Do you suspect fraud in this years election?
2020-11-09 13:00:50 UTC
Do you suspect fraud in this years election?
140 answers:
2020-11-12 07:15:15 UTC
100% yes. With this amount of mail-in voting there is no way there isn't fraud. They already found dead voters, fake ballots for Biden, and Trump ballots on the sides of roads and in garbage cans... yes there is fraud
2020-11-12 02:57:57 UTC
i think that Trump is like some kind of mad king or dictator that people in his inner circle do not want to tell the truth to about his madness, for fear of the consequences, since he has made a habit of ousting those who are 'disloyal' to him. I'm sure this type of scenario has played out in history around the world with other dictatorial types of leaders. Look at Kim Jung Un. Does anybody believe his inner circle would be criticizing him for a declining mental state if they saw it? Of course not. In his case it would mean the execution of whomever pointed something like that out.

 But it seems kind of clear to observant people that he is suffering some kind of progressive dementia..either from parkinson's, alzheimers or maybe the lewy body demential that Robin Williams died because of....he has many of the symptoms both physically and neurologically with his balance issues, "mask-like" expression on his face when you look at pictures of him, stooped posture,  problems with motor skills such as holding a bottle or glass with one hand to drink, unsteadiness walking down ramps and steps,  etc. as well as the psychiatric manifestations such as anger, anxiety, paranoia, trouble focusing when he speaks and "staying on message" repeating himself constantly and other "perseverative" behaviors. even delusional thinking that there are these widespread conspiracies afoot to rob him of an election that everybody can see wasn't even close enough to make election fraud possible because that would have been MASSIVE election fraud on a scale never before seen in politics and so far there isn't even any proof that even minor election fraud has taken place

.But not only will most in his inner circle not dare to be brutally honest with him about this, but then he has all these conservative talk show hosts, etc. to egg him on in his delusional state and encourage his conspiratorial thinking, because they make their living by encouraging such thinking among their listening audience, etc. 

So I think all this 'election fraud' business is just an indication of Trump  just declining into what frankly appears to be a  paranoid and delusional state more and more each day, but his advisers and intimates are afraid of placing their heads on the chopping blocks by being too honest with him about this.
Stop This Chaos
2020-11-11 23:05:05 UTC
The only "fraud" is that condoned by Republicans and their Imperial Leader ( TR&MP the would be dictator and destructor of the United States)  . Live short and leave with a whimper!!!
2020-11-11 19:18:54 UTC
There are legal depositions that day there is fraud and illegal activities going on, these MUST be investigated. If by the december deadline they are not substantiated and EVERY ballot counting station MUST have a democrat & republican watcher EVERY legal vote counted and EVERY illegal vote thown out. If t this doesn't happen I have to ask why?
2020-11-11 05:36:03 UTC

2020-11-11 01:43:02 UTC
Yeah I think the Russians decided they like Democrats this cycle. 
2020-11-11 00:23:49 UTC
I suspect it in miniscule amounts. As a conservative I think we should move on from this "Silent Majority" narrative. 
rev ricky
2020-11-10 20:03:08 UTC
There can't be it would have to be clear and obvious because Trump lost by 4 million votes and climbing. He was sounded defeated in the Electoral College 
2020-11-09 13:06:05 UTC
No, there was no fraud at all.
2020-11-09 13:05:18 UTC
Not a bit.  After the fiasco of an election we had in 2016, this year, election officials in blue states were extra-vigilant, expecting problems from Trump supporters.  This was the most observed election in our history.  Everything was observed by Republican-appointed observers from start to finish.  And everybody knows it.  Republicans wanted to be there, they were there.  The probability of there being massive election fraud in blue states is very low.
2020-11-13 22:26:53 UTC
Especially with this one, with all the loose handling of mail-in voting by some states. There are also lists of dead people who voted. The only question is was there enough to throw the election?
2020-11-13 01:13:50 UTC
Well, fraud or not, it will good that Trump feels he’s been cheated of his 2nd term presidency. 

It will drives him crazy.
2020-11-12 13:59:23 UTC
Yes... When Trump supporters sent out letters telling people they could send in their ballots after election day... that was election fraud.  When Trump supporters made robo calls to likely Democratic voters claiming that if they voted they would be audited by the IRS... that was election fraud.  When Trump supporters put out unsanctioned ballot collection boxes designed to look like official drop offs... that was election fraud.  When Trump told his supporters that mail in ballots were prone to fraud without any evidence to back up that claim (and having himself voted by mail for years)... that was election fraud.

