If Trump gets impeached, what is the chance that Congress will do the right thing and make Hillary President?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
If Trump gets impeached, what is the chance that Congress will do the right thing and make Hillary President?
473 answers:
2017-03-06 21:28:10 UTC
2017-03-07 03:24:04 UTC
0% chance, the Vice President would become president
2017-03-06 20:57:34 UTC
They can't do that.
Homeschool produces winners
2017-03-05 20:09:57 UTC
Not only is there zero chance. It's Constitutionally impossible.

The Constitution provides that if neither the President nor Vice President can serve, the Congress shall provide law stating who is next in line. Currently that law exists as 3 USC 19, a section of the U.S. Code. This law was established as part of the Presidential Succession Act of 1947. There, the following line of succession is provided:

Speaker of the House of Representatives

President Pro Tempore of the Senate

Secretary of State

Secretary of the Treasury

Secretary of Defense

Attorney General

Secretary of the Interior

Secretary of Agriculture

Secretary of Commerce

Secretary of Labor

Secretary of Health and Human Services

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Secretary of Transportation

Secretary of Energy

Secretary of Education

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Secretary of Homeland Security
Linda R
2017-03-06 21:08:53 UTC
You are so far off on this. President Trump will NEVER be impeached because he has NEVER broken any laws....even if he did - Pence would be next in line and then Paul Ryan. Hillary would NEVER be chosen.
2017-03-06 20:32:52 UTC
So I believe this is an idiot child post. In reality, Trump is president and no one can change that. The thing is that when a President is elected, there has always been a "peaceful transfer of power" even though there has always been a hate for presidents. This time, when this generation is so stupid, the young people, who only think of themselves, destroy America as to protest how Trump will destroy America. So before saying dumb **** like "Impeach Trump!" look over actual facts of why he is our president, and wait for him to actually do something that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for you to start spewing words about how stupid he is. As I see it, millionaires are not stupid at all. Look at Bill Gates, or Steve Jobs. so yeah chances of him being impeached is the same as your iq... zero.
2017-03-06 21:17:45 UTC
plz not her! i feel like she's pro-war.
2017-03-05 20:06:19 UTC
About as much chance as Trump being impeached! You are an idiot!

Update: "That's not fair". Spoken like a true child!
Warren T
2017-03-06 23:22:57 UTC
2017-03-07 22:31:19 UTC
You need to stop watching MSNBC. Both political parties (and the respective cable news networks that have spawned from them) have lost their minds and we haven't had a decent candidate in about 15 years... but the left elected a socialist wackado, now the right have their wackado. You are partially to blame, both sides are more concerned with seizing power for their party and playing gotcha with manufactured bs against the other party then running America properly. But you are stuck with him, he's not getting impeached, and Hillary is certainly not getting the White House. Share and enjoy.
2017-03-08 11:12:38 UTC much chance as knocking down the statue of liberty and replacing it with a statue of Hillary
2017-03-08 11:05:17 UTC
She wouldn't be able to repeal the 2nd Amendment fast enough to live more than a day or two.
2017-03-07 18:51:48 UTC
Hilariously childish question. Not possible.
2017-03-07 16:17:28 UTC
U libtards really have your mind stretched.
2017-03-07 08:50:43 UTC
That boat sailed months ago. :)
2017-03-08 11:50:37 UTC
Trump gets impeached? will not go to Hillary, VP Pence is in charge//Vp moves up to President ..
2017-03-08 10:51:09 UTC
That you take this question seriously shows what a complete idiot you are. The line of succession was laid down

in 1788 in the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION which you would know already if you weren't an uneducated fool.

Mental defectives like you should not be allowed to vote... or breed.
2017-03-08 02:07:20 UTC
.......and if Trump and Pence were on a cruise and the boat sank...Grumpy Cat becomes president.
2017-03-07 22:55:48 UTC
The US Constitution says the vice president becomes president.
2017-03-07 20:00:50 UTC
You really need to go away for awhile and realize that you are dumb and a moron to follower the s**th**ds you copy. Your rant is so obviously without intelligence until it is not even a good laugh. I am sure of this because you show that you follower big-mouth morons.
daniel g
2017-03-07 02:39:11 UTC
Trump is not going to get impeached unless he commits an impeachable offense, and Killary is already history.

Trump screws up bad enough to get impeached, the VP becomes prez.
2017-03-07 02:16:25 UTC
It doesn't work that way..... not at all. There's a list of successors called the Presidential Line of Succession.

Bill Clinton was impeached but not thown out of office basically because the Senate has to approve the impeachment.

Let's say Congress and the Senate threw both Trump and Pence out of office. Then Paul Ryan would be your NEW president.

I used to be a Democrat too, until I figured out how the Government works.
2017-03-06 22:27:00 UTC
**** you
Hoekom Jy My Haat
2017-03-06 22:13:22 UTC
Were you educated in America? If so, yours is the most idiotic question, ever.
2017-03-06 20:57:46 UTC
Make me president and ill kill hillary
2017-03-06 19:45:37 UTC
WoW, I aint a huge fan of trump but why the **** would you want Hilary president ?
2017-03-06 06:50:37 UTC
It wouldn't happen. I would rather have her than Donald Trump, but it wouldn't happen. I believe if he is impeached then he would be replaced by one of the cabinet members, I read somewhere.
2017-03-06 05:29:18 UTC
Considering the fact that Congress cannot do something that is in violation of the Constitution should Trump be impeached, I don't think that's going to happen.
2017-03-06 04:50:55 UTC
2017-03-05 20:09:22 UTC
Since Congress has a Republican majority the chances of either of those things happening are just under 0.
2017-04-02 07:42:00 UTC
so i believe this is an idiot child post... in reality, trump is president and no one can change that... the thing is that when a president is elected, there has always been a "peaceful transfer of power" even though there has always been a hate for presidents... this time, when this generation is so stupid, the young people, who only think of themselves, destroy america as to protest how trump shall destroy america... so before saying dumb **** like "impeach trump!" look over actual facts of why he is our president, and wait for him to actually do something that is unconstitutional for you to start spewing words about how stupid he is... as i see it, millionaires are not stupid at all... look at bill gates, or steve jobs... so yeah chances of him being impeached is the same as your iq......... zero...
Alal, Utuk Xul
2017-03-09 16:55:01 UTC
0 percent. If anything happens (assassination or impeachment) to a current president then the Vice President becomes the president. Hubert Humphrey didn't become president after Richard Nixon resigned.
2017-03-09 14:27:25 UTC
It is just a waste of time to wonder now that he is elected. I agree with most the post and the one thing positive is people are getting involved and voicing an opinion. Sure change is hard and some mistakes will be made but if we get the elected folks to work hard change will come. Most the past presidents have said that when they got to DC it was amazing how partisan the politics are and no one is doing the negotiations they just want it all their way. Well the liberals are going to work the long hours and they are doing one thing wrong. No one is making things better and bringing new ideas to the conversation. The one idea that makes no sense is to even think about Hillary.
2017-03-09 03:06:19 UTC
The chance of that happening is between slim and none. There is a legally defined order of succession. First the Vice President, then the Speaker of the House and on and on.
2017-03-07 22:52:47 UTC
Hillary Clinton will never be president. There is no chance. Even if Trump is impeached, the line of succession is Pence. Not Hillary. It would be the wrong thing for Congress to do anyways. Would you really want Hillary as your president? She flip-flops and panders on subjects to appease everyone. Take a class on government and get over it. Trump is your president and hopefully, he will be for the next four years. Just think of what Pence would to our country.
2017-03-07 22:07:30 UTC
It is very unlikely that Trump would be impeached, he has not done anything that would warrant an impeachment. Even if Trump was impeached Hillary wouldn't be president and I don't think she will ever be. Trump is also improving relationships with Russia which the US has failed to do since world war two. Trump has also got a lot of Hillary surpporters on his side. If Trump is impeached it's more likely a republican would take office.
ron h
2017-03-07 21:37:51 UTC
Trump may be impeached, but the cold, calculating Mike Pence would become take trump's place. It's hard to say if steve bannon would still be president or not, though.
2017-03-07 21:34:35 UTC
if Donald puts her in jail ?
2017-03-07 17:33:31 UTC
That wouldn t be the right thing to do because that would be illegal. If Trump gets impeached, Pence becomes president. If he were to get impeached, the next person in line would become president. There s no possible way they could make Clinton president. Stop bitching about the election. The reaction of you liberals is basically an adult temper tantrum.
2017-03-07 16:33:12 UTC
I see that you are not familiar with the succession in the event something happen to the current president no matter who the president is.

Our succession laws do not allow a loser of the presidential election to become the president in the event the current president is not able to fulfill his term in office.

Congress would not have anything to do with who would succeed the president in the event the president is not able to complete his term.

The order of succession is the Vice president, followed by the speaker of the house.

Not knowing this does not place you in a good position of knowing or understanding our government and how it work. It might be to your benefit to learn the system of our government and how it work. This form of government had worked extremely well. We have something other countries do not have. We have ex and former presidents. Our form of government is peaceful past to the next president be that president a republican or democrat.

It is bewildering to me that any Hillary supporter is still wanting her to become the president. It appears to me as if the supporters of the democrats would be making arrangements to find out why they lost the last election and figure out away to make a come back and win the next election.

These individuals are wasting time by trying to figure out a way to get Hillary into the whited house. This race is over, your horse did not win. It is time for you to understand this and move on to finding a method to correct the reasons and find a suitable person to run for president the next time.

I hear the democrats are thinking about running Hillary again. This, in my opinion, is not a smart thing to do. She was embarrassed in the last election. What is she gonna say I was wrong the last time and now I see the light. I lied about the server, my foundation is now a legal entity and above board. I will campaign harder and not spend a lot of time fund raising.

We did not cheat Sanders out of the election though he might have won the majority voters in certain states and I got the most delegates.

She made so many mistakes, that to run her again would be a gross mistake. You and you party would have to make this decision.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2017-03-07 13:03:52 UTC
this is not how USA works , no way
2017-03-07 04:09:06 UTC
Your grasp of a functioning government is impressive - now go back to your coloring books!
2017-03-07 03:49:41 UTC

that would be illegal, congress does not have that power!

mike pence would become president
no name
2017-03-06 21:47:34 UTC

He will not even get impeached as for the republicans it is all about staying in power and not over doing what is right
2017-03-06 18:22:14 UTC
Idiot. Billary would be the worse president ever, libtard. Billary Rodham Clinton lost, get over it :)
2017-03-06 09:06:33 UTC
Lmao. Asshole troll op
2017-03-06 08:30:35 UTC
aww are you butt hurt?
2017-03-06 06:59:20 UTC
its funny how you're still bitter about him winning tbh
2017-03-06 01:34:51 UTC
It sure is sad that losers can't accept the truth. Like it or not, Trump is president and you have to deal with it. Instead of dreaming up fantasy scenarios like this, work on helping dems win the mid terms in 2018. Volunteer, pass out fliers, be a good example that others want to follow, not a molotov throwing protester that pushes rational people away.
2017-03-05 20:36:57 UTC
Pence will be president, unless he realizes he's not up for the job either and steps aside for Paul Ryan. Or else there is a national caretaker government coalition that calls for a new constitutional convention and deports Trump and permanently bans Trump from ever reentering the United States.
Carol B
2017-03-09 05:12:23 UTC
No Mike Pence will be.
2017-03-09 00:31:07 UTC
Not happening.
2017-03-08 17:44:53 UTC
She can be president of a bridge club, like Deng Xiao-ping.
2017-03-08 15:04:20 UTC
Zero unless it is shown that he really did collude with the Russians. Then his would be a false presidency (which some of us believe to be true anyway).
Gerry G
2017-03-07 14:04:48 UTC
That cannot happen. That is not the way it works. It also would NOT be the right thing.
2017-03-07 07:47:31 UTC
Wow a women's studies graduate. What a worthless pile of garbage degree really explains why you are asking questions like that. Truly ignorant at all levels.
2017-03-07 03:37:56 UTC
Hahaha. Meh thinks your insane
2017-03-07 02:17:44 UTC
Trump is the rightful president
2017-03-06 23:39:23 UTC
Zero. Congress doesn't have the power to appoint a new President. Succession to the Presidency is established in the Constitution and the Presidential Succession Act. Regardless of why Trump couldn't finish out his term, the next three people in the line of succession would be the same: Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, and Orrin Hatch.

