are ending a life.

How can anyone, male or female, be ok with ending the life of their own child / flesh and blood?

You say that the mother has the right to murder her own child, but really, that child has the right to live.
2015-09-26 01:45:36 UTC
In 1979 at 19 I married the man I considered to be my best friend. We got along so well and we were in love. We tried to have children went thru so many test but the doctors told the two of us that we couldn't have children. We were devastated. Life went on and we ended up divorcing in 1983. 1 year later I started dating my High School sweet heart. He was shipped overseas in the navy so I was alone again. 2 months later I found out I was pregnant. I didn't know what to do. I know that I was not in a good position to raise a child but I couldn't believe that I could actually be pregnant when the doctors told me I could never have kids. I decided that I would have an abortion because I didn't want to become a burden to the system and to anyone else. I didn't want to burden his life and I didn't want to get married to him so I didn't tell him. (I know, totally wrong. I was very young and immature) As time went on all I could think of was that God performed a miracle and blessed me with a child and I am paying him back by aborting it? Finally I backed out and 7 months later I had my beautiful little girl. That was 30 years ago.She was the blessing I needed. Having her taught me the true meaning of love,devotion,dedication,sacrifice and patience.....She helped me to be who I am today and I raised a great young woman. I know that God has a plan for all of us. It is up to us to allow him to love us and help us. If I had aborted my beautiful little baby girl I would not have known what true love is. She is a true gift from God. If you abort your child you never know what blessing you may be turning away.
2015-09-25 18:09:33 UTC
I am going to answer this question only for myself. This is an emotionally charged issue and I'm really not an exception.

I believe that life does begin at conception in the human womb. I see things from God's perspective. He already knows who we are uniquely, individually and specifically well before we are born. That science doesn't define a human until 20 weeks gestation is irrelevant. We humans do not walk at the same pace with God; we follow.

That being said, it isn't my job to judge anyone who does have an abortion. I would try to talk her out of it if possible, but if her mind is made up there isn't anything I can do. I am against making abortion illegal only because people will resort to using unsafe methods to induce abortion on their own and that is a greater problem.

Furthermore, I don't believe abortion in itself is a social or moral illness; it is a symptom of a greater social disease. If we truly believe as a nation this should not happen, then it's our responsibility to make the conditions better for women so that she may have peace of mind about pregnancy. Instead we often take to throwing stones and name calling. Not only is this unproductive it often backfires. We then waste countless years just going back and forth but not moving forward.

Understand that not everyone is going to be on the same page when it comes to issues about sex, marriage, reproduction, social issues. Many people, myself included, advocate abstinence until marriage. But realistically this is not going to happen. Many people don't agree and will not practice abstinence. Who am I to force my views on them? I can only do what's right for me and hope that I set a good example for others to follow should they choose to. In the meantime, let's be patient and compassionate with one another.
2015-09-25 11:26:37 UTC
Ok, I won't push the"as soon as its conceived, it's a Person" controversy. But have you seem just how far along a woman can be, and still abort?

You know those preemie babies, who are born way too early, so their lungs aren't fully formed or whatever? Hospitals help them survive, and many thrive! Well, at that same age, they can be aborted! PLEASE, do a tiny bit of research on how far along they can be and what they do to kill the baby before passing it into the outside world. It is definitely murder, this baby could have survived on its own, albeit via the hospital.

I agree, there are times it is a needed evil, but EARLY on. I am grateful my birth mother choose to protect me. I have spina bifida and other birth defects, but guess what. Now, I'm an adoptive mom and a caregiver to my husband. I have my physical limitations and medical problems, but I live a fulfilling life. Fortunately, even though I was an unwanted accident, she protected me. God bless her.

PS we reunited, too!
2015-09-26 07:01:32 UTC
I think it's just like murder except people say doesn't matter because the baby isn't considered a "person" yet, the parents haven't become emotionally attached yet, and it hasn't come into the world yet.. So, people feel like they have good reasons to kill their own baby that they made in the first place.

If the baby is going to born with life threatening issues and the parents want an an abortion.. I'm not sure how to feel about that. It's debatable.
2015-09-26 13:04:49 UTC
my faith is against abortion because they consider it breaking the law and God's law. I am not against abortion if you are raped and do not want to go the pain. but you should be mature enough to know if you are having sex, you may become pregnant. If my family member or somebody I knew wanted an abortion or had one, I would completely support them and their decision. I just don't like it when people go and get pregnant then decide suddenly they dont want the baby and kill it when they couldve been smarter. If you think about it, it is technically murder
2015-09-25 20:21:45 UTC
A woman isn't forced to have something growing inside he. Her own choices and irresponsibility (except in the case of rape) lead to the BABY (not growth as you so inhumanly stated) growing inside her. I believe sex is a natural thing for couples to do and it encourages monogamy which makes for a happy family when the couple does decide to have children. If people were educated more on contraception rather than abstinence there'd be no need for an abortion and the women who get pregnant anyway despite proper use of contraception wouldn't feel so ashamed that they feel they need to get an abortion because people tell them it's wrong and unholy and bad to have sex which is the message they send when they preach abstinence.
2015-09-27 06:18:13 UTC
It's just a matter of pure ignorance and, religion and opinions.

Religious group says: abortion is murder

Ignorant people say: what a horrible person who wants abortion

People's general opinion: the woman is being selfish for making a life and then aborting it.

At the end of the day people are going to talk trash and have all the opinions they want so its up to the woman to decide what's best for her body and/or the child.
2015-09-27 00:16:47 UTC
This has been an ongoing debate. Others will say you are killing a life. While others may say it is a choice and decide base on their circumstance.

I think life has its complex ways for every individual. I never been in such situation to make a decision. But hypothetically considering scenarios, if I was with a significant person no doubt I will keep the baby even if I had financial limitations. If "no consent" rape, mentally I don't think I would be a fit mother and possibly the kid would go through an identity crisis in the future...a great dilemma and no easy answers.
2015-09-26 19:17:05 UTC
Mankind will eventually kill itself off due to human overpopulation so believe me, I'm very proabortion. Most people look at abortion from a moral standpoint instead of a logical one.

I believe society would be in a much better position if people were to grow some thicker skin and think about what is best for families and mankind.

Just because people are able to procreate, doesn't mean they should.
2015-09-26 12:49:54 UTC
Because, murder is a crime, and totally disgusting, if you were "forced" to have that little human to grow in you, maybe you should've told your sex partner to wear some damn protection, I don't know how your brain works, but killing people and playing with their organs and making jokes by calling the freezing room "the nursery" and making the password for everything baby. I don't know about you, that's completely ghoulish, and just a pure atrocity.

Were you against the holocaust, any genocide or shooting or mass murder spree?

Here's a modern genocide, 1.2 million and possibly over 5 million babies will die this year due to abortions, yeah, there's our modern day genocide, enjoy going to sleep after you were cheering on those murderers.
2015-09-26 19:50:50 UTC
I think abortion is a personal matter and a difficult decision to make if one does decide to go through with it. Unless the pregnancy poses a health risk to the mother, I personally disagree with having an abortion. Same goes for aborting a pregnancy because the mother and/or family has too many kids etc. Definitely should not be allowed after 1st trimester.
2015-09-24 18:54:57 UTC
The fact that you just compared an abortion of an unborn child to getting a tumor removed shows that you are not even mature enough to be asking this question, much less be out having sex and running the risk of getting pregnant. A baby, yes BABY, is not a tumor or an inconvenience that should be cut away. I can't even address the real point in your question due to your tumor comparison. I am having trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that you could even compare the two.
2015-09-26 08:01:16 UTC
They should be forced as they created the life and didn't use any protection or birth control, so why should a living thing be killed? The baby has a heartbeat at 18 days, and by 8 weeks they have most of their organs, maybe even all, watch this video and tell me this is not a formed human I strongly disagree with abortion, if you don't want the baby, give it up for adoption, give it a chance to live. You wouldn't kill a baby so don't kill one just because it hasn't been born yet.
2015-09-28 17:48:03 UTC
There are two major sub-groups who have no reason to support a woman's right to her own health care decisions. One is men, in general, since no man is capable of pregnancy. A second is those who care about birth, for some reason(s) unknown, but are not really "pro-life." For them, the extent of their responsibility for a baby's life ends with the birth process, even if the life after birth is liable to be unlivable for health reasons, etc. When these two groups are excluded from the general population, there is an overwhelming majority of people who support women's rights and believe whether or not to abort is a personal decision for the woman who is pregnant.
2015-09-26 17:51:11 UTC
Those who are, think this way from a moral standpoint. However, I must also add that many pro-lifers I know would be OK with abortion in certain circumstances, ie, the child has a terminal disease, they suffered from rape, the child ended up with Fetal alcohol syndrome or would kill the mother if they were to be born, and so forth. Only very few would argue against abortion in these cases.
2015-09-24 17:47:43 UTC
If you live in a free country you have certain rights that's not afforded in other countries and abortion is a right given to women of legal age of consent. My opinion is abortion should only be allowed if it causes serious problems for the mother or the Baby has complications of a severe nature.
2015-09-25 11:19:17 UTC
Abortion is a very difficult and complicated issue with good arguments on both sides. Those in favor see it as a woman's choice to remain in control of her body. Those against see abortion as murder.
2015-09-27 11:40:19 UTC
There a lot of different things that people don't understand about abortion. Many people have been raised to believe that its wrong so they have just followed that their entire lives. I see it as animals killing the babies they have that they know won't survive. Except humans know and abort the child that they know they can't provide for either financially or emotionally.
2015-09-26 14:21:53 UTC
ADOPTION was invented for a reason! The woman should learn to use birth control or condoms or don't have sex if you're not ready for the outcome of it. A baby does not asked to be brought into this world, so why kill an inicent life!?!? Someone out there can't have a child and would be more than happy to take it instead of it being killed before its given a chance at life. PRO LIFE!!!!
2015-09-24 17:44:35 UTC
I am extremely against abortion even if it was on accident or if the parent can't take care of a child. If you weren't ready to be a mother you shouldn't of had unprotected sex. Abortion is killing a human being and it is considered murder. I personally think that abortion should be illegal !!
2015-09-27 13:27:02 UTC
A fetus is a living thing. The excuse many bring up for abortion is one related to womens' liberation or feminism, almost to the extent of valuing your own personal liberty over the life of a child.