The surprising thing is the Biden won even through the GOP used every dirty trick and unethical practice they could think of to win the election.
Homer Bufflekill
2020-11-12 13:46:01 UTC
There has been blatant fraud throughout this election.
ron h
2020-11-12 13:30:04 UTC
Hey, "jeancommunicates lies"   Yes.  Dead people have voted for Joe Biden and tRump several times around the country.  It is becoming ridiculous.  We can't trust our voting process, we can't trust WHO and now we can't trust the FDA.  The thing is, jean, it's your shitgibbon whose lies have made us distrust everyone.  You forgot to mention what he's done to the USPS.  He's got YOU trusting ONLY HIM.  That was the plan he spoke about 4 years ago--being the only source of "truth."  He said that out loud, on TV.
2020-11-12 13:27:11 UTC
Leftists hate Trump so much it keeps them up at night. Normally I wouldn't believe in fraud, but Trump really hammered the left into showing their true face so it might be possible that in their hatred they became psychotic and chose to break the law.
2020-11-12 05:48:38 UTC
Yeah, Republicans tried to ****-can all the absentee ballots cuz some of them MIGHT  not vote Republican!
2020-11-12 03:01:42 UTC
Yes.  Dead people have voted for Joe Biden in every state almost.  It is becoming ridiculous.  We can't trust our voting process, we can't trust WHO and now we can't trust the FDA.
2020-11-12 00:41:06 UTC
Of course, but those enabling fraud are being very careful to hide how it is being done.
2020-11-11 23:50:29 UTC

All I hear is a lot of talk about fraud. But no proof
2020-11-11 20:29:45 UTC
No, and if there is voter fraud, I doubt it's significant enough to change the outcome. Trump and many (not all) of his supporters are in denial. I guess it's a stage of grief, which might feel like a loss to them because they really thought they had 4 more years (and most presidents in recent history serve 8 years, so I can sort of understand that logic.)
2020-11-11 18:23:44 UTC
Yes there was fraud no candidate sits in their basement and when they go out they'd raw less than 100 at their rally's than 73 mill come out to vote for them, anyone not seeing this is plain stupid.

  Put the puzzle together, dems try investigation, impeachment than the virus telling us al to vote by mail and than their guys ends up winning'' wake up america. not about trump or biden it's about our freedom of never getting to vote fair ever again.
2020-11-11 03:52:59 UTC
I read about fraud in this election, where some of the "voters" had birth dates in the 1800s, some regions had more votes than the number of eligible voters. I'm definitely very suspicious and pretty sure something fishy happened.
2020-11-11 00:24:00 UTC
I am very confident of fraud every election year, especially since the introduction of electronic voting machines. Those who do not believe fraud can be orchestrated on such a massive scale, are projecting: "I am overconfident in my abilities, yet I don't know how I could rig an election, therefore it must be impossible."
2020-11-10 23:20:38 UTC
Lets get real for a moment. Consider these facts. 

I know facts are a word we kind of don't see the same anymore.  As you recall from day 1 of the Trump administration very early on, Kelly Anne Conway made a very strange statement never before heard before in the USA's politics, which is "We have the right to our own alternate facts"  This is the essence of what has been going on the last 4 years.  Trump team believes they have the right to their own alternate facts, and then they set about repeating it often enough to have it be seen as the truth.

Consider this as well.  A lot of highly unusual never before seen before in American politics have been happening for the last 5 years, ever since Don Trump has been involved in politics as a politician.  We can argue whether or not Russia helped Trump win that first election and whether Trump welcomed that help and cheated to win, but that never before seen accusation came when Trump ran for office.  We can argue whether or not Trump did really ask Comey  to go easy on Flynn and to pledge loyalty to Trump, and then fired Comey who was investigating his adminstration for crimes from possible treason to election interference and lying to the FBI.  Maybe Trump is guilty maybe not, but we have never ever seen this sort of thing before in American history where an incoming President right off the bat came in and then all these accusations were in the air.   We can go on and on......the feud with Jeff Sessions demanding that Sessions be his personal Roy Cohn.  We have never seen a President facing a special prosecutor and doing all that public repeating its a hoax its a hoax its a hoax.  We have never seen that in the USA before. Normally a hoax is self evident by most anyone with  Commons sense, Trump said something was a hoax while its obvious that there is plenty there to at least give us pause that its posssibly Trump.  

We have hand many other instances including the whole Ukraine thing about trying to prosecute Biden using Russian intelligence information etc...     Regardless of whether Trump was guilty of any of the accusations against him or deserved impeachment and removed, one thing is true, we have never seen these things before Trump.  The only common denominator is that Trump is on the scene now and before he was not.

There is only one conclusion here. Trump is the cause of very highly  unusual things happening, including the present losing the election fair and square and trying to sell an alternate reality  that he really won but is  being cheated due to voter fraud, and is refusing to cooperate with a transition. Yep, we have never before had that happen before in the USA.......UNTIL DON TRUMP.
Randy R
2020-11-10 23:10:12 UTC
Absolutly !!!!

Once the DEM's sent out millions of Mail in Ballots(MiBs) Trump KNEW they were going to commit Fraud, and he prepared to catch them !

People who did not ask for MiBs got them,  people who were DEAD got them, People who are under age to vote got them, People who moved from 1 State to a different State got them sent to both States, People who did not live at an address for more than 10 years got them sent to their old adress !!!!!.....


