Why are the Republicans gambling so aggressively on failure--than working towards bipartisanship?
2009-02-18 11:01:36 UTC
They vote against the stimulus bill--when in the *past*--they passed every failed spending bill which did little to keep the economy going, but *instead*, contributed towards the longest recession on record...

The mount the dumbest ad campaign afterward--claiming that they have been *fighting* for you--when in the past--?

They've been screwing everyone but their rich constituents and contributors (even some of their own voting bloc had been given the cold shoulder--as a result)--and not denying it until *now*; instead trying to point the finger at the Democratic Party that they are spending too much *money* when they themselves spent everything under the sun that benefited the uber-rich and powerful for the past 12 years--while taking the screws to the middle-class and the working poor.

Seriously people, why are the Republicans so obsessed with seeing Obama fail, when they themselves had *failed* on every front to deliver on past campaign promises and their own party principles?

If it's a gamble, it's a really dumb one.
29 answers:
2009-02-18 11:19:03 UTC
no gamble,history proves this stimulus is a bad thing,the whole world knows it it so
2009-02-18 11:11:07 UTC
What did you expect? The Dems and Obama wrote the Recovery Bill without any input from Republicans. Republicans were left out of the process entirely, and Obama's advice was essentially, "I won, so you'd better go along with me!"

Had Obama honored his campaign pledge to have true bipartisanship, he would have had the Dems and Reps write the bill together to ensure that it would be supported by both parties. By excluding the Reps, he ensured that it would not be supported, and by having all the pork in what was bogusly referred to as an Economic Stimulus Bill, the Dems are just playing politics as usual. This is not the time. Everything in the bill which would not directly and immediately create jobs, reduce taxes on businesses, and cut taxes for consumers should have been cut out immediately. Had Obama done this, he would have showed that he truly IS a man of the people, but no. He proved the 47% of voters worst fears.
Psycho Magnet
2009-02-18 11:06:07 UTC
I'm not Republican but since when did bipartisan mean agreeing with everything - regardless of whether it's a good or bad idea?

Let's remember that the last spending bill which was opposed by the general population WAS supported by members of both parties and it has done nothing at all (other than waste money). People are passionate on this topic but we have to take a step back and acknowledge the fear mongering that's taking place on the Democratic side right now. You don't say something has to be done this very second, pass it without reading all 1000 pages and then take several days off before signing it into law. That makes sense?
2009-02-18 11:09:13 UTC
Why does it matter what the Republicans in Congress are doing? The Democrats have plenty of votes of their own without Republicans. The fact is the majority of the population either believes this package will either do nothing or make the economy worse. The Republicans are right to represent them. However, you're right. They were wrong on spending back when they were in power prior to 2006. That doesn't mean they have to continue to do the wrong thing.
Tom H
2009-02-19 05:03:26 UTC
In oder toward and reach the common goal of getting economic recovery, Obama must do what exactly opposite to the evil Bush did it wrong for eight consecutive years. He is smart enough to destroy the stock market directly and indirectly but wisely. Simply speaking it will be the best effort for Obama to work for the America dream for Main St. instead of Wall St., it is necessary to decline Dow Jones Index to 4,000 in the next two years with daily fluctuation of not exceed +/- 10% for ten consecutive years. We all learned those bailouts are just a mirage as what has happened to Gorden Brown's financial bailout to the financial institutions in England. Although once he was named as the financial super man, the England financial market goes haywire again. That's why Obama should put aside those stupid stimulus bills and bailouts. Executive caps is the only one thing Obama does it right recently. The cap is described to roll back the executive allowable earning (those involved with US bailouts) from maximum of 11 million US dollars to the upper limit of one half a million. The toxic mortgages left over by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and, probably Country Wide, it should be the good excuse to destroy the real estate transaction market directly and indirectly. I think Hong Kong scenario of Doomsday will come within next five years. It is because of the government doesn't have the intent to lower the overall overpaid civil servants by at least 6% and to as much as 60% off for all officials and high ranking civil servants, however; they still want to manipulate the stock share prices and maintain the highest real estate and rental costs in this world. Hong Kong government is favored to the rich and powerful only.
2016-11-07 00:22:52 UTC
If this is socialism, that's socialism for the rich pharmaceutical companies. I definitely have area D and all it did replaced into shift the load of figuring out to purchase prescriptions from the state to the fed and each twelve months, extra coated drugs are kicked off the record and that i'm paying extra now than i replaced into in the previous area D.
2009-02-18 11:17:12 UTC
this is as about as dumb a comment as i have ever heard. since when did having the dem house design the bill without reps become bi-partisan. everything after that was a sham. they want his policies to fail, not him specifically. are the dems so thick as to think that? your ultraa rich pays 95% of all taxes. and to say reps failed at every turn is more proof of you ignorance, guess you forgot about the stock market hovering around 15k, record low unemployment, record home ownership, medicare reform? the dumb gamble was obama pushing through a bill that no one has had a chance to read or debate. this will come back to haunt the all-knowing, ever-enlightened dems.
2009-02-18 11:12:22 UTC
Constituents are failing their representatives if they are allowing this polarization to continue. They need to speak up and often. The problem is, for at least the past 8 years (most likely even further back), people have become complacent and overly trusting of their elected officials to "do the right thing." Now, when we need it most, these same elected officials are so out of the habit of true consensus building and healthy compromise (thanks in large part to the divisive tactics of Gingrich's failed, "Contract with America") that they default to the only thing they know how to do: strike a defiant pose and basically say no to anything offered up by the Democrats. Unfortunately for the Republicans, and ultimately, unfortunately for Americans, this is furthering the decline of our country.