The same party that supports abortion condemns the concept of gun rights, using the quite hypocritical excuse of 'favoring individual liberty over life'. When abortion means taking a life of your own, while gun ownership is essentially just that, two vastly different concepts, there is no comparison.
2015-09-24 14:29:00 UTC
Yes: abortion concerns a growth inside a pregnant Mothers body, but why remove it? won't be naturally removed? or is it some kind of malignant tumor? The majority of girls I have talked to about such a phenomenon wont discuss it or tell me what they think it is. It's a living baby, it cannot come to life because it is already there. Either that or it is existing in a condition of existence previous to life, which is logically impossible.
2015-09-25 20:03:47 UTC
My gosh, listen to all the ignorance here "If they feel it wasn't the right time then an abortion is ok" What? What the hell is wrong with you people? How about stop spreading your legs because obviously it's not the right time!!!!!!!! You kids scream how you want to be treated as adults, start acting like one. Maybe sex isn't this "expression" or "right" as so many of these ignorant immoral perverts run around injecting into the minds of the ignorant. Funny, not 80 years ago teen pregnancy was almost unheard of. STD's were a rare event and adultery was almost unheard of even back in the 1950's when the divorce rate was only 2.3% but hell, none of you ignorant tools care about those facts because today you are the generation of he future...................God help us.............
2015-09-27 10:31:05 UTC
Abortion is not about the welfare of children, it's about the control of women. In places where abortion is illegal, it is often up to the doctor's discretion to choose whether the baby or mother will live during a difficult pregnancy. If all life is sacred, how can we just throw away the life of the mother? If all life is sacred, why are we not helping these children after they're born? Conservatives limit health care options for women, they don't believe in giving aid to single mothers. They essentially want to punish women for having sex, and abortion should NOT be about punishing a woman, or having control over her for YOUR personal beliefs.
Patrick P
2015-09-25 20:46:08 UTC
There are more things to consider other than the pain of another being inside of them, the feelings of a spouse or significant other, for example. The problem isn't abortions for many persons, it is the selfishness of some persons who choose abortions. Along with the fact that people are allowed to have OPINIONS, like you do.
2015-09-27 16:31:59 UTC
Everyone has different opinions BUT I think it is killing a life and your own blood. I think it is very wrong. My friend recently had an abortion and it was very early stages and I told her exactly what I thought of it but obviously I said I would still support her because that's what friends do. People say they won't be able to support the baby and they won't be able to cope, you should be more careful in the first place!! Wear a sock!!!!
2015-09-26 01:02:40 UTC
Well, the first answer is because….

That’s how nature works.

When you are irresponsible with your body… then you have to deal with the repercussions.

Well, that was before abortion. Now women can do whatever they want however they want & they have plenty of “safety nets” in the case that they want to avoid the parental responsibility associated with sexual activities.

That’s great, right? Women can be as careless as they want & have plenty of “legal” ways to completely shirk their responsibility. Awesome.

The problem… in the land of supposed “gender equality” is that men are legally FORCED into responsibility for the same child that the woman could have easily aborted.

Yea… men do NOT have the legal “right to choose” to not finance the decisions of a woman to become a “mommy” for 18 years.

Men are enslaved to a “strong and independent” woman & have no legal recourse.

Pay up or be fined / jailed.

If women in 2015 are REALLY “independent” …then why don’t they prove it?

Why can’t we finally give men the “financial abortion” that they deserve under the 14th amendment?

If it’s YOUR body & YOUR choice… then fine… it should also be YOUR responsibility.

If women are allowed to legally “opt out” of parental responsibilities… then men deserve that same right.

Equality, baby. …It’s a two-way street.
2015-09-25 04:02:17 UTC
Many people think that an abortion in the first 3 months is OK, I am one of them. But, when that little infant has grown with a heart, brain, feelings, and is moving about, that is MURDER and as cruel as anyone can get. Tearing apart a baby when it could contribute to society in the future is inhumane. What kind of country have we become where mothers can murder their children and not be accountable.
2015-09-26 17:20:49 UTC
I personally am against abortion .. I mean that babies don't ask their parents to lay down and have sex . They done no wrong to anyone . There are a lot of couples out there that want kids but can't have them . So why not give that precious gift from God to a family that can't have kids .. The way I see it is if you are "big enough" to lay down and have sex then you are big enough to take care of that baby and if you can't do that then don't have sex or give it up for adoption !!. Enough said !!!.
2015-09-24 17:55:35 UTC
Abortion is very wrong and no one should ever have one because it is killing another human being. You never know what that one human being could become. It could become our future president, mayor, pope, and many other positions. This baby could have been something great but it was killed. Abortions are the same thing a committing a murder because you are killing a living human being. Also Planned Parenthood is a huge sin.
2015-09-25 07:36:12 UTC
People are against abortion because it is murder. Abortion is taking the life of unborn baby. Taking a life is also known as murder, a criminal act. Children are a gift from God, but its totally understandable if you don t want kids. I don t want kids, but if protection doesn t work, THAT IS STILL YOUR CHILD! You should love them enough to let them live, even if it was an accident. I know I m gonna get a lot of thumbs down for this, but everyone giving me thumbs down is just guilty because they know this is wrong.
2015-09-24 15:27:47 UTC
If women are raped, they don't want to have that baby, even if they want to have a child. There are people in the world (like me) that don't want to have children. They get pregnant and are upset and angry. A teen could get pregnant and would want an abortion. Every woman should have a right to get an abortion. I think it is pure stupidity why they are trying to make abortion clinics illegal. There is alot worse things in the world, like cigarettes, smoking and tobacco.
Sacra Veritas
2015-09-27 14:48:43 UTC
Only a anti-science type would describe a living human being as"something growing inside". The whole point is that we are talking about a human being, not a "clump of cells", not some "growth". A real live human being with lots of potential We just don't going around knocking off people because they are an inconvenience to us. There is no logical reason that this standard should not apply to a baby in the womb.
2015-09-25 07:42:38 UTC
People aren't against "abortion". They're against "unnecessary abortion".

Just as "immigration" is not a problem, it's "Illegal immigration" which is the problem.

Women have little reason to have abortions on convenience. Especially considering the variety of contraception available to prevent getting pregnant.

Seems you're just looking for an excuse to be careless and incompetent with what you do with your body.
2015-09-27 17:17:31 UTC
Personally I'm pro choice so I think abortion should always be an option. Just think if some crack head was pregnant and did drugs causing the baby to have problems and grow up to live a painful life. It's just unfair for that innocent soul to be corrupted because the parent wasn't allowed to abort it.
Robert M
2015-09-26 09:31:01 UTC
ABORTION is a GOOD idea in many cases if it is PROVEN that in vitro the EMBRYO has serious issues or that it is from RAPE or other consequences! IT would be CRUEL to make a SICK FETUS continue it's journey into life, wouldn't it! There are TESTS for all this stuff! ABORTION is a BAD THING for people who just do NOT want the child, in MY opinion! RELIGION can screw up most things and BIBLE literalists ANNOY ME GREATLY! They IGNORE history, and live under FALSE belief systems, etc! GOOD LUCK!! To FORCE an ailing EMBRYO into the world is NOT a GOOD IDEA! They cannot enjoy living as much as others can! BYE NOW!
2015-09-26 14:11:36 UTC
Some people believe that when a child is conceived, it is a life. People against abortion argue that an embryo/fetus and all stages post fertilization is a life. I guess its like saying that we should protect a harmed / faulty embryo similarly to how we should protect a mentally challenged newborn.

But I would like to see how a pro life person would react if he found out that his or her fetus had a disorder like Trisomy 21 or something.
2015-09-26 18:41:18 UTC
I've had multiple miscarriages and can not carry safely to term. If my body can make the choice so can my mind.

And to the "put it up for adoption" crowd, as an adopted person myself, you offend adopted families everywhere. Abortion is a pregnancy choice, adoption is a parenting choice. There are biological mothers who never get over surrendering, there are adoptees who feel abandoned and wish they were aborted. You speak as if the fetus is aware of the choices, it is not, but know that by forcing your views and wishes upon it is not your place, it is the decision if the biological mother and then the adoptive parents. Sickening you all think you know what's best for people who don't exist and who you don't even know.
2015-09-27 13:16:00 UTC
Because guys wanna have an excuse for "being pregnant isnt a big deal" and its easy to deal with it.


Also because now-a-days were near the worlds end. Good is now known as bad, and Bad is known as good. Abortion is killing a human and were just trying to come up with excuses that abortion isnt killing. Scientists try to come up with theories that "babies are only fetuses or whatever". To be honest, let the world do its sin. You cant really change it. Its sick.
2015-09-26 06:04:13 UTC
Because they know abortion is the murder of a living human. Just the same as people are against shootings or stabbings. Killing a person is ALWAYS wrong and abortion IS THE KILLING of a LIVING PERSON.

