What is our option?
Most people are upset that we went there at all!
Once again the Democrats have to clean up another republican mess.
Here's my question....
Why weren't the borders secured after we eliminated their government 3 years ago? Because of that mistake we now have an insurgency problem.
So now that is going to have to be addressed and fixed.
22,000 more troops isn't going to accomplish that task. We need at least 100,000 to effectively deal with the problem.
I know most Americans don't want to hear that ....but that is what will be required. 21,000 is putting a band-aid on a head wound.
Do you realize we have been in Iraq longer than we were engaged in WWII?
Most Americans are upset with the ineffectiveness of the previous military strategy because of it's ineffectiveness. They have had nearly 4 years to get the job done and it wasn't.
And where is the Iraqi responsibility in all of this? They need to step up and effectively address the issues of rebuilding their military and police forces. The country ...because of oil revenues has the wealth to enlist a majority of the male population to deal with the training of security forces. We can't be there to watch their backs forever.
We need to get the job done and get out ...that's all!
The first step: SECURE THE BORDERS!!!