How many form all of you will say that RSS is communal ?
2010-01-20 03:47:50 UTC
It is also a defense force in our internal social security system.They never engaged in conversion activity of other religious people in Hindu religion but they always protest others religions activities who are engaged in religion conversion ,Is it communal ?.

They ,RSS,always support equal rights to all religion people and equal laws for all religion people,Is it communal ?

RSS always alert about the enemy(Pakistani attacker,terrorist and religious conversion activities in India) so that They are communal ?

We have to see who are saying RSS is communal and what is the their logic's behind it,read their statements and judge them that who are real communal ?

In all these secular ,majority-minority definitions,we have to understand what is real secularism and what is real minority-majority data.Who is real minority in India and how can be they called as minority ?

These all ugly games of politics are played/playing by cunning political parties on the name of secularism and minority-majority.They all mislead general people by their deliberately created insecurity mania in certain section of society.

We know some users are with certain set of mind because of their personal reasons shadowing them self under congress tag and calling himself a true secu;ar where we can observe them well by their statements that they are just communal in every their question-answer.So it is well understand that if they will answer this question than they will come with their mind set.

Let us see their secularism and frustration !

I also can imagine, it is very good chances to report or delete it.
Fifteen answers:
2010-01-20 06:40:58 UTC
If RSS is communal then India is communal because RSS represents Indian culture only. RSS works for the betterment of Indian society be it releif work or tribal welfare or fighting casteism. True Indians of all religions appreciate RSS.

"The allegations against RSS of violence and hatred against the Muslims are

wholly false. Muslims should learn the lesson of mutual love, cooperation

and organisation from RSS."

Dr. Zakir Hussain, Nov, 1920

The only reason RSS is branded communal is because it has always stood against Cong. atrocities including Emergency.

You are right. RSS India's conscience keeper who fights against anti-national elements just as the armed forces fight on our border. But if needed RSS can fight at the border also. They have fought in Daman, in Kashmir and on the Indo-chinese border.
2016-05-26 06:24:49 UTC
You know nothing about the RSS.You r just a viewer/reader of media.Therefore,it is adviceable to know the RSS first before making such comments about that organisation.RSS is the only organisation which is preaching patriotism and serving the people in need without any help from the Govt.Their members r not interested in "castes".You like people and the so called secular Governments can't stop islamic terrorism or illegal conversions.Only RSS is a threat for them.It is the reason that they have tried their best to ban the RSS by influencing their favourites.RSS is of the opinion that all the citizens should be treated equally,But Muslims,Christians and pseudo secularists believe in the provisions of special status.So,rethink about the RSS and deliver mature question.
2010-01-22 17:23:48 UTC
Your question sounds like you are threatening, like "how many of you dare to say that RSS is communal?"

RSS the source of all the communal riots since its formation is not communal, I agree with you.

RSS the source of all the religious divides in India since its formation is not communal, I agree with you.

RSS whose whole foundation is kept on Hindu rashtra in Secular India is not communal, I agree with you.

Who cares about religion? For me religion is the last thing to care about, for me the primary things are Roti, Kapada, Makan and Sukaksha. For me my identity is Indian nationality. I don't care who is getting converted as far as they are not getting converted on gun point. And anyone who comes in the way of freedom of religion is communal. Thus RSS is communal. RSS and its all the extremist outfits, political wings are communal. And entire world knows that. Just google "Hindu Millitant" and you will find what all organizations are tagged and Hindu Militant. These organizations have actually defamed Hinduism, these are black marks on this great religion. They used Hinduism for their political ambitions. Shame of RSS.

And I say RSS and all its outfits are communal do whatever you can.
2010-01-21 03:06:04 UTC
Of course Sudan how can you be so childish! This is kiddish question. Even some of your RSS friends whisper this but cannot condemn them openly. RSS is a communal faction with Hinduthva its core ideology, provoke BJP from the backscreen and make all of them to dance to its tunes. Best example is Gadkari.

Look down upon Muslims & Christian as foreigners and inflict atrocities under guise of safeguarding Hindu culture try to portray themselves as secular just by helping few Muslims , how Modi is doing in Gujrath with Bohra Muslims community to lure the votes.