Also, bear in mind that impeachment and removal from office are two different things. Impeachment means that the government official has been formally accused of a crime. This has happened twice before, to Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. The next step is for the Senate to judge the case, and if they return a guilty verdict, then there's a vote to remove him from office. However, it's never gotten past the second step. Neither Johnson nor Clinton were found guilty, so they both finished out their terms.
2017-03-06 22:53:16 UTC
an interesting question and I know most of the answers will be heavily partisan and not really care about justice.

The correct answer is if it is proven that Trump cheated and collaborated with Russia to steal the election, then an injustice would have been done. However, keep in mind that Clinton had her legitimate faults as well and when you combine that with the 8 year push by the Republicans to diminish her, her Clintonian history along with her husband of giving us NAFTA, her lack of judgment, and her ties to being a long time member of the establishment (both parties) that the people so hate, it was very easy for Trump and the Russian to do what they did.

In fact that is the game plan of Putin all over the world. He is a villain for sure and an enemy of democracy for certain and an enemy of our country. However, the western leaders including Obama, Clinton, Merkel etc..have taken policy pathes that are truly against what most normal citizens want. Putin has seen this and is using it as a wedge to divide and conquer. He sees himself as the savior of western civilization and western culture....but the trade off is we get tyrants and oligarchy trickle down policies himself in Russia and Trump
2017-03-06 22:04:07 UTC
While I think it is likely there will be an impeachment attempt, there is nearly zero chance of Congress simply making Hillary Clinton president when Mike Pence is next in line. Please, PLEASE don't impeach the man. A Trump presidency we can likely withstand. A Pence presidency? I don't think so.
John A
2017-03-06 21:02:55 UTC
Hopefully 0, Hillary sucks
2017-03-06 20:57:53 UTC
ZERO. Butthurt liberals.
2017-03-06 20:28:09 UTC
2017-03-06 20:23:39 UTC
Killery Billery as President not a snowballs chance on Bills penis!!
2017-03-06 20:14:15 UTC
About Zero, as it is not up to them. Mike Pence becomes President if that takes place.
2017-03-06 19:45:50 UTC
Oh my, heaven forbid !
2017-03-06 16:22:12 UTC
Impeach does not mean 'remove'. In fact President Clinton was impeached. The word is simply means he was warned and scolded for an act that was unbecoming of a president
2017-03-06 07:43:27 UTC
Congress doesn't have the power to do that....even if they wanted to.

Mike Pence would be entitled to the office if the President were to

be removed for any reason.
2017-03-06 00:22:32 UTC
Not so fast. Trump is still so busy working on his own impeachment that he barely has time to run the country. He flies to Mar-A-Lago to recuperate, then returns to the White House to whine, whine, whine.
2017-03-12 00:30:47 UTC
it wouldn't matter because the succession of command makes it impossible for hillary to be president during this presidential term for one, and for two, its obvious the will of the people was fulfilled when the election was decided.
2017-03-10 01:05:28 UTC
Nearly as big as the chance that you might grow a brain and actually read who becomes President after an impeachment.
2017-03-09 10:05:32 UTC
No chance. Oprah will be the next President.
Marv Cowles
2017-03-09 05:19:01 UTC
e^(ix3.14) + 1 = 0
2017-03-08 21:29:14 UTC
The will if the people? Congress and the high courts Impeach the president. Not the people. Then the vice president becomes president. After that I think the head of something becomes president
2017-03-08 20:49:29 UTC
Congress can't do that. So the answer is zero. If the P leaves office for any reason, his veep takes over. If there is no veep (highly unlikely, of course) the Speaker of the House of Representatives takes over. Next in line is President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
2017-03-08 00:24:19 UTC
Negative, Hillary can not and will not become president, secondly, Trump will not be impeached, but just an FYI, if the current president ceases to be, the Vice President will become President.
2017-03-07 21:36:16 UTC
Are you on drugs again ? Get real.
Tad Dubious
2017-03-07 17:27:27 UTC
Not a chance in Hell, WSG. It would be unconstitutional. The Veep, then the Speaker of the House would be next in line.
2017-03-07 10:44:26 UTC
Really? It's time to grow up.
2017-03-07 04:08:22 UTC
How many times a day do you slam your head with a car door.
2017-03-07 03:49:28 UTC
LOL! Get over it snowflake. Hillary will NEVER be president.
Justin H
2017-03-06 23:24:32 UTC
Get over yourself.
2017-03-06 22:45:33 UTC
0. Because it wouldn t be the right thing
trurider t
2017-03-06 21:53:05 UTC
Trump WILL NOT be impeached.
2017-03-06 17:52:01 UTC
probably 1% chance
Random Guy
2017-03-06 11:21:35 UTC
Nice try kid, Pence will be the president if that happens.

Just suck it up for 4 years and hopefully we'll get much better candidates than what we had.

To sum up your mindset - WSG: "I WANNA, I WANNA, I WANNA!!!"

2017-03-06 04:45:41 UTC
Hopefully 0%. Hillary is a poisoned bich and she wouldn't know wtf she was doing if she was elected president. She is stupid af and Trump shouldnt be impeached because Russia didnt have a goddam thing to do with the election. Liberals like you make my fĂĽcking STOMACH TURN!! FĂĽck you, fĂĽck Hillary, and fĂĽck Obama.
2017-03-06 02:36:35 UTC
No, pence will be president. That's the system
2017-03-06 01:07:02 UTC
Nil. Pense is the next inline.
2017-03-08 23:40:03 UTC
The constitution does not permit this. You might read it before posting. The Vice President would become President, or, if the office is vacant, then Paul Ryan would resign as Speaker of the House and assume the Presidency.
2017-03-08 04:08:06 UTC
Neither is going to happen. Trump is president and the Hildebeast is FINISHED. DEAL WITH IT, SNOWFLAKE!
2017-03-07 19:18:22 UTC
the vice president would take over..Hillary is the the vice president
2017-03-07 16:22:36 UTC
That would be wrong thing read Constitution for dummies
2017-03-07 12:32:29 UTC
Trump will be impeached mark my words BUT Hillary Clinton Will never be president during this term.
2017-03-07 10:49:17 UTC
She will never be president !
2017-03-07 04:46:35 UTC
Here is the current US line of succession:

Vice President: Mike Pence (R)

Speaker of the House of Representatives: Paul Ryan (R)

President pro tempore of the Senate: Orrin Hatch (R)

Secretary of State: Rex Tillerson (R)

Secretary of the Treasury: Steven Mnuchin (R)

Secretary of Defense: James Mattis (I)

Attorney General: Jeff Sessions (R)

Secretary of the Interior: Kevin Haugrud

Secretary of Agriculture: Michael Scuse (D)

Secretary of Commerce: Wilbur Ross (R)

Secretary of Labor: Ed Hugler

Secretary of Health and Human Services: Tom Price (R)

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Ben Carson (R)

Secretary of Transportation: Elaine Chao (R)

Secretary of Energy: Rick Perry (R)

Secretary of Education: Betsy DeVos (R)

Secretary of Veterans Affairs: David Shulkin (I)

Secretary of Homeland Security: John F. Kelly (I)

As you can see, nowhere on this list is Hillary Clinton included. There are precedents in place to prevent congress from committing rash decisions such as appointing Hillary Clinton President. Furthermore, keeping the line of succession within the administration helps to maintain the continuity and stability of the nation.
2017-03-06 23:07:52 UTC
get over the hillary crap she isn't nor she will be president. next in line is VP than speaker, not her ever, learn to accept defeat in one's life.
2017-03-06 21:55:55 UTC
That's why there is a Vice President
2017-03-06 21:54:22 UTC
it can't happen and did you forget what Hillary did? she was close to getting indicted but someon---xbama pulled some strings and got her off. Had he not done so he would have pardon her but no way she could ever run for office again.
2017-03-06 21:46:55 UTC
Zero , get a real education . Hilary might be President of Leavenworth Prison
Mr. Wizard
2017-03-06 20:55:46 UTC
Dear Libtard who asked this question:

A sitting President must break a FELONY law---namely FEDERAL law---before impeachment can even be breathed in Congress. To date, President Trump has NOT broken ANY laws---and he ISN'T, no matter how hard you wish and pray and wish and pray and wish and pray for each waking day of your pathetic IDIOTIC existence.

The harder Democrat LIBTARDS spew out their anti-Trump hate and over-showboating on GLOBAL TV with their TANTRUM RANTS about how unfair it was Hillary LOST--the EASIER it comes for President Trump to gain MORE favor and merit.

2017-03-06 20:44:27 UTC
Zero that is impossible, and of course it would be the wrong thing to do. And of course Trump won't be getting impeached, after all Clinton lied under oath and never was convicted.
2017-03-06 19:52:31 UTC
No chance
2017-03-06 18:25:43 UTC
Since they are in two different political parties and the one that the people voted into power was not the party Hilary Clinton is in then whether Trump remains in office or not the Democrats were not voted into power so won't get in until the next election cycle and only then by public vote which didn't happen this time around.
sky l
2017-03-06 10:09:34 UTC
I'd. It's for the Cookie Monster first.
2017-03-06 08:34:37 UTC
Zip, Zero, None.
2017-03-06 00:50:00 UTC
Zip, nada, zilch, not a chance in Hell. The Next in line is the Vice President, after him would be the Speaker of the house. Sorry snowflake, Hillary is not in line for the job, nor will she be in line, time to get over it. Little piece of paper call the Constitution that keeps getting in the way.
2017-03-05 22:57:11 UTC
2017-03-05 21:00:20 UTC
According to the constitution, the next in line for the presidency will be Mike Pence. Then the speaker of the house. Sorry, we are looking at Republican leadership in the White House for the next four years no matter Who is president!
2017-03-08 19:27:13 UTC
in my opinnion both candidates suck one hates latinos and the other one russians so i wouldnt agree to neither of them so either way we are screwed both parties just want power
2017-03-08 17:35:13 UTC
Then Mike Pence will become POTUS....and you thought we had it bad with Trump!
2017-03-08 15:20:53 UTC
About the same chance as you having a rational thought. 0%
2017-03-07 23:21:18 UTC
Hillary does not have a chance to become president and Congress is too brainless anyways to make her president. #Imwithher
2017-03-07 22:19:54 UTC
If congress did the right thing, hillary wouldn't be in the white house she would be in the jailhouse.
2017-03-07 17:48:15 UTC
id rather obama
2017-03-07 06:36:58 UTC
It is up to the people. Congress is not the people. They cannot decide who is president. Even if they impeach him, Hillary will not make it in. Pence will be the next president then the secretary of state. Hillary lost the election, there is no way for her to be president without winning an election.
2017-03-07 04:41:24 UTC
God I don't understand how people can be so dumb. The democrats are the retarded ones
2017-03-07 03:40:50 UTC
If Trump gets impeached, it would be because he is found to have broken the law, committing an offense serious enough for impeachment. It won't be because Hillary deserves to be president. Under the system that existed while the election took place, the people elected Donald Trump, fair and square. You can argue that Hillary got more votes all you want, but really, they were both playing to get more electoral votes under the system that existed, and for all you know, the counts would not have been the same had the rules been changed.

