What do you think of Rush Limbaugh?
Joan J
2009-03-13 13:50:22 UTC
I viewed him at a meeting (on TV) jumping up and down as in a frenzy, it reminded me of Idi Amin (The dictator of Uganda) clearly a mad man. Tell me what you think of Rush Limbaugh.
36 answers:
End The Fed!!!
2009-03-13 13:57:36 UTC
He's nothing but a distraction amidst an unprecedented propaganda and expenditure campaign to wreck America's economy.

And sadly, so many sheep are obsessed with him....amazing really.
2009-03-14 12:25:41 UTC
The first time I saw Rush Limbaugh, he had a t.v. show. I had never seen him before, had no idea who he was. He was commenting on a report that had recently been issued stating how the AIDS virus was targeting "blacks and hispanics."

Limbaugh took issue, explaining that the AIDS virus is not an animate entity and as such, has no capacity to "target" anyone. Rather, he went on to say, the contracting of AIDS was the result of behaviors and poor decisions, (which was the case because by that time, it was clear how one contracted AIDS).

Since then, he's been a hero of mine.

He is not a mad man. He is a passionate man who is driven to distraction by the utter ignorance and stupidity of too many people.

Alec Baldwin issued an essay recently citing Limbaugh as a "fat a$$" who did not serve in the military, who has addiction problems and is prone to rants. This from an overweight, cream puff of a second tier actor who is notorious for his abusive rants, who has been arrested for domestic abuse and who has been hospitalized more than once for addiction problems. Go figure.

Limbaugh is wildly popular. He is an easy target. I can assure you that he is man with whom you don't want to argue unless you have researched well and can support your argument with facts.

Seeing Limbaugh one time and evaluating him based on that one time is not wise.

The press did not cover the story about Obama walking into a window two weeks ago, thinking it was a door. The reason is that Americans would then judge him for the dimwit he is.

Rest assured that the media is going to do everything it can to portray Limbaught in the worst light possible.

The WSJ had a fascinating story a few days about about Team Obama in the "war room" deciding on which conservative talk radio personality they would go after. They evaluated media reports and decided that Limbaugh, since he is the biggest threat, would be the best target. Team Obama then spent days planning their strategy with Rom Immanuel at the helm

Given the circumstances the U.S. currently finds itself in, you would think that the president and his band of thugs would have better things to do, wouldn't you.

Liberals react to things with their guts and bumper sticker slogans. Your post is a perfect example.

If you want to evaluate and judge Limbaugh, listen to his show for a few days. At least then, you will have solid experience on which to base an opinion, rather than following the rest of the bleating sheep around.
2009-03-13 14:23:45 UTC
A marvelous leader for the Republican party, or so the Libs say.

Let's see here, some here have said, former drug addict,never married,no kids,no experience with marriage,kids,or a family of his own.

Uhhh Didn't Obama do drugs? What does having a family have to do with anything?

An entertainer who makes milions and millions of dollars a year.How much did Obama make off his books? When did making a profit become a sin?

Rush Never really run a real business that actually did anything for anyone but him.

AHAHAHAHA Guess he's not a Community Organizer, and Acorn supporter.

Obama ran and owned 400 different busineess, Right? I bet Rush employs people and pays them for their services from his earnings, not from funds from campaign fraud money.

Owns his own Gulfstream. Oh dear lord end of the world!!! So bad a successful person spends money on themselves.

Only cares about ideology and does not care about what really works in the real world.

Hmmmm Similar to Obama(his policy came straight from 1997 look at recent stock market, but Rush doesn't make policy, I guess you win. Socialism works in Cuba.

A pathetic example of a human being?. Some on here Must be talking about them self

Rush did not say he wished Obama's ECONOMIC PLAN would fail. Rush hopes Obama's SOCIALIST PLAN fails.

The libs are the masters of twisting words around to fool all the dumbas*s, of which some here are a member. Stop drinking Obama's Koolaid and quit believing the media's liberal SPIN on things.

If Barry is so smart, why has he refused to debate Rush, each will have no notes , no teleprompters. Rush will pay the expenses to fly him in, put him up in the best hotel, even import his favorte food. Yet, Barry want, but he can run around to so called town hall meeting as president (which is stupid) and sell his trillions of pork filled package, and oh..... guess what? After he gets the money for his donors and pet projects for fellow party members and money for the next coffers of their next campaign, he says.... the economy is not as bad as he thought it was. LIAR. He is afraid and should be because old fat Rush will make him look like the idiot he really is.
2009-03-13 14:20:04 UTC
Fist of all it sounds like you already have a perception about the guy no matter what anyone here may offer. I would hope that's not the case here.

When I first started listening to Rush, I didn’t like the guy. He was loud, over bearing and pompous but there was one thing I couldn’t dismiss. He was right. I won’t get into the long list of things I think he’s right about but since I consider myself to be open minded politically, I listened to him over the years along with Jim Hightower and several other liberal radio talk show hosts and I think those things I believed in originally were enhanced by listening to Rush.

The people most critical of his existence seem to be those who would prefer that he shut up. Anytime any politician wants someone to shut up is when I want to hear what they have to say. I may not agree with everything he says however, I can make up my own mind.

All in all he’s a radio jock who wouldn’t be in business if people weren’t at least mildly entertained by his show. Shocking the opposition with statements he’s then asked to explain only increases his exposure to those who might not otherwise listen to him but I’m not put off when the media bashes him.

I mean, seriously…who better to critique the most popular conservative talk show than a liberal? Give me a break.
2009-03-13 14:00:53 UTC
I don't know much about him other that 2nd hand. I've never listened to him although I do have an autographed copy of his book that somebody gave to me as a joke since I'm such a lib (could I sell that on ebay since it really is his autograph?).

