The first time I saw Rush Limbaugh, he had a t.v. show. I had never seen him before, had no idea who he was. He was commenting on a report that had recently been issued stating how the AIDS virus was targeting "blacks and hispanics."
Limbaugh took issue, explaining that the AIDS virus is not an animate entity and as such, has no capacity to "target" anyone. Rather, he went on to say, the contracting of AIDS was the result of behaviors and poor decisions, (which was the case because by that time, it was clear how one contracted AIDS).
Since then, he's been a hero of mine.
He is not a mad man. He is a passionate man who is driven to distraction by the utter ignorance and stupidity of too many people.
Alec Baldwin issued an essay recently citing Limbaugh as a "fat a$$" who did not serve in the military, who has addiction problems and is prone to rants. This from an overweight, cream puff of a second tier actor who is notorious for his abusive rants, who has been arrested for domestic abuse and who has been hospitalized more than once for addiction problems. Go figure.
Limbaugh is wildly popular. He is an easy target. I can assure you that he is man with whom you don't want to argue unless you have researched well and can support your argument with facts.
Seeing Limbaugh one time and evaluating him based on that one time is not wise.
The press did not cover the story about Obama walking into a window two weeks ago, thinking it was a door. The reason is that Americans would then judge him for the dimwit he is.
Rest assured that the media is going to do everything it can to portray Limbaught in the worst light possible.
The WSJ had a fascinating story a few days about about Team Obama in the "war room" deciding on which conservative talk radio personality they would go after. They evaluated media reports and decided that Limbaugh, since he is the biggest threat, would be the best target. Team Obama then spent days planning their strategy with Rom Immanuel at the helm
Given the circumstances the U.S. currently finds itself in, you would think that the president and his band of thugs would have better things to do, wouldn't you.
Liberals react to things with their guts and bumper sticker slogans. Your post is a perfect example.
If you want to evaluate and judge Limbaugh, listen to his show for a few days. At least then, you will have solid experience on which to base an opinion, rather than following the rest of the bleating sheep around.