One of the main reason for BJP debacle in election is its close proximity with RSS.
2010-01-20 04:56:48 UTC
Promotion of Hindu culture,traditions etc.does not make the RSS communal.It is a very disciplined outfit

given to propagating the values of Hinduism and patriotism.The RSS should however give up preaching morals to the laity.It does not have the right to dictate or influence individual preferences in any area and

has no business going overboard and engage in moral policing.It should not use violence under any circumstances.Have a Nice Day.
MS - Believe in Ek Oankaar
2010-01-20 05:53:21 UTC
I say RSS and its all the extremists outfits are communal. And it is the failure of Indian judiciary that this organization exists even today similar to Arun Gawali is free man today and acquitted from all the charges by Indian courts.

Edit: BTW, I am thinking of request YA to open Communal-Secular section under politics and Government, Politics section is flooded with communal questions only. May be they will agree.. No space for real politics questions. :)

@ap, SD, don't get so angry dudes, calm down. what if I ask someone to look at the data of communal riots in India since the inception of RSS and see the pecentage of RSS and its extreamist outfits involvement? But really does it work spending time? Like if someone asks me is Dawood a terrorist? Do I have to provide any logic to prove that? If someone tells me to prove at 12:00 noon that it is noon, do I need to prove? Let them justify the communality of RSS, and let us enjoy...
2010-01-20 09:22:33 UTC
A very lame attemp to protect RSS ! I can answer against all of your points -

1) RSS, & other such groups have converted some tribals who were earlier converted to Christianity.

2) How can terrorists carry out their activities in India, if RSS 'alert' ppl ? Yes, they inceasantly criticize/attack Pakistan & Islamic extremism, but making ppl alert & creating panic are two different thing !

3) Forget about ppl of other religion, RSS have so far neglected a larger part of Hindu population.Are they equally interested in abolition of 'caste system' , like they are against 'aggressive' Islamic/Christian activities ? What kind of 'Hindu culture' do they support ? Becoz Hindus doesn't follow the same same religious framework all over India - there are many variations. Now they accept that they've failed to attract most of the Hindus - specially those from 'backward classes'. What were they doing so long ? Sleeping ? & they realize it after debacle of BJP(& their 'Varun Gandhi Line') in LS election ?

to Sudan :

I gave the example of conversion among the tribals only to negate your statement 'They never engaged in conversion activity......... '. & who is to decide who is 'misguided' ? It's not only the Christian Missionaries who are often accused of using money-power, but Hindu groups like RSS too. It's just like business, not guiding ppl to the right path. I'm not saying that Missionaries are not corrupt, but don't pretend that RSS

is 'clean' !

& still can't understand how RSS can 'alert' ppl about Islamic terrorism ! As you've mentioned the involvement of 'internal element', one report by security agencies(published in 2008) projected that almost 700 'sleeper-cells' of various Islamic terrorist groups in India. If RSS can alert ppl about terrorists, how couldn't they stop the spread of such groups ?Islamic terrorists often operate from some poor, specially Muslim-majority regions, so only way to stop them is to create 'sources' in those areas; & that's not something RSS do ! RSS is just busy in 'attacking' Muslims & spreading a rather radical version of Hinduism, which is doing more harm.

to Sudan :

See, when someone tries to convert ppl from other religious community to his own, he utilize the weaknesses of that religion, which in this case is 'caste system'. You can't deny that caste system is a 'bad-patch' of Hinduism, & missionaries are are using that 'weakness' for conversion. Those from Hindu lower-caste convert to to other religion, feels that they are ignored in Hindu society & hope that their new religion will provide them equal right . Not only Christians, but others use it too - a big reason for conversion of maximum Hindus into Islam in East Bengal was this caste system ; few years back, a mass-conversion ceremony occurred in Delhi(?) where many 'Dalits' were converted to Buddhism. But, Hindu groups should first try to solve the problem of casteism first, before accusing others of 'using' it for conversion.

& using money for conversion is always a 'malpractice' - no excuse can justify it.

In my answer, I've never mentioned that RSS have the sole responsibility of eradicating poverty - they should carry out 'welfare works'(I think they already do some). & yes, they DO 'attack' Muslims & Christians on various occations , but you ppl will never accept it. By the way, making demands of a Hindu state(directly or indirectly) itself is very annoying - I think you should learn from the condition of Pakistan.
Mental -Inside ™
2010-01-23 04:43:43 UTC
RSS is the only body who is really patriot
2010-01-20 20:56:02 UTC
Only pseudos,corrupt missionaries/politicians can say like that.

RSS is the strongest enemy for the terrorists and pseudos.It is a well known fact.

They know that the divided Hindu can't reply their "Godhras".

Therefore they can't afford the United Hindu.

