Democrats, please tell me what you have done for this country?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Democrats, please tell me what you have done for this country?
32 answers:
2007-08-27 07:56:42 UTC
I'm not a Democrat, but I can tell you 2 things they have done. One is constantly taxed us to death, the other is screwed up our Social Security System, sooooooo BAD, that the idea of it ever being repaired, is unfathomable!
2007-08-26 20:48:50 UTC
They increased the min wage. Woohoo. Such a victory (bah ha ha ha ha ha ha)
2007-08-27 09:08:01 UTC
They haven't done anything, but tie the country up with their hearings. They hate Bush more than they care about the people of this country. I think it's a shame that they drug Al Gonzales's name through the mud... One good thing. This will bite em in the butts come election time.
2007-08-26 21:58:32 UTC
Wow. A whole hell of a lot of NOTHING, even according to their own party!!

Makes ya wanna cry, doesn't it?!?
2007-08-26 21:47:08 UTC
They have disgraced it by covering up, and even APPLAUDING, the actions of their deviant politicians.

They are taxing the middle class into oblivion and using our tax money to buy more votes.

They are slowly destroying and dismantling everything that makes this country great.

We HAVE to stop them before it's too late.
2007-08-26 21:35:15 UTC
Do you really expect them to give you honest answers? What Democrats have done for this country is make LYING more mainstream!
2007-08-26 20:16:55 UTC
They have accomplished a lot. They have had countless investigations that have truned up that the Bush administration has done nothing wrong. They have had a six month long witch hunt for Gonzales and have once again turned up empty.

But the millions wasted on these worthless investigations is nothing compared to the pork they are padding the allocation bills with. They average 25% pork... oops, excuse me, they changed the name so as not to offend Keith Ellison... they average 25% earmarks added on to every spending bill. The allocation to fund the Iraq war until September had $25 billion in pork alone. You have to admit that is quite an accomplishment.
2007-08-26 19:37:00 UTC
They're trying their hardest to raise taxes.
2007-08-26 19:35:54 UTC
Congress numbers are low for a reason it is what it is, HERE IS WHAT Democrats do best, keep telling the American Public what they want to hear, and keep telling them what there gonna do and never do it, or keep blaming others, Keep lower and lower middle class citizens, Addicted to social and Gov programs so they can blame the republicans and keep there primary voter base, or just prove that Democrats can't govern and just exude a lot of hot air, I almost forgot, Harry Reid more UN-American and treasonous statements, or Patrick Kennedy popping more Pills while voting on important legislation
2007-08-27 07:35:48 UTC
What have dems done for this country?

-They have managed to divide our country

-They refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.

-They are too busy blaming our President for everything (from terrorist attacks to bad weather) that they can't manage to get anything accomplished.

-They are too busy protecting baby rapers (NAMBLA) that they can't focus on the real issues.

-They spit on our troops.

-They embrace terrorists and the idea of terrorism

I think that about sums it up.
2007-08-26 20:47:40 UTC
This Congress got the minimum wage increase and has gotten the bill signed to finish the 911 commission recommendations for security against terrorism. I believe they have had a major influence on president Bush to get rid of Rumsfeld which resulted in appointing Gen. Petreas and his new approach to handling the war in Iraq. They also voted to reduce interest rates on student loans. Some achievements by the Clinton administration are listed below. He seldom gets any credit for them.

The Dems now have a low approval rating because they are not united in the promises they made in the beginning and end up supporting the president on issues that they were voted to change.
Mr. Bad Day
2007-08-28 03:01:20 UTC
The Democratic congress is not popular, but a big chunk of people who aren't happy with them think they need to be TOUGHER on the Republicans and the President.

And they aren't getting much done because the Republicans are blocking them (unified minority party, plus a few Conservative Democrats means they can't get some things done.)

And, while "Congress" might be unpopular, nothing has been said about the unpopularity of the individual congreemen and congresswomen.

I think the Democrats have time to undo a lot of the damage done by the Bush years.
2007-08-26 19:34:11 UTC
You can play party politics forever. It all comes down to matter of perception and stubborness. This is why two party politics doesn't work.

Why don't you stop trying to bash the other party and start trying to find and pinpoint the real problems and figure out how to solve them?

