2010-11-09 19:25:26 UTC
Some cities in China have deformed babies, asthmatic children and toxic water supplies...the result of a few people enjoying their 'freedoms' (corporations).
I personally know a few environmentalists (real ones). They don't want to reduce your quality of life or steal your taxes. All they want to see is a healthy planet that can support future generations by all means that can be thought of.
In 2050, 9 billion humans will live on Earth.This isn't a 'human issue' like gay marriage that should be debated by idealists. Shouldn't engineers and scientists, who contribute to concrete human development call the shots? The political idealists make decisions more on creed. We can't change anything drastic about our lifestyle, but scientists/engineers can design new ways to make sure 9 billion people can exist without irreversible damage. Why is it such a socialist thing?