Check out info below to see why I say this...
2015-09-26 01:31:21 UTC
Because she opened her legs to have sex so she should take responsibility for her actions it's not like you can't get contraceptives and abortion is murder some of the aborted babies are born alive scalded and left to stuggle and die go on YouTube and watch live action video's it's disgusting what they do to unborn baby's if it was painless and quick it would be different sorry if my opinion offends anybody who won't take responsibility or contraceptives
2015-09-26 13:03:34 UTC
Because they are. It not all that hard really. There always be people against something or another. Why is it so to understand that people go against abortion? Thats just who they are.
2015-09-26 18:57:22 UTC
A fetus is NOT "a growth" to be removed. It's a living being. A better focus would be on why women don't use birth control.. OR simply be moral and keep their legs closed. Celibacy does NOT kill a person. Sex is a privilege for adult, MATURE people. If you're not "in the mood" to care for a baby, then don't get pregnant. The problem as I see it is not abortion, but a lack of self respect and self control on the part of the female involved.
2015-09-25 07:58:04 UTC
I hate the idea of it, but I fully support a woman's right to have one. I don't claim to own all the bodies in the world. If someone else chooses abortion, given the impact the alternative would have on their life, (not mine), that is up to them. Abortion is necessary evil. The world is overpopulated enough - instead of judging others for their own decisions, let's help and support them...
2015-09-24 19:08:28 UTC
What's the point of abortion, if there are foster homes where they could put the child into? I think it's unethical to my opinion for abortion to happen, because your taking a person's opportunity to live away.
2015-09-26 08:07:41 UTC
I feel like abortion should be legal, because if the father can't support, give money and take care of the child, and you can't do the same either, and you have a baby in those circumstances bot only does it make you an ain't shiiit person it make the an ain't shiiit. I feel as though shouldn't be having kids if you can't take care of them, because your financial problems etc, effects the child too.
2015-09-25 13:39:51 UTC
If I were to give you a magic potion which made you forget everything you think you know, anbd then ask you, in that unaffected state of mind, if it was OK to kill babies inside their mothers bellies, you would look at me in horrified fashion, and say that I was insane for even suggesting it. We've been hypnotized by our media and repetition of politicians to no longer acknowledge the fact that that is an innocent human being in there. That same heart is the same one that will be beating hard at age 15 when he or she kisses their first boyfriend or girlfriend. Whether not you'll ever admit it out loud, you should at least try to address truth in your heart and then see if you want to express that to the outside world.
2015-09-25 06:19:07 UTC
Because late abortion is murder. Tge chikdren are often born alive and left to die. Why don't women use contraception to limit the need for abortion? Some women have multiple abortions, slow learners or lazy and feckless?
2015-09-25 06:16:00 UTC
There is the option of a woman keeping her legs closed. We obviously know that sex comes with the possibility of children. A child should not have to suffer because of a woman's lack of control. Fast on why abortion is wrong. It will be revealed.
2015-09-27 06:36:33 UTC
Because people believe they are in charge of a strangers life. Your description was pretty harsh but non the less it's not our decision on what a mother does. In some cases it's just their faith. However it doesn't give them any right to shame others.

If you use the "put it up for adoption" argument you can start by actually trying to help the thousands of kids already in there instead of trying to dump another one. It's not your place to say where a mother puts her child.

Oh and I already have some people after me on this thread because I simply have a different opinion and like to make false accusations. Love ya x
Curtis 1911
2015-09-25 17:21:05 UTC
Hey I'm all for federally funded abortions for liberals only.

They can just keep on aborting those little libs until they abort themselves right out of existence.
2015-09-24 21:50:24 UTC
I'm against abortion.
2015-09-26 06:05:57 UTC
Some people believe that life begins at conception. Given that belief, if you have an abortion you are ending a life. That would be murder, and murder is against the law of the land.
2015-09-25 18:35:36 UTC
Because that "growth" you want to "remove" is a living person. Okay sure they may not seem like a human being but they are. I can understand in instances of rape where abortion may seem like the only choice, but as a person who believes that human rights begin from the moment of conception, I cannot stand to bear the idea that abortion is remotely okay. And yeah maybe my ideas are too "old-fashioned" for this generation but if I don't fight for the rights of these babies, who will?
2015-09-26 15:31:24 UTC
It's part not understanding science (that a fetus doesn't have a brain capable of thought, feelings, or suffering until the 30th week of a healthy pregnancy, possibly never in an unhealthy pregnancy), and wanting to punish women for having sex. Because when push comes to shove, so-called pro-lifers typically end up saying, "then she shouldn't have had sex."
2015-09-24 15:29:55 UTC
Any woman with half a brain can PREVENT pregnancy and hence abortion. It is called birth control and doled out for free by PP. Requiring an abortion results from stupid behavior.
2015-09-24 19:25:30 UTC
I believe abortion should not be illegal or criminalized, but should absolutely not be encouraged when there's a healthy new life that is being prepared to be brought into the world. Aren't you grateful you weren't that fetus that was aborted?
2015-09-26 11:11:31 UTC
If you don't want a kid then don't have sex. How is it that you can murder an innocent child that will never have the chance to live his or her life but as soon as some lion gets shot on another continent there is a huge public outcry, even people saying that the hunter should be killed. I fail to see how taking human life is fine but an animal is dead wrong
2015-09-27 13:59:06 UTC
A baby is not a growth it us a human life. The time to practice birth control is before sex. In America there is no excuse for unwanted babies. Even if a woman was pregnant and did not want it there are other ways of not raising it. Most families have at least 2 people that would love any baby like that especially blood and family. No fetus should ever have to pay with their life for a mothers or fathers sins/shenanigans.

In the Bible if a man should strike a woman carrying a child and the child should die the man was killed. A life for a life. God can see the eye of an embryo. So stop looking for an excuse not to pay for your own sins.
2015-09-28 07:23:37 UTC
But I do see why people are against them. That is a living thing you're carrying around. It's not a common "body part" such as an arm or a kidney. This is something that develops a heart and has nerves and can feel pain. Many see as though that is something that needs to be respected, and shouldn't be murdered because of your lack of
2015-09-25 14:39:52 UTC
[Why should a women be forced to have something grow inside them? Imagine if you were unable to have a growth removed?]

YOU were inside your mother's womb you see yourself as a "growth" or a "something"? ALL babies are human beings with souls! I'm sure you know about the video showing the Planned Parenthood employee speaking of how they sell the lungs, and livers of the unborn children. Again - blobs of tissue don't have lungs and livers...they're human!

You poor lost person. I'm having a hard time understanding your depraved mind, but the Bible does predict that in the last days, people would be without natural affection (2nd Timothy 3).

You need to see this:
2015-09-26 08:07:01 UTC
Bottom line, if ever single female went forth with her baby (through rape, bad mistakes, whatever) we would be so over populated, our entire economy would crash. People take this issue way too seriously. It's just the "motherly instinct" coming out in the extremests. Honestly, half the people on this planet shouldn't bare children. Ive seen so many mentally ill, ex-cons with the father out the picture, popping meds like candy.......or you got the super rich that simply hire nannies to take care of their kids. I've seen it all first hand. You're always going to have your abortion fighters.....nothing will ever change.
2015-09-26 07:00:43 UTC
Having a baby when you're too young or not ready is really hard. But a baby isn't a growth. Its a human. And you don't kill humans. How is abortion right? Ask yourself that
2015-09-27 10:21:23 UTC
How can anyone NOT be against abortion?! The use a vacuum to pull the baby's limbs apart and out of the woman and then sell the parts for research. I'd like to see you be ripped apart and your parts sold for research and then ask the question.
2015-09-24 23:52:25 UTC
Because abortion kills a human being. Woman's right to choose should not extend to cover the killing of a developing human. It should be the choice of sex and also a woman can declin motherhood by giving her child away and not having anything to do with it. Killing is a wrong and unnecessary step.
2015-09-26 13:19:04 UTC
Wow a baby is not a growth. It is a person forming. If a person is raped and is pregnant, they usually will like the kid. If they don't, and leave the kid somewhere else, they should have made their behavior different as to lower the chance of rape. As for a non rape situation, that is their responsibility to take care of the kid. You wanted sex so it's your problem. The only case would be somewhere along the lines of a dead fetus that is infecting the woman.

I agree with louise123451.
2015-09-28 17:26:00 UTC
If you really believe it's just a growth, then I challenge you to look at these photos of fetal development, especially those from 12 weeks onward. (Don't worry, these aren't grisly photos of aborted fetuses. They're endoscopic & ultrasound pictures of living unborn "growths".)

If you're right, and this is just a growth, then there's nothing to lose by looking at the photos, right? They'll just show a clump of cells: a growth, not a baby... if you're right.
2015-09-28 10:54:22 UTC
Have you seen how abortions are preformed. Burning them alive with a saline solution. Or cutting their spinal cord and ripping them apart. Really ignorant!!!! Why don't you research it a little more and then say that it's ok. Babies in the womb can feel that pain!
2015-09-27 12:08:48 UTC
You were not "a growth" to be removed from your mother's body. You were and are a human being.

Science tells us that human life begins at conception when a completely separate life form with unique DNA comes into existence.

The U.S. Declaration of Independence states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Pro-Lifers (including Catholic Christians) accept both this scientific definition of human life and that human rights are granted to us at our creation as described in the Declaration of Independence.

Catholics believe that from the moment of conception until natural death, each human being is endowed by God with dignity and rights. Therefore abortion is viewed as the murder of an innocent and defenseless human being.

You shall not kill. (Exodus 20:13; cf. Deuteronomy 5:17)

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. (Jeremiah 1:5; cf. Job 10:8-12; Psalms 22:10-11)

My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately wrought in the depths of the earth. (Psalms 139:15)

Early Church writings: You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish. (Didache 2, 2: SCh 248, 148; cf. Ep. Barnabae 19, 5: PG 2, 777; Ad Diognetum 5, 6: PG 2, 1173; Tertullian, Apol. 9: PL 1, 319-320)

And finally:

"A person's a person, no matter how small!" -- Dr. Seuss, "Horton Hears a Who"

For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 2270 and following.