Both sides are so preoccupied with 'winning' and making the other party look bad that neither are accomplishing very much at all.

Honestly. When whole political parties act like elementary school children on a playground, that's when you know it's time for a change.

EDIT: I noticed in your addition you told me not to be hypocritical. Maybe if you actually read my answer you'd notice that I said both! sides are too busy bashing, and never once called myself a Democrat, as I'm not, and even said twice that two party politics is a flawed system. Come on, at least read the answers people give you all the way through.
2007-08-26 19:45:48 UTC
It really isn't democrat vs. republican. It's when are we as a nation going to stand and not allow the people on capital

hill to say how much money they are worth and all those promises they don't follow through with. We need to put a time limit on how long anyone can sit in any national position.

We need to find the truly best people for the job. Look how

great Lincoln was (Republican) or John F. Kennedy(Democrat). How about Martin Luther King? I would love to see someone get in and do the job in the best interest of the

American people how about you?
2007-08-26 20:21:08 UTC
They won a mid-term congressional majority on a second term President, and that is about the end of it.

They have succeeded in undermining our efforts in Iraq, they have passed a pile of pork which they used as bribes to get votes, they have spent millions of our dollars on investigations that have gone nowhere, and I suspect the next greatest thing they will do is lose both Houses to the Republicans in 2008
2007-08-26 19:41:33 UTC
What has the Bush administration done for this country, other than create a war that never should have been, sending our loved ones to a God-forsaken country to get killed or wounded, brought the nation's economy to an all-time low, allowing illegal aliens to come in and giving them Social Security and Medicare benefits that our citizens have worked hard for all their lives, made a mockery of the country, as other nations have lost respect for us, and was instrumental in causing most of the cabinet members to leave their posts? Say what you like about the democrats, but the worst of them could not have caused this much damage in 20 years, let alone seven.
2007-08-26 19:52:32 UTC
Ok, tell me what in the blue hell got accomplished before Jan. 07? The last six years? COME ON! TELL me about how the tax cuts for the rich saved the whole country. What else got accomplished? Did they address immigration? Hell no. Did they check into price gouging by big oil and OPEC? Hell no, in fact they shot down legislation to do so. SO COME ON! Tell me what the mighty republican controlled congress did in the last 6 years to improve a damn thing.
2007-08-26 19:36:48 UTC
All anyone has to do is read history books to find out that whenever we had a Dem. President the whole world was a mess. We had higher taxes, the economy was in bad shape etc. Don't understand why anyone would vote for a Dem. But that's their right. Wish they would look back in time and see how bad it was when we had a Dem. for Pres.
2007-08-26 19:56:44 UTC
I'm really stuck here and having to scratch my head. Let's see if I can conger up a few things, since the libs appear not to be capable.

If I recall correctly, Pelosi, did get a larger airplane, and yeah, that minimum wage increase. Ta-ta! Two things!

Other than that, it's been ranting, raving, wasting money, and NADA.
2007-08-26 19:38:26 UTC
Cause, they've been road blocked by repubs. In addition, they've just been in power for a year now. Don't you think they deserve a bit time?

Its just amusing, also hilarious that, you reps supporting bush after almost 7 years and a collection of disasters, incompetence and corruption along with lowest presidential rating ever!! and not saying a word!! but being so vocal about DEMOCRATS in just a year!!
2007-08-26 20:36:11 UTC
They have done something for our country?? when?

well FDR stopped the great depression and Truman ended ww2 after them democrats went down hill.
Bush Invented the Google
2007-08-26 19:37:29 UTC
Wait a minute. Do you want to know what I have done for this country, or what Dems in Congress have done for this country?

You can't make up your mind. First you ask what I'VE done, then you ask what Congress has done.

By the way... the majority isn't that large. What have Congressional REPUBLICANS done for this country?

The Congressional approval rating isn't just about Democrats, you know. There are many, many, many Republicans in Congress too...
2007-08-26 19:46:35 UTC
Silence from democrats says it all.

They will say they have investigated the corrupt Republicans.

