Trump has had three traditional marriages, but Clinton has only had one. Isn't Trump more qualified to defend traditional marriage?
2016-07-17 17:20:14 UTC
Clinton has very little experience with traditional marriage while Trump has tons.
108 answers:
2016-07-17 17:24:19 UTC
This makes me wonder why he never chose Gingrich, I mean you could have had six traditional marriages!
2016-07-18 09:16:03 UTC
First, I'm not sure what is to be "defended". Marriage is what you decide it is; not what someone else thinks it should be. Since I'm sure there are those who will use religion to define marriage (which would be a mistake), the Bible states that if your wife isn't having children, then the husband is directed to sleep with her sister. So there really isn't any "traditional marriage", because each person's views may be different. In Trump's case, it appears that marriage is for the time being until either he or his wife is tired of it. Some people believe it is to be forever, but that is only if the vows you take state that. There is no rule that says you must have, "till death do you part" in your marriage ceremony. While a small number of people are married until death, it is extremely rare.
Humans are very spontaneous and given that in this time sex is more of a social event, rather than necessarily an intimate one. Marriage and monogamy these days are not always terms used together. You can be married and sleep with someone other than your spouse, and you may be monogamous without being married. As far as Clinton goes, she appears to support marriage between two consenting adults, which seems logical. I don't think marriage itself needs to be defended, but rather those who wish to be married.
2016-07-20 11:02:06 UTC
Clinton has not given up at marriage they continue to try and do stay together and seem happy. Where Trump quits at marriage. Marriage is a union in which you try to stay together and work out all differences accepting the good and bad. You may have a bad year but that is not a reason to quit often if both people persevere and try to love and care about each other treating each other as equals you can get over the hard times with happy times ahead. I have been divorced he was abusive. My second marriage has had turbulence but is mainly happy. We have been together 16years. That is a triumph. My second marriage is where I learned the most about traditional marriage.
2016-07-19 10:49:51 UTC
Why would marriage have criteria based upon the number ?. Trump would not be the model to use, given he's failed 3 times.
Clinton would be best here, as to fulfilling the criteria of traditional marriage is 'till death do you part'
2016-07-19 21:29:37 UTC
Lol. I was lmao because of the stupidity of your question. So, apparently, Trump is more certified to become President because he married three wives. Clinton only married one man so she's most likely not going to become president. You really believe marrying more than one man or one woman automatically makes you eligible for office? So, you're saying you support Polygamy and Polyandry? Got it! Trump is sure to become president because he has more wives. I hope he keeps defending Tradition marriage because marriage is between one man and two women. Not two man and one women or two man or two women. Vote for Trump!!!
2016-07-18 06:21:55 UTC
Trump has had three traditional marriages, but Clinton has only had one. Isn't Trump more qualified to defend traditional marriage?
>> STUPID question from another hater with your " Traditonal Marriage " BS > you, your kind are part of the problems in Life with govt bengs government has no business in people's private lives unless they are doing something criminal like HETEROSEXUAL'S molesting , raping and/or incestual children, family members , their wives than they deserve prison or my preference > DEATH !
2016-07-19 01:02:30 UTC
Why would marriage have criteria based upon the number ?. Trump would not be the model to use, given he's failed 3 times.
Clinton would be best here, as to fulfilling the criteria of traditional marriage is 'till death do you part'
2016-07-18 12:33:09 UTC
Troll.....your question already answers itself. If Trump can't maintain a "traditional" marriage without cheating on and leaving his spouse for another one every few years, he's obviously not qualified to "defend" anything family related. Is this what you do all day?
2016-07-19 09:19:16 UTC
Do you notice Trump's wives? They are all got that East European look. And they all look like a miss universe contestant. I doubt if any of the wives loves Trump because he's a loving guy and kind to everybody.