Jill Stokke has someone staerl and use her Ballot ......

But the Media (Propagandists) are telling the SHEEP that Trump's Claims are Baseless, yet the do not even talk about what he is Claiming !!!!

 Wake  up People !
2020-11-10 20:35:37 UTC
Yep. Thankfully, w/o Putin, the rump campaign is as pathetically inept at fraud as they are with everything else. Ill hold up The Four Season's press conference as an example. 
2020-11-10 04:33:16 UTC

Major fraud happened.

How else can you explain 70 million votes for the Criminal in Chief Trump?
Const. King
2020-11-09 23:48:13 UTC
I put absolutely nothing past the democrats.
2020-11-09 13:02:57 UTC
Voter supression or gerrymandering?
2020-11-13 11:27:46 UTC
Yes 100%..............
2020-11-13 06:04:57 UTC
Democrats should be familiar with this answer.  "I want an investigation."
2020-11-13 00:36:44 UTC
Yes, of course I do. 
2020-11-12 16:41:20 UTC
The only fraud is the fact the democrats put up a white man when clearly a black woman is going to become president soon.

They knew America would never vote in a black woman, so they did it by a sneaky back door route .

Having said that , Kamala Harris looks 10x more able than Trump or Biden.
2020-11-12 15:21:21 UTC
OMG! OMG! OMG!   yes!  how did Dtrump get 210 something votes despite his poor performance on handling the pandemic?   it should have been 100 something on D trump and 300 on Biden erectoral votes...... (electoral?  wtf?).....

Trump did bought some votes, but despite the fraud, he still lost.....

PS: I didnt vote because I lost faith in humanity......
2020-11-12 09:47:47 UTC
I don't suspect. I KNOW. There are over 10 different types of mass voter fraud on YouTube recorded first hand by in person witnesses and security camera footage. Supreme court would not entertain "baseless claims" Do people really not know that they already checked PA and found enough mass fraud to pull the state from Biden ? It is a red state now and Biden no longer has 270. He did NOT win. The far left media falsely called it when they were told not to because of all the fraud claims headed to court. Now they are doing the same in other states in question checking for fraud and recounting ONLY the legal, watermarked ballots by registered voters with matching signatures. 
2020-11-12 03:48:53 UTC
No. I do not think so.
2020-11-12 01:52:19 UTC
Yes they all ready have zoo an put people in prison this year from fruad but you don't hear that on usa media

USA are just sheep they follow there media they so easy to bs 
2020-11-11 23:23:13 UTC
No. There are two reasons. One, there is no evidence of any fraud. Two, Trump lies about everything. So if he says there is fraud, it's a lie. 
2020-11-11 22:00:16 UTC
You mean dictator trumps cheating no reported
2020-11-11 21:47:24 UTC
No. I'm fine with this decision. 
2020-11-11 19:49:04 UTC
The only reason this is a question is because a large number of Americans will believe anything Trump says as true. Day one, bought the size of the inauguration crowd was bigger than Obama’s when it clearly wasn’t. They bought the call to the Ukraine asking for a favor to announced an investigation in the Bidens which was already debunked didn’t really what it really said. They think that any report that contradicts or criticizes Trump is “fake news” even if Fox says so too. They bought that Trump did all he could and he beat the Covid virus, when we are in the worst spread of infections ever. They believe he has beaten the failing economy even with millions out of work, businesses closing its doors for good and possible lock downs in desperation. They bought the 10-15 flushes joke. They believe there was wide spread voter fraud by thousands of workers in 10 or more states, even some rum by republicans. Republicans have to back Trumps charges because they don’t want to offend him for fear of losing his base, especially those up for re-election in 2022. Like it or not, forget integrity, they need him. Any rational thinking person can see there is no voter fraud, but Trumpers, if anything, are not rational. So the lies, misinformation and conspiracy theories abound! Thanks Donnie . . .
2020-11-11 07:19:26 UTC
I agree with Levi. The odd ballot make have sneaked through, but a large scale fraud - no, The idea of a Democrat-only large-scale meeting of the 'Voter Fraud Promotion Club' is just too stupid for words. Give it up and work towards getting a real candidate ready for 2024. 
2020-11-11 00:14:54 UTC
Do you really think that 5 million votes were illegal? It was a record of votes this election. Many said Trump would not be gracious, and he didn't disappoint. Trump behaves like a mob boss, not a President, and I'm glad he's gone, and yes, he will be gone. Trump has been a "Boil on America's a$$" for 4 years. I hope, in the future the Republicans nominate a decent person that Republicans can respect. Most Republicans in office are reacting out of fear of what Trump will do to them if they condone the election. After the flurry of bull sh*t, Nothing is going to change the election. 
2020-11-10 23:22:27 UTC
Unless they annul Michael Jackson's vote.
2020-11-10 22:43:40 UTC
trump is 0 - 10 with his court challenges of the vote .  so no . 
2020-11-10 21:02:35 UTC
I do not necessarily suspect fraud, unless I see evidence to support the idea of there being fraud. I've been seeing some reports about it lately, so I will do my own research and come to my own conclusion.
2020-11-10 08:01:37 UTC
I didn't think there was anything wrong with the election. It's just some states like Pennsylavnia, Georgia, North Carolina and Arizona took a lot longer to count all the votes, as Biden requested.