The real answer is it is easy to criticize when you do not have control
2007-08-26 19:51:24 UTC
homedawg speaks the truth...they are at the beginning of a bad deal for this country
2007-08-26 19:36:32 UTC
i do stuff for myself and my family, not my country,thats the politician's job,not me.

if you mean what have i done for my community, i voluteer at YMCA,salvation army,a local public school, and homeless shelters to name a few. i am also a volunteer at a local church,helping at canned food drives and coat drives.
2007-08-26 19:35:21 UTC
It's horrible because they haven't stopped the war, that's why.

As far as your question, my question to YOU is why haven't YOU joined the Military in this war since YOU support it so much? The conservatives are against abortion. Why haven't YOU adopted any children?

I'm sick and tired of seeing the holier than thou attitude of people like YOU and others on here downgrading others who do not believe in the war, and are anti-abortion....
2007-08-26 19:34:01 UTC
you act like the republican minority has an awesome rating

if there was a larger democratic majority this country wouldve been heading for the right direction a long time ago.
2007-08-26 19:35:56 UTC
Their ratings will go up when they impeach Bush.
Dr Sardonicus
2007-08-26 19:31:47 UTC
.they have begun a process to tax us into oblivion and give the money to pay power bills on the midnight basketball courts and other stupid things like CHIPS for everybody under 25 yrs of age
2007-08-26 19:32:58 UTC
Because he keeps vetoing congress.
Boss H
2007-08-26 20:25:57 UTC
I prefer to talk about what Republicans have done...

President Clinton took the oath of office January 20, 1993. February, 26 - barely a month later - terrorists detonated more than 1,000 pounds of explosives under the World Trade Center, killing six and injuring about a thousand people. Bill Clinton and the Democrats never dreamed of trying to blame the outgoing George Herbert Walker Bush Administration. They just began working to keep us safe from terrorism.

As reported by the "debunking" website, Within a year, law enforcement officials hunted down four of the "blind cleric" Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman's disciples, then prosecuted and convicted them for the bombing and sentenced them to 240 years in prison in March 1994. Officials captured the prime suspect Ramzi Ahmed Yousef in 1995. A court convicted him in November 1997 and sentenced him to 240 years in prison as well. An additional suspect fled.

"In August 1998, President Clinton ordered missile strikes against targets in Afghanistan in an effort to hit Osama bin Laden, who had been linked to the embassy bombings in Africa (and was later connected to the attack on the USS Cole). The missiles reportedly missed bin Laden by a few hours, and Clinton was widely criticized by many who claimed he had ordered the strikes primarily to draw attention away from the Monica Lewinsky scandal. As John F. Harris wrote in The Washington Post:

In August 1998, when [Clinton] ordered missile strikes in an effort to kill Osama bin Laden, there was widespread speculation - from such people as Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) - that he was acting precipitously to draw attention away from the Monica S. Lewinsky scandal, then at full boil. Some said he was mistaken for personalizing the terrorism struggle so much around bin Laden. And when he ordered the closing of Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House after domestic terrorism in Oklahoma City, some Republicans accused him of hysteria.

See: "Claim: The Clinton administration failed to track down the perpetrators of several terrorist attacks against Americans. Status: False." See also: Bill Press, "Don't blame it on Bill Clinton,", October 18, 2001:

Also see: Lauria, Joe. "U.S. Embassy Bombers Get Life Sentences." The Ottawa Citizen. 19 October 2001 (p. A5). As well as Randolph, Eleanor. "4 Guilty in Bombing of World Trade Center," The Washington Post: 5 March 1994 (p. A1) and "Trade Center Bombers Given 240 Years Each," The Washington Post: 25 May 1994 (p. A1).

Republicans typically couldn't decide whether President Clinton was too blasé or too "hysterical." In reality, his response was appropriately focused on bin Laden and al Qaeda according to top anti-terror officials of the Reagan and Bush I administrations. What did Bill Clinton do?

Issued January 23, 1995 his Executive Order 12947 "Prohibiting Transactions With Terrorists Who Threaten To Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process," provided for prevention and punishment of efforts to fund terrorism and authorized the FBI and Treasury Department to investigate and prevent financial support of terrorism. It read in part:

"By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America ... I, William J. Clinton, President of the United States of America, find that grave acts of violence committed by foreign terrorists that disrupt the Middle East peace process constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."

