Is more govt jobs the answer?
- No.
Why do socialists hate capitalism?
- Because actally-existing capitalism, aka. mercantilism, is a system of privilege and injustice.
If you are smart, would you go work in govt?
- That depends. I am considering volunteering at my local library, and I have an MA so I'd better be smart. ;)
sure some financial institutions have failed lately but over 200 years of capitalism has worked very well in growing the economy & creating real productive jobs.
- Sure slavery was a blatant injustice that wrecked human lives, but it brought prosperity to the plantation aristocracy, and abolition would end that.
- Well, slavery was injustice and capitalism is injustice, just as statism is injustice and we need to create something new.
Do you want a bigger govt when little productivity?
- No.