For example, there were less votes in Texas, usually thought to be a solid red state, than in Florida, a pure swing state. Texas has more voters, sure, but less people showed up because Texas was almost certainly staying red no matter what. In Florida, especially after 2000, people know that they basically decide the election in many cases. Had every individual's vote counted equally, I think more Texans would have voted.

So it's not like Trump didn't win the presidency over Hillary fairly.

But, if Trump commits some offense and is impeached, the chances that Congress will make Hillary Clinton president are virtually nonexistent. First of all, Congress has a Republican majority which will likely only be strengthened in 2018. Republicans don't want to see Hillary Clinton in office. Second of all, it says in the Constitution that the Vice President - currently Mike Pence - becomes president if the president is impeached. After that, there's a whole line of succession - after Pence is Paul Ryan (House speaker), then Orrin Hatch (President pro tempore of the Senate), then Rex Tillerson (Secretary of State), and on and on through Trump's cabinet.

So, in this scenario, Trump is impeached, and Congress does the "right thing" by throwing the Constitution out of the window, making Hillary president. However, they have no authority to do that without an amendment to the constitution. And they can't make an amendment to the constitution without the president - who becomes Mike Pence the second Trump is impeached.

To sum this question up, it is basically asking if Trump gets impeached, what are the odds that the Republican Congress will be able to convince Mike Pence to sign an amendment to the constitution so that Hillary Clinton replaces him as president, and get the necessary votes from fellow Republicans. I'd say none.
2017-03-07 02:49:00 UTC
They can't
2017-03-07 02:37:37 UTC
2017-03-07 02:18:45 UTC
If anything happens to Trump the Vice President (Pence) automatically becomes President. Afterwards, if anything were to happen to the Vice President, the Speaker of the House (Ryan) becomes President.
Shopping Susan
2017-03-06 23:03:05 UTC
Will not happen the next in line is the VP
2017-03-06 21:56:29 UTC
You inane twit. The Congress would follow the Constitution, not your lame brain desires.

BUT don't worry your little head, Congress will NOT impeach Trump...and if it did, he would not be found guilty.
2017-03-06 20:02:13 UTC
Never. The job will be inherited by Mike Pence.
2017-03-06 12:42:31 UTC
zero...Pence would be president then.
2017-03-06 10:53:40 UTC
There is not a chance
2017-03-06 07:05:39 UTC
Zero since she is not in line of succession, it is as follows:

Vice President

President Pro Tempore of the Senate

Secretary of State

Secretary of the Treasury

Secretary of Defense

Attorney General

Secretary of the Interior

Secretary of Agriculture

Secretary of Commerce

Secretary of Labor

Secretary of Health and Human Services

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Secretary of Transportation

Secretary of Energy

Secretary of Education

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Secretary of Homeland Security

Since she does not hold any of those she will not become president.

This is either a terrible attempt at trolling or you are really stupid.
2017-03-06 05:31:25 UTC
Not a snowball's chance in hell.
2017-03-06 05:26:12 UTC
Because of their bitterness due to their loss in power, the leadership of today's Neo-Democrat Party refuses to work together with the rest of the country to improve the economy and provide jobs for American workers. They refuse to enforce current immigration laws. Today's Democratic Party even supports sanctuaries to help protect the most violent criminal illegals. They act like they are at war with half the country, spying on American citizens and refusing a smooth transition of government at a time of war with radical Islamist terrorist. They conspire with the most left of the party to violently deny others their freedom of speech and the free exchange of ideas in order to prevent the public's realization of their deceit. The leadership of today's Neo-Democrat party includes the spread of disinformation, chasing false allegations and the need for ignorance to maintain loyalty. It has become apparent that they lack any vision for the Democrat Party and are driven by pure greed. I believe the time has now come to leave the Democratic Party.
2017-03-12 04:58:39 UTC
the **** educated you? if by some slim chance trump will cease to be the president in this term, his vice president pence will take office.
2017-03-08 23:39:08 UTC
Both suck.
2017-03-08 03:17:30 UTC
Making HRC President would NOT be the right thing. Much as I dislike the man, Pence would become President by operation of the U.S. Constitution -- which most of us "libtards" (frak you, Kim) have actually read, and believe in. If Pence went, for whatever reason, next in line would be Speaker of The House, little Pauly Ryan. I m too tired and lazy to look up the 25th Amendment, but if you really care, read that.
2017-03-07 18:08:15 UTC
it doesn't work that way............... not at all... there's a list of successors called the presidential line of succession...

bill clinton was impeached but not thown out of office basically 'cause the senate has to approve the impeachment...

let's say congress and the senate threw both trump and pence out of office... then paul ryan would be your new president...

i used to be a democrat too, until i figured out how the government works...
2017-03-07 12:23:42 UTC
Nil. The vice president will take over.
2017-03-07 04:42:43 UTC
Zero you ******* idiot.
2017-03-07 03:18:47 UTC
Agreed, I hope Hillary becomes President instead.
2017-03-07 03:11:48 UTC
That's the most idiotic statement I've heard in a while. What do you idiots do? Just wildly throw out stupid questions to let everyone know you are an imbecile??? Have you EVER been to school??? Or did they drive you to a program every day, strap you in a chair and feed you thorazine til you drooled to keep you from being a total idiot? Your family tree must go straight up! There is a LAWFUL PROCESS OF SUCCESSION to replace a president you dimwitted, inbred azzwype! It amazes me that people as stupid as you are allowed to live.
2017-03-07 02:52:23 UTC
Joel Panas
2017-03-06 23:49:42 UTC
Welll maybe there's a
2017-03-06 23:41:15 UTC
WRONG! If it happened (quite unlikely), the presidency will fall to Mike Pence. If he's impeached, it'll be Rex Tillerson. If he's impeached, it'll be Jeff Sessions. Be careful what you wish for, because libtards like yourself can get into some yuge trouble.
2017-03-06 23:13:07 UTC
not legal. there is a legal succession and that does not include hillary.
2017-03-06 22:12:20 UTC
2017-03-06 21:31:37 UTC
If Trump gets impeached (here's hoping) Clinton won't become next President of the USA. The Vice-President gets the job. So, Trump's impeachment would make Mike Spence the President and leave a Republican Administration in place.
2017-03-06 21:15:27 UTC
donald trump
Kitty 2
2017-03-06 20:13:22 UTC
Hillary is out for good.. Pence is the Vice President and he would be the one to step in as President. Congress doesn't have a right at all.
2017-03-06 09:08:48 UTC
Where is your mind???????Trump is best and Hilary is a criminal and should be arrested and brought before a judge and be given about 25 years in jail for leaving about six troops in Benghazi, she's responsible for it, she needs to be arrested IMHGO.
2017-03-06 05:59:08 UTC
Trump will never get impeached. He is too good of a president
2017-03-06 03:42:07 UTC
Do the right thing? The right thing would be Hillary IN prison.
2017-03-05 21:32:05 UTC
Not at all especially since it's unconstitutional. Next up is Mike Pence
2017-03-09 02:53:26 UTC
Stupid question ... answer is NONE ... doing so is NOT THE RIGHT THING, The right thing is obey the constitution and its succession pecking order, VP, House Speaker, etc. Plus, like slick Willy's failed impeachment process, they would first have to convict the president of doing something wrong other than enacting programs he was elected to make make into law. +
2017-03-09 00:59:24 UTC
Trump hasn't done anything impeachable
2017-03-09 00:16:49 UTC
i can't do that
2017-03-08 21:58:07 UTC
Right thing? Hillary is much worse than trump,i would rather not have a feminist,backstabbing retard like hillary,why is there so many hillary supporters.....THE ELECTION IS OVER OMFG
john w
2017-03-08 17:40:53 UTC
i dont belive there are so many idiots bout there.get a life.
david a
2017-03-08 01:39:34 UTC
zero ( unless Hillary get elected, Secretary of State, etc) , the right thing to do is abide by the Constitution, which would be to adhere to the order of succession laid out. Hillary is not anywhere on the list.
2017-03-07 20:51:18 UTC
Did you ever learn government in middle school? She has zero chance, because if Trump is impeached, Mike Pence will become president. I'm in 8th grade and I know this.
2017-03-07 18:47:48 UTC
She won't.
Alex H.
2017-03-07 06:04:00 UTC
That won't happen
2017-03-06 23:07:01 UTC
0%. Congress has no authority to do such a thing and Impeaching Trump is just a libtard wet dream fantasy
2017-03-06 21:04:32 UTC
not complying with the Constitution, no

if Trump was impeached Pence would be President, it doesn't fall in the powers to make the opposite party the succeeding president when they didn't even win the election

and popular votes do not a president make
Jao Smead
2017-03-06 20:37:01 UTC
0 as thats now how it works, if trump got impeached his VP would become president.
2017-03-06 11:08:25 UTC
Zeus & Hera, pareisdent & pareisdente. done.
2017-03-06 10:38:20 UTC
Are you a niggger or a stupid whore?


1) Multiculturalism, is white genocide.

The Africanization of our Culture.

Latinos have passed whites as the largest ethnic group in California in 2015.

As recently as 1970, eight out of 10 Californians were white.

Texas will have virtually no whites by 2040 - Former US Census director, Steve Murdock

The Majority of American Babies Are Now Minorities (2012) - The Census Bureau.

In 2100, white population will be 1/3 in USA.

In 1950, white population was about 90% in USA.

in 2014, white population is about 60% in USA.


If Hillary Clinton win, USA will be the United States of Latinos.

Hillary needs blacks, Latinos, Asians, refugees, illegal immigrants to support her.

Hillary will give all illegal immigrants a citizenship.

"We, the Greens [Green Party] have to make sure to get as many immigrants as possible into Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. When we reach that, we will have a share of the vote."

--- Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-president of the European Greens.
2017-03-06 10:14:15 UTC
In constitution of USA second amendment it's congress that has to throw peaches at president to be impeached. Hillary on other hand likes exotic fruits like mangos and leaches so she won't get impeached.
2017-03-06 09:43:43 UTC
2017-03-06 09:25:03 UTC
First of all, Trump hasn't done anything wrong to get impeached! Second of all, it would have to be someone in his cabinet which Hillary is not! TRUMP Make America Great Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2017-03-06 03:40:16 UTC
Vice President will instantly ascend the throne.
2017-03-06 03:25:39 UTC
They can't, it has to go to the next in command. I already asked before about what happens AFTER he gets impeached.

And those who says Trump will never get impeached needs to check themselves into the nearest mental hospital because the republicans knows that their downfall will be caused by Trump and their best interest is to have him impeached, and a law professor says there's is MORE than enough to impeach him.
2017-03-05 20:11:41 UTC
Zero, for many reasons. For one, putting Hillary in charge of ANYTHING is not the 'right thing'.
2017-03-10 06:32:53 UTC
Your just jealous of trump
2017-03-09 15:59:44 UTC
So called 'Hillary supporters' are desperate to make her any cost!