This executive order provided for prohibition and punishment of transactions to support terrorism including transfer of "property and interests in property of ... the persons [found] to have committed, or to pose a significant risk of committing, acts of violence that have the purpose or effect of disrupting the Middle East peace process, or ... to assist in, sponsor, or provide financial, material, or technological support for, or services in support of, such acts of violence...."

This order held that "any transaction or dealing by United States persons or within the United States in property or interests in property of the persons designated in or pursuant to this order is prohibited, including the making or receiving of any contribution of funds, goods, or services to or for the benefit of such persons [and] any transaction by any United States person or within the United States that evades or avoids, or has the purpose of evading or avoiding, or attempts to violate, any of the prohibitions set forth in this order, is prohibited."

Clinton ordered the prohibition of donations "by United States persons to persons [which] would seriously impair [his] ability to deal with the national emergency declared in this order, [and determined that any] investigation emanating from a possible violation of this order ... shall first be coordinated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and any matter involving evidence of a criminal violation shall be referred to the FBI for further investigation...."

See: Executive Order 12947 of January 23, 1995, Federal Register, Vol. 60, No. 16,

Later, President Clinton expanded that Order, explaining to the Speaker of the House: "On January 23, 1995, in light of the threat posed by grave acts of violence committed by foreign terrorists that disrupt the Middle East peace process, using my authority under, inter alia, the International Emergency Economic Powers Act ... I declared a national emergency and issued Executive Order 12947. Because such terrorist activities continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, I have renewed the national emergency declared in Executive Order 12947 annually, most recently on January 21, 1998."

He added, "I hereby report to the Congress that I have exercised my statutory authority to issue an Executive Order that amends Executive Order 12947 in order more effectively to respond to the worldwide threat posed by foreign terrorists [to add] Usama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Ladin (a.k.a. Usama bin Ladin), Islamic Army, Abu Hafs al-Masri, and Rifa'i Ahmad Taha Musa to the list of terrorists that are subject to the prohibitions contained in the Executive Order." See: "Clinton's Letter to Congress on Freezing of bin Ladin Assets," August 22, 1998

President Clinton also ordered a "terrorism threat assessment of every federal facility in the country," which had "already begun" when, in February 1995, the Clinton Administration introduced a counter-terrorism bill in the Senate (S. 390) and the House of Representatives (H.R. 896). Note: this was before the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Oklahoma City bombing on April 19 that year.

President Clinton's proposals would have expanded pre-trial detention and allowed more federal wiretaps of terrorism suspects, eased deportation of foreigners convicted of crimes, allowed the detention of aliens convicted or suspected of crimes, let the President criminalize fund-raising for terrorism, and revived visa denial provisions to keep dangerous people out of the US.

Unfortunately, Republicans sabotaged Clinton's efforts to keep us safe. If in force before April 19, 1995 federal officials might have detected and prevented the Murrah Building plot. 9/11/01. If the Republicans had passed Clinton's proposals before September 11, 2001 we might have blocked the al Qaeda terrorist plot that killed 3000 Americans. We all know what happened eight months into the illegitimate Bush/Cheney reign of error.

Republican Congressional leaders shot down Clinton's proposals, tried to impeach him on trumped up grounds, and dragged their feet when it came to national security. They did this even after the Murrah Building bombing. Clinton's "Omnibus Counter Terrorism Act of 1995" would have:

"[P]rovided clear Federal criminal jurisdiction for any international terrorist attack that might occur in the United States [including] Federal criminal jurisdiction over terrorists who use the United States as the place from which to plan terrorist attacks overseas." Allowed deportation of "alien terrorists without risking the disclosure of national security information or techniques."

It would have "prevent[ed] fundraising in the United States that supports international terrorist activities overseas," implemented "an international treaty requiring the insertion of a chemical agent into plastic explosives when manufactured to make them detectable," and granted "more tools to federal law enforcement agencies fighting terrorism."

These proposed "tools" would have included: Providing for "disclosures by consumer reporting agencies to the FBI for counterintelligence and counterterrorism purposes." Also "relaxed standard[s] for obtaining 'pen registers' and 'trap and trace' device orders which already exists in routine criminal cases, to national security cases."