But, no, I personally don't believe there was any voter fraud involved.

Therefore, the only thing for Donald Trump to do is concede and admit defeat ASAP.
2020-11-09 21:53:23 UTC
There is no fraud. Your god-emperor lost. Get over it
2020-11-09 13:06:21 UTC
Yes. Blanket mail in voting (last minute changes in several states) and Dominion voting machines (the Pelosis own a lot of shares) make me suspicious.
2020-11-12 10:07:20 UTC
Without question, 100% yes!

The evidence is stacking up on a daily basis.

The irregularities are astounding and they all go just one way: democrat.

When this is over, the words "Hammer," "Scorecard," and "Dominion" will be very familiar to the entire country and for all of the wrong reasons.

There's no way 17 out of 18 bell weather counties that have voted for the winning candidate since 1952 all got it wrong in 2020.  All but two went R.

The Primary model invented by  Political Scientist and Professor at Stony Brook University has successfully predicted the winner of all but one election since 1912. It gave Trump an 86% chance to win in 2016 and a 91% to win in 2020. 

Back in October, Biden's rallies had a total attendance of 84.  Trump's rallies brought in more than 250,000.

Biden's campaign didn't knock on a single door - ZERO!  Trump's campaign knocked on more than 1,000,000 doors.

Prior to the election, 25% of dems wanted a different candidate.

Voting dumps of 20K, 40K and more than 100K all going for Biden with ZERO votes for Trump?  Not possible when Trump was winning the states.  Funny, all those dumps only happened in swing states.  Weird.

Ballots that only have a vote for the presidential candidate and no one or nothing else happens at a known rate of about 3%.  In the swing states, this happened 16% in some counties and 24% in others.  ALL FOR BIDEN!  The percentage of ballots that only had a vote for Trump was in line with the 3% normal expected amount.

10,000 dead people voted in PA alone.  100% of these votes were for Biden.

When the votes are graphed, the votes for Biden (and only Biden) violate Benford's law.

Post Office workers and ballot workers (some of whom are democrats) have signed affidavits describing rampant voter fraud.

There was a reason why Trump just fired people in the Pentagon.

Even the head of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) stated that there was fraud.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media claims (without evidence) that there is no fraud.
2020-11-12 04:04:26 UTC
I do not. Only the sore losers on the losing side think that and want it to be true.
2020-11-12 03:29:27 UTC
The t-shirt never lies...
2020-11-12 02:22:32 UTC
Absolutely not. If there was, we'd know exactly what it was by now-we live in a digital age where word spreads quickly, we're not still using horses and buggies.
Ubuntu User
2020-11-11 23:20:45 UTC
No just more russian interference just like 4 years ago
2020-11-11 22:29:18 UTC
I suspect attempted fraud in every election that's why they have anti-fraud measures. And even if it's not directly in the election process the media has a way of swaying the public cheating and using underhanded methods to sway the public the way they want. If there was no such thing as fraud then they wouldn't need all these security measures. You actually have to assume there will be fraud in an election in order to prevent it. There's also voter intimidation, peer pressure and manipulation which is intimidating voters to vote a certain way.  The media is very well versed at using peer pressure to get people to do what they want.  Our new media is no longer unbiased and they throw all their power behind Democrats so it's not shocking the Democrats won.  Without the power of the media working for Democrats Trump would have won.  the reason why their influence didn't work in 2016 is because one they underestimated Trump and two they forgot about the electoral college.  But this time they did their homework and manipulated the public correctly to get the results they wanted.  Biden barely did anything because he didn't have to the media did all the work for him.  He didn't even have the campaign because the media pamperped him campaigned for him.  And part of the problem these days is that the media and Democratic party are pretty much one entity so we're not going to know when they're cheating.  Any journalist that tries to report corruption on the Democratic party will probably be fired on the spot or suddenly found dead.  the public should be very concerned about how powerful the Democratic party is becoming but they're just behaving like sheep and choosing to stay blind.
L. E. Gant
2020-11-11 22:12:08 UTC
No, but I wonder at the Republicans who make the claim.

Don't they realise that, if there was such a fraud, it would show up on ALL the ballots, not just the presidential ones? In other words, it would bring into question the results for the Senate and the House... 

It doesn't seem like the ballots on those other spots up for grabs were affected. If I were going to load the ballots, the senate and house would be better targets as well as the presidency.
2020-11-11 20:37:02 UTC
No. When Trump won he claimed illegals voted. Formed a committee to investigate and found nothing. He will find nothing again. Trump lost. Get over it. 

I work at the polls on election day. Everything is verified and secured. We double check identity and addresses. If there is anything wrong, the can vote on a provisional ballot that will be investigated and verified before it is accepted. 