With love in Christ.
2015-09-27 07:55:55 UTC
Well who's fault it is to have sex without protection? Why end one's life because you don't want to care for him\her? You could have simply put the baby up for adoption after giving birth and you can solve both problems "Why should a women be forced to have something grow inside them?" You'll be forced to suffer Aids with the same act that got you pregnant so stop complaining.
2015-09-27 08:10:53 UTC
Some people believe that aborting a baby is killing them and ending a life.
2015-09-27 01:22:55 UTC
I'm against it because it's murder!! No matter what the reason is, we are meant value human life to the fullest & not just throw it away! It doesn't matter why you're aborting, abortion is murder non-the-less. If a mother can't raise her child for whatever reason then she can let it be adopted. She doesn't have to kill it.
2015-09-27 07:17:10 UTC
I feel like if you can do the deed and get yourself pregnant, than you're mature enough to take care of a baby. Taking that baby away is kind of immature because it is a life and you're the cause of it.

Of course in certain situations abortion is okay, like if it's a rape baby, then that's okay. Or if you're an underage child who doesn't really understand. a
2015-09-28 04:23:19 UTC
A fetus growing inside a woman is a whole lot different than some cancerous tumor. Ignorant minded people like you just don't have the scope of intelligence to understand and respect many things. Humans weren't meant to be able to play god on who or what should live and or die. You have no respect for the course of nature. You have much too learn.
2015-09-27 06:11:56 UTC
You're a sick piece of shiit. Human life is just a growth to you? An accidental occurrence? You need to kill yourself asap you souless slime. If someone can't take on the responsibility of raising the child they created then they shouldn't be allowed to have sexual relations. If someone gets raped and pregnant then put the child up for adoption but don't kill that innocent life. Anonymous question asker to you I say ask your mother why she didn't abort your worthless, fruitless, good for absolutely fμcking nothing dirty ***.
2015-09-27 04:14:36 UTC
The frightening thing is that so many people seem to hold a once-and-for-all opinion on such an incredibly nuanced topic. Be careful! In my experience life has a way of throwing the certain into those incredibly opaque situations where you suddenly realise that objective certainty no longer has a place.
2015-09-24 18:09:16 UTC
Because your killing a life! I don't want to be rude....but Im trying to say the truth. I'm not against abortion...nor i support it. Like there is so many people without a baby...wherever the baby came from..the baby is your baby...
2015-09-28 11:10:26 UTC
Imagine you had a baby. A little baby resting in your arms. Suddenly you decide you don't want the baby anymore. Is it ok to kill the baby? Of course not! A baby's heart starts beating 12 days after it has been conceived. Most women don't know that they are pregnant then. Is it ok to kill a baby who's heart is beating? We die when our heart stops so should we be deemed a person when our heart starts?
2015-09-26 18:29:15 UTC
I really shouldn't be horrible but their are so many children in care, coming from broken down families, financial break downs and parents that are drug abusers- these people are making their children suffer, a child should be at home with their mum and it would be nice for the child to have both mum and dad unless they absolutely cannot by law- It's much better for the child to have been thought about in all aspects,
2015-09-27 00:03:56 UTC
being against abortion is not being ignorant, its called moral. in my opinion abortion is wrong. if you wanna have sex (which is fine) its your responsibility to use protection whether it goes works or not. you wouldnt kill a baby once it was born because you were left with the consequences, why would you kill one in the whom. killing a human is murder whether inside the whom or not. dont end someones life so you can have more fun or comfort. thats selfish. and just because it isnt a full human yet, doesnt mean it cant feel pain.
2015-09-26 20:25:11 UTC
Abortion is taking a life, and there are those individuals that use the abortion procedure as a method of birth control. What is the difference between this type of ending life and ISIS or any form of genocide?
Taii Rodz
2015-09-27 07:31:49 UTC
I think it's mostly because if religious views. I understand that there are other options besides abortion. Yet in the end no one is indispensable. A mother should be able to decide over her body.
Just Some Guy
2015-09-25 10:07:08 UTC
I have the exact same question about those who are for abortion. I am pro life all the way. A woman should not have the right to kill another life just cus she doesn't want the child.
2015-09-25 15:22:56 UTC
The moment the sperm meets the egg, cells rapidly multiply, forming life. To compare this to a growth that needs to be removed is immoral. I understand that there are circumstances in which abortion is necessary, but it disgusts me that a potential child has to be robbed of their life. Abortion is medically induced miscarriage. I personally believe that abortion is immoral, and should not be used as a means of birth control. But you have the right to do as you please.
2015-09-25 12:18:00 UTC
Kill an unborn baby – Who cares

Kill a born baby – 1st-degree murder

I just don't understand the logic. Abortion is the ultimate act of selfishness. Got pregnant? Unwanted child? Easy. Just kill it. After all, if it's legal, it must be OK.
2015-09-25 17:33:47 UTC
there are two sides to the situation of abortion. abortion is murder, yes. but sometimes a young woman is raped and she doesnt want the baby and before it gets born she will have to get an abortion and its a necessity. i am pro life 100% but sometimes there is a positive reason for abortion.
James Van de koch
2015-09-25 07:27:48 UTC
Life is life. The real question is, why can most vegans have a dozen abortions without batting an eyelid but balk at the thought of eating a chicken's egg...?

My mother had to actively fight against "women's rights" groups in the 80s to even be able to give birth to me alive. She had no intention of killing me, but they simply wouldn't have it. Where's the "choice" in that "pro-choice"? It's prolife and antilife. End of story; even Hitchens admits that.
2015-09-24 08:44:12 UTC
That "growth" has human DNA. That's a scientific fact.

Considering less than 5% of all abortions are ending pregnancies from either rape or incest, the simplest solution of not wanting the "growth" is not to have sex. That's scientifically proved to be 100% effective, save for Divine Intervention, and even THEN, the female was a willing participant.

One other thing; as far as rape pregnancies are concerned, I triple dog dare you to tell Rebecca Kiessling she should have been aborted. Or Oprah Winfrey. Or Jesse Jackson. ALL were conceived by rape.
great knight
2015-09-29 10:02:25 UTC
You are a HUMAN BEING!!! Killing is wrong! I shouldn't have to explain it to you! You are only here because someone didnt' have abortion! This woman was burned alive and survived! How is she here? Because babies are people! It is not a fish like evolutionists lie! IT is unique human life with unique DNA! And it is pushed by "population control" freaks that couldn't care less about women. In China, they don't even pretend they do it by force under guise of "population control" but it is really evil! These people serve death and devil.
2015-09-26 23:16:00 UTC
Because it comes from our tax money... also you kill a living being, not part of the mother, a human being, a being that couldv'e be a human, a leader, a scientist, doctor, politician, that unborn child couldv'e cured cancer, but you just aborted it, then went to go collect your lousy *** food stamps and protest capitalism while still not getting a job
2015-09-26 07:46:47 UTC
People who are against abortion are those religious extremists. They just object without looking at the logic behind that.
2015-09-26 13:46:06 UTC
because they believed in the soul, what is this?

Simple is believed that the spirit joins the body when the spermatozoid meets the egg then you have a soul an spirit attach to a body but if you can proved that this is not right then you can kill of the false traditions and then you can practice abortion because there is not a human being. then you are not killing anybody.
2015-09-25 15:52:22 UTC
Because some people realize that abortion is a word to replace baby-killer.
2015-09-26 10:53:43 UTC
How can some people be against abortion?

How can some people be in favor of murder?
2015-09-26 20:41:55 UTC
Because it is morally wrong to kill a child before he/she is born. Plus it has negative effects on society. Look at europe and its low birth rates. Couples dont get married and dont have children. So the native european population is declining when muslim immigrant families have 7-17 children per family. If this continues islam will overtake europe within a century.
2015-09-27 04:36:55 UTC
That baby growing inside that women is living. he/she has cells which contain 30 encyclopedias worth of information in it. she would be killing the smartest creature on the planet. I don't know if your are religious but i am a Christian and we believe that God put humans in charge of the animals not to mention he created that living organism. He allowed those parents to have the opportunity. Their is a 15-25% chance of getting pregnant and it takes precision for that to happen. Did you know that people are selling the Babies organs for money. That is sick!!! That baby could have found a cure for cancer in his latter years, or he could of invented flying cars and maybe the baby had the chance to climb the summit of mount Everest.

Sure you are right about forcing the parent to keep it, but their is always adoption.
Miss Brittany
2015-09-25 15:49:05 UTC
Because some people can't mind their own business and those people also have extremely little self esteem, thus requiring the need for control because everything they say and think is right because they thought it.

Doesn't seem so sound? Because it's not. It's completely illogical and people need to mind their own business.
2015-09-27 14:36:04 UTC
When you get pregnant, it's not all about you. You created life. That child that you created could be someone one day. They could be happy. They could have a family, and friends, and kids of their own. They could be super successful. They could help world peace. They could solve world wide problems like poverty. When you decide to end that life, remember that while it may be easier for you, you are damaging someone. Not just a black and white blob on an ultrasound screen. That is someone who could be someone's spouse or parent one day. And you are taking that away.
2015-09-24 09:12:15 UTC
99% of the time (or more) that life is there because of the woman's voluntary participation in the sex act.

Do you support the protection of human life. You either do.... or you don't. Which is it?

Don't forget that abortion is the intentional and conspiratorial taking of a human life without having provided that life the protections of due process in a court of law.
2015-09-26 14:56:50 UTC
I believe in abortion as the woman may have been raped or pressured into it or if the baby will die on birth or has defects but wen women like prostitutes need abortions I have no sympathy.
2015-09-27 13:59:35 UTC
Its the ambiguity of when life is a life. I'm all for abortion if it threatens the mother's life or the infant is a product of rape/incest.

Its consensual sex is when things get sticky for me.