Note: a "'pen register' is a device which records the number dialed on a telephone" and a "'trap and trace' device is similar to 'Caller ID,' providing law enforcement with the telephone number from which a call originates. [This] would not permit law enforcement to monitor actual conversations being conducted."

Clinton's proposals "would require hotel/motel and common carriers such as airlines and bus companies to provide records to the FBI pursuant to authorized national security requests just as they must do now for virtually all state and local law enforcement. [This because] FBI has found that, while some of these entities voluntarily provide such information, an increasing number refuse, absent a court order, a subpoena, or other legal protection.

Clinton also sought to "fund costs associated cases which arise in connection with terrorism crises, including logistics and other support" and he wanted to "Create an interagency Domestic Counterterrorism Center headed by the FBI" to "establish a partnership effort between the Justice Department, including the FBI, and other federal and state law enforcement authorities to coordinate [ant-terror] efforts within the United States."

President Clinton "directed the Attorney General to conduct this assessment and report her recommendations in 60 days. The assessment has already begun" and directed "the FBI Director, the Attorney General, and the National Security Adviser to prepare a presidential decision directive authorizing any and all further steps necessary to combat foreign and domestic terrorism.

The Clinton Administration also submitted "New Legislative Proposals" which called for investigations and hiring "approximately 1000 new agents, prosecutors, and other federal law enforcement and support personnel to investigate, deter, and prosecute terrorist activity," and would have made it more difficult for terrorists to commit - and easier for law enforcement officers to detect, prevent and investigate - terrorist acts.

It would have required "the inclusion of microscopic particles in certain raw materials, thereby permitting law enforcement to trace the source of the explosive even after a device has been detonated" and "permitted military participation in crime-fighting involving weapons of mass destruction ... to permit military participation in criminal cases involving chemical, biological, and other weapons of mass destruction; areas in which the military has specialized expertise."

Today, some Republicans claim President Clinton "did nothing" to combat terrorism. Back then - when they might have prevented the 9/11 attacks - Republicans blocked or stalled all of the anti-terrorism proposals above. First, they stone-walled for months despite Clinton Administration warnings. Then, the GOP watered-down key provisions.

Finally the Republican Congress passed S.735 "A bill to prevent and punish acts of terrorism, and for other purposes." It became Public Law No: 104-132 when President Clinton signed it, despite his and others' concerns that the Republicans watered down the bill too much.

As CNN reported: "Congress on Thursday passed a compromise bill ... a watered-down version of the White House's proposal. The Clinton administration has been critical of the bill, calling it too weak. The original House bill, passed last month, had deleted many of the Senate's anti-terrorism provisions...." See: "Congress passes anti-terrorism bill," CNN April 18, 1996:

Republicans weakened and blocked anti-terror legislation several times, sabotaging Clinton Administration efforts to keep us safe. President Clinton and his administration never stopped working to combat terrorism and kept pushing the Republicans for adequate anti-terror laws.

Other Clinton Administration anti-terrorism legislative proposals include: The Comprehensive Antiterrorism Act of 1995, The Counter Terrorism Technology Research Act of 1995, The Antiterrorism Amendments Act of 1995, The Effective Death Penalty and Antiterrorism Act of 1995, and the Senate and House versions of The Omnibus Counter Terrorism Act of 1995.

According to CNN, Republicans refused to cooperate with President Clinton's efforts to protect us from terrorist attacks: "July 30, 1996 President Clinton urged Congress Tuesday to act swiftly in developing anti-terrorism legislation before its August recess. But while the president pushed for quick legislation, Republican lawmakers hardened their stance against some of the proposed anti-terrorism measures.

"Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, doubted that the Senate would rush to action before they recess this weekend. The Senate needs to study all the options, he said, and trying to get it done in the next three days would be tough. One key GOP senator was more critical, calling a proposed study of chemical markers in explosives 'a phony issue.'" See: "President wants Senate to hurry with new anti-terrorism laws," CNN July 30, 1996:

Despite President Clinton's extensive efforts to combat terrorism - and their own refusal to help, even eagerness to hinder those efforts - Republicans shamelessly blame Bill Clinton. The Washington Post reported: "The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks had been over for a few hours when Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) announced his conclusion about the root of the problem. 'We had Bill Clinton backing off, letting the Taliban go, over and over again,' the conservative from Orange County declared at a news conference."