2016-07-19 11:30:46 UTC
I think what your getting at is funny. Divorce is against "Traditional Marriage" but if his track record of sticking to his guns when things turn rough like the many many Bankruptcies he should be the perfect underdog who doesn't give up. I personally think with the 169 federal Investigations/ Lawsuits for fraud and Financial abuse, Mob connection, illegal hiring practices, and racism practices at his places speaks wonders for his ability to handle Money and business acumen, his relation to law enforcement, Civil Rights issues. I mean what Normal person wouldn't want a President with Great family skills. I mean from his Many Many marriages to women who look like supermodel action Barbies and the accusation of raping a 13 yr old shows how well he is with Family values and Children.
2016-07-18 06:03:30 UTC
A traditional marriage is "until death do us part," it also includes a declaration of fidelity. While Trump is a blatant cheater, you call that honest. He lied each time he took a new wife, just like he lies about everything else.
So far as I know, Hillary has not been accused of stepping out on her marriage, and if she chose to work on her marriage and see her promise through to the end, I can only respect that.
2016-07-18 09:51:23 UTC
WHY bring up Bubba Clinton's marriage? Bubba ain't running for public office but Herr Donald duck-lips tRUMP, wannabe Fuhrer of America IS running a campaign of lies, deceit and fabrications, name-calling and no substance whatsoever (which obviously appeals to the ignorant bigots and racists). tRUMP is nothing but a clown and buffoon. IF he weren't so wealthy, no one would be listening or paying attention to his delusions.
Yeah, tRUMP has paid off each of his ex-wives not to discuss his "shortcomings." Go figure!
2016-07-20 10:17:03 UTC
Your definition of traditional marriage is wrong; it is Trump's own definition.
2016-07-20 11:07:06 UTC
I think the only reason that Trump ever bothered to get married is is that he could control them far better with a pre-nuptial contract than he could without, and more than likely bolstered that up on his last two!
Trump probably knows more about wedding cake, and that is where it ends!!!
2016-07-18 13:30:54 UTC
The fact he has had 3 shows he doesn't understand the basic principles of a traditional marriage. Be sure you know its love, staying with that person in hardships, till death do you part etc
2016-07-18 12:57:05 UTC
Trump, with three traditional marriages has failed marriage, Clinton who is still in her first marriage, is succeeding in her marriage.
2016-07-18 06:25:41 UTC
Trumps marriages have not been "traditional." Clinton's marriage haven't been traditional either. I don't know any wife who's had to go after her husband's sexual abuse/rape victims to shut them up through threats and intimidation.
2016-07-19 10:31:18 UTC
Trump is more qualified as an adulter. Trump is experienced as a thief, a liar and a crook. There is something seriously wrong with a man who poses as his own PR man who promotes his sexual prowess to the national news.
Trump used Malania. He had her pose nude on, his airplane for personal gain and to promote himself as a playboy.
2016-07-18 12:05:55 UTC
I am voting for Trump but no, traditional marriage is between one man and one woman for all of this life and then all of Eternity ! Fact !!!
2016-07-18 09:07:33 UTC
Donald Trump is a very rich man, and has had many wives. But he will do and say whatever it takes to win the Republican vote, including defending traditional marriage. But I don't like to call it traditional marriage. I like to call it biblical marriage. He doesn't care about the Bible. He's just more inclined to pretend that he does than Hillary.
Little Ms Sunshine
2016-07-18 10:39:36 UTC
It's pretty obvious that, whatever else, Bill and Hillary admire each other and hold each other in high esteem, even if that regard hasn't extended to their marriage bed.
Men who quest for power are typically over-sexed. I haven't heard the same of women.
Sex is great and all, but it takes a lot more than sex to make a great marriage.
Bill and Hillary have come a long way since college. And now they seem to enjoy being grand-parents together.
...whereas Trump appears to consider his wives, his children, and his grandchildren to be his property, like everything else.
2016-07-19 15:16:10 UTC
Trump is not qualified for much of anything but perhaps in how to Con folks out of their money.
Ghetto Siri
2016-07-17 20:53:41 UTC
That's not a marriage, it's a business partnership.
