2009-02-18 11:01:36 UTC
The mount the dumbest ad campaign afterward--claiming that they have been *fighting* for you--when in the past--?
They've been screwing everyone but their rich constituents and contributors (even some of their own voting bloc had been given the cold shoulder--as a result)--and not denying it until *now*; instead trying to point the finger at the Democratic Party that they are spending too much *money* when they themselves spent everything under the sun that benefited the uber-rich and powerful for the past 12 years--while taking the screws to the middle-class and the working poor.
Seriously people, why are the Republicans so obsessed with seeing Obama fail, when they themselves had *failed* on every front to deliver on past campaign promises and their own party principles?
If it's a gamble, it's a really dumb one.