But they will need to wait for next 4 years...may be more as democrats may not back her for next election 2020 !
2017-03-08 19:01:59 UTC
He hasn't committed an impeachable offense.
2017-03-08 18:45:47 UTC
Not in a MILLION years.. Boy are you dreaming..
2017-03-08 17:57:11 UTC
Look I didn't want this man to be president I didn't want anyone that was running to be president You basically had to pick the lesser of the two evils as to who you did want in the white house BUT YOU NEED TO GET OVER THIS CRAP IT WILL NEVER EVER HAPPEN GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE YOUR LOOKING LIKE A NUT CASE
2017-03-08 05:03:20 UTC
First of all, Igmo, learn how your own government works. If Trump was impeached, it doesn't mean he'd be out of office. An impeachment is a trial. The OUTCOME of the impeachment is what's important. Second, if Trump was ousted by impeachment, resignation, etc., Congress doesn't decide who the president is. The next in line would be Pence, after that, the Speaker of the House. It's not up to Congress, Bozo. Third, if it WAS up to Congress and they were going to do "the right thing", they definitely would not want Hillary Rob'em Clinton. Therefore, there's NO chance whatsover.
2017-03-08 03:50:44 UTC
Deal with it, give him a chance, use your own mind, and not others, listen to him, understand what he says, and learn the difference of right and wrong, when you do all that, and more, then you can try to complain
2017-03-07 21:59:19 UTC
It's not fair that Hillary becomes president if Trump gets impeached and convicted by the Senate for whatever issue it is. What you're saying already has a precedent and constitutional directive - the duties would fall to the next in line of succession - the vice president. Even before then, Trump would resign if he knew he'd be convicted, and Pence would take the reins.

Another way to think about how illogical your thought is: if Obama was impeached and removed from office in 2016, then Romney becomes president for the remaining months of the presidential term. That makes absolutely no sense. So, how would it make sense to automatically make the runner up, or the candidate of the losing party from the presidential election, as president? Even if Trump was removed from office on day 1, it wouldn't make sense since the idea is that the people voted for the policies and views held by the Trump administration. To make matters more extreme, what if Trump had a historical landslide victory over Clinton with a unanimous vote? Would it make sense that the losing candidate, with literally no support from the American people, becomes president?
2017-03-07 12:04:07 UTC
2017-03-07 09:17:17 UTC
You obviously don't know how impeachment works
2017-03-07 07:15:14 UTC
zero, as the Secession law of 1947 would be used.

Pence would be POTUS and the Constitution does provide for the pecking order for the rest .
2017-03-06 23:52:20 UTC
Will B
2017-03-06 20:54:47 UTC
Well, it appears we have now reached the bargaining stage.

Even if the bargaining is far-fetched
2017-03-06 20:07:31 UTC
No. LOL!
2017-03-06 19:39:44 UTC
hereya go grad of womens studies

try this and kiss your hemohhroids goodbye
Shelby Sneed
2017-03-06 07:04:14 UTC
I don't think you understand how government works. If Trump is impeached than Pence will become president and if he didn't want it or was also impeached Paul Ryan would be president..
2017-03-06 03:56:25 UTC
The chances of Trump being impeached are zero. In the unlikely event that he was impeached, the chances of Hillary Clinton becoming president would be also zero. The chances that Hillary Clinton will go to prison, where she should be, would much higher.
2017-03-06 02:10:09 UTC
That would be HIGHLY illegal. Hillary LOST the election. Vice President Pence would become President.

President Trump is President because he was ELECTED to be President.
2017-03-05 21:44:52 UTC
Trump is the natural result of the left's highly politically correct, anti-white, anti-male and anti- American rhetoric.

Turns out if you demonize the people you disagree with, paint them as racists and oppressors and tell them that any and all of their successes are a result of some unearned "privilege," they will create a counter-revolution.

AMERICANS TOOK OUR COUNTRY BACK! We have no more jobs and healthcare is too expensive. Mine is $600/month now (AND RISING!). My car insurance is still $25 per month (from Insurance Panda), but who knows when our increasingly socialist government will come in and muddle that up? Things are getting more and more expensive as it is. Can we really afford to support the world’s homeless (refugees)?

Progressives, Trump is the consequence of your actions, your rhetoric, and the identity politics you brought into American politics. You made your bed, now lie in it.

2017-03-05 20:08:04 UTC
Hilliary is going to prison soon.
2017-03-10 04:41:02 UTC
If the Don were smart, he would refuse the offer from the CIA to pay a visit to Dallas and ride around in the back of their open air limousine.
Stan Dalone
2017-03-08 18:43:39 UTC
The chances are zero. Trump is unlikely to be impeached, and less likely to be convicted. And even if he were, Congress can't just choose someone to replace him. If the president is removed, the position falls to the vice president. President Pence: is that what you want?
2017-03-08 11:32:58 UTC
**** them both. The RIGHT choice would have been BERNIE SANDERS

a woman who wanted to go to NUCLEAR war is such a good option

Woman's studies? Take your PSEUDOSCIENCE degree, turn it sideways, and shove it up your ***
2017-03-07 21:56:59 UTC
They cant do that retard
Greggard McMuffin
2017-03-07 16:31:45 UTC
Okay, let's look at both ends of the spectrum. To Democrats, making Hillary President would be the "Right Thing" but to the GOP (and a few democrats, the right thing would be making Vice President Pence POTUS is the right thing, if Trump HAD to step down, but Bill Clinton didn't step down after he was impeached, so this question is basically pointless. Hillary won't be the ne POTUS IF Trump is impeached.
2017-03-07 16:12:10 UTC
how would it be "right by the people"? Trump won the election because he got the electoral votes, which are based on the people's votes. They'd be doing right by less than half the people. Besides, why would anyone want the Clintons in charge again?
2017-03-07 15:40:15 UTC
In the US, the law strictly follows the constitution.Unfortunately, there is certainly no chance Hillary will be president if Trump gets impeached, in that case, Pence would be the "democratically" elected President. Just review some historic events where presidents had been unable to finish their period, the Vice Presidents always took the presidential position afterwards..
2017-03-07 13:19:06 UTC
2017-03-07 11:37:55 UTC
As much as I pray for that to happen myself, I have very strong doubts that that will EVER happen!
Barney Google
2017-03-07 10:12:25 UTC
slim to none
2017-03-07 06:36:59 UTC
You, and clearly many others here, don't understand how the US government works. This is Government 101. Should the president die, or become impeached, there is a chain of command to follow, starting with the vice president. Then it goes down a list of people, but at no point does it ever go to congress.

Even still, your subjective use of "do the right thing" is just that, your opinion. Try not to mix your emotions with facts. Hillary lost, and with some luck, will never resurface again. It's my true hope the Democrats get their heads out of their proverbial arses and find a real candidate, and stop being so swayed by the extreme left so easily. Dems need a moderate right now.
Kenneth Vaughan
2017-03-07 02:52:51 UTC
Very low. It would most likely go to Mike Pence.

I do not support Trump at all. He did not deserve to win. But, Hillary Clinton did not deserve to win. She is a warmonger who has supported nearly every act of US military aggression in her public career, and at least one the US did not go through with. She celebreated her husband's efforts that helped worsen the mass incarceration crisis destroying minority families and communities. She is so radically pro-abortion, that she'd be considered fringe even in the most secular and progressive European states. Unless she repents, I hope her public presence is done.
2017-03-06 22:37:21 UTC
Sigh... thats not how it works.
2017-03-06 22:18:57 UTC
This is the right thing to do? Are you sure? :D
2017-03-06 21:39:06 UTC
Mike Pence would become President. Congress is Republican controlled. There's no way they'd elect Clinton.
2017-03-06 21:37:26 UTC
The same as your IQ...ZERO
2017-03-06 21:17:36 UTC
SCOTUS has agreed to hear and decide a writ of mandamus that basically states the integrity of the 2016 election was damaged by foreign interference. The constitution provides power to SCOTUS to cancel the results of the election and order a new election in the event of foreign interference that puts the election in doubt.

While this has never occurred previously, it is clear the constitution provides both a solution and the power to invoke the solution in such extreme circumstances. The fact SCOTUS has agreed at least to consider and study the writ is pretty telling and speaks to the utter failure of the Trump WH.
2017-03-06 21:07:01 UTC
Won't happen pence is vice president
2017-03-06 19:53:44 UTC
Adolf Hitllary CLinton wha? I don't think the person asking the question "@Women's Studies Graduate" REALLY EVEN GOT their 3rd grade education. The way our government works is, Vice President Pence would take over then the President Pro Tempore of the Senate - Orin Hatch, then it would be Speaker of the House of Reps - Paul Ryan. It would NOT BE AND will NEVER BE ADOLF HITLLARY CLINTON - Bildo CLinton's HUSBAND! As my wife would say the person who posted this question "Women's Studies Graduate" has a moniker that explains her shortcoming clearly. My wife with her NON-WOMEN'S STUDIES MASTERS DEGREE in an advanced tech field and many other educated women I know who are ALSO educated by REAL EDUCATIONAL institutions all express the same information "Women's Studies..." are a JOKE! Apparently SOME WOMEN are incapable of getting a solid education under normal educational circumstances and desperately need SPECIAL EDUCATION to address their personal shortcomings - AT LEAST THAT is my MASTERS DEGREE NON-WOMEN'S STUDIES Wife's opinion based ON EXPERIENCE!
2017-03-06 09:09:12 UTC
2017-03-09 22:23:15 UTC
2017-03-09 14:34:07 UTC
Typically throughout history, the closed-minded and bigoted were those that could be led into riots, causing damage, destroying property, and threatening the murder of those they disagree with.

Yeah, I know, something to think about huh?
2017-03-08 12:21:26 UTC
Try reading up on impeachment...your'e obviously clueless on the subject
2017-03-08 02:35:03 UTC
Mike Pence becomes president if Trump gets impeached. And no it doesn't work like that Hillary didn't get elected she's not going to be president quite possibly never.
2017-03-07 22:20:09 UTC
Fifth grade social studies taught me that the vice president is next in line if the president is removed from office.
2017-03-07 16:46:10 UTC
Hillary is in Australia I think
2017-03-07 05:19:42 UTC
"do the right thing and make Hillary President", really?? She belongs in prison just as much as Trump does.

And if Trump does get impeached, Pence would be put in as POTUS. Pence is WAY WORSE than Trump. He's a MONSTER
2017-03-07 05:17:31 UTC
2017-03-07 02:15:54 UTC
2017-03-06 23:59:54 UTC
not A snow ball chance in hell
2017-03-06 21:30:14 UTC
la la
2017-03-06 20:23:18 UTC
it's not going to happen snowflake it's time to wake up and live in the real world.
2017-03-06 19:40:41 UTC
I wish but sadly doubt it.
2017-03-06 17:04:39 UTC
I doubt Donald Trump will get impeached, all Donald Trump has to is bribe Congress. But even if Donald Trump gets impeached, Mike Pence will take office. Hilary Clinton has ran for office twice; the first time, she dropped out of the race, the second time, she lost because she didn't have the most electoral college votes. Popular vote doesn't mean anything when you're running for office.
2017-03-06 09:16:22 UTC
never idiot
2017-03-06 02:09:37 UTC
It just doesn't work like that. The vice-president in next in line.
2017-03-06 01:13:49 UTC
If the president is impeached the whole ticket is impeached. Trump has to be impeached by the House Of Representatives. If you were Conservative you would know that.
2017-03-05 22:19:02 UTC
So you think that having Congress ignore the Constitution is the right thing? You must be a liberal.
2017-03-05 20:17:56 UTC
It violates the constitution!