"On the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal [October 5, 2001] Rush Limbaugh penned a column on how 'Mr. Clinton can be held culpable for not doing enough when he was commander in chief to combat the terrorists who wound up attacking the World Trade Center and Pentagon.'" See: Harris, John F. "Conservatives Sound Refrain: It's Clinton's Fault." The Washington Post: 7 October 2001 (p. A15).¬Found=true

What does all this prove? That besides lacking any sense of honor, honesty or decency, top Republicans don't know the first thing about national security. They didn't care enough about the Atlanta Olympics bombing, the first WTC bombing, or even the Murrah Building bombing to do anything to prevent the next terrorist attack. Republicans remained soft on terror when they might have made it harder for terrorists to kill Americans. Again, we all know what happened eight months into the illegitimate Bush/Cheney reign of error.

Even though President Clinton knew about the al Qaeda threat and took action to kill bin Laden, and to punish and thwart terrorists and their plots. The Clinton Administration warned the Republicans about terrorism more than six and a half years before 9/11/01 and then again as the illegitimate Bush Occupation stole into office. Still, the GOP did nothing or actually blocked most efforts to keep us alive!

Here's more from President Clinton's Letter to Congress on Freezing of bin Ladin Assets, "Usama bin Ladin and his organizations and associates have repeatedly called upon their supporters to perform acts of violence. Bin Ladin has declared that killing Americans and their allies 'is an individual duty for every Muslim ... in order to liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Holy Mosque.' These threats are clearly intended to violently disrupt the Middle East peace process."

He stressed, "I have authorized these actions in view of the danger posed to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States by the activities of Usama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Ladin (a.k.a. Usama bin Ladin), Islamic Army, Abu Hafs al-Masri, and Rifa'i Ahmad Taha Musa that disrupt the Middle East peace process. I am enclosing a copy of the Executive Order that I have issued exercising my emergency authorities."

The Republicans ignored these warnings "from President Clinton to the leaders of Congress explaining why he ordered the freezing of all assets controlled by or affiliated with terrorist chieftain Usama bin Ladin." See: Clinton's Letter to Congress on Freezing of bin Ladin Assets, August 22, 1998:

Under Bush and Cheney, the anti-terror task force never met until it was too late. Their top defense officials, Rumsfeld and Rice, tried to slash anti-terror funding and claimed terrorism wasn't their responsibility respectively. It took the horrible attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon before the Republicans woke up and recognized the serious terrorist threat.
2007-08-26 20:15:27 UTC
ever heard of the 9/11 commission report and its recommendations? yeah that thing the Republicans pretty much ignored until election time?

maybe you would like to do your own research?

Under President Clinton's leadership, almost 6 million new jobs were created in the first two years of his Administration -- an average of 250,000 new jobs every month.

In 1994, the economy had the lowest combination of unemployment and inflation in 25 years.

As part of the 1993 Economic Plan, President Clinton cut taxes on 15 million low-income families and made tax cuts available to 90 percent of small businesses, while raising taxes on just 1.2 percent of the wealthiest taxpayers.

President Clinton signed into law the largest deficit reduction plan in history, resulting in over $600 billion in deficit reduction. The deficit is going down for 3 years in a row for the first time since Harry Truman was president.

Fighting Crime and Restoring Our Communities

The President signed into law the Brady Bill, which imposes a five-day waiting period on handgun purchases so that background checks can be done to help keep handguns away from criminals.

The President's Crime Bill will put 100,000 new police officers on the street. More than 1,200 communities have already received grants to hire 27,000 additional officers.

The Crime Bill also punishes criminals by expanding the number of offenses eligible for the death penalty and implementing the "three-strikes-and-you're-out" provision.

And, the Bill banned the manufacture of 19 specific types of deadly assault weapons, while simultaneously protecting hunters' rights by exempting over 650 hunting rifles.

Strengthening Our Families: Security and Opportunity

President Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act. The law, which covers over 42 million Americans, offers workers up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-guaranteed leave for child birth, adoption, or personal or family illness.