I am all about keeping Rush in the spotlight. I think it is tearing down the Republican party. I assume that I will continue to be a liberal in 4 years so this could only be good for all of the coming election cycles.
2009-03-13 14:00:07 UTC
I don't know enough about him to say, I have never listened to him. I remember some talk show he had on tv in the early 90's and I didn't care for him then so I doubt I would now. I know most Republicans like him (I'm Independent) But from what I hear he thinks Obama is bad for our country..and so do I, so maybe he's not bad after all, I don't know.
2009-03-13 14:05:57 UTC
He's just a shock jock comedian with a million or billion dollar contract boosting his ratings consistently talking about political soap operas yet tainted by him for a bigger audience.
2009-03-13 14:01:58 UTC
I grew up in a conservative home, and I used to listen to him, almost every day. My family had the "EIB virus." I recorded his TV show every night and kept them all on VHS tapes. I had his first two books. I had a "Rush Is Right" bumper sticker on my car when I went to college. I thought he was funny and entertaining.

But honestly, he started to change the same time the GOP started to change, after 9/11. When he started telling critics of Bush's foreign policy that they "hated America," I stopped listening. It became obvious that Rush wasn't a conservative spokesman -- he was a mouthpiece for the Republican Party, and whatever agenda it happened to be pushing at the time, whether it was conservative or not.

I haven't listened since. It's obvious that I haven't missed anything -- I'm not a fan of Obama's policies, but anybody who actively wants their president to fail isn't worth a bucket of spit. I also left the GOP and became a Libertarian, when it was obvious that real conservatism no longer had a home in the Republican Party.
Doctor Who
2009-03-13 14:02:16 UTC
He is loud, bombastic and irritating person whose pronouncements usually ring true. This scares Hell out of those who hide behind an air of respectability while double-dealing the public. The unfortunate thing is that his manners are crude and some people see only that and ignore what he says, all the while accepting what they are told that he said, without thinking or listening for themselves.
45 auto
2009-03-13 13:58:30 UTC
He has some good information if I don't like it so be it> whens the last time a liberal person of any kind said anything of truth or substance> They only cry and whine> Boring that's why none ever last on TV or Radio> Just My though independent thinker>
2009-03-13 14:01:55 UTC
He says a lot of stuff that can be true, but he says it in an imflamatory way. I dont care for him much, so I dont listen to him.
2009-03-13 13:59:14 UTC
I think he's an entertainer who is effective at getting people riled up for the sake of generating ratings. Beyond that, I consider him irrelevant.
2009-03-13 14:03:49 UTC
he's smarter than all the liberals on here (half his brain tied behind his back, JUST to make it fair) oh, and he earns way more than all of you combined. jealous??
2009-03-13 14:01:06 UTC
A legend in his own mind, still abusing drugs (as is evidenced by his constant flop sweat) a nearly illiterate man who is making major bucks catering to his fellow illiterates.
2009-03-13 14:25:21 UTC
I think he uses neural linguistic programming in his show . If you talk to people after listening to his show they repeat word he "emphasized" but not the facts he used .
2009-03-13 14:00:52 UTC
He's a big fat idiot.

He only sees one side of the coin.

Any extremist is dangerous and should be viewed with caution.
2009-03-13 13:56:37 UTC
He's a successful entertainer that liberals take much to seriously.
2009-03-13 13:55:32 UTC
"I viewed him at a meeting (on TV) jumping up and down as in a frenzy"

I dont think you saw him, period.
2009-03-13 13:56:56 UTC
He is the king of all bigots.

To be more specific, he is a fat red faced man with no knowledge of what is going on right now.
2009-03-13 13:55:40 UTC
He's just a blowhard who entertains the far right wingnuts. He sure doesn't represent the bulk of the Republican Party. With only one exception, every Republican I know is angry with the idea that he speaks for them. The one who loves him is as far right as it's possible to get. He's a racist misogynist creep.
2009-03-13 13:55:09 UTC
An entertainer, a comedian, more interested in making a buck for himself than anything else.
Will S
2009-03-13 13:57:41 UTC
He is a smart man. However, if he had got hooked on coke and crack like our dope smoking president, Rush would probably be a lot thinner....

Obama picked a drug that keeps him skinny...

Carmen Avena
2009-03-13 13:56:33 UTC
I love a man with common sense, and passion for morality and the truth. This is so opposite of Amin

Carmen A.

2009-03-13 13:55:08 UTC
He's a great entertainer and a true American. I would trust him with my money but can't say the same about Obama's crew.
You Lost Get Over It
2009-03-13 13:57:07 UTC
He's an ok comedian.
2009-03-13 13:56:18 UTC
I try not to think of rush limpmember.
2009-03-13 13:55:09 UTC
I think he's a mix of Boss Hogg (Dukes of Hazard) and Boss Tweed.
2009-03-13 13:54:04 UTC
I PITY him because the world knows he is a hypocrite/junkie/draft-dodger. 3 times divorced, he is the typical conservative republican male.
2009-03-13 13:54:07 UTC
He's become a parody of himself.
Poopy McCrabby
2009-03-13 13:53:49 UTC
I think he is an oxy-contin snorting hypocrite, who is in love with the sound of his own voice.
2009-03-13 13:56:14 UTC
I don't think of him.
2009-03-13 13:55:53 UTC
The abortion that lived.
2009-03-13 13:54:55 UTC
I think liberals hate him because he is right about them.
2009-03-13 13:53:44 UTC
just a man with a radio show who has a caustic, yet truthful bark.
2009-03-13 13:53:20 UTC
hes a fat dude on heroin pills

nothing special
2009-03-13 13:57:23 UTC
HE IS MY HERO.........

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