It is time to act like adults. 
River Euphrates
2020-11-11 18:00:30 UTC

They've already caught one Republican in Pennsylvania who requested a provisional ballot for his dead mother and Georgia is investigating about 1,000 cases where Trump supporters took his advice and attempted to vote twice.

Any investigation that Trump might trigger will doubtless uncover even more attempts by Republicans to commit fraud in the 2020 election.
2020-11-11 06:03:06 UTC
I see a postal worker who claimed his postal officers were ordered to tamper with postal votes has recanted his story when he heard they were going to launch an investigation to see if the accusations could be substantiated.  It seems when he would have to tell his story to a full enquiry he backed down as likely he knew he would be in trouble if he continued with his accusations and they were proved false.

  Apparently his accusations were the main claim of voter fraud that Trump was planning to use inn his claims the election was tampered with so Biden would win.

 I am not American but have heard nothing of any evidence of voter fraud.  Our country does actually see news from other countries unlike America which seem to think America is the only country in the world that has any news.
2020-11-11 04:06:27 UTC
Of course there was fraud and cheating.. the commie dems won didn't they?  If they won, they cheated.. you can bet on  it!
2020-11-11 01:16:16 UTC
It's almost certain, in my opinion, that there is a certain amount of fraud. Whether there's more this year than other years and whether there's enough to flip the election is, I think, doubtful. That being said, we should do our best to insure that all legitimate votes are counted. That means that those caught in fraudulent activity should be sent to jail. 
2020-11-11 01:14:29 UTC
I don't just think but KNOW there's been fraud by the Republicans with attempts at 

voter suppression,and slowing down the mail in order to try preventing people to 

vote by mail also questionable drop-off ballot boxes. 
2020-11-11 00:54:23 UTC
There's no way that Trump had 70 million people vote for him given his 4 years of deplorable leadership . I suspect that the Russians padded his vote total .
2020-11-10 21:58:36 UTC
Yes and there is evidence of it !
2020-11-10 20:35:14 UTC
There is likely fraud or other irregularities in every single election, from local to national. Whether it’s enough to affect the outcome has to be determined.

In my opinion, the most dangerous position for anyone to take would be the denial that it ever happens and that we shouldn’t try to eliminate it.
2020-11-10 20:29:02 UTC
no, not at all..................
2020-11-10 04:09:32 UTC
No. If there had been any fraud that a lawyer could actually be used in court we would have heard about it already.  So far there are only theories and accusations, which mean nothing in a court of law.  Even Republican lawyers, like Chris Christie, have made similar statements.  
2020-11-09 14:38:52 UTC
IF there was fraud I think the bigger fraud occurred on the internet and through government programs and offices at the lower levels of bureaucracy that were all manipulated in an illegal manner throughout the last four years with the intention of vilifying Trump, Republicans, and swinging the vote in the favor of Democrats.  That type of fraud would be just as much lying and stealing of the election as voter fraud, maybe moreso, and should be just as punishable in different terms.  'Reverse Systemic Fraud' is what I believe it would be called.  Trump wanted to constantly tout 'creating jobs' and improving the 'economy' so what he should have done is ensure that type of 'Reverse Systemic Fraud' is an impossibility by doing what he did by having people observe vote counting only instead hire, let's be honest, non-black and non-Democrat counterparts for all those jobs, roles, and duties to work alongside the people currently in those position so each side can keep the other in check and prevent one from exploiting their job for their own agenda.     
2020-11-09 13:07:55 UTC
No, but if there was any systematic fraud, it will be easily uncovered.
2020-11-20 21:53:01 UTC
almost 14 billion spent on this election, that comes out to almost 25,000 per homeless in this country.
2020-11-13 12:50:40 UTC
Absolutely. .00003% of the election was fraudulent.
2020-11-13 01:10:02 UTC
Sure but who cares. they also screwed Bernie. 
2020-11-12 18:09:41 UTC
There are incidents of fraud in all elections but not enough to change the outcome. There is no mass fraud as suggested by the president but there have been a small number of documented cases of fraud. 
2020-11-12 04:02:36 UTC
Yes. Trump tries to slow down delivery of mail in ballots so that they arrive too late to be counted. He did so by appointing his own loyal follower as postmaster general, who then tries to slow down delivery by removing mail sorting machines. That is election fraud. 
2020-11-12 02:31:29 UTC
There are postal workers and others who have confessed their fraud.  
2020-11-11 22:31:26 UTC
YES it's name is Trump
Andrew Smith
2020-11-11 21:58:11 UTC
There will always be some irregularities.  But if the processes and people have not altered then widespread fraud is impossible without it being obvious to all officials.  THEY have a range of political views so many would have been alerting us. They haven't so I conclude that there is no widespread fraud.
2020-11-11 18:28:34 UTC
The only fraud in the election was Donald Trump trying to pass himself off as a worthy President. 
2020-11-11 17:29:01 UTC
Biden says only the rich will get taxed but yet somehow the rich still get richer.  This is some b*******
2020-11-11 06:24:00 UTC
Imagine if after a football game, the losing team ran around the field crying and whining that they had been robbed and the ref had it in for their team and they weren't leaving the field until the score was changed so that they won the game. What would you think of that team?
2020-11-11 02:54:55 UTC
No, because Trump's just spreading fake rumors to stay in office and out of prison.  
Roger the Mole
2020-11-11 01:15:40 UTC
2020-11-10 23:52:18 UTC
I do not.