President Clinton expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit to cut the taxes of 15 million working families with incomes of $27,000 or less.

President Clinton granted waivers to 25 states -- half the nation -- providing for comprehensive welfare reform demonstrations.

President Clinton ordered the U.S. Justice Department to conduct the first-ever crackdown on deadbeat parents who refuse to accept financial responsibility for their own children.

Signed an Executive Order cracking down on federal employees who owe child support.

Cutting Bureaucracy

President Clinton has already cut the federal bureaucracy by more than 100,000 positions. Under the recommendations of the National Performance Review, the federal bureaucracy will be reduced by 272,000 -- its lowest level since the Kennedy Administration.

And, he reduced the White House staff by 25 percent.

Making Education A Priority

Under the President's Direct Student Loan program, students can borrow money directly from the government at a lower interest rate and with many flexible repayment options, including the option to repay with a percentage of their after-graduation salary. Taxpayers will save at least $4.3 billion over five years.

In 1994, over 20,000 AmeriCorps members tutored students, immunized children, reclaimed urban parks, and patrolled neighborhoods. In return, they earned $4,725 per year of service towards college tuition or job training.

President Clinton signed into law Goals 2000, a national standard of excellence for our public schools. Already, 41 states and territories have received federal grants to raise academic standards and improve schools.

President Clinton's Safe and Drug Free Schools and Community Act and the Safe Schools Act provide funding to schools to fight violence and drug abuse. Schools can use up to 25 percent of their funds to purchase metal detectors, develop safe zones, and hire school security personnel.

The President's School-to-Work program provides venture capital to spark a nationwide system for moving America's young people from high school to a job with a future. In 1994, all states received planning funds for their school-to-work program.

Charter School legislation signed by President Clinton encourages states and localities to set up public school choice.

Expanding Markets for American Products

President Clinton led the fight to pass GATT, which lowers tariffs worldwide by $744 billion over ten years -- the largest international tax cut in history. GATT cuts tariffs on manufactured goods by more than one-third overall and eliminates tariffs in major markets in a number of sectors in which the U.S. is particularly competitive.

Protecting Our Environment

Under President Clinton, the EPA launched its "Common Sense Initiative" to make health protection cheaper and smarter by focusing on results rather than one-size-fits-all regulations.

The President's Northwest Forest Plan is putting communities in the Northwest back to work, while conserving ancient forests.

After decades of conflict, the Clinton Administration negotiated a consensus plan to protect California's most valuable natural resource -- its water. The San Francisco and Delta estuary supplies dr inking water to two-thirds of the state's people, provides irrigation for 45 percent of the nation's fruits and vegetables, and sustains 300 aquatic species.

Promoting Security and Freedom Abroad

President Clinton hosted the signing of the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles in September, 1993, and the signing of the Israeli-Jordan Washington Principles in July, 1994 -- historic agreements between the leaders of Israel and her Arab neighbors to settle differences by peaceful means.

To enhance European security and stability, the Clinton Administration proposed the Partnership for Peace program, offering former Soviet republics and Central/East European states closer ties with NATO. Already, 22 nations have signed on, since NATO's adoption of the program in January, 1994.

As of May, 1994, nuclear missiles in Russia and the United States are no longer targeted against any country. And, as a result of other Clinton Administration efforts, the Ukraine is ahead of schedule in reaching the goal of transferring 1,500 nuclear warheads to Russia for dismantlement.

President Clinton peacefully restored democracy to Haiti, curbing the violence that threatened tens of thousands of Haitians, securing our borders, and upholding our commitments and the commitments made to us in the process.


Signed the Economic Package, August 10, 1993.

The economy created 7.7 million new jobs in the first 34 months of this Administration.

Passed the largest deficit-cutting plan in history -- saving more than $1 trillion over seven years.

On track for three consecutive years of deficit reduction -- for the first time since Harry Truman.

Cut federal spending by $255 billion over 5 years.

Made new tax cuts available to over 90% of small businesses.

Unemployment has fallen from 7% when President Clinton took office to its current rate of 5.6%

Lowest combined rate of unemployment and inflation since 1968.

1994 real GDP growth was the highest in a decade.

Proposed a plan to balance the budget while protecting critical investments in education.


