"Why do Republicans think they can run on a platform of 'repealing healthcare'?"
We dont. We're gonna run a platform of getting big government out of your health care and out of your pocket.
"Healthcare is law now, and the only way to get rid of it is for the Republicans to create a bill of their own."
We intend to. Repeal and replace.
"Obama wouldn't sign it, and it would be counted as a veto.
The only way for them to override his veto would be for them to have a 2/3 majority in both houses.
It's literally impossible for them to win that many seats."
We dont need to win that many seats. We just need to convince some Democrats to vote to override the veto. There are quite a few Dems who know that if they dont vote to override the veto, they can lose their jobs. And then we can bribe some Dems to vote to override because they are so corrupt.
"Obamacare is a reality now C0nnies, you've lost."
No. We won.
Dallen B writes: "why did they not argue their input and why have we never seen their input?"
1) Because you ne ver looked for it
2) Because your precious democrats wouldnt allow our ideas to come up for a debate and vote.