Anyone who believes that either party could have orchestrated electoral fraud on such a massive scale is both ignorant and mentally-ill.  In fact, the election ran remarkably smoothly, in a very orderly fashion, and our cybertechs even managed to hold off interference by a couple of foreign powers.

Funny that the Republicans aren't alleging that any fraud occurred in the races that they won, now isn't it?

The fraud claims are simply cover for Trump's humiliation and a way to give him some time to accept defeat. Administration officials even admitted this in an AP story published yesterday.  They know he lost; they know the lawsuits won't go anywhere, and that there are no constitutional grounds for the Supreme Court to intervene. They just want Trump to bow to the inevitable in his own time and on his own terms.
2020-11-10 23:12:29 UTC
There will be a few hundred cases overall, there always are.. just because our whole system is archaic. Mass fraud? No; nothing even close. Do you have ANY idea how hard that would be? It would be harder than getting Russia and 250k government employees to all agree to fake a Moon landing not once, but 6 times. The statistical odds are so hilariously close to zero it's literally not worth entertaining the thought.
2020-11-10 20:38:03 UTC
Liberals went out to smash, burn, loot, tear down statues, vandalize religious temples, rob and murder dozens of people. The Democratic governors refused to punish those crimes. What's more, they refused to receive federal aid. They rebelled against Trump, the federal government. They did not want to apply the law.

And after all that, can't you suspect electoral fraud that is a thousand times easier?

Can any liberal refute these doubts?
2020-11-09 20:56:02 UTC
no sir , I do not
2020-11-09 13:05:03 UTC
No. In the midst of all the Russia mumbo-jumbo Republicans assured me that it was impossible to rig an election.
2020-11-09 13:04:23 UTC
There has definitely been a wealth of disinformation from the Russians and trump-supporting trouble-makers, and there is a lot of fraudulent claims coming from Donald Trump, but there is no evidence to support any major fraud in the voting or the vote-counting, at all.
2020-11-09 13:03:15 UTC
Yes, but to be fair, I suspect fraud in every election.  

@buster, so you admit that minor fraud may have happened?  
2020-11-13 14:49:46 UTC
Of course, Republicans are still at it.
2020-11-12 05:44:46 UTC
There is not question.  There was absolutely voter fraud and the entire left + media are colluding to cover it up.
2020-11-12 04:11:27 UTC
Yea and if 11000 people and 500 affidavits aren’t proof what is 
2020-11-12 02:21:05 UTC
They went after Trump with fake charges, lies, etc. for 4 years. You have to be naive to think that they stopped at an election.  The argument of the democrats is that it is justified, not that it was dishonest.
Jan C
2020-11-12 00:50:56 UTC
No, I don't expect there will be much. Not enough to keep Me Biden's election. 
2020-11-11 22:36:25 UTC
no.   One man won by almost 5 million votes, and at least 4 states.  He will finish with 306 electoral votes, the same number that the last guy who won called a "landslide.'   The difference?  This loser was a VERY unqualified and immature man, who was voted on essentially by people influenced disproportionately by their love of watching realty TV, their hatred of women, and their racism towards other non-white races.  So, this time, the unqualified and inept reality star TV guy, very fat, not trying hard at his job while 200,000 Americans died of the Covid-19 virus, decided that he was going to lose if the election was on the level, so he would whine that it was fixed and he was cheated, so his many less votes meant he really won.  He behaved as always like a little B word and his followers, so glassy eyed, conformist, and cult-like, just begged him to spit in their mouths.  So, in summary: no fraud except the 2016 president, who was indeed a fraud.
Yoi and Double Yoi
2020-11-11 21:46:29 UTC
No.  No more than there was "collusion" in the last election.  This not being able to lose with grace gets really old.  To this day, Democrats will dredge up a zillion different excuses why Hillary Clinton hasn't been President for the past 4 years.

The only two candidates this century who have a legitimate beef about being screwed out of either being elected or being nominated are Al Gore (who I do believe had the 2000 election stolen from him) and Bernie Sanders (who had the DNC rig the nomination process against him).

All the whining over that past few years by supporters of either the Hildebeast or the Orange Idiot are just that....the whinings of people who can't comprehend that sometimes you run for office and lose.