2016-07-18 13:23:59 UTC
At least Trump has not been with 5 or so women while he was married to someone else.
2016-07-18 11:51:57 UTC
With Trump's FAILED marriage RECORD? HAHAHA!!!
I'm still waiting for him to tell us about how Cruz's father
was involved in the JFK assassination on FOXNEWS
2016-07-17 21:47:06 UTC
Nahh. bro thats not marriage. That's just legitimizing prostitution.
But as far as Hillary. She's lucky anyone would marry her croocked as's
2016-07-18 09:46:43 UTC
O Jeez Hillary has shown stamina and endurance, even when the whole nation knew of her husbands infidelity. Any woman who can do that is awesome. Trump simply bolts, runs and changes partners. Now what does that say about him.
2016-07-20 10:41:13 UTC
Just because he was married more times does not mean he would be better. If you were sick more times you might not make a better doctor. if you set fire to more house you wouldnt be a better fireman. If you cooked more often you might not be a better chef. So trump probably woudnt be more qualified
2016-07-18 17:49:08 UTC
If Trump is elected he will be tied up with the war or two his mouth will get the US into. Judges on the supreme court are the ones who make decisions on this kind of issue
2016-07-18 13:21:28 UTC
Trump obviously did not have any SUCCESSFUL marriage have getting married so many times
Armchair Goddess #1
2016-07-18 19:58:48 UTC
RUK respondent has not done his homework! The only woman to claim "rape" by then-Governor Bill Clinton, a married woman named Juanita Hickey who was cheating on her husband with a man named Broaddrick (whom she eventually married), was deemed "not credible" by the hardcore right-wing Prosecuting Attorney Kenneth Starr. Why? Because Hickey was sharing the hotel room she claimed this "rape" took place in with a friend (one of two sisters) who hated Governor Bill Clinton for commuting a prison sentence of the man who had killed the sisters' father years earlier, and also because Hickey was close friends with the Paula Jones Attorney Yoakum, who was about to have his case dismissed, so he commissioned friend Hickey to make the claim in order to bolster his own case. Starr determined that Hickey did not know the date of the alleged rape and that she had attended a private fundraiser for Governor Clinton's re-election at a Little Rock dentist's home with her husband Hickey two weeks after the supposed "rape", paying a large sum of money to be included. Hillary Clinton, as First Lady of Arkansas, it was discovered, simply thanked the attendees of the fundraiser, and Hickey was one of them.
Do all of you not find it appalling that the biblical-literalist "Christian" extremist Republicans who spouted "family values! family values!" as though only 'conservative' (uptight religious fundamentalists) Republicans could demonstrate this elusive qualify---their mantra all through the 1990s an 2000s, going so far to condemn a fictional character on TV "Murphy Brown" for having a baby "out of wedlock" as indicative of a lack of family values (although these same confused rightwing fanatics are against abortion)---have chosen in two presidential election cycles to embrace Newt Gingrich and now thrice-married (and lots of affairs) Donald Trump? Wonder what the GOP would consider to be the definition of HYPOCRITE!
2016-07-19 10:22:55 UTC
Clinton's marriage is FAR from traditional.
2016-07-18 07:27:59 UTC
Clinton's is an open marriage, with Bill's numerous affairs, so it is far from "traditional."
2016-07-18 09:57:25 UTC
Traditional marriage is death do us part, unless sexual impurity such as adultery, and even then divorce is advised, not commanded. Also one man one woman, Clinton's is an open marriage.
2016-07-18 21:39:42 UTC
No. Trump is qualified to defend traditional divorce
2016-07-18 07:26:28 UTC
Clinton's marriage is anything from typical. Unless you think extra marital affairs is ok then of course and that's just Bill. I bet my savings account she's cheated herself.
2016-07-17 22:38:49 UTC
Trump married and divorced as was most appropriate but at least honest about womanizing. Clinton married, was publicly humiliated and publicly stood by the man who betrayed her. It speaks volumes about who's more honest...
2016-07-18 11:16:25 UTC
Yes Trump is more qualified .