Increased Head Start funding by almost $760 million.

Passed the Student Loan Reform Act, August 10, 1993.

Implemented the National Service Act, September 21, 1993.

Signed the Goals 2000: Educate America Act, March 31, 1994.

Enacted the School-to-Work Opportunities Act on May 4, 1994.

Signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Reauthorization


Passed the toughest most comprehensive Crime Bill ever, September 13, 1994

Signed the Brady Bill, November 30, 1993.

Enacted the Assault Weapons Ban as part of the Crime Bill.

Put 100,000 new police on the street -- nearly 31,000 more officers have been funded.

Signed the Violence Against Women Act as part of the Crime Bill.

Signed the Safe and Drug-Free Schools Act, October 20, 1994.

Issued Presidential Directive enforcing a "Zero Tolerance" gun policy in schools, October 22, 1994

Submitted and fought for the most comprehensive Drug Control budget ever.


Already cut the Federal Workforce by over 200,000 -- on the way to lowest level in 30 years.

Abolishing 16,000 pages of obsolete regulations and rewriting 31,000 more pages.

$58 billion in savings are already in the bank. $46 billion in savings are still to come.

Over 180 new recommendations will save $70 billion. Eliminated 284 federal advisory committees.

Developed government-wide Customer Service Standards for the first time.

Appointed the most diverse Cabinet and Administration in history.

Signed the most important federal procurement act ever to streamline government purchasing.

Reformed Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation to protect 8.5 million pensions.

Signed the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, March 22, 1995.


Created nine Economic Empowerment Zones and 95 Enterprise Communities.

Signed the Community Development Banking Financial Institutions Act, Sept. 23, 1994.

Signed the Interstate Banking Bill, September 29, 1994.

Instituted the Defense Reinvestment and Conversion Initiative.

Reformed the Community Reinvestment Act to focus on performance rather than paperwork.

Made the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and Mortgage Revenue Bond Program permanent.


Issued a new executive order to require polluters to disclose information to the public and expanded the public's right-to-know about toxic releases.

Launched "reinventing environmental regulation" to cut red tape and better protect public health.

Issued a new standard to cut pollution from chemical plants 90% by 1997.

Signed executive orders to increase recycling and cut pollution in federal buildings.

Signed the California Desert Protection Act, October 31, 1994.

Issued a new standard to cut pollution from incinerators 95%.

Introduced comprehensive Safe Drinking Water and Superfund reforms.

Developed a plan to restore Florida's Everglades.

Ended decades of conflict over the allocation of California Bay-Delta water.


Passed the Family and Medical Leave Act, February 5, 1993.

Signed a comprehensive Child Immunization Plan.

Revoked the Reagan/Bush restrictions on abortion counseling ("the gag rule"), abortions in military hospitals, "Mexico City" policy and RU-486 imports.

Increased Ryan White CARE Act funding for outpatient AIDS care over 100% in first 3 budgets.

Put the Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC) on a full-funding path.

Increased funding 65% for breast cancer research.

As part of the balanced budget plan, introduced health care reform initiative which strengthens Medicare and expands coverage.

Proposed a $1.3 billion increase in veterans' benefits -- of which $1 billion will be directed to the VA health system to provide treatment for 43,000 more veterans.


Expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit providing tax relief for 15 million working families.

Introduced the Work and Responsibility Act - comprehensive welfare reform.

Passed the Family Support and Preservation Program.

Passed major funding increases for homeless programs in both Houses.

Approved 35 waivers to states permitting comprehensive welfare reform demonstrations.

Collected a record $10 billion in child support through enforcement in 1994.

Signed the Social Security Independent Agency Act.

Increased adoption and foster care funds by almost $600 million from 1994-1995.


Signed the National Voter Registration Act (Motor-Voter), May 20, 1993.

Eliminated the tax deduction for lobbying expenses.

Imposed strictest Administration ethics guidelines in history.

Barred top officials from becoming foreign lobbyists after leaving government.

Signed the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 -- the first overhaul of lobbying rules in 50 years.

Fought for passage of and signed into law the Congressional Accountability Act, January 22, 1995.

Fought for passage of line-item veto and campaign finance.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.