Becoming an ex-pat in either Curacao or Grand Cayman is looking better every single day.
E u g e n e
2020-11-11 18:22:15 UTC
Trump thinks so, but who cares? International observers didn't see any election fraud and I believe them. Trump is acting as a clown and I'm not surprised. We all knew a long before the election that Trump will not concede. But sooner or later,  he will have to... 
2020-11-11 03:59:52 UTC
NO not in any manner, trump was honestly defeated and is to much of a baby to admit it.
2020-11-11 03:14:08 UTC
2020-11-11 02:19:28 UTC
You don't kickasstaking seats in Congress like Republicans did and not have that same momentum to not overflow with the presidency, hence the mountain of evidence pouring in from ALL over the USA of massive Democrat voter fraud.
2020-11-11 02:00:13 UTC
No, too many eyes this time. Ya can’t win’m all!
The Football God
2020-11-11 00:49:58 UTC
Absolutely. What’s keeping me from voting on Election Day while my mail in ballot is in the mail box. Early voting, at least. They check my ID and mark me as voted.
2020-11-10 19:59:21 UTC
Visit for business plans and financial models
2020-11-10 18:20:52 UTC
Most defiantly YES and mainly in the last 8 states to count they're ballots!! The first, biggest and most glaring testament to this is when in ALL 8 of these states the LEGALLY ALLOWED official observers were categorically denied to exercise they're FEDERAL RIGHT to witness and verify the counting process by the state, county and city election officials AND the LEO's that were contacted to enforce the COURT ORDER DEMANDING they be given access but that's just the beginning! 

In Michigan an election official has already come forward and announced that they have DOCUMENTED THOUSANDS of votes in 1 county of votes they're software switched from Trump to Biden PROVING there was upwards of TENS of THOUSANDS of votes wrongly entered for Biden and this same software is used in more than HALF the counties in Michigan AND in other states as well including several of the 8 states!

There are reports of some PA counties that had MORE registered voters in the county than ALL LEGAL residents including men, women AND CHILDREN! This is a totally IMPOSSIBLE thing to happen without FRAUD!

There is a video of a Michigan postal worker claiming his supervisor ORDERED the carriers when they came across a ballot AFTER midnight 11/03/20 they were to place them in a separate bin and be manually BACK POST MARKED to 11/03/20 then fast tracked to the election office for processing!

And THIS is just the BEGINNING!!!
2020-11-10 16:07:23 UTC
Perhaps, I wouldn't call it fraud.  But, there are definitely irregularities that should be checked.  We have to realize that this is an odd election year whereby there were more mail in ballots and voters weighing in than ever before.  By the way, there are many western nations that do not allow mail in voting (namely France).  We also have to know that there was a bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform in 2005 that checked into mail in voting headed up by Jimmy Carter and James Baker that found that mail in voting has the largest potential for voter fraud.  It is perfectly natural to expect an audit of voter processes whereby we have many new state and county protocols and unprecedented turnout.  All voters should want to know that their vote truly counted.
jim h
2020-11-10 02:15:43 UTC
Most definitely 
2020-11-10 00:45:31 UTC
No.  But, then, I have never considered myself to be a stupid person.  I have no reason to consider that there was voter fraud because someone says the words “there was voter fraud involved”.  You don’t make those statements without putting out the evidentiary proof right at that time.  No.  Nothing has been said or has occurred to suspect voter fraud.  And Trump claimed long ago, if he lost, he would holler the meaningless “voter fraud”.  
2020-11-10 00:34:16 UTC
Absolutely not. No one said this when Trump won four years ago, accept the loss you bitter crybabies and move on, Biden won because he deserved to. 
Nemo S
2020-11-09 21:17:21 UTC
BIG TIME, not that it matters Gerrymandering is a form of fraud and so too is redefining words to hide the crimes that is what Propagandist do...

When it no longer means what it meant because you made the words a political statement rather than a defining line of understanding and do it "Democratically" it's still fraud and a crime of deception...

2020-11-12 05:06:58 UTC
Maybe ,  I believe , maybe .
2020-11-12 03:52:42 UTC
To me Biden won and there's no way they'll change the results, and this coming from a Republican.
2020-11-12 01:24:58 UTC

I do.

Something stinks!

Large city I'm near had more votes than registered voters!!!

They have also found registered voters who sent mail-in ballots, who are deceased!

They have also found some voters that were born in the 1800s!

2020-11-11 23:12:50 UTC
Yes.  Every day which passes, brings out more to be investigated.  It is at all levels.  It is the only way to save our republic.  Communism Kills.
tony b
2020-11-11 21:44:58 UTC
yes from trump and his brainless horde
2020-11-11 21:07:06 UTC
Who cares?