It is not the right thing to do!

Some 56 counties in the US were all that Hillary carried. If those 56 counties aren't happy with the president we have, putting Hillary in would make things worse.

We have the food, water and make most of the stuff they need to survive. Make us mad- you don't eat, don't drink and worse then that your electronic gadgets will not have the juice they use.

If you don't like it- then go make your own continent or island country.

Just move out, cause we are moving on!
2017-03-05 20:13:41 UTC
I wish it worked that way but it doesn't. Pence would become president
2017-03-09 17:26:47 UTC
That's why we have a Vice-President. If Congress wanted to do the right thing, they would resign and let those who want to do what's best for the country be in office
2017-03-09 04:49:33 UTC
not a chance in hell...o
2017-03-08 21:58:21 UTC
That wouldn't be the "right thing". If a president gets impeached, the "right thing" is the Vice President taking control
David R
2017-03-08 03:06:21 UTC
I wouldn't hold my breath, but you could always try. CNN did a special report about the forgotten Twelveteenth Amendment, passed in 1643. It mandates a special election if enough people hold their breath for five minutes while yelling "I WATCH TOO MUCH TV" at the top of their lungs. But you have to do it 50 feet underwater, or it doesn't count.
2017-03-08 01:07:15 UTC
You need to lay off the crack.
2017-03-07 15:16:27 UTC
Hun, you really need to continue with therapy. Who, fears women. And who, do you imagine has a fear of foreign immigrants? See, this is why I'll never get you weirdos. Xenophobes - that must infer we fear Orrin immigrants for WHY? you ppl. Make no sense.

I am a 20vyear Veteran and employee of he Federal Government and how claims to no Party affiliation.

So I ask you, HOW MANY PEOPLE DO YOU WANT TO ALLOW I'M AMERICA FROM ACROSS THE WATERS? How about we take I'm a billion to be fair. That is the number presumed of immigrants that need our land, food, intellectual, happiness, and money. So by our o. k with allowing a billion immigrants into America from all walks of life? That's what I thought. Not even you can find a fair method in you small. Mind to filter 1 billion ppl. to enter The U. S.
2017-03-07 13:49:47 UTC
Oh please let's find someone better than both of them
2017-03-07 12:33:23 UTC
As much as I would like that to happen, that is not the law of the land. The 25th Amendment, Section 1 of the Constitution says:

In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

In my view, Section 4 of the same Amendment provides the most exciting and possible conclusion to this national nightmare...

Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
2017-03-07 10:56:06 UTC
None. The order of succession is clear. Pence would automatically become president.

Look up Richard Nixon for a clever variation on choosing a president who will pardon the man who gives him the presidency.
2017-03-07 10:26:25 UTC
Hahaha trump isn't going anywhere.
Will Powers
2017-03-07 03:51:10 UTC
When you become a teenager in 5 years, you may or may not know any better.
2017-03-06 23:35:13 UTC
2017-03-06 22:43:48 UTC
You missed Government class in High School?
2017-03-06 20:24:00 UTC
Trump has done nothing to get impeached so shut the **** up and stop crying about it, it's going to be a great 4 probably 8 years
2017-03-06 20:05:31 UTC
even if he was, they would either make Pence president, which is far more abhorrent than our current situation, or someone else, which is even scarier
2017-03-06 19:42:32 UTC
Zilch. She isn't Secretary of State anymore (thank goodness), so a nomination of her would be null and void.
2017-03-06 19:23:20 UTC
Trump didn't do anything illegal, what are you talking about.

And even if he did do something illegal, Mr. Michael Pence will become the president. That's why America has a VICE PRESDIENT. Did you graduate from 1st grade?
2017-03-06 05:15:59 UTC
So, you want a criminal leading the country? Why are you so stupid?
2017-03-06 05:15:59 UTC
It is not the right thing to do, it is against the law and against the will of the people. And the butcher of Benghazi will never be President.
2017-03-06 02:16:15 UTC
0 because that's not constitutional, also not the right decision hillarys a b****
2017-03-09 01:12:48 UTC
2017-03-08 23:26:38 UTC
the chance is little. i don't think that's how america works.
2017-03-08 06:58:41 UTC
That is not the right thing. The fact of matter is that Hillary still managed to lose against someone like Trump. That alone should tell you everything you need to know about how much people want her. I think Pence would be president if Trump gets impeached.
2017-03-08 01:44:45 UTC
This would never happen. Trump hasn't done anything illegal or wrong to be impeached and if anyone did it would be her and she should be in jail.
2017-03-08 01:14:54 UTC
Do you not know anything about politics? Must watch NBC... Anyways, if Trump were to be impeached, Pence would become president. Vice president becomes president if the president were to be impeached.
2017-03-07 22:36:08 UTC
It would NOT be the will of the people if Congress made Hillary president! That would just be the OPPOSITE of the will of the people. The will of the people is that TRUMP should be president. The election is OVER and the will of the people voted TRUMP into office. Hillary is nothing but a CRIMINAL. Throw her in prison and throw away the key. The people HAVE SPOKEN!!!
2017-03-07 16:57:35 UTC
About as much of a chance as you getting properly educated, absolute 0
2017-03-07 09:14:52 UTC
Impeached for what?
2017-03-07 08:41:37 UTC
Zero percent.
2017-03-07 07:30:39 UTC
Katie J.
2017-03-07 05:11:18 UTC
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha the changers Less than zero even. people like you are the reason Trump won. Go read CNN and Buzzfeed, they'll make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside while the world leaves you in the dust, loser.
2017-03-06 23:29:37 UTC
Making Hilary president is not a good thing....
2017-03-06 23:04:04 UTC
Zero. Because putting Hillary is not the right thing. Replacing one idiot in the White House with another isn't going to fix anything. And even with the little iq trump has, he hasn't broken any laws like Hillary. You are an idiot
2017-03-06 20:43:34 UTC
Weasel McWeasel
2017-03-06 20:27:27 UTC
The chance is simply mathematically ZERO.

In the event of the President's impeachment, the VP steps up to take over the role and APPOINTS a new VP.

VP Ted Cruz anyone?
2017-03-06 19:34:27 UTC
You mean the wrong thing right? Neither of them deserve office.
2017-03-06 19:29:24 UTC
2017-03-06 09:29:31 UTC
Shut up. He's only been president for maybe 2 months.
2017-03-06 02:06:33 UTC
Like it or not, Pence would be next in line to become president. That's how the system is set up.
2017-03-06 00:43:01 UTC
Pence becomes president if something happens to trump
2017-03-10 18:47:37 UTC
Literally zero. Pence would become president if Trump is impeached, Ryan would be next after Pence since he's the Speaker of the House. After that it would be... McConnell?

If collusion with Russia is proven they can elect to have a re-vote though. That has a .00001% chance of happening with so many republicans though.
2017-03-08 23:41:46 UTC
i mean, i wish she were president too but presidency would go to pence. and if pence were impeached it'd go to the next in line, etc. so it's like a 0.02% chance (i do like to think that nothing is impossible)
2017-03-08 04:16:39 UTC
2017-03-08 00:19:42 UTC
I hate saying it but what a stupid question. Hillary is done, end of story...she's a loser like her husband. All they want is power and money, career politicians. Can't you see that? Trump will not get impeached..period!
2017-03-07 21:35:23 UTC
This is a hilariously stupid question and not how our government is structured at all. Even if Trump did something to get himself impeached the next line of succession is the Vice President. Congress cant override the line of succession. That would be a terrible violation of power if they could. I hate to break it too you but Hilary has no shot at becoming president until the next election in 4 years. I am wondering if this question is even legitimate and not just a troll because if you are serious you need to go take a basic course on the fundamental structure of the American Government. I mean seriously this is taught to us in High School.
2017-03-07 18:21:13 UTC
You've just caused a wave of schadenfreude to pass over me.
2017-03-07 17:10:08 UTC
As bad as Trump is, she isn't much better. We need Vermin Supreme in office tbh.
2017-03-07 14:19:19 UTC
You misunderstand. We live in a constitutional democracy. The "right thing" to do is follow the process laid out in the constitution for the replacement of an impeached President. To install Hillary as President would be to violate the document upon which our entire system of government is based.
2017-03-06 23:26:15 UTC
If Trump gets impeached, he is still the president. (You knew that right?). All impeachment does is set the stage for a trial of the president's conduct. There have been two presidents impeached, and neither was removed from office. (You knew that, right?)

If he is impeached and removed from office, then Hillary still would not be able to become president automatically. There is this thing called the Constitution that outlines the order of succession if a present no longer becomes the president. (You know that, right?)

So if President is impeached and removed from office, Mike Pense will become President Pence. (You knew that, right?)
2017-03-06 23:18:08 UTC
Maybe but probably not.
2017-03-06 22:33:02 UTC
Isn't the Democrat symbol so appropriate?
2017-03-06 21:18:24 UTC
He will not be impeached and if that were to happen that two-faced murderer wont be put in office because it is the wrong thing and there is an order his VP would be next.
2017-03-06 21:01:30 UTC
Trump has done nothing worthy of impeachment so what are you smoking?
You Know . . .
2017-03-06 20:48:48 UTC
Keep dreaming you pathetic whiney liberal. You LOST, move on!
2017-03-06 19:44:20 UTC
Not likely
2017-03-06 19:24:45 UTC
rofl this question
2017-03-06 08:45:18 UTC
Lloyd Christmas would probably agree with you dummy..
2017-03-06 04:16:05 UTC
Pence will become president if Trump is impeached. And if he's impeached one of the secretary's will take his place. So very low chance Hilary will become president. And although it may be the right thing to make Hilary president, Congress can't make that action simply.
Jade Morganfield
2017-03-06 04:06:02 UTC
0% Chance, If Trump gets impeached then my boy Pence will be the president. You should know this.
Andy F
2017-03-05 20:19:31 UTC
Are you REALLY a women's studies graduate? Or are you a male sexist pig and a TROLL?

Because Congress just isn't going to do what you suggest. And you should know this if you graduated from anything.

Under the Constitution, Mike Pence would be next in line if Trump were impeached. And if not Hillary, then Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. :-(

IMO either Pence or Ryan might make Trump seem like a saint and a genius in comparison. Although Pence and Ryan might be less likely to start a war accidentally, just by tweeting something crazy at 3 am.

When it comes to screwing the American people in the guise of helping us, though, they might be worse than Donald. Because they're more cold-blooded and better disciplined.

-- democratic socialist for radical change over the long run -- because it won't happen over night
2017-03-08 19:26:07 UTC
If Trump get s impeached, then, the Vice-President becomes President of the United States. This is set by the U.S. Constitution. Congress cannot, under the laws of the Constitution, appoint Hillary Clinton as President. Sorry, ain t gonna happen.
2017-03-08 15:44:42 UTC
ha !!!!!
2017-03-08 12:32:14 UTC
hitlery will never be president
2017-03-08 10:25:22 UTC
you probably preach regularly on the sanctity of the constitution and of democracy and free speech as well ya ?
2017-03-08 00:16:14 UTC
I don't think it works that way. In my understanding, impeached doesn't mean found guilty of anything, it's more like being charged with something. There might not be sufficient cause to prove wrongdoing. Plus, I don't know, but assume the VP would take over; certainly not the candidate from the opposing party.
2017-03-07 23:40:34 UTC
There would have to be an election in which Clinton ran against another rival. What do you think this is a sporting event that rewards one team to penalize the other for breaking the rules?
2017-03-07 17:42:30 UTC
Being impeached is not the same thing as resigning. Bill Clinton was impeached, but he didn't resign.
2017-03-07 13:59:55 UTC
not only is there zero chance... it's constitutionally impossible...

the constitution provides that if neither the president nor vice president can serve, the congress shall provide law stating who is next in line... currently that law exists as 3 usc 19, a section of the u...s... code... this law was established as part of the presidential succession act of 1947... there, the following line of succession is provided:

speaker of the house of representatives

president pro tempore of the senate

secretary of state

secretary of the treasury

secretary of defense

attorney general

secretary of the interior

secretary of agriculture

secretary of commerce

secretary of labor

secretary of health and human services

secretary of housing and urban development

secretary of transportation

secretary of energy

secretary of education

secretary of veterans affairs

secretary of homeland security
2017-03-07 07:59:16 UTC
if that happens (very unlikely) the vice President Pence will be next in line
2017-03-07 06:35:22 UTC
how are you doing?
2017-03-07 06:15:06 UTC
Looks like Hillary's supporters are Day-Dreaming !