I believe IF one of the parents wants the child and the other doesn't. The mother should carry the child to term. The parent that doesn't want the child gives up ALL rights to the child. The other carries all of the financial burden and CANNOT collect child support.
2015-09-28 15:52:50 UTC
Because abortion is still like killing a baby that is growing in your stomach. It may only be tiny but its still a growing baby and abortion is getting rid of that baby.
2015-09-25 03:52:52 UTC
Abortion is not natural. See Post Abortion Syndrome. Killing babies before they're born has been sanctioned as sane by our very sick society.
2015-09-28 07:01:42 UTC
what iv noticed about life is that we sin everyday and there is no greater sin than the lets just stop judging, after all we don't know why people do it and I don't think there's a person out there that would kill an innocent child's life just for fun.. some people are in situations we can never imagine.
2015-09-24 19:05:54 UTC
That "something" is actually SOMEONE! With a brain a heart beat and you were once one of those fetuses. We all were. Fetuses are not sub humans they are humans they are human offspring just like every human ever born. If she does not want the baby don't have sex or give the baby up for adoption. Like these parents did

#responsibility ! So don't let it happen to anyone because like it or not it is murder! And this is what happens when eh women are put to sleep for the "procedure"
2015-09-26 09:32:49 UTC
I feel like their should be a "Length of Pregnancy" cut off. That's about my only opinion on it. Other than that, I'm for it more or less. I can see WHY people aren't, but I don't necessarily agree.
2015-09-24 14:00:08 UTC
Because when you put it clearly, abortion is actually tearing apart a human body peice by peice. YOU dont choose who lives and who dies. Thats nobodys choice. And abortion should not even be an option.
2015-09-25 04:38:55 UTC
That's the same as asking why people can be against something in general. There's always going to be opposition. If everyone was always for something, there would be no progress.
2015-09-26 19:14:57 UTC
abortion is not a birth control method. condoms, and such reproductive measures can be used but who doesn't love the skin-on-skin action during penetration right? but to murder (look at the methods used to enlighten oneself will create knowledge) a developing child makes no sense but, in a rape or incest or danger of death to a woman, a woman should think well before accepting an abortion as n option like giving the child up for adoption. Like it or not, God will judge us all and what will our history say about us----we killed our children because we had unprotected sex.
2015-09-26 00:22:32 UTC
It's just the "sex should be for procreation, not recreation" crowd, seeing children as the price to be paid for sex. They are invariably in positions of privilege, and won't be affected by it in the same way as someone who is actually in that situation would be -- or have already been adversely affected .

They also have quite a tendency to stop caring about human lives *after* they are born .....
2015-09-25 05:17:14 UTC
Because they are ignorant peices of human garbage that expect women women that made a few mistakes or that have been raped to sacrifice their lives to a child ps when a fetus is removed it is practically a jelly bean it doesn't even legaly count as a human being
2015-09-28 09:37:32 UTC
Let me see, I think any one that gets a abortion should suffer the same consequences as a serial killer, life in jail, thier are other options to unplanned pregnancy, thier are lots of women who can't have children,and Thiers people killing them, ridiculous.
glen b
2015-09-26 04:30:31 UTC
people make bad choices part of life don't compound it by adding to it abortion is wrong murder is wrong and life is born when we conceived and any thing done past that is murder its go agiainst GODS LAW give the baby up for adoption but please do not abort it its a living human being
2015-09-25 14:06:56 UTC
It's a tough subject. A woman shouln't be forced to have the child, that's why she should have taken steps to prevent the fetus from growing (sperm can easily be washed out). But killing fetus is murder, and if mureding a man is illegal, murdering a child should be too
2015-09-26 11:42:49 UTC
I would lay down my life for another human. I don't care where its growing. The thought of abortion makes me cry.
2015-09-25 18:18:34 UTC
People are just uneducated. It's not EVERYONES BUSINESS!! They ALL need to **** off away from stopping people from getting it. It's their choice not the worlds. sorry I get so angry when people butt in with topics that don't concern them.. Not you for asking. you're just wonder why everyone is against it. Which is fine. But everyone else who thinks so needs to rethink about the situation that person that has that human in them... None of them are sluts and pathetic.
2015-09-24 08:46:06 UTC
It's not the same. They know how this thing (this child) begins to grow. They cause it. It's so simple to prevent pregnancy. Just be responsible and you won't need abortion.
2015-09-24 12:59:12 UTC
It comes down to the fact that some believe that tiny speck growing inside of them is a human being capable of thought and feeling pain. Therefore in their eyes its no better than murdering a child because you dont want them. These sort of people are a bunch of morons.
2015-09-27 16:02:26 UTC
Because abortion is not a choice. Its a way out of responsibility by taking away all the choices from an unborn child.
2015-09-27 19:02:02 UTC
What puzzles me is why you people have a hernia when a minuscule human is killed, but you happily support the slaughter of billions of animals for food each year. These animals consume tons of food and water that could be used for people, who are already definitely alive and starving to death. Not to mention the fact that the animals in factory farms and unhappy and sickly.

To make all of that milk y'all love so dearly? A mama cow is forcibly impregnated, gives, birth, and the child is taken away from her. She often bellows for days on end. Can't let the baby cow, for whom the milk is intended, steal all of it away from us mighty humans. Nope, let's eat him as veal!

2015-09-24 09:43:00 UTC
IT IS THEIR " CHOICE " you have heard of that word ... it's a good word especially when it comes to FREEDOM from CORRUPT People, Politics and Politicians - Democrat or Republican ! The really sad and bad of all this is that MOST PEOPLE and POLITICIANS - Dem or Rep ... ONLY, CARE ABOUT CHILDREN till they are BORN, this is just another BAD / EVIL Political Agenda for mostly Republican ASSHAT VOTERS , some of the worst humans on Planet Earth !
2015-09-25 06:57:48 UTC
Personally speaking... I have had 4 miscarriages. And there are women out there who have had stillbirths, desperate for a baby.

Whoever has an abortion in my view, is selfish :)

yes I said it. Let the angry mob begin...


#myopinion #myview #youasked
2015-09-25 05:32:16 UTC
What a good thing your mother didn't see you as a ....growth.....contraception is very good why get pregnant in the first place?

There is a place for of my students was gang raped and I arranged a termination for her...

Mo University Lecturer
2015-09-27 03:45:51 UTC
Because you're killing what God intended a woman to have which is a newborn soul, and it's bad to route for abortion, dummy!
Hasnain Shah
2015-09-26 14:03:51 UTC
How "can". I ask how cannot.. it is so ignorant to kill someone even if they are infant. If u don't want a baby 1) don't have sex in first spot OR 2) use protection Don't act like it's not ur fault
2015-09-27 12:02:40 UTC
Well if the woman was not raped the lady could have prevented this unwanted "growth" in her body.The baby is innocent he should not have to die because of the woman's irresponsibility. If she really does not want the child maybe she can give him to a family member or an adoptive parent that does.
parochial school graduate
2015-09-25 17:11:28 UTC
Maybe they do not like the idea that there are stupid people in the world that refuse to take advantage of modern birth control methods and instead insist on having a repulsive barbaric procedure done after the fact.
2015-09-26 14:48:49 UTC
In my opinion you should always protect yourself if you don't want a baby. Why let a life be created and kill it because you couldn't wait 15 seconds to be safe
2015-09-26 13:20:36 UTC
A lot of it is religion and it's against Christians religion
PDX Dave
2015-09-28 13:51:10 UTC
First of all, a woman does not have someTHING growing inside them, they have someONE growing inside them. And with as cheap/available as birth control is, and there's no excuse for unwanted pregnancies, the person growing inside them-and it is a person from the moment of conception regardless how tiny-should not have to pay the price, with their life, because of a woman's carrelessness or selfishness. Just IMHO
2015-09-26 15:11:44 UTC
A thing??

Dead tissue cannot grow into a living child.

A child is a life full of potential, and unlike most adults, hasn't had the chance to grow into a loathsome, selfish, narcissistic, jerk yet.
not josh
2015-09-28 09:17:55 UTC
I believe that abortion should be legal, but its not right unless there is danger to the baby/mother. it is life that is being killed, right. but yes, in some circumstances it is justified but i believe that it is still death to unborn life. you could have been aborted, you would have never even got the chance to do anything that you have accomplishes. think about that.
2015-09-25 15:10:38 UTC
The most old and reputed and authentic One Creator God believing religions don't encourage even protection.


-some couple (man & wife) want child but wife even cant conceive they are in good health. its clear that god didn't give them child at all and

-sometime couple want male child or female child specially but they dont able to have that at all in whole life and

-sometime couple want more child but they don't able to get more.

-some miracle also happened like even after long time or even after 70 few couple have got conceived and given birth child even twin. there are recent example in india.

So its clear that conceiving child is not happened as per human's wish, its like god's gift.

AFTER CONCEIVE whatever its period its not matter,

removing it obviously killing or nearly killing human seed.




2015-09-25 18:03:56 UTC
Maybe all those people who support abortion should have been aborted themselves. Even that would be atrocious and cruel act of savagery.
2015-09-25 19:11:21 UTC
A better question for you is, how can people support abortion?
2015-09-25 16:01:11 UTC
Such people are kind hearted, sympathetic and considerate. They do not want people to suffer in life without children. Children are the real ornaments to decorate the HOME. A child's bright smile will remove your worries on the spot.
2015-09-26 21:09:01 UTC
People are free to think as they wish and abortion is legal and accessible. End of discussion.
2015-09-24 19:30:47 UTC
I think most people are reasonable. Give them 3 months to make the choice. Killing a baby 2 seconds before birth is murder in 99.9% of peoples minds.
2015-09-25 13:13:15 UTC
Because it is a baby human being. An INNOCENT person that is FULLY dependent upon the mother. The mother planted the seed, then. The baby is innocent, and even convicted murders get a trail, and appeal after appeal. Our bodies are not ours, they are in fact His temples and NO man has ANY right to go into His temple(s) and MURDER only what he made possible in His image.
2015-09-26 14:50:59 UTC
It should be the victim's choice.

Outside of the cross of Jesus Christ, there is no hope in this world.

