What do liberals say when they hear about people being murdered in border states by illegal? "So what?"?
2010-05-05 20:46:27 UTC
What do liberals say when they hear about people being murdered by illegal aliens? "So what?" "Who cares?" "Murders happen every day."?

What exactly would be the liberals solution to the drug cartels that are causing havoc in the US/Mexico border areas? Let them roam free since they were here first? Should we consider at all the people who's houses are broken into and their property destroyed? Or should we only consider those who are supposedly trying to make a better living for themselves? Most of you guys hate America anyway and probably think "Oh their getting what they deserve". That's exactly what I heard from liberals on 9/11, that the US was asking for it and that we got what we deserved.

I would seriously like to know what the democrats solution is to the problem with the drug cartels, the murders, the destroyed property, etc going on in that area. Should we just roll over and give up?
Twenty answers:
2010-05-05 21:02:11 UTC
I love people who do not live in Arizona who speak for Arizona and then tell Arizonians what the problems they are dealing with...and that its really not a problem....wise have no clue.... Illegal Immigration Crime Skyrockets in Arizona

By Tim Fitton, Judicial Watch

As you know, Judicial Watch is leading a major nationwide campaign against illegal immigration sanctuary policies that prevent local police officers from cooperating with federal immigration officials. One of our key arguments against these policies (and there are many) is that they put American citizens at risk by allowing illegal alien criminals onto the streets to commit more crimes when they should be deported.

On October 2nd, the Maricopa County, Arizona District Attorney's office released crime statistics that prove this point. Overall, while illegals represent only nine percent of the population in Maricopa County (which includes Phoenix) they are responsible for approximately 22% of the crimes committed. Here is a breakdown of statistics by crime category. Illegal aliens account for:

33.5% of those sentenced for manufacture, sale or transport of drugs.

35.8% of those sentenced for kidnapping.

20.3% of those sentenced for felony DUI.

16.5% of those sentenced for violent crimes.

18.5% of those sentenced for property crimes.

44% of those sentenced for forgery and fraud.

85.3% of those convicted of criminal impersonation or false ID.

96% of those convicted of human smuggling.

Now as you may recall, Judicial Watch has been very active in Phoenix, working closely with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Phoenix businesses victimized by illegal alien crime to change the city's policies. And our strategy paid off last December.

Facing the threat of a Judicial Watch lawsuit, Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon reluctantly reversed himself on the city's sanctuary policy on December 3, 2007, and then commissioned a panel to study the issue. In May, Police Chief Jack Harris announced key reforms to the policy.

We don't yet know whether Mayor Gordon is truly committed to enforcing immigration laws or whether, in the face of enormous public opposition and Judicial Watch pressure, he was simply making a politically expedient decision. (In the past, Gordon has actually requested that the Department of Justice investigate local police officials for "discriminatory harassment" when they attempt to enforce the law.)

Here's what we do know: When local police departments implement sanctuary policies, crime goes up. When local police departments enforce immigration law, crime goes down. It's that simple.

I personally don't see too much of a difference between McCain's and Obama's views on immigration and I expect both will largely continue Bush's policies, with even less emphasis on enforcement. So the key battles could be at the state and local levels, where Judicial Watch is already active.

Until next week...

Tom Fitton


Judicial Watch is a non-partisan, educational foundation organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Judicial Watch is dedicated to fighting government and judicial corruption and promoting a return to ethics and morality in our nation's public life. To make a tax-deductible contribution in support of our efforts, click here.

Justin H
2010-05-05 20:54:54 UTC
Murder is murder. Whether it's committed by an illegal or a citizen. And murder should be dealt with harshly.

The drug cartels are a serious threat. But I'm not sure how American immigration policies will have any direct impact on the violence in the border areas - especially since the majority of that violence is happening in Mexico where we have no jurisdiction.