Our President Trump is here to Stay....despite all Fake Propaganda by Mainstream media and Democrats !

Even In case, something like that happens ...Mr. Pence will take the office or someone from GOP !


Hillary should wait for next 3 years and 10 months.....more

And I doubt, democrats will bet on her this time !
2017-03-07 04:49:54 UTC
donald trump licked my nuts 12 o clock last night
2017-03-06 23:39:47 UTC
It'll never happen. The VP which is Mike Pence would be next in line. If he somehow gets impeached too or passes away, the speaker of house Paul Ryan takes his place. The list goes on after Ryan and you can easily find this line of succession list online. It's very extensive and very particular federal positions are placed on the list so there is zero chance Hillary will ever take Trump's place. Sorry. I know it hurts. But we just have to push through these four years together.
2017-03-06 22:18:15 UTC
Your question killed some of my brain cells you privileged self absorbed androgynous Self righteous vache
2017-03-06 21:47:33 UTC
Trump won't get impeached and if justice is ever served both Obama and Hillary will be in a supermax soon
2017-03-06 19:49:18 UTC
it is impossible to her to become president that way. The Vice President will take over, then Paul Ryan, The speaker of the house, and so on and so on.
Pedro the alcoholic cat
2017-03-06 14:48:24 UTC
I don't think that's legally possible. For the entire history of the United States the Vice President, always takes control if something happens to the POTUS.

This includes the time a female VP became POTUS.
WorldWide Weird News
2017-03-06 04:36:05 UTC
I don't think this will ever happen
2017-03-06 03:08:30 UTC
the families of vince foster, ron brown, the Benghazi four billy dale and the five women bill Clinton raped I'm sure would tell you that you are a genuine liberal tool. since they are not here, I feel confident I can speak for them. the right thing is not commending idiot liberalism and corruption. why you don't understand that is truly baffling.
2017-03-05 20:05:58 UTC
Smokies Hiker
2017-03-10 16:29:36 UTC
Hillary who?
Owen Cochran
2017-03-09 21:07:50 UTC
First of all there is no chance of that. Pence becomes president then. And 2nd making that crazy/dying women is no "the right thing"
2017-03-09 01:17:29 UTC
0 not at all
2017-03-08 18:07:45 UTC
They can't. If Trump gets impeached Pence will become president (the law of succession) so it wouldn't really be any better. And even if we can bring Pence down with him and impeach him as well Speaker of the House John Boehner would become prez and he, though more moderate and more stable than Trump and Pence, wouldn't really be that much better for the country.
2017-03-08 03:58:12 UTC
if he ever got impeached his vip would be the president
2017-03-08 00:45:01 UTC
I don't know what your smoking but I want some.
2017-03-07 22:14:14 UTC
She's not even in the line of succession, try learning how things work. First of all the Republicans control Congress and won't remove him from office and even in the ridiculously remote chance they did Pence would then become president according to the Constitution. Just because it's your will that Hitlery become president doesn't mean it's the will of the people or that it's even a remote possibility.
David M
2017-03-07 11:22:29 UTC
No chance at all. This has happened before with President Nixon. If Trump is impeached, Vice President Pence becomes president.
Tyrone Smifth
2017-03-07 05:19:24 UTC
Zero. The Vice President, then speaker of the house, etc. there are about 20 people that would be "in line for the presidency"

Search the topic.
2017-03-07 05:01:37 UTC
the chance is an absolute 0. Pence would become president. and that wouldn't be any better. there is really no chance of Trump being impeached so i suggest that you just hold in there for the next 4 years and instead of feeling like everything is impossible and the world is helpless, do what is possible! educate yr families and friends. stay updated and aware. protest. resist. power to the people!
2017-03-07 04:40:32 UTC
Pence in next not hillary
2017-03-07 03:15:25 UTC
Zero percent. The Constitution lays out the order of succession in the event of impeachment. It would go to the VP. If they were both impeached together, then Speaker of the House would take over.

Even if they wanted to, Congress would have no legal authority to make Hillary the President.
2017-03-06 22:48:46 UTC
Zip Zero nil
2017-03-06 21:50:09 UTC
There's no way that could happen: it would be VP Pence taking over, which would be even ******* worse.
2017-03-06 20:01:33 UTC
Zero chance of that happening and why on earth would we want to give our free country away to terrorist organizations like the middle east has? Hillarys agenda is a globalist agenda hell bent on over regulation, taxation of the middle class, destruction of healthcare and open borders that invite terrorists and cartel into our country to wreak havoc on Americans. Trump has indeed kept most of his campaign promises and done more in his first 3 weeks as president than any president I have ever known. Noone can prove hes a racist or a biggot they simply misunderstand the definition of either those terms or his intentions. He is doing a great job so far and should be honored.
2017-03-06 08:23:10 UTC
You really need to seek out some help for your drug issues. Trump will serve two terms. The

Democrat party will split into two completely separate groups within two years. They won't win

another Presidential for a decade (maybe two???)

Hillary has serious mental and physical health related issues. She is the past for her party. The

Democrats are now much more left and border-line Communist. She needs to divorce Bill, Come-

out as Gay and move on....
Sunday Crone
2017-03-06 04:14:11 UTC
Sorry but Pence is next in line. Actually Clinton has to run again before she would be considered a possible replace for the President - You might want to read the constitution.
2017-03-05 22:44:59 UTC
Trump won't get impeached.

If Trump did get impeached, the vice president would replace him.

Go read up on constitutional law, Tard. Can't decide which label suits you best -- hateful or stupid. However, in the spirit of bipartisan compromise, I'll go with BOTH.
2017-03-05 20:12:32 UTC
Congress doesn't have the power to do such a thing.

This whole "Trump is going to be impeached and Hillary will be president" is a libtard snowflake fantasy being promoted by morons like George Soros and Obama to get you snowflakes all riled up to protest, riot and cause all sorts of mayhem and chaos and cling to and troll every little fake news scandal about President Trump in hopes it'll get him impeached.

There is whole line of succession to the President and the way the Constitution works, even if both Donald Trump and Mike Pence were to be impeached then Paul Ryan, as speaker of the House, would be in line to be president long, long, long before Hillary would even get within a million miles of the presidency.

You're being used as tools by your own side to cause problems and hinder and embarrass the Trump administration and you don't even realize it.
2017-03-05 20:11:29 UTC
Lol not very likely snowflake. Should this unlikely event of Trump getting impeached occur which I would add is just a formal "charge" of misconduct. Then Trump were to actually resign office like Nixon did, VP Pence would assume the role of presidency. Should VP Pence resign as well you would end up with Paul Ryan. So either way you liberals are screwed for at least the next four years.
2017-03-15 12:50:56 UTC
i wouldn't hold my breath if i was you
2017-03-11 20:39:04 UTC
Zero. But lets hope when he does go down, he takes Pence and Ryan with him.
2017-03-10 05:41:29 UTC
**** You. **** Hillary. !!TRUMP!! !!TRUMP!! !!TRUMP!!
2017-03-10 05:28:26 UTC
You obviously don't know how a democracy works. Stop watching bravo, read a book and then come back when you're more intelligent.
2017-03-08 22:11:16 UTC
2017-03-08 00:38:26 UTC
0% they cant do that, the vice president would just be mr president
2017-03-07 18:08:27 UTC
Sadly none because it goes by the list of succession and she is not rlly on it. Hopefully it will happen in four years though. :)
2017-03-07 11:21:45 UTC
No, Vicepresident would become Speaker. If VP post were vacated, the the Speaker of the House would become the President.
2017-03-07 06:06:19 UTC
That's Impossible, they won't do that. If Hillary is president, World War 3.
2017-03-07 05:51:24 UTC
There is a chain of command, you know. If Trump should be impeached (which he's not going to be - there is no reason to do so) and assuming he was found guilty at trial in the Senate, then Pence would assume the office of President. If anything happened to Pence, the Speaker of the House would become President.

Congress couldn't "make" Hillary anything! She is not an elected official and she is not a member of the Cabinet.
2017-03-07 03:28:14 UTC
0% if they follow that little thing called THE CONSTITUTION. 25th Amendment. Read it.
2017-03-06 23:19:08 UTC
What the heck is you peoples problem with Trump?! If wanting to make sure only eligible American citizens vote in our Elections, if wanting people to enter America legally and either go through the legal process of becoming an American citizen or leave when their visa is up is xenophobic, than I guess xenophobia is a good thing!
2017-03-06 23:04:32 UTC
Wouldn't doing the right thing normally be considered follow the law regardless if you like it? You are going to have to tell us what "doing the right thing" means. Last I knew congress had to uphold and follow the law. A rapist would say it means the correct hole. A theif would say steal from the rich. A murderer would say kill people that nobody cares about. People are going to have a good time deciding what the right thing is for themselves! Go anarchy!

This question says a bunch about the failure of liberal ideals. Right and wrong, the big picture; huh, duh what.
2017-03-06 22:38:15 UTC
0 (Zero)
2017-03-06 21:45:06 UTC
That would be unconstitutional and unfair given that at least 75% of Americans did not want Hillary to be president. If you count those who simply voted for Hillary to stop Trump, the number is even higher. Hillary Clinton must never be president. Literally everything she has done as secretary of state has contributed to setting the world on fire. She is racist toward brown people and more than willing to escalate war in order to kill more of them. She would also get us into a hot nuclear war with Russia. You'd have to be a complete moron to want her to be president.
2017-03-06 21:43:33 UTC
He cant get inpeached unless he does something illegal and even if a president does get impeached the vice president becomes the president. They cant just put hillary in there. Learn something about politics before publicly making yourself look like and idiot
2017-03-06 19:59:00 UTC
Neither will happen Hillary was a worthless cuunt that needed to lose
Michael M
2017-03-06 17:33:37 UTC
If Trump ceases to be President, for whatever reason, Mike Pence, as VP, will be sworn in as President. Beyond that, the Speaker of the House takes temporary charge. Hillary Clinton will not enter the equation AT ALL.
2017-03-06 14:59:15 UTC
If Mike Pence isn't also involved with Russia and didn't break any laws then he would become president if Trump is impeached.
2017-03-06 11:13:18 UTC
It won't happen, at this point with this inept, unqualified President I'd take Clinton in a heart beat to restore some kind of sanity, but it won't happen.
2017-03-09 03:50:01 UTC
none it going to be the vice presidents job and he's way worse
Tommy L
2017-03-09 03:45:01 UTC
Umm Zero percent chances and no they would not be doing the will of the people are constitution was set up that a person has to win a majority from well the majority of the country not just the heavily populated areas, she screwed up wining the middle of the country and lost because of it. Also our constitution has a succession chain. If Trump gets impeached Pence becomes presedent, if Pence can't serve then Ryan and down a looonnnggg list of names that all belong to the Republican party right now.
Say No to Castor Oil!
2017-03-08 23:24:16 UTC
2017-03-08 11:20:35 UTC
The Football God
2017-03-08 03:38:04 UTC
Who is saying that's the right thing to do?
2017-03-07 22:33:29 UTC
Oh GOD, don't let Killary Killingthem get near the white house. Trump, although I disagree with some of the things he says is not as horrible as Oduma.
2017-03-07 15:54:52 UTC
That's unlikely to happen. Not only that, Hillary Clinton should not be allowed to be President for two reasons.