RSS is a most secular organisation being run by the Hindus with the active support of non-hindus.
2010-01-21 22:12:26 UTC
If RSS is communal, all muslims are terrorists.
2010-01-20 06:30:43 UTC
RSS is not communal. Only pseudo-secular people say it communal. Our politicians(beggers) needs votes of minorities, so to appease them they say so.

why should we care. let the dogs bark.
2010-01-21 06:53:31 UTC
what kind of evidence do you need for that? may be i can help educating you? i am a very helpful person, i like helping others, I will be around on ya for entire day, so just post the kind of evidence you want for rss to be communal, i will be more than happy to help you.
2010-01-20 04:06:16 UTC
R S S is not communal at all.It s interest is to infest discipline in Hindus and interested in promoting Hindu culture.They are not attacking any other religion.It is quite common to protect if provoked.In India,if Hindus are not protecting themselves who will protect them?
anuragada poojaari(ap)
2010-01-20 08:21:55 UTC you want to humiliate yourself?

"They never engaged in conversion activity of other religious people in Hindu religion "

Both the RSS and the VHP have organised a series of "conversion ceremonies" in and around Beawar during the past decade and constructed the Ashapura Mata temple as the rallying centre The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's claim that it converted nearly 500 Muslim families to Hinduism at a "Dharma Sabha" (religious assembly) recently in Beawar town of Rajasthan was on Thursday refuted by Muslims of the region, who stated that those who attended the Sabha were the descendants of the people who had embraced Hinduism long before Independence. They said the purported conversion was an "eyewash" aimed at deceiving none other than Hindus.

more here-

"RSS,always support equal rights to all religion people and equal laws for all religion people"

majbbot neta lk advani is very secular when he says-“henceforth only those who fight for Hindu interests would rule India”. ms gowalkar..father of his bunch of thoughts..denounces territorial nationalism.."everyone born in india is not an indian He must embrace “Hindu culture”. That is a cultural nationalism," that is, “revert to the truth of our nationalism as an ancient fact and the Hindus being the national society of Bharat”. He lauded V.D. Savarkar’s essay Hindutva, condemned secularists and cited three “Internal Threats” – the Muslims, the Christians and the Communists (Chapter XII).

way back in 1947 rss advocated second-class citizenship to muslims and christians...dont say equality it doesnt suit your lips

"RSS always alert about the enemy(Pakistani attacker,terrorist and religious conversion activities in India" acutally they are not...but exactly who isnt worried about terrorists? a single person in our country who isnt worried about terrorism..when terrorists strike..they kill people indiscriminately..they dont kill just hindus or just bjp wallahs..muslims and congressmen also get killed..besides if rss was so concerned..why is it encouraging hindu terrorism?..didnt their sister in goa do a bomb blast?..or what about malegaon?...but those arent terrorists right?..hypocrite

"We have to see who are saying RSS is communal and what is the their logic's behind it,read their statements and judge them that who are real communal ?"

are you quite sure you want them to do that?..wouldnt you rather have them just live in ignorance so that they'd buy your bull crap?

"In all these secular ,majority-minority definitions,we have to understand what is real secularism and what is real minority-majority data.Who is real minority in India and how can be they called as minority ?

These all ugly games of politics are played/playing by cunning political parties on the name of secularism and minority-majority.They all mislead general people by their deliberately created insecurity mania in certain section of society. "

so varun gandhi(played ugly games on communalism),narendra modi,praveen togadia are all congressmen? godse was a congress man? is always the bjp which rakes up communalism thing...i asked a simple question on development in gujarat..bjp poeple instead of answering that started talking about anti-muslim pogrom!!..look who is talking...

according to wikipedia-

in india

All religions 1,028,610,328 100.00%

Hindus 827,578,868 80.5%

Muslims 138,188,240 13.4%

Christians 24,080,016 2.3%

Sikhs 19,215,730 1.9%

Buddhists 7,955,207 0.8%

Jains 4,225,053 0.4%

Others 6,639,626 0.6%

Religion not stated 727,588 0.1%

so i think its pretty obvious who is majority and minority in REAL

and let me assure you i havent asnwered with frustration or with a fixed mindset...infact..i think i have only said things that can be proven..that i can site sources for...see my secularism and if you have the sense god gave a goat..learn from it..

i mean i dont get why you rss guys raise this you want to be humiliated on a public forum with all the world laughing at your feeble attempts? you not see that on this particular actually lose even before the race starts?...

do what your good at and spread rumours about rahul gandhi or something..cause..its just so easy to defeat you on something like almost seems unfair that we have to do it..,
India Inc.
2010-01-21 23:04:47 UTC

The Aftermath Inc.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.