That cross and resurrection at the core of the Gospel is the only hope for humanity.

Wherever you go, ask God for wisdom on how to get that Gospel in,

even in the toughest situations of life.

Ravi Zacharias

2015-09-24 21:18:09 UTC
The same way that most people are against murder. Abortion is unethical.
2015-09-25 17:22:19 UTC
Haha, ppl are giving in their extra thoughts and spices. I will answer bluntly: 'cause abortion kills a growing fetus aka child.
2015-09-26 05:59:08 UTC
I think that every one who is against abortion should adopt kids.
2015-09-25 19:34:04 UTC
Because some countries use it as a form of birth control and do not want to see it happen in the United States.
Lynn V
2015-09-27 11:58:11 UTC
The females have the equipment to have babies. The mother can give her child up for adoption. Its a new life, human being.

My mother and her 2 sisters were given to an orphanage when their mother died from a tumor by their father. He moved to another state and remarried. My mom and her sisters never saw him again. Unless it's a medical issue for the mother, she should be given support, financial, emotional. Peace
2015-09-27 09:36:47 UTC
Can someone please correct these sentences for my resume ?

Investigated a coating line for cast iron fittings and recommended changes to improve efficiency and quality as well as increasing capacity.

Collected and analysed quality, process, workload distribution and energy consumption related data.

Implemented a solution which uplifted efficiency by 33% and reduced coating costs by 20,000€.

Supported managers to apply changes among the teams.
Sandi T
2015-09-25 12:49:18 UTC
First of all...a woman can choose not to have a baby growing inside of them by preventing the pregnancy from occurring to begin with. There are many, many ways to prevent pregnancy. If a woman choose to have unprotected sex with someone, then she should be ready to assume the consequences of her actions, as well as the man she is being sexually active with. They both are responsible for their actions ! Killing a child is not the birth control ! Prevention of pregnancies is birth control ! Planned parenthood needs to hand out birth control and stop killing babies and selling their body parts !
2015-09-24 16:25:58 UTC
Because abortion is murder against a defenseless human being.
2015-09-26 18:22:20 UTC
Are You seriously comparing an unborn baby to a (growth) that shouldn't be inside You? People know about pregnancy before they have sex. I've never heard such an irrational way of describing an unwanted pregnancy.
2015-09-24 21:41:25 UTC
if you do nort approve of killing of human, how can you support abortion which is nothing but killing a human not yet born. However abortion for saving life of expectant mother is okay.
2015-09-26 11:09:05 UTC
It's just the idea of taking another creatures chance at life. That is one of gods creations losing every chance to ever have been someone or done anything
2015-09-24 09:02:40 UTC
Denial helps them. They're all for shaming them when they are on welfare and don't bother to adopt. When they get older, anti-choicers are all for the death penalty or sending hem to war, yet they lie to themselves and like to think a fetus is a baby and call themselves 'pro-life'. Ha! What a joke.
2015-09-25 08:20:38 UTC
Abortion should only be reserved for non-white people.
2015-09-26 13:14:11 UTC
The baby didnt decide to be born. 99% of abortions arent rape pregnancy, and its because people are irresponsible. The baby is itself a human. If you dont want a kid, keep your legs closed or use protection, or dont ****.
2015-09-26 02:07:32 UTC
I cannot understand why. Nobody is against appendectomy which is similarly a medical procedure for removing something the body doesn't require.
2015-09-26 09:40:53 UTC
Because they can see that abortion is all the bad things we've been fighting against happening all over again:

"They're not humans--they're Jews!"

"They're not humans-- they're slaves!"

"They're not humans--they're clumps of cells!"

It's the same logic, most of the time... People think that the unborn/slaves/jews are inferior in some way...
Tempting Apple
2015-09-27 09:21:39 UTC
Abortion is not a simple matter.

Different circunstances have to be taken into account.
2015-09-25 03:31:20 UTC
No.How can people be for abortion.If a women does not want a baby then keep there legs together.Its not a thing or a groth it is a human being.Its not your body now theres a baby in there.
2015-09-27 18:51:00 UTC
Because your killing a living person... If you don't want a child then its better giving it into adoption then killing the baby... There are a lot of people who can't have children and would love to have one so its better to give it to adoption then killing the baby
2015-09-26 06:53:19 UTC
I always ask myself the same question. I wish I had been aborted instead of being adopted.
2015-09-28 03:45:22 UTC
Unless the girl was raped I can't see how abortion is legal. It's killing. Everyone knows pregnancy is a result of sex. Don't have sex if you can't deal with the results.
2015-09-26 10:55:01 UTC
the problem is that it has arms and legs a head and other body parts.

as you have heard, there is great demand for body parts and science soon, perhaps now, can utilize body parts. but who owns the body parts? the abortionist? the mom? the "lawyer" for the aborted whose development is at early stage?

theres big bucks in this business, should taxpayer cash wind up here?
2015-09-25 08:01:46 UTC
You call a baby something inside them and compare it to a growth as a fungus or something? We know what causes baby's now. It's up to the women to prevent one or try to have one. That's were her rights end. Weather the child is is in the womb or is 12yrs.old, we do not kill our children!
2015-09-24 21:55:42 UTC
My mom attempted to abort my older brother. I'm glad she failed. He acted as my best friend, father, & my older brother while only being 18 months older than me.

Edit: He was taking care of me when he was less than 5, because our father died even before that.
2015-09-28 05:37:38 UTC
Only strong believers are. Christians and Muslims mainly. Because it is in their holy book, where they take there morals from (which is utter crap, btw). They reasoning is, that it is murder. again, utter crap. an embryo is not a human being - yet. As proven by science. With that reasoning, you could also say, that male masturbation is mass murder (all those wasted and killed semen ! mass murder by the billions !)
Cindarella Justice
2015-09-25 13:17:20 UTC
Why can't people be responsible enough to take measure to avoid unwanted pregnancy?!!! Medical reason are something different and should not be included in the conversation.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-09-24 10:46:44 UTC
Here's a thought; What if YOU had been aborted ? ! What right do you have to say who should live, and who should die ?
2015-09-25 02:13:50 UTC
There many people that argue that there is a right to life but if there are extremely dire circumstances such as the woman was attacked or forced into sex then she should have the right to terminate the fecal
2015-09-26 16:16:02 UTC
I agree with outlawing abortion. Some people just have sex and "don't feel like having the child", so they kill it. If you had sex and got pregnant, then it's your fualt!
The Duke
2015-09-24 11:47:21 UTC
Because we view the unborn child as a human, not some mass that should be 'removed'.

2015-09-24 22:59:10 UTC
1. It goes against faiths

2. If it was a rape, the baby wasn't the rapist, so why should he get punished

3. If the baby's heart is beating its alive, so it IS murder
2015-09-27 09:59:19 UTC
Because that is playing god maybe? That is a living human being inside that woman. They should at least give the baby up for adoption, so it has a chance to live. Its not the babys fault she got raped or whatever it is that u libtards believe.
2015-09-26 12:24:26 UTC
Yeah, some people actually do have a growth that usually can't be removed. It's called cancer.
2015-09-25 23:56:10 UTC
Personally I believe that a woman should have the right to decide whether she wants to keep the baby or not since it is her body but I also kinda agree with Fabio .But yes a woman must have right over her body.
2015-09-27 21:07:51 UTC
Abortion is basically like killing a human being. I think abortion should be illegal for that reason.
2015-09-26 00:48:15 UTC
Your not forced to if you didn't have sex or were more careful you wouldn't be pregnant in the first place it's called being responsible for your actions
2015-09-25 00:59:33 UTC
Some people just want to see the world burn ;) Kidding...

In all seriousness,they're ignorant to other factor such as rape.They probably don't care if the world overpopulates..
2015-09-25 22:55:43 UTC
WOW! Such yada, yada, yada, Such convoluted DEEP opinions! SO MANY from "Penises"

that KNOW BETTER than to cause Conception that results in >>termination<<

YOU FOOLS!! MOMS, when your daughter is "near" Menses YOUR JOB is to explain >BOYS<

Boys have ZERO SENSE!! IT'S RIGHT THERE! Somehow (?!?) they >figure out< ""It Goes --

THERE!!" At that point -- Huh? >Something happens >NEXT< HUH?

SLAP, SLAP, SLAP; My Daughter, THIS WILL happen!


Even in the Realm of TRUE LOVE (Hah!!, It's transitory; it WILL fade. . .) THAT is a 'Moment' --

YOU - - - - Well, does SHE respond equally? Are YOU Vulnerable, EQUALLY? STOOPID!

It AIN'T worth 8 seconds!!