1. She is a woman. She is not to be in a position that puts her in authority over men. Whether it's in the home, the church, or in government; the leadership is supposed to be reserved for the men.

2. She is dishonest. She was secretly doing something via email and lied about it. She is a very corrupt individual, like her husband Bill.

There's actually a third reason: She has to carry the stigma of what her husband Bill did, when he embarrassed the White House and this nation, with that scandal with Monica Lewinsky (in 1998).
2017-03-07 02:04:03 UTC
None. It's Pence--the tiny, bristly, biting invertebrate--as President.
2017-03-07 01:39:00 UTC
Ah, the Clinton Corruption Gang of Satananist pedophiles at the helm selling US to the

highest bidder. I think that 25 MILLION ILLEGAL money...from Saudi, and HUMA waiting

for control? NOPE....that's out.

Then there was her DEAR FRIEND....leave it to George Soros, the OPEN society person....

ie. full DESTRUCTION dead ahead.....he gave her money and swayed the voting machines...

NOPE....he's in trouble now

Then, there's CHINA ....another 50 MILLION or so ILLEGALLY....NO PROBLEM, right?

Did you know she was 100% responsible for all the deaths in WACO...Texas years ago,

that it was NOT mass suicide at all? They were just Christians, and she hates them,

and actually hates Americans....except her fine LGBT supporters.

Trump is going to bring justice, and this is amazing because HE was corrupt himself

BUT NOT nearly AS corrupt as the others. He is going to IMPROVE.

He'll do a great job.
2017-03-06 22:30:45 UTC
It's the vice president's job to act in the president's place if president is dead, incapacitated, or removed from office. So if against all odds Trump were both impeached and removed (not bloody likely while the Republican Party controls Congress), then Vice President Mike Pence would take over. Since Hillary Clinton is no longer Secretary of State, she is not in the line of succession.
2017-03-06 21:58:41 UTC
sadly, the president is trump. but i don't think hillary would be any better. neither would pence. they all just suck. what was i talking about? oh there's zero chance
2017-03-06 21:35:04 UTC
I believe it would most likely be Paul Ryan
2017-03-06 20:18:07 UTC
Hillary Clinton cannot become President unless she runs again in 2020 and wins. If Trump gets impeached guess what happens - President Pence.
2017-03-06 12:45:43 UTC
Verulam 1
2017-03-06 10:39:41 UTC
IF Trump is impeached, there should be another election (heaven help America) NOT handing the job to another Clinton!!
2017-03-06 10:26:32 UTC
2017-03-06 03:29:22 UTC
i don know
2017-03-05 22:41:16 UTC
2017-03-05 20:13:21 UTC
kind of slim. unless she runs in another election later
2017-03-05 20:07:29 UTC
Is that a masturbation fantasy of yours?
2017-03-10 23:13:52 UTC
If Congress "does the RIGHT thing" Hillary will be executed for treason and for crimes against humanity.
2017-03-10 17:13:25 UTC
ZERO! IF Mr. Trump is impeached, and he won't be, the Vice President becomes President. Your left wing nut bags in the House and Senate, don't get to "appoint" Hillary to anything. Further, she's done in politics for the most part. I'd be surprised if she's alive at the next presidential election.
2017-03-09 16:43:55 UTC
Why do you care
2017-03-09 15:34:31 UTC
It is not the right thing for Hillary to be president. She will only bring up communism, tighten gun control and make Obamacare bigger. It is not the right thing.
2017-03-09 12:44:16 UTC
president trump shall never be impeached 'cause he has never broken any laws............even if he did - pence would be next in line and then paul ryan... hillary would never be chosen...
2017-03-09 07:41:10 UTC
Sorry, Charlie. V.P. Pence is next. Then its the Speaker.

The line of succession extends down through the elected

ranks based on seniority. Just like a Union Shop.

Her hire history in US Government was one of Appointment.
2017-03-09 05:31:34 UTC
Slim and None
2017-03-09 03:40:56 UTC
First off, it's not very likely that Trump will be impeached for anything. Secondly, congress can not make Hillary president. Vice President Pence would be next in line, should something happen to the President. Thirdly, the Right are not closed-minded misogynists or xenophobes.
2017-03-09 02:47:29 UTC
Congress doesn't get to make up their own rules and appoint whoever they like as president.

Hillary lost, impeaching Trump wont change that.
2017-03-08 19:56:56 UTC
They should treat the Clinton's the same as they treated Rosenberg's
2017-03-07 14:19:07 UTC
0 chance. First of all, there is almost no chance that Trump gets impeached with a Republican majority congress. Then, he would have to be convicted, which there is even less of a chance. An even if all that happened, then Mike Pence would become President.

Hillary is over and done with, get over it.
2017-03-07 10:27:09 UTC
Penske will then become president
2017-03-07 09:37:34 UTC
"The right thing" does not constitutionally involve Congress appointing presidents; now there's a process! That's not it.
2017-03-07 05:35:58 UTC
that's not how it works.

Please read the Constitution. It'll answer your question
2017-03-07 05:00:15 UTC
Unless you research with an open mind, the reasons why people do not want Hillary in the White House, you will continue to see the people against her as misogynistic. This thought, that only sees people against Hillary as sexist, is itself a sexist idea.

People are capable of great things. They can be great positive, or negative influences on the planet. The idea that people can't allow themselves to see past her genitalia as the sole reason they think she shouldn't be President, is a person who, at least subconsciously doesn't want to see the possibility that she might be a horrible person, who has her own agenda & cares only about herself & her circle of close friends and family. Until you allow yourself to be open minded that a human being you've most likely never met, could potentially be a great liar, who has made themselves rich over the past 30 years rubbing elbows w/ corporate elite and foreign dignitaries, you're not going to care what people who don't agree with you think.
Harley Lady
2017-03-06 21:00:26 UTC
By law, Mike Pence would be President
2017-03-06 20:14:05 UTC
Not likely, but maybe
2017-03-06 19:38:04 UTC
That is beyond the power of Congress. All the House of Reps can do is "impeach", which just means to bring charges. It's like a grand jury indictment. It doesn't settle anything. It is then up to the Senate to decide to remove from office. That takes a 2/3 vote. While both Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson were "impeached" by the House of Reps, neither of them was actually removed from office by the Senate.

Even if Trump were removed from office by the Senate, Congress does NOT then get to decide who the next president is. The office simply falls to the next in the line of succession. In this case, that would be Vice President Mike Pence. Congress is powerless to change that.
2017-03-06 00:40:03 UTC
zero because if he gets impeached Pence will be president. Who cares he is way better than Trump no matter how bad he would be.
2017-03-05 21:30:56 UTC
WOW ... you sure don't know much about how our government works. I wonder WTF they're teaching in schools these days!!??!! It's especially disturbing when I come across college graduates who don't know **** from shinola.
2017-03-09 14:32:35 UTC
If they didn't impeach Obama, they're not going to touch Trump.
2017-03-09 10:09:55 UTC
2017-03-09 05:48:36 UTC
Republicans control House (where impeachment needs to start) and the Senate (which would hold a trial of the President IF HOUSE VOTES ARTICLES of impeachment. What are the chances of BOTH houses abandoning an elected president of their own party ? ZERO, same as when the House actually IMPEACHED Bill Clinton, but Senate DID NOT VOTE TO CONVICT...and even if that happened, they could not put Hillary in, because under the Constitution, the supreme law of the land, the VICE PRESIDENT, Mike Pence, would become President. Grow up and accept reality, same as we Republicans had to do when you Liberals fraudulently elected the UNQUALIFIED AND INELIGIBLE Barry Obama in 2008, born in Kenya (I have copy of his REAL birth certificate issued at the Coast Hospital),
2017-03-08 17:57:04 UTC
That's never going to happen.
2017-03-08 15:37:41 UTC
Slim to none.
2017-03-08 07:52:13 UTC
So.....of all the people you can pick from Hillary is still your top choice?? Lame!
2017-03-08 03:53:52 UTC
If Trump got impeached probably because he's bad and if they dare to put Hillary in she probably will impeached too because they're both bad. Do you not know if the president becomes impeached the vice president takes over.
2017-03-08 01:54:31 UTC
Congress hasn't the power to do that. If any president is impeached, including Donald J. Trump, then the vice president will simply just take over.
2017-03-08 00:30:49 UTC
The right thing is overriding the actual Popular vote and Electoral vote as outlined in the Constitution and Make Hillary Clinton President? pfft

Im a Liberal Democrat that voted for Hillary (Cause DNC usurped the popular vote for Bernie cause they promised her the chance after they ****** her over for Obama) and I'm telling you 1% bitching and moaning along with the Liberal Media and Pelosi and the other crazies off their medication in Congress jumping in front of the cameras and being a dumasses as usual is giving us a bad name

Wait 4 years and vote again like the Constitution dictates....Trump is playing you and the media and the idiots being idiots in Congess and as a result the Media is nitpicking his cover statements andd tweets (which Im sure its not even really him,its bait PR) instead of digging deep into his policies and executive orders slipping under the radar like how a magician uses distraction with one hand when-he reaches into his vest with the other

for instance I Have yet to media mention that the Trump Administration can just enforce the Immigration rules already on the books against those 7 countries and are starting to do so already (whoops,media got caught by a tweet he supposedly made criticizing Obama flashing in their face as he signed the executive order with his other hand)
Give me the butter
2017-03-07 15:26:31 UTC
First, that's not how it works you failed abortion. Second, why do you care, you're apparently in Argentina.
2017-03-07 05:02:26 UTC
Hahahah zero
2017-03-07 04:22:18 UTC
two chances...slim and none
2017-03-07 02:35:58 UTC
Make Yahoo great again
2017-03-06 23:52:55 UTC
Highly since by protocol, the Vice President take over after the President is gone.
2017-03-06 20:42:46 UTC
First, Trump won't be Impeached, secondly, the sitting Vice President becomes President, to full fill the Impeached President's term. With Nixon, Ford became President, though rather than be Impeached, Nixon resigned. Trump will not only serve his full term, but he will be re-elcted in 2020.
2017-03-06 20:25:07 UTC
With an overwhelming republican majority in the house and a plurality in the senate, about as much chance of that happening as a snowball surviving hell.
2017-03-06 20:20:48 UTC
Impeachment is nothing more than a slap on the hand. Clinton was impeached ,but remained President. Trump may step down, when he gets bored with being President. He will reach a time when he wants his freedom back.

I think he just wanted to see if he really could win the Presidency and he did.

