2008-09-08 19:50:14 UTC
I think these two issues should be a personal issue only, and shouldn't even be talked about among the Government as being an issue. If YOU feel its wrong to abort, then don't, thats your personal stance on it, why should the Government be regulating your life in such great detail? If you want to be gay, go right ahead, your not bugging me, just don't try and rub it off on me.
These are personal issues people, nothing that the Government should be concerned about. Does more gay people in the world mean our economy will increase or decrease? No, it doesn't. These issues are completely independent from the other issues that concern politics and the economy.
Separation of Church and State. Let's keep it that way. Let the Churchs decide whether these subjects are right or wrong.
What are your stances and opinions on this? Should Gay Marriage and Abortion be considered political issues? Or personal subjects?