SECONDARY THOUGHT --- Instead of Abortion (Liberal Concept of MURDER) use Capital

Execution on the indiscriminate SPERM donors. Don't the Majority of THEM advocate the

termination of 'unintended, unwanted' pregnancies? That makes them >co-conspirators<

in the 'arranged murder'
2015-09-24 18:12:21 UTC
Because those that abort are murdering their child.
2015-09-24 13:59:02 UTC
that is---forced-reproduction. imagine if people where denied the right to reproduce when they desired?

the world coluld end and the child could be one of millions starving to death, and yet people would reproduce.

this is a simple matter to me. i use contraception and i expect it to work; if it does not, then i want to remove the zygote, long before it ever becomes a fetus. i own my body, my mind, and myn life; and i want to tel you, i do not want to reproduce.

if i did, i would.

besides, in a christian community,

i see people in the news killing their babies and their children all of the time. and, i see children killing their own parents.

it seems to me that the christians should clean-up their own yards first.

i was reading v. hugo, and he had a sentence in one of his books; i have my life, and my neighbor has his life, it is what god has given him.

the same shoes do not fit everyone.
2015-09-25 20:43:22 UTC
Imagine if we couldn't remove a growth? It's a baby not a wart.
2015-09-26 05:15:43 UTC
they believe a fetus is a person, etc. I mean aside from the christian reasons, i see why they believe that, but i feel that it really isn't a person, personally, and that a woman has a right to to do what they want with their body
2015-09-27 18:47:33 UTC
You can see some photos of babies born premsture ot fetuses where they actually reach out and hold the persons hand. Seem to think they are somewhat developed enough to feel.
2015-09-26 20:43:33 UTC
its pretty much killing a human bieng the same thing as throwing a baby against a wall but instead of enjoying a little bit of life they get no experience of life just sitting there then dead just my opinion
2015-09-24 22:40:35 UTC
There are hot debates going on in this topic everywhere. What I opine is that we should value life, whether it is born or yet to be born. Use contraceptive methods as far as possible
Mr. X
2015-09-27 11:32:17 UTC
Because we believe that ALL human life is precious and not to be arbitrarily ended for someone else's convenience.
2015-09-25 17:14:29 UTC
Disgusting, to compare a precious human life to a growth. Some people...
2015-09-26 12:00:17 UTC
- sorry for my harsh language - but let think this child is born ,can you even think of killing such an innocent HUMAN right now?

in my opinion there is no much difference between killing he/she after birth and before it... the baby is a living person too ,just we haven't seen it directly.
2015-09-24 23:43:07 UTC
Why are cells in space considered life, but a moving and breathing fetus on Earth is considered non living?
2015-09-25 10:46:46 UTC
I'm not sure, I think they think life begins at conception. Religion plays a part. Often they don't get laid or want to get laid. That doesn't help.
2015-09-25 20:45:04 UTC
It's not a growth, it's a life, and apparently you need to get a life.
2015-09-24 23:46:35 UTC
Your reasoning is feeble ... an abortion cannot be compared to "a growth" like a pimple or tumor ... not at all ...
2015-09-25 05:47:12 UTC
It's not like that's her hair or nails. That's a life inside her.
2015-09-28 14:41:11 UTC
stop abortion stop unwanted pregnancies stop the sex. Abortion is not birth control and is not a form of contraception
2015-09-24 15:15:30 UTC
Pregnancy is the most easily prevented of ALL human conditions. It is prevented by NOT doing something. If you aren't smart enough to NOT do something, YOU get to pay the consequences - ALL of them.
2015-09-25 15:33:03 UTC
Because getting pregnant is a choice. Every time you have sex, there is always that chance of getting pregnant! If you don't want the child...there is always adoption.
2015-09-25 12:03:36 UTC
Because that something is a human. That Human could go on to do great things...So why murder it? Im all pro-choice but im also Pro choice and live with yourself afterwards
2015-09-24 17:54:15 UTC
For one thing, abortion involves killing an infant.
2015-09-24 20:27:18 UTC
According to the pope abortion is okay if you confess your sin
2015-09-28 17:49:04 UTC
I'm pro-choice, but I don't really care for the idea of comparing fetuses to tumors.
2015-09-25 07:43:17 UTC
Because it is inhumane.

How can anyone support abortion?
Dems keep lying and losing
2015-09-24 08:46:55 UTC
Every baby is against it. 100 percent opposed.
2015-09-27 15:09:04 UTC
So, your argument is to compare living people to "growths"? Something that you can just easily get rid of; is but a mere inconvenience? Great going, dipsh*t
2015-09-24 14:37:38 UTC
a lot of people enjoy being able to manipulate others, control their bodies and police others while feeling proud of their own superior morals. cisgender men have been found to be especially fond of practicing this towards cisgender women.
2015-09-26 06:18:52 UTC
King David in the bible said god "saw the embrio" of him. Once conceived, life begins. God is the giver of life. Taking it willingly, is murder. If the mothers of women who wants to abort their babies, had aborted them, they themselves would not have existed.
2015-09-24 12:34:21 UTC
It's their beliefs
Stu Pedasso
2015-09-24 08:56:36 UTC
The difference is, there are 20 ways to prevent that "growth". Actions always have consequences
2015-09-25 18:03:50 UTC
Some people respect life in all stages.
2015-09-24 18:39:39 UTC
You can say the same thing about children who are born (why should anyone be forced to raise a child...) so essentially you're advocating murder of children and wondering why people don't agree with you.
2015-09-25 21:36:33 UTC
A baby should not be killed cuz of a whore who can't keep her legs shut. It's that simple. No ifs ands or butts.
2015-09-24 21:52:13 UTC
It's sad
2015-09-24 08:43:45 UTC
It's not "something" growing inside them, it's "someone". And that someone got there as a result of the woman's actions. Actions have consequences...if you don't want to have someone growing inside you, either don't have sex or use a contraceptive when you do. Don't treat the murder of an innocent person as your preferred birth control method.
2015-09-26 09:15:55 UTC
Those people should just mind their OWN business. That's really a full time job.
2015-09-25 12:34:24 UTC
because some of the people against it does not believe that fetuses have life or life begins at conceptiuon
2015-09-25 20:07:42 UTC
Well see, some people have the unusual

belief that since a fetus will if allowed to

mature will become a viable human being…no "tumor" or "unviable tissue mass" can say that!
2015-09-24 20:02:14 UTC
Don't want to get pregnant, DON'T OPEN YOUR LEGS! A baby is NOT your body. Simple.
2015-09-26 04:28:57 UTC
Because it is not something but it is someone, it is a human being it has life and you think it's okay to kill it?
2015-09-25 09:40:14 UTC
Because the debate is NOT about the rights of the mother, as you try to frame it. The debate is over whether or not that growth inside the mother constitutes a human life.

Therefore, your argument is irrelevant.
2015-09-26 13:19:53 UTC
There is always C-Sections or if it's caught early enough, the ability to transfer the baby from one woman to another...I think, they do it on the soaps lol.
2015-09-27 04:29:45 UTC
Some people only see issues in black and white without any grey areas.
2015-09-26 03:38:58 UTC

and MR dumb a s s that is how females function they have children




2015-09-26 16:28:41 UTC
Pro-choice is frightening if it takes away a perception to rule without legal consent..
2015-09-27 04:09:51 UTC
Because it's like gambling. Once the person is alive, you lose your rights to let it go. According to fate/destiny.

Who are you to say you control fate and destiny?
2015-09-24 18:00:58 UTC
If a woman is raped then I feel she can do what ever she wants. You can t make a person have a baby from something that bad. I feel the woman can do what she want have the baby or not.
2015-09-25 16:39:01 UTC
It's a person. This is basic.
2015-09-24 10:33:29 UTC
That's a life in there. Practice safe sex or gtfo
2015-09-26 16:09:17 UTC
Im just glad most of the babies being murdered by their own parents are black and living in high crime high poverty areas. Or in other words, as usual, its criminals killing criminals. Only in this case, its criminals killing their children so they don't become criminals.
Magic Jack
2015-09-27 04:00:35 UTC
Because some people believe life is sacred and must be protected!
2015-09-27 19:48:50 UTC
A woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body. Anyone who wants to deny her that right is just pure evil.
2015-09-27 08:53:05 UTC
I always go the Lewis Black response on this one. 50 yrs and we haven't moved the goalposts. Religious doctrine and fearmongering again.
2015-09-24 20:11:38 UTC
I hope that this is a troll because I refuse to believe that even the most sick twisted abortionists would be so monstrous to compare babies to cancer
2015-09-25 19:04:24 UTC
Yahoo answers is full of Pro-lifers, you've been warned
2015-09-25 22:09:18 UTC
Unless she was raped, she made the choice to risk that life being conceived. I demand only that people be accountable for their own actions.
The Taxpayer
2015-09-26 13:05:29 UTC
A woman has a right to choose about her body, they say. BUT is it her body or is she killing someone else? Some would say she's killing someone else.
2015-09-26 22:28:52 UTC
Because it's wrong to kill a child, no matter how young, no matter how inconvenient their life happens to be.

It really is THAT simple.
2015-09-26 00:15:47 UTC
If my baby WASNT a pimp, I'd have it abortioned.
2015-09-27 23:30:37 UTC
Cause the babies are actually some what developed so it's like Killing a small baby or person.
2015-09-24 08:53:46 UTC
This GROWTH was intentional, and it created a life. Instant responsibility for keeping it alive.
2015-09-25 20:25:40 UTC
Unless she was raped she CHOSE to have that "thing" (a human) grow inside her. Someone with an unwanted growth didn't choose that, ****** retard.
2015-09-28 03:24:55 UTC
Own personal beliefs, how you were brought up, religious reasons, and its also another small person that is beginning to come alive.
2015-09-26 19:56:20 UTC
cuz that a baby life a that baby does not deserve to die like that is a human and they deserve to be on earth and have a good life or just a life🙌
2015-09-26 15:11:44 UTC
its taking away a life a baby could have. It's killing.
2015-09-25 07:14:49 UTC
Same way some people are against murder.
2015-09-24 08:42:37 UTC
many of the people against it feel so because they are being asked to pay for it by a total stranger...
2015-09-24 16:00:11 UTC
that why the have safe sex and they have the pill you can take to stop it so why would have an abortion when you could stop it with a pill
2015-09-26 23:06:41 UTC
I respect womens rights
2015-09-28 13:56:08 UTC
this is simple sex is a responsibility if you cant deal with having a kid you should being opening your leg or whipping him out.

im 23 and have a little boy.
2015-09-27 10:01:18 UTC
Cause they want people to be born and given life, is that so bad?
2015-09-26 16:08:47 UTC
I want the Federal Government to regulate pregnancies. that way only certified women can become pregnant. and that way no unwanted babies to deal with.
2015-09-26 14:57:09 UTC
I'm pro-choice, but some people (mainly conservatives) view it as murder. it isn't in my opinion
2015-09-27 07:15:03 UTC
2015-09-27 10:56:51 UTC
It's called murder you liberal fool. You have a choice not to get pregnant!
2015-09-26 13:17:33 UTC
They don't want a baby to be killed
2015-09-26 23:41:47 UTC
That "something" is a human being, you mongrel.

