I'm not as familiar with the Canadian politics as I am with the U.S. version but IMO, the U.S. politicians should be forced to pledge allegiance to the flag, read aloud their oath of office, the entire constitution with its amendments AND the entire declaration of independence every day before they start their legislative sessions.
Every bill that they vote on should be read aloud, in its entirety before the assembled congress prior to any vote. The politicians should be required to be present for all votes on all bills and no excuses.
I don't know how that would work out for Canada but *our* politicos would certainly be put out by those rules.
The U.S.A. is a republic. We vote for those who are supposed to *represent* us, but that happens only when it will secure a vote.
The problem is not really the politicians, although they have gone to great lengths to enable and further their system of flappers and kickbacks, it is the system.
We would be much better off if we could remove the politicians from their offices and eliminate the office, but humans are not ready to govern themselves so we are stuck with our elected royalty.
We *do* need to change the names though.
The ultra-rich politicians have no care for how their constituents live. The politicos think that $30,000/year is "rich" yet some of them are worth that much each DAY.
Like the French royalty of the 18th century, the rich politicians desire only their own comfort.
"What? The people have no bread to eat? then let them eat cake!"
The politicians have come to believe that they are our masters rather than our servants.
They are out of control.
It's time to vote ALL of them out of office.
We need to have a 'REMOVE INCUMBENT' option on the ballot