Bill Clinton is a filthy rapist and sex addict and has never been faithful to his wife.
Trump has been faithful to his first wife for many years ,until he fell in love with his second wife and he was faithful to her until they decided to split . He is also faithful to his third wife.
2016-07-17 20:44:01 UTC
And she has a very rocky one at that. At least Trump can claim he's good at multi-tasking while Hillary can't make such a claim.
2016-07-18 11:09:04 UTC
Why do you need a President who defends "traditional" marriage? "Traditional" marriage is usually religiously motivated so that's not in the job description.
2016-07-18 10:00:48 UTC
, and even then divorce is advised, not commanded. Also one man one woman, Clinton's is an open marriage.
2016-07-19 08:23:45 UTC
Bill Clinton? What happened to him anyways? NO AND NO. But I do think Trump feels traditional marriage is better for the population at large. Where as Cliton does not. I think we need to bring back traditional American Judeo-Christian and Constitutional values the country was founded on.
2016-07-18 08:53:16 UTC
No traditional marriage is not something that ends when someone hotter and younger goes down on you
2016-07-18 16:48:36 UTC
Or Trump has failed 2 times so what makes anybody think he could lead the nation???
2016-07-19 00:10:35 UTC
Trump never took 23 unescorted by Secret Service trips to his pal dentist Jeffrey Epstein's Rape Island or texted wiener pics to a 16 year old girl without being arrested either...
2016-07-19 01:48:57 UTC
2016-07-18 20:11:59 UTC
If you believe that the Clintons' marriage even faintly resembled "traditional" I have some lake-front property in the Mojave to sell you...
2016-07-18 05:41:04 UTC
I'm sorry. You didn't know he married gold diggers? No offense but that's the truth. He married pure gold diggers. You think those women would stay around his ugly behind if he wasn't rich? Lol. Just being honest.
2016-07-19 09:32:12 UTC
2016-07-18 13:40:49 UTC
Huh? Trump isn't more qualified to wipe his butt..
2016-07-18 07:17:48 UTC
I see your point and laughingly agree with it, however traditional marriages isn't the real issue with the LGBTxyz group(s), it's a secondary issue.
2016-07-19 15:33:13 UTC
We need a Mormon president because they can defend traditional polygamous marriage - just like in the Bible.
2016-07-17 17:21:50 UTC
Don't care. I see what you are trying to do here. Still don't care. Trump over Hillary every time.
2016-07-19 07:40:14 UTC
A marriage where money saves you from divorce is not a traditional marriage.
2016-07-18 13:08:38 UTC
Just how does one qualify to define marriage?
2016-07-18 14:51:58 UTC
Defend what? Allowing a younger woman (Marla Maples) to break up a family?
2016-07-19 11:16:46 UTC
trump attitude may have driven the ladies .. BTW what deserted /divorced wifes are doing why opposition donot get them on stage to make campaign more colorful and pageant
The Oracle of Omigod
2016-07-17 17:46:57 UTC
Besides her marriage was hardly traditional since the boyfriend of Monica Lewinsky was a serial sexual harasser and quasi-rapist - and she stayed with the scum!
2016-07-20 15:16:43 UTC
What do you mean by "traditional marriage"? Explain, please.
I would say Trump is more experienced in marrying women who only wanted him for his money.
2016-07-18 17:26:33 UTC
Yes, and because hillary is really a lesbian, so her marriage with Bill don't count.
2016-07-18 13:29:41 UTC
Clinton marriage traditional? ROTFLMAO! Proof libtards have no morals and ethics
2016-07-18 07:16:31 UTC
Hillary choose to stay with her wagon hitched to a Political Career.
She suffers from the same disease Bill did. Greed. Power. Coupled
with deceit = Victory.
Pac Man
2016-07-18 22:27:47 UTC
That's not how that works, that's not how any of that works.
2016-07-18 11:45:48 UTC
This is the same question as if someone had three jobs and two of them ended somewhat unsuccessfully, and another person has worked at one job successfully, which has better experience.