You are absolutely wrong to say I hate America. I love this country just as much as any flag flying, "God Bless America" singing "patriot". But I understand America has an obligation to act as a responsible member of the global community. In short, I do not believe that being a proud American means never questioning the government and what it does around the world.
2010-05-05 20:56:17 UTC
Perhaps it should become illegal to be a liberal...., no I would be happy just to get rid of the illegals and throw their employers in jail with a fine, I think that would fix the corporate welfare problem...Progression ism is really regression ism, Vote Independent! My logic for this is that the political parties are already corrupted and controlled by these lobbyist institutions and with Independents in office it is harder for corporations to control the legislation and the politicians will not be able to hide as well as they do

There are no lefties or righties, just Democrat and Republicans, of course those numbers are shrinking. Independents and other parties are slowly gaining, I figure in 10 years there will only be Independents and minority parities
2010-05-05 20:53:41 UTC
lol have u ever thought that the cause of the problem is the solution? most of those cartells are smuggling marijuana to the states. they can grow it pretty much freely down there. and bring it up here where its harder to get. that if marijuana was legal in the states, there would be no demand for the **** the mexicans bring up and the violence over it would pretty much stop. that's the only solution the the problem. sending more money and people into it isn't going to work. but legalizing marijuana will, and boost our economy not spending millions on a failed war.
2016-04-14 11:36:16 UTC
That's the way that Propaganda works. They try to frame public opinion by using different buzzwords to portray the same picture from different perspectives. Bush's grandpa funded Hitler and his daddy ran the CIA. Bush knows all about how to use propaganda. The PKK has been attacking Turkish civilians in Turkey with American weapons that were funnelled to them. Even the puppet government of Iraq considers the PKK to be a terrorist organization.
2010-05-05 21:06:25 UTC
They justify it by saying that our founding fathers were a bunch of murderers that did not belong here, and that the original American colonists were evil. Then they call you a racist, because that is the on ly thing they know how to do. They hate America, so anything they say is irrelevant.
2010-05-05 20:56:51 UTC
The new information on the reason for the law was that a rancher was killed by an ILLEGAL.. Now, recently, the investigation has turned into it being a LEGAL CITIZEN and probably WHITE. Nobody agrees with any murdering and the NYTIMES is not my source of new, but you seem to be pretty set on this so I just say, go with it. We can govern withoutcha.


Drill baby drill is our new motto in the Republican party? Cheney, Halliburton, Gulf coast and east coast ruined, MIGRATION not IMMIGRATION, Americans buying illegal drugs causing a demand.....THINK ON THESE THINGS!
2010-05-05 20:56:39 UTC
The typical slow-witted liberal hates America, and by default, Americans. So when an American is murdered, liberals feel a strong sense of satisfaction.
Captain Obvious
2010-05-05 20:49:43 UTC
Trust me, once the conservatives or liberals show a reasonable solution I'll be happy to support it. But right now neither side has any idea what they're doing.
2010-05-05 21:03:01 UTC
Why do you stereotype liberals ,I have no problem enforcing the laws we have.I just dont want to give up american citizens rights to look for the Booggy man.We only need to pass one law and enforce it and they will go home. 1st offense for hiring illegal a warning 2nd offense put the employer in jail make it a felony to hire illegals, forfeiture of assets for hiring an illegal catch an illegal in us forfeiture of all assets take them to the border
2010-05-05 20:55:01 UTC

The Conservatives that started and actively support the idiot war on drugs that made the Mexican drug cartels possible, refuse to own up to their part in the death of that rancher.

Of course that shouldn't really come as a shock given the fact that the NRA doesn't own up to their part in the daily gun carnage that happens in America;s cities
2010-05-05 20:50:27 UTC
Is AZ's policy on immigration racist? I don't think the specifics are: the law as it is read. But let's take a look at immigration and the underlying ideas about it.

In order to support limited immigration one must believe that either, 1) immigration is somehow bad for the country, the economy, or yourself, and 2) that a persons worth is determined by where they were born, and that you, as an American are more worthy, more priviledged than Mexicans. That second part is the racist part.

What is the law, exactly? As of this 30 April 2010, it call for police in AZ to check the immigration status of anyone they have reason to suspect might not be in the country legally that they have stopped, detained, or arrested. (This is a change from earlier legislation.) It also makes it a crime for immigrants not to have their paperwork with them at all times.