Who gives a damn about the election?
2020-11-11 18:22:31 UTC
I believe there were mistake made during the voting process, but not any more than in any other election. And I believe whatever fraud occurred, it was deminimis and equally perpetrated by both sides Republicans and Democrats. Given Trump's win at all cost attitude and his inclination to attempt a coup, I'm more inclined to believe there was significant fraud perpetrated by Trump supporters, and Biden actually won by more than he was credited for.
2020-11-11 04:12:25 UTC
If you would be Korea`s  1980s.
2020-11-11 03:39:47 UTC

Here's where we're putting him!
2020-11-11 03:11:55 UTC
Of course.  There’s been voter fraud every election.  
2020-11-11 02:40:06 UTC
I suspect that trump tried to obstruct the will of the people by compromising the post office
2020-11-11 00:16:56 UTC
Suspect? NO....I KNOW!
2020-11-11 00:12:31 UTC
Are you kidding?  The whole country suspects fraud in this year's election.  It's political bias which decides if individual Americans are okay with it or not.

Conservatives think there was fraud but are willing to abide by the final investigatory findings. 

Liberals think there was fraud too, truth be told, but are against investigations because they don't want their suspicions proven.
2020-11-10 23:23:34 UTC
If Biden was leading in multiple states, they stopped counting the votes, then counted hundreds of thousands of votes at 3am all for Trump that gave him the lead, liberals would be screaming bloody murder.
2020-11-10 23:00:19 UTC
Yes, there will always be some fraud in any election, from either side.  Fraud includes voter suppression, voting fraud, ballot theft, etc.  No election is perfect, but it doesn't mean elections are not valid.
2020-11-10 22:45:33 UTC
The only fraud is all the criminal charges the Trump Administration will have to face in the future
2020-11-10 22:10:01 UTC
Yes I do, very much as it got Trump out of office.
2020-11-10 20:18:11 UTC
No question about it. But because of the frightening power the democrats have over the media, they have instigated a hate campaign from the very start of Trumps election to the point of a dreadful evil witch hunt aimed at getting rid of President Trump. So yes I know fraud has taken place, I only hope the republicans will be able to prove it with solid evidence. It's not too late to tell Biden and Harris to get back on their chariot and get back to heaven. Biden seems to think he is the next messiah. LOL.
2020-11-10 02:23:09 UTC
There is fraud on both sides in every election. it's unavoidable. The real question is whether or not the fraud was on a large enough scale to prove Trump won the states that were given to Biden.
2020-11-10 02:03:58 UTC
NO FOLKS. THERE ISN'T ANY GIVE FRAUD IN THIS ELECTION. The simple fact remains that CHUMP AND PENCE have indeed been FIRED. And Biden and Harris have indeed been ELECTED and HIRED. WE had the largest voter turnout in our history because the vast majority of people have decided to tell CHUMP the word he never hears from his *** kisser friends. The voters have indeed told CHUMP; "NO." And yes folks to insure that ALL given votes not just those whom voted for CHUMP but to insure that all given votes were counted it indeed took a couple of days to do so. And considering all the pathetic immature tactics of the GOP and CHUMP to make it difficult for people to vote; their arrogance only served to make even more people determined for their voice to be heard. The fact remains that we are a Democracy. And CHUMP doesn't own our country. And that is why both CHUMP and PENCE have been FIRED. And Biden and Harris have indeed been hired to have the honor of serving our country as President and Vice President.
2020-11-12 02:01:08 UTC
Only the orange one who keeps filing frivolous lawsuits.
2020-11-12 00:41:06 UTC
Yes !!!!!!  Here are some very good reasons to do so:

2020-11-11 23:39:45 UTC
YES Their Arrogant assured  Leader because of AntiAmericanism & ahzlhiemers admitted They had a Left Criminal Network 
2020-11-11 17:47:00 UTC
I think random voting paper's need to be taken from all over America and verified.

Because there was the opportunity for fraud to occur.

Did you know you can sign a marraige cert and not know...

Internal affair's will not confirm if your married or not, and a new identification has been created as a result. They say witnesses confirm an authentic marriage, but if you dont know, and they wont confirm that, that indentification will continue to exist.

It probably doesnt happen in every country, but it is something thats VERY VERY easy for people to do...

"if they know the right people in the right places"
2020-11-11 02:57:51 UTC
No                               I think foreign countries tried to interfere, and I think we learned how to avoid that.
big daddy
2020-11-11 00:39:30 UTC
not enough to change this kind of lead. the orange weasel lost
2020-11-10 20:03:35 UTC
Is the sky blue?  Is water wet?
2020-11-10 19:57:04 UTC
Yes of course I do with 74 million + true Americans. The fraud that's happened is only on the "red side" however.
2020-11-09 21:29:09 UTC
Only the proven phony videos Republicans have produced

☆Penny Lane

You mean those affidavits that are being recanted because they found out they could go to prison if it was proven in court they lied...Or are you talking about the phony cell phone  videos that real security cameras prove has been edited/photos hoped Or are you  talking about the Republicans calling mail in votes by military members and their family members as fraudulent. 

There is ZERO real evidence of any fraud by the Democrats...All proven attempted fraud has been by Trump supporters 
2020-11-09 13:06:16 UTC
The state's attorney General's don't think so, the state's election committee don't think so, the majority of republicans in Congress don't think so, three judges, so far, have heard the evidence and dismissed the lawsuit because they didn't think so, so, no.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.