Trump want to bring the US into isolation and concentrate on building the US. Like in the UK with Brexit . Now France with LaPen , wanting only French in France. and the Netherlands with Wilders wanting their country back. Germany too. This "One World Globalization" thing may soon end
2017-03-06 19:34:59 UTC
2017-03-06 07:32:59 UTC
haven't you been lied to enuff by that woman?
2017-03-06 04:46:37 UTC
Insanity has overcome Democrats.
2017-03-10 15:46:29 UTC
None. The law doesn't work that way.
2017-03-10 00:45:38 UTC
No chance.
Blistering Barnacles!
2017-03-08 17:56:24 UTC
If Trump gets impeached, the current vice president (Mike Pence) will become your president. U.S. law is very straightforward on that point. If you don't like the current lot, do a better job at voting next time around.
2017-03-08 15:29:26 UTC
"right thing"

Have fun with the most corrupt candidate in the history of US presidential elections. We would've had Bernie if not for her manipulative ***.
2017-03-08 07:40:25 UTC
if he were impeached wouldnt that make Pence the President?
2017-03-07 23:31:03 UTC
How would that be the right thing you ******* idiot.
2017-03-07 17:29:46 UTC
Nah. I love Hillary, but I highly doubt it.
2017-03-07 06:57:16 UTC
It's sad that they don't teach civics classes anymore.
2017-03-07 05:29:01 UTC
If you think the "right thing" is to make hillary the president, then you have mental issues for sure!
2017-03-07 03:04:43 UTC
Time for all of you less educated people to step back. Now first of all even if for say the House in Congress was to impeach Chump and even if he was removed from office; the current Vice President would then be sworn in. I believe the Speaker of the House is next in line after the Vice President.

However, many of you are jumping the gun a bit. To be impeached; there has to be proof that crimes against our constitution have been committed by the President. And we are a long way from that point right now. And while it would be good for GOP TEA PARTY members of Congress to show moral courage and join Democratic members in clearing up this thing; until then I think that nobody should be prejudged.

Including a president no matter how goofy he is acting right now. With hope, he will see the error of his ways and our country can move forward.

And the most productive thing YOU PEOPLE can do right now is contact YOUR members of Congress. Tell them to improve the health care law instead of trying to end Obama Care which would leave thousands without life saving health care. Tell Congress to pass a bill to improve and rebuild our bridges and roads etc. Tell Congress to invest funding that benefits people instead of wasting billions more on worthless military projects that have no luck of being functional. Tell Congress that instead of bitching about bathrooms; they should increase funding for public schools. There are many other things that I am sure you people can think of to contract Congress to inform them of regarding your concerns.

And it would be far more productive for you to do that instead of making so many pathetic comments on this website.
2017-03-07 01:47:09 UTC
There's no way he'll be impeached and the loser Hillary will never be president. Pence would be president, but don't hold your breath waiting for president Trump to be impeached.
2017-03-06 21:28:36 UTC
Congratulations. You are the thousandth person on Y!A's that doesn't know the impeachment process. Hypothetically speaking, even if he was impeached, he had to be tried then taken out of office. THEN Pence, not you precious Hillary, will be president. You must be in jr high school and can only remember Obama and how his illegal activities were ignored by the media, entertainment and a limp-wrist congress. Quite frankly, you don't even have a right to a political opinion. That is like a 5 year old telling YOU about their political opinion. It's the same thing. You are not experienced enough to have one. Wait until your are 30 and/or have travel long-term or long distance.
2017-03-06 20:03:17 UTC
I find your question contradicting. Doing the right thing and putting Hillary in office are on the opposite sides of the spectrum.
perry m
2017-03-06 11:15:00 UTC
It wouldn't happen cause it's not the right thing the right thing is to leave Trump alone he is trying to protect this country and to. Rid it of all the **** that the corrupt and racist democrats did in the last 8 years to destroy us
2017-03-06 10:50:51 UTC
Please tell me you are trolling. No one is this ignorant of succession.
2017-03-06 08:43:15 UTC
no chance at all
2017-03-06 05:04:59 UTC
No chance.

She lost.

She is out.

Asker, your thinking is really messed up, just like MANY liberal democrats!

What's next from the dems, mob rule??!

The "will of the people" is Donald Trump! Or can't you understand??
2017-03-06 01:25:04 UTC
2017-03-06 00:52:13 UTC
Trump won't be impeached , he might not get reelected but it takes a lot of trying to end up impeached , you have to work hard at that , it doesn't just fall on you .
2017-03-05 20:43:32 UTC
NONE, grow up read a little.
2017-03-14 03:17:26 UTC
so i believe this is an idiot child post... in reality, trump is president and no one can change that... the thing is that when a president is elected, there has always been a "peaceful transfer of power" even though there has always been a hate for presidents... this time, when this generation is so stupid, the young people, who only think of themselves, destroy america as to protest how trump shall destroy america... so before saying dumb **** like "impeach trump!" look over actual facts of why he is our president, and wait for him to actually do something that is unconstitutional for you to start spewing words about how stupid he is... as i see it, millionaires are not stupid at all... look at bill gates, or steve jobs... so yeah chances of him being impeached is the same as your iq......... zero...
2017-03-08 08:50:47 UTC
None, if donald gets impeached we would make pence president and if he gets impeached we go to the next republicans in the chain of command. Also, congress is controlled by republicans asmof today so even if we could they wouldn't
2017-03-07 18:29:00 UTC
The vice president, Mike Pence, will then become president.
2017-03-07 18:27:30 UTC
2017-03-07 06:46:15 UTC
Ironically impeachment doesn't mean much any more thanks to the Clintons. After her husband was impeached, he basically told the world to shove it.
2017-03-07 06:22:12 UTC
That just might be the dumbest thing I've ever heard, I really hope ur joking. She lost but we would just give it to her anyway to be nice? I'm sorry but ur an idiot
2017-03-07 06:07:53 UTC
It will be a Cold day in hell before that American killing Terrorist Loving ***** with heath problems becomes President and if she does I hope Karma gives her what she truly deserves
2017-03-07 05:48:08 UTC
Wish they would but they won't
2017-03-07 03:13:02 UTC
Do the right thing and make the most corrupt candidate ever a president? How is that the right thing? Clinton was lying and cheating her whole way through the elections, she should be in jail for the crimes she has committed.

You could argue that a reelection that would inevitably result in a Sanders presidency while Clinton is in jail would be a good move but it's very unlikely that would happen.
2017-03-07 02:00:57 UTC
This is not how the government works.

If Trump gets impeached, the current Vice President (Pence) becomes the new President.
2017-03-06 22:47:07 UTC
2017-03-06 21:25:31 UTC
If Trump gets impeached, Mike Pence will become president. And Hillary would be an awful president, she supports one world order and mandatory vaccines. So Trump and Pence are better, and Trump will most likely stay in the white house for 8 years.
2017-03-06 20:37:35 UTC
In my humble opinion that chance is 0 % because the United States of America has never had a lesbian president.
Steve G
2017-03-06 19:35:35 UTC
2017-03-06 10:39:24 UTC
If he is impeached then Mike Pence his Vise President will take over, he is much worse than Donald Trump.
2017-03-06 10:22:50 UTC
2017-03-06 08:37:36 UTC
i hope so
Shawn S
2017-03-06 08:35:56 UTC
"will do the right thing and make Hillary President"

I cannot stop laughing. Neither "right" or Hillary should be in the same sentence.

Anyways, as many people have pointed out, that is literally impossible. Hillary lost the general election so the only candidates up for President is the Vice President, whom immediately becomes POTUS upon the impeachment of the current CiC (Commander in Chief) or if the CiC is unable to fulfill his duties (disabled, held captive, etc). From there, the Constitution has in place contingencies should neither the current President nor the Vice President are impeached or unable to serve as CiC.

In fact, as it should also be known, there is also a Designated Survivor should the Constitutional contingencies are... expended. The DS becomes acting President until sworn in, officially, and from there finishes the remaining of the term.

Ultimately, there would had to have been 100% voter fraud for Congress to even begin to probably presume to let Hillary become POTUS, but even that is unlikely due to the nature of the Constitution.

So, to put it simply, she will never be President; Congresspeople are smarter than you on that.
2017-03-06 03:24:38 UTC
Mike Pence would become President if Trump gets impeached.
2017-03-06 03:09:06 UTC
Is this a joke?
2017-03-09 23:32:48 UTC
I m Scottish but i think if Donald Trump were to be impeached, why would the loser gain that position? after all Trumps party was elected. Surely his deputy would take over. Pardon me if i m not wise enough on american politics.
2017-03-09 00:26:53 UTC
Zero per cent chance.
2017-03-08 23:30:57 UTC
That's not how the process works. If the President gets impeached then the Vice President becomes president for the duration of the term. If something happens so that the President can no longer serve as President there is a line of 14 people to take his place until the original term is up and another Presidential election can take place. Congress doesn't just choose any random person off the street, even if they were the runner up in the original race, that would be undemocratic.
2017-03-08 14:46:42 UTC
the right thing???!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Hillary will end this country in one month. Putin HATES her so he will not be shy to attack
2017-03-07 22:59:15 UTC
Look, there's a re-vote attempt being held on the Supreme Court docket. They might null and void the 2016 general election results due to the fact that the 2016 general election was hacked by the Russians. And some Republicans in Congress who have ties to the Russians should be ousted, making Republicans losing their seats in Congress.
2017-03-07 22:23:33 UTC
How much do you know about government? Judging by your question, nothing. An impeachment is where Congress labels the president that if they believe he did something wrong. The Senate will determine if he's guilty of committing bribery, treason, or other not specific crimes, if he is then out he goes. If this were to happen then it's President Pence. If Pence is out then President Ryan. She was only a nominee. She's not important. Her chance of being president are gone. She'll have to wait until 2020.
Abu Zafar Mainul
2017-03-07 07:20:30 UTC
No way
2017-03-07 04:47:34 UTC
Zero, thanks be to God.
2017-03-07 04:24:40 UTC
Replace a mean guy with a criminal? Just another day in politics.
2017-03-06 23:02:39 UTC
>right thing

If you think that getting rid of one trash and replacing it with other trash is a "right" thing to do then you're ******* retarded.
2017-03-06 21:22:00 UTC
Thank god they can't do that. Killery can't even keep track of pedophile husband and stupid daughter
2017-03-06 20:15:21 UTC
They should put Eminem as president
2017-03-06 20:15:00 UTC
2017-03-06 07:07:01 UTC
Hillary sucks ! Get over it
2017-03-06 06:54:35 UTC
ZERO! Trump is a disaster for the GOP. The best thing to do is leave him in as long as possible.
2017-03-06 06:03:30 UTC
I don't really like trump all that much but I sorta hate Hillary's gut's.
2017-03-06 05:47:04 UTC
That just shows how ignorant Hillary voters are
2017-03-06 02:19:44 UTC
She might delete this
2017-03-06 01:06:38 UTC
No chance at all. Pence would become President.
2017-03-05 20:08:00 UTC
If the President is impeached and the Vice President is not also, then the Vice President becomes President. This is a constitutional republic, not a liberal fantasy land.
2017-03-07 03:00:11 UTC
-20% (notice the negative sign)
2017-03-06 06:24:11 UTC
He won't be impeached, but hypothetically speaking newly appointed President Pence would have his hands full dealing with dissent among the strongest of Trump supporters. A large contingency of those whom already hold extreme distrust toward the government would be up in arms were their anti-political demagogue hero deposed by the vary government they hold with such contempt. It could turn into a real sh_t show, kind of like 1861 all over.
2017-03-06 04:09:12 UTC
If and that's mighty big if Hillary WON'T become President and Congress will have nothing to do with it, the Constitution will and that will be Pence, the Vice President, so it looks as if you're stuck sucking wind either way.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.