2016-07-18 04:07:19 UTC
I do not like Trump either because he did not rape any white women
2016-07-18 03:53:17 UTC
Trump is an idiot, I wouldn't trust him to defend my toilet.
2016-07-18 08:21:05 UTC
bill Clinton is a rapist times five. all five including monica were "settled" out of court. this isn't behavior becoming to a white house.
2016-07-18 07:40:18 UTC
What the hell does traditional marriages mean to stupid brain dead liberal idiots? You stupid brain dead liberal idiots don't care about traditional marriages, you proved that by allowing gays and lizzy to marry. So what are you whining about a man that has had three wives for, at least he marries women, and is not packing fudge like this scumbag illegal alien muslim hussein 0bama does.
2016-07-18 03:50:03 UTC
Trump buys his women from catalogs. He should be a polygamist.
2016-07-18 17:38:50 UTC
Our President here would be better at that. With his 3 wives, 4 mistress, & girlfriends. All seem happy with him.
Tad Dubious
2016-07-18 10:44:08 UTC
Yes, KA. Brilliant!
2016-07-18 16:00:40 UTC
No, but then since when were libtards for tradition? Now, they suddenly care about it? What a transparent moron!
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2016-07-18 05:36:43 UTC
Only in America!
Since he has bankrupted more businesses than Clinton he must also have more experience there too!!!
2016-07-17 22:57:04 UTC
Nope. My wife and I think that just makes him three times crazier than Hillary.
2016-07-19 04:31:41 UTC
i dont think sleeping in the white house while Monica Lewinsky is blowing your husband counts as a traditional marriage.
2016-07-18 07:55:40 UTC
YES. Billy just rapes and molests with the blessings of Hillary.
2016-07-17 17:22:43 UTC
Do you think divorce is a good goal in a marriage ?
2016-07-19 01:17:20 UTC
You make a very good point. Experience breeds wisdom
2016-07-20 09:15:36 UTC
Marriage is marriage.
2016-07-19 06:12:10 UTC
He is good at paying off his ex wives in order to cover up his nasty little secrets.
2016-07-18 07:30:19 UTC
Bill Clinton ALWAYS chooses another person over Hillary...We should too !
2016-07-19 13:51:53 UTC
Well, at least he married his women and makes them honorable. Most other American men just live with their woman of the moment, have babies together, and move on.
jason w
2016-07-17 17:57:01 UTC
Dont care
2016-07-18 08:16:20 UTC
Yes and when the Donald marries his daughter whilst in the White House. , he will have even more
2016-07-18 06:17:51 UTC
Trump is an idiot
2016-07-18 21:00:44 UTC
Clinton has more experience being cheated on.
2016-07-17 18:37:12 UTC
fishing for brides on the net isnt traditional
2016-07-19 21:02:36 UTC
No it makes him less qualified because he has failed at it
2016-07-18 06:32:10 UTC
2016-07-18 07:19:03 UTC
Who cares?
2016-07-17 22:18:51 UTC
Trump is gay
2016-07-18 08:41:31 UTC
To be fair, it was his second wife who cheated on him.
2016-07-18 13:58:46 UTC
2016-07-18 08:15:55 UTC
2016-07-17 19:01:44 UTC
yes,without a doubt.
2016-07-20 07:49:12 UTC
His lam
2016-07-18 09:51:54 UTC
No idea
2016-07-18 08:38:34 UTC
her husband has been caught fooling around how many times ????????
2016-07-19 07:21:27 UTC
2016-07-20 01:49:29 UTC
2016-07-20 07:39:38 UTC
2016-07-19 01:26:56 UTC
2016-07-18 07:06:47 UTC
2016-07-18 10:24:14 UTC
2016-07-19 14:23:48 UTC
2016-09-20 02:21:37 UTC
thankyou for the answers, very much appreciated.
2016-07-19 12:16:06 UTC
2016-07-18 12:44:27 UTC
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