Feminists yet again show that they are against HUMANITY
2015-09-25 09:19:26 UTC
It is murder! People shouldn't have sex then if you don't want children, children don't ask to come here.
2015-09-27 23:51:31 UTC
Why couldn't the girl ask if he had a condom and wait 10 seconds
2015-09-26 18:59:04 UTC
Some people are ignorant
Gerry G
2015-09-26 06:18:38 UTC
That growth that you speak of happens to be a human being.
2015-09-24 20:03:32 UTC
Because like Muslim extremists they want to inflict their religious beliefs on others
2015-09-27 03:46:48 UTC
cause when life starts FROM the very BEGINNING, its a human being abort,is murder
2015-09-25 19:35:43 UTC
Many reasons
2015-09-25 04:21:44 UTC
Not everyone but some women die trying to give birth
2015-09-24 22:53:53 UTC
Because if you were grown enough to do the deed you should be able to take responsibility for your actions
2015-09-27 23:41:34 UTC
Huh? The same way people are against murder, abortion is murdering your own child, no matter the circumstances the deed is still the same. You are still killing your own kid.
2015-09-26 10:24:26 UTC
Because it is somehow considered as murdering an infant that is alive.
2015-09-28 08:50:11 UTC
that is life you take and you don't give a chance to live
2015-09-27 08:22:47 UTC
That should be her prerogative that is her right, only her and God will have to deal with that choice that she makes. To each there on.
2015-09-26 16:35:50 UTC
Well, you see, if you actually look with your eyes, you can see that human children, yeah, they should have a right to live. Amazing, right?
2015-09-25 05:48:29 UTC
You don't kill a child. Its plain and simple
2015-09-25 22:17:41 UTC
I have an even better question: WHY ARE LIBTARDS FOR ABORTION?
2015-09-26 12:16:26 UTC
What if there was euthanasia and you had no choice in your elder years if it is decided that you are burden to society and to your children.
2015-09-27 20:05:57 UTC
you a basically murdering a life, they could have been the next ablert einstine but they chose to take its life. the definition of murder is the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another, thats what you are doing to that baby. maybe adoption is a better route. just have the baby and let it keep its life.
2015-09-26 09:39:17 UTC
Because opinions are like assholes everyone's got one.
2015-09-28 17:02:39 UTC
Comparing a future infant to a "Growth" you mean like a tumor? facepalm dude....
2015-09-25 00:31:07 UTC
Cause they are stupid. Some women were raped, or they are not ready to have children (they are too young, stupid, drunk or use drugs), their baby cant be born !! It will be suffering (and abandoned), sick. Poor kid.
2015-09-27 06:35:40 UTC
Because you're killing an unborn infant
2015-09-27 01:10:14 UTC
The same way we can be against shooting a toddler in the head.
2015-09-27 04:03:45 UTC
May be because of the Bible and religiously believed about Life ..
2015-09-27 12:49:34 UTC
They feel it is their right to abuse the mechanism of government to tyrranise their fellow citizens and think that it is any of their business.
2015-09-25 16:11:12 UTC
Because we are against sadistic murder of innocent human lives! The same reason we're against euthanasia! DUH! Shall I rip apart your arms and legs and suck out your brains with no anesthesia?
2015-09-25 09:29:26 UTC
Because it is MURDER.

Life begins at conception, that is settled science. You end a life it is called MURDER.
2015-09-27 22:03:32 UTC
Because its a life being taken away over a stupid dicision and lack of thought
2015-09-29 06:12:47 UTC
It is really simple. Free thinking society you can say whatever you feel.
2015-09-24 09:10:25 UTC
A human life is not a growth...
2015-09-25 16:44:11 UTC
because some people say that life no matter at what stage is precious/religous beliefs/etc.
2015-09-24 08:43:58 UTC
conservatives are against it only to oppose liberals.
2015-09-25 10:30:10 UTC
Because the Bible speaks against it
Wee Trojan
2015-09-27 08:24:36 UTC
there are a myriad of pros and cons - it is different for everyone and their decision

should be supported - after all they have to live with what they have done.
2015-09-25 15:16:17 UTC
It's basically murder whether or not the thing is born or not.
2015-09-25 20:03:26 UTC
Abortion is the murder of a living unborn baby.
2015-09-25 15:42:18 UTC
How can anyone be for Baby Butchering? Truly sick fvcks, you are.
2015-09-24 21:09:29 UTC
Abortion is murder.
2015-09-25 02:34:25 UTC
Because they are assholes who think that if a woman is raped & gets pregnant - she should be forced to have the child !!!
2015-09-24 21:23:14 UTC
It's murder to do it because the child is inconvenient.
2015-09-26 22:29:12 UTC
Stupid people should use birth control and problem solved
2015-09-26 19:28:22 UTC
Why should a baby be killed because their mother didn't want them?Imagine if you were unable to live because YOUR mother didn't want YOU.
2015-09-26 09:00:28 UTC
I know right. Also, a parent should have the right to eat their children if they want to.
2015-09-25 19:51:32 UTC
The question should be, "how can some people be not against it ?"
2015-09-25 17:23:55 UTC
It just boils down to beliefs.
2015-09-25 05:27:48 UTC
god gave them a child for a reason, abortion is sick, it is murder
2015-09-25 04:11:55 UTC
2^7, the Tribulation is always happening.
2015-09-25 03:00:46 UTC
It killz babbyes
2015-09-25 04:32:12 UTC
They think it's wrong
2015-09-27 09:48:51 UTC
Imagine if you were unable to have the growth removed?? Imagine if you were the infant who got killed in the womb.
2015-09-26 19:40:20 UTC
Might I remind you, that YOU were once a "growth" inside your mom?
2015-09-27 12:07:23 UTC
Too wox
2015-09-25 07:33:28 UTC
It's the legal killing of another person.
2015-09-25 16:27:33 UTC
Because pregnancy is natural.
2015-09-25 06:39:44 UTC
Abortion is murder.
2015-09-28 04:00:38 UTC
Is that all you consider a child in the womb a growth.
2015-09-25 09:23:16 UTC
How can we not?!? Women are killing people. Not very old people, but people nontheless!
2015-09-25 13:24:01 UTC
2015-09-24 19:05:05 UTC
Its unethical but sometimes its necessary
2015-09-25 17:01:07 UTC
Because they know not what they are talking about
2015-09-26 08:46:02 UTC
BC some people are sexist assholes
2015-09-24 22:08:53 UTC
People treat infants like ****, what do you expect?
2015-09-24 20:34:19 UTC
read a science book. They are fun.
2015-09-27 16:21:10 UTC
Because she had a choice! She could have abstain and not have sex.
2015-09-24 10:28:21 UTC
Your comparing a baby to a tumor ? SICK !
2015-09-27 18:15:20 UTC
they believe even unborn lives matter, but i bet they still eat eggs.
2015-09-25 09:48:38 UTC
"... Imagine if you were unable to have a growth removed... "

It can be removed... in 9 months.
2015-09-25 13:54:00 UTC
I agree. How can anyone oppose murdering babies ??
2015-09-26 19:35:54 UTC
Be more responsible next time, piece of
2015-09-24 21:44:18 UTC
Everybody has their opinions, and they should be respected to have their own opinions.
2015-09-25 02:19:04 UTC
Whene they be chiristian
2015-09-26 23:53:43 UTC
it can be considered murder depending on when you believe life starts
2015-09-27 03:24:35 UTC
If you find something living rent free in your uterus. . Evict that mother ******!
2015-09-26 17:32:35 UTC
Lfe is the most preciousgift of all
2015-09-25 01:46:17 UTC
You tell me
2015-09-26 17:15:56 UTC
because they're republican and against women's rights
2015-09-26 02:09:27 UTC
2015-09-26 10:50:24 UTC
they believe in the right to life
2015-09-25 15:47:06 UTC
Tie the tubes
2015-09-25 12:26:49 UTC
Because it's murder !
2015-09-27 11:57:41 UTC
theyre closeminded
Mr Monster
2015-09-25 20:23:08 UTC
Thou shalt not kill
2015-09-26 16:34:44 UTC
They freeze. *** or bort
2015-09-27 11:25:33 UTC
It's murder, that's why.....
2015-09-27 06:21:09 UTC
They simply are
2015-09-27 05:34:10 UTC
They can
2015-09-25 23:30:47 UTC
yes y not
2015-09-25 09:17:05 UTC
Why not
2015-09-24 19:47:36 UTC
Because its killing the baby
2015-09-26 06:15:01 UTC
because no one has the right to kill someone else
2015-09-26 23:21:47 UTC
They can Try it to do for that
2015-09-25 09:50:33 UTC
2015-09-24 15:33:14 UTC
2015-09-24 19:21:52 UTC
I would say it is like killing a human being. Please don't do it.
2015-09-26 11:01:51 UTC
go ahead, kill a possible genius.
2015-09-25 13:40:19 UTC
Because its killing
2015-09-24 19:48:43 UTC
its growth
2015-09-26 16:11:35 UTC
2015-09-26 00:12:34 UTC
its unethical
2015-09-25 10:33:25 UTC
2015-09-25 01:04:07 UTC
Adolf, is that you?
2015-09-24 13:23:52 UTC
its hard
2015-09-26 05:41:44 UTC
Because its illegal.
2015-09-26 08:35:12 UTC
2015-09-27 04:16:03 UTC
They kill babies.
2015-09-29 06:36:26 UTC
because its murder, idiot
2015-09-27 05:33:47 UTC
2015-09-26 13:26:13 UTC
2015-09-26 12:47:37 UTC
Pepe The Frog
2015-09-26 07:28:55 UTC
2015-09-27 13:41:07 UTC
2015-09-27 08:14:57 UTC
Idk abortion is good!
2015-09-26 22:39:23 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.