Who was it that kept repeating the mantra, "Country First?"
2009-02-18 11:16:41 UTC
They are not gambling period. They are standing their ground, and standing FIRM on their beliefs. I think its a beautifull thing.

Being Bipartisan with Obamas administration is not Bipartisan, it's selling out. They do not want to work with the republicans. Frankly, you know what, Im tired of trying to explain this all to the misguided. Your not going to change your mind, and you damn sure arent going to change mine, so give me a thumbs down. The truth hurts and a thumbs down is a confirmation of that.

Just sifting through the rest of your question is full of uneducated rhetoric. You are whailing about whatever you heard on Rachel Maddow just distracting you from common sense and truth.

Buh bye now
2009-02-18 11:06:34 UTC
So, by your logic, bipartisanship would be defined as "just vote for it even though we had no input and it goes against what we stand for as a party, and the wishes of the PEOPLE we represent.."?

The liberal wing of the Democratic party has made it CRYSTAL clear that bipartisanship doesn't matter... the will of the PEOPLE doesn't matter... their OWN RULES don't matter! (ref. Pelosi ignoring a House resolution that was voted for UNANIMOUSLY which required the "stimulus" bill to be available to EVERYONE for 48 hours before any vote)
Paper Mage
2009-02-18 11:23:20 UTC
You know, I was going to answer your question, but after reading it (which I had to do several times, since you pack so much into a single question), I've decided that nothing I can say would penetrate. Blow away the smoke you have around you, shut down the noise machine, and I'll come back later.
2009-02-18 11:08:57 UTC
Longest recession in history?

What is this, 1939 or something?

The Republican Congress was responsible for the greatest economic boom in history 1995-2007.

The recession began in early 2008, one year after the Democrats took Congress and the longer they have been in power the deeper it has gotten.
2009-02-18 11:06:50 UTC
Worried more about socialism than the crisis that the majority of "we the people" was pulled in to. It's part of the ugly side they call politics. For 8 years they turned their backs on the democrats and now they reach out trying to get them involved and they still turn way.
2009-02-18 12:46:00 UTC
As I recall one Democrat she said it is the right of an American to disagree with their government. Also didn't I hear libs saying that dissent is the highest form of patriotism. What changed?
2009-02-18 11:06:07 UTC
The bill was written in the house without ever talking to the Republicans. That is definitely not bipartisanship.
2009-02-18 11:04:51 UTC
We look towards the realistic aspect of the bill and the future consequences.

The Democrats were the ones not bipartisan. They didn't even listen to anything Republicans had to say.
Scott B
2009-02-18 11:16:33 UTC
Probably because I neither count on my government to support me, nor do I think my government should take my hard earned money and use it support people who have made bad choices. I guess I'm just twisted that way.
2009-02-18 11:08:36 UTC
If obama wanted a bi partisan vote on the bill he should have started with labeling it "Pelosi's Pork". No one considers this a stimulus bill its funding for special interests and issues.

Myself, I would rather stand on principle than "support" items that run counter to my beliefs.
2009-02-18 11:07:06 UTC
What bipartisanship? Shut-up-we-won kind of bipartisanship?

Nancy Pelosi never bothered to approach any GOP Reps. for input on the stimulus. She showed middle finger.

Very well. The bill is yours. No more Bush to blame.

See you in 2010

Hope and change.

Yes we can.
2009-02-18 11:05:59 UTC
They want to stay away for now from the blame game to have a political leg to stand on or play it in 2010 or 2012.
Stop Spending Our Money
2009-02-18 11:04:54 UTC
Kinda like pass this bill or else is bi-partisan huh? BI_partisan goes both ways
Natasha b
2009-02-18 11:05:37 UTC
Pelosi didn't even invite the Republicans to participate.

How can they be bipartisan

this is outrageous
2009-02-18 11:04:44 UTC
Republicans tried bipartisanship but were shot down at every turn.
2009-02-18 11:08:48 UTC
You really think THIS stimulus is going to 'help' the current financial situation? It is NOT...
Repuke I
2009-02-18 11:05:05 UTC

hah ah ah ah ha hah ah ah ha ha haha ha hah

you people are on drugs

ha h ah ah ha hah ahhahahahahhahah

and obama is a fOOL to thhink he can

ha ha h ahh ah ahahha
2009-02-18 11:08:02 UTC
surely you jest! bipartisanship with pelosi, and reid when one has a basic philosophical difference with them. i've heard my joke of the day!
killa d
2009-02-18 11:12:03 UTC
its the same crap as sound like what the republicans sounded like before.everybody is against you..
2009-02-18 11:04:14 UTC
Because that would be working to insure Socialism!
Holy Cow!
2009-02-18 11:04:36 UTC
Cons don't want to live in representative democracy. They want dominion.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.