I see a couple of problems with this, and some easy solutions to getting it taken off the books. What about if a Hispanic American citizen is walking around in public with no papers on them? This could get them arrested. This is clearly a violation of an American citizen's rights. Second, don't police check the immigration status of anyone they stop, detain, or arrest anyway? I mean, last time I was stopped they checked my driver's license, which I hope would link to my citizenship. This makes it look more like a political stunt by the republican party than meaningful legislation.

So, is immigration bad for the country? Are Mexicans taking jobs from Americans? Are they getting free health care, free social services, or welfare checks?

Let's look at crime, which is one of the main issues raised.

According to this article by Mariano Castillo the claims made by Senator Russel Pearce could not be backed up by the AZ law enforcement due to lack of statistics. Also, violent crime overall has fallen in AZ for the past two years despite healthy population growth and large numbers of illegal immigrants. If you subtract out the number of immigrants who are arrested solely on immigration related charges, is there still a spike in crime, if there ever was one? By FOX's own admission most of the crimes are caused "by drug traffickers and immigrant smuggling groups", which if immigration was opened up (and marijuana legalized) would both disappear. So it almost looks like the new law (and the existing policies) are actually supporting the crime wave.

But I want to look more at the idea of restrictive immigration to begin with.

I believe that because a person was born within a given area should not determine their allotment of opportunity. For this reason I am opposed to steep limits on immigration. However, I do see that the social ramifications of millions of Mexicans moving into Arizona, Texas and California will drastically strain the resources of those states. Why don't we open up some other states for immigration? Base it on population, and limit the number to what we think those states can reasonably handle? I know that the economy is down right now, and that competition for jobs is fierce, but that isn't only true in America.

If Americans are truly scared of the "threat" of illegal immigration then they must believe the Mexicans can take away their jobs. I'm fairly confident that my employment is safe. I worked hard in school, have a B.S., and am close to a Master's degree. No immigrant is going to take my job anytime soon. Perhaps if Americans spent more time in school, placed a higher value on education, they would feel less threatened. Of course, Americans without skills need to realize that there are plenty of jobs out there, but they are jobs that don't pay very well. These are the jobs that the immigrants are taking. I don't see a long line of Americans looking for a minimum wage (or less) job picking fruit or cleaning my home. This is really a cold-hearted look at the whole thing, from an American's standpoint, but we have become content and lazy, and the very idea that immigration is a big issue for Republicans means, to me they've got all the other issued tackled. Perhaps if they focused more on education, job training and infrastructure then the employment issue wouldn't be a problem.

So, no, I don't think this law in itself is racist, but the policy of persecuting those who come here illegally is not only counter-productive, but it's not in line with a humanist outlook. America's opportunity is what makes this country great. Let's not take that away.
2010-05-05 20:51:35 UTC
It's called "jury annulment." Liberals need to minimize murders cause by illegals, and other minorities, in order to conform with their world view. It's sad, but liberal's heads actually explode when they are confronted with a reality that differs from their perception.

Have pity on liberals; they're ignorant.
Nicholas A
2010-05-05 21:04:43 UTC
I want two fences on the border, and between them put all the lost dogs in the us, and let em eat mexican.
2010-05-05 20:52:01 UTC
Oh believe me.. if you have anybody to blame for the drug problem is your country.

If no one was buying, they would have no incentive to come, now would they?

They're got more connections than you could believe..

digging a hole under a fence isn't exactly their way in

so that has absolutely nothing to do with immigration.

Illegals aren't the ones killing.. you know why?

They came to work.. not to go to prison or get deported
2010-05-05 20:58:45 UTC
I'd say that murder would be just fine if the murder was white and born in America!
2010-05-05 20:58:01 UTC
This liberal thinks the death penalty is appropriate for those people regardless of where they came from.
Pagan Pride
2010-05-05 20:51:11 UTC
The violence is done by drug smugglers, not people looking for work. Line the drug smugglers up and shoot them for all I care.
Telemachus R
2010-05-05 21:00:56 UTC
and no care or thought to the rape and exploitation by american corporations of the mexican working poor. "So what ?"
john galt
2010-05-05 20:50:03 UTC
decriminalize all acts by illegals, then it won't be illegal. the world is topsy turvy

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.