Republicans: if Obama were president do you really think we would do this poorly relative to other nations on covid-19?
2020-04-20 00:48:47 UTC
Out of ALL the nations in the world,the USA has one of the most covid-19 per capita.
28 answers:
Warren T
2020-04-22 17:38:28 UTC
2020-04-22 16:27:11 UTC
It was the Obama administration who did not replenish medical supplies in the nation''s stockpile after the H1N1 flue in 2009. Even still, there would not have been enough supplies if they were restocked, as this Corona virus is bigger and more wide spread than any administration has ever been prepared for. Trump is not powerful enough to be blamed for the pandemic sweeping across the USA.

We need to learn from our governments mistakes and stop pointing fingers and casting blame. Our system failed us. It is not any one president''s fault. It is just the way it is. Now we know better, we just need to prepare for our future.

Do we see other nations blaming their president for the spread of a contagious disease? I will have to try and find out about that. We are intelligent people, and as such, we all watched and witnessed this pandemic unfold, and if everyone used their  brains and followed simple virus protocol measures, this disease would not have spread as much as it has. Worldwide. 

No one knew how bad this virus would get, no one. If one wants to cast blame, then finger point at the Chinese authorities who hid the truth and stopped doctors and journalists from reporting what was going on, early on. They lied, bigtime. And there is no way an overpopulated country, such as China, with one billion, three hundred million people, could only have 4,600-ish deaths thus far. Especially when less populated countries, such as Italy, with 60 million people, who have had just about 25,000 deaths thus far. And, the USA, with a population of 331 million people, one billion less people than crowded China, with USA having 43,000 deaths thus far. So, there is a gross imbalance in population vs China''s reported death ratio. 

Politics aside.....The whole wide world was not prepared for this Pandemic. All countries dealed with this the best they could,  except for China.
Mr.Next Generation
2020-04-22 06:54:07 UTC
Obama is a different man. He would have headed the warnings that were sent to Trump back in JANUARY about this virus. Obama handled the Ebola outbreak and it never became a pandemic here in the USA. Two months before the coronavirus began its deadly advance in Wuhan, China, the Trump administration ended a $200-million pandemic early-warning program aimed at training scientists in China and other countries to detect and respond to such a threat.

I'm not a Trump supporter and I am not 100% down with Obama. I am down with the facts and how effective each administration was in office.
2020-04-22 03:58:39 UTC
Open Borders Obama would’ve made it a lot worse.
2020-04-22 03:05:59 UTC
Obama wouldn't do much better. North America,UK, Italy,Spain all did a sh t *** job with covid-19. Their leaders all have the same mindset
2020-04-21 09:57:06 UTC
UPDATE. Two of your answers are exactly the same. Russian Trolls parroting the Troll farm?

I am registered Republican. I agree with you. Within a month, Obama had declared Swine flu a public emergency. Trump, on the other hand, initially downplayed it. He said it would go away. He, or someone in his administration, Did not take advantage of WHO test kits. We lost critical time while our own test kits were flawed. South Korea had thousands tested before we had five tested.

I am pretty sure Obama would have done a better job. After all, he started a pandemic response team. If Trump would not have destroyed it, perhaps thousands more Americans would be alive today and the economy would be in much better shape!
2020-04-21 09:15:08 UTC
He the moron Obama, and Drunk Nancy Pelosi were in on the creation of the CoronaVirus in China, they told Joe Biden about it and Biden said that is gret more Potaoes can be grown with Dirt on Mars MORON
2020-04-20 09:15:49 UTC
He would be much worst as he was in allowing ISIS to grow & stablish a territorial Caliphate that encompasses large chunks of 2 war torn countries & making boneheaded deals with Iran just to stroke his narcissist ego. Prior to 03/15/20 when all partisan (D) news media anchors along with Doctor Fauci & other (lib) experts stated that Influenza should be looked at more than Wuhan Flu with Dr. Fauci assuring the public not to be alarmed on NEWSMAX aired in 01/21/20 & again emphasized the danger was miniscule in 02/17/20. In April, Dr. Fauci reverses his don't wear mask advice, only healthcare workers, questioned by many as it spreads from simply talking. CDC found COVID projection model was over estimated, Fauci mused 1 year quarantine late March, then mid May say the country needs to open as shutdown has grave irreputable consequences.

The Administration were working behind the scenes of the (D)s impeachment fiasco drawing up plans in early January if things gets worst in Wuhan & spread outside Wuhan after scientists were sent to Wuhan in Dec. 2019, but where denied entry while (D)s defy & resist the Administration's mitigation guidelines. Travel restriction from & to China was declared before there was a confirmed case in the US. (D) States Governors are doing all they can to prolong the shutdown seeing the pandemic as an opportunity for them to wipe clean the decades long debt they have incurred from decades long mismanagement from spending more taxes than the very high taxes they collect as they scheme to have extra to pocket from a bailout & give to special interest regardless of how much the US dollar will deflate in value taking a page from the Venezuelan & Zimbabwean model. Andrew Cuomo tried to pull a fast one on the incumbent with the 40,000 Ventilators he was planning on hoarding stored in a NY warehouse to control the supply lines. Cuomo didn't quarantine every international flight & sea vessels coming into New York when travel restrictions were announced in late January which allowed NY to turn into an epicenter. In the west coast all passengers & crews of princess cruises that dock were quarantined, even if they've already been quarantined abroad just as all passengers & crews of a Boeing 747 from China were quarantine. Cuomo pushed back on Statewide Federal Quarantine & ordered Nursing homes to accept COVID-19+ patients where more than 1/2 of the mortality statistic comes from. Having worked closely with the Administration to keep the spread at a minimal & flatten the curve, the west coast (D) governors are getting carried away with the one size fits all shutdowns by extending it & threatening to make it permanent. N. Dakota, Georgia, & Florida are much better in keeping things balanced.

Obama would be locked in step with De Blasio & (D) Health experts from Feb. to Mar. 15 were making speeches in small rallies against travel bans, social distancing & shutdowns. 02/02/20 NYC Health Commissioner Oxirus Barbot said, There is NO REASON NOT to take the subway, bus, or go to your favorite restaurant - And certainly NOT to miss the parade next Sunday. 02/16/20 she tweeted, " As a doctor I can say there's no reason to avoid ANY neighborhood because of coronavirus"'. 02/16/20 Mark D. Levine Chair of NYC Council Health Committee tweeted, In powerful show of defiance, huge crowds gather in NYC's ahead of annual Lunar New Year parade. 0302/20 Bill de Blasio tweeted, "Since I'm encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives+ get out on the town despite Coronavirus". 02/03/20 New York Times article: "There is no reason why it is not safe to travel to China, The travel ban is unjust". Now (D) states want permanent shutdowns until vaccination is readily available that could be 45%-55% effective like flu vaccines or not at all. Obama would be as incompetent, if not confused, as (D) state governors & mayors expressing megalomaniac symptoms.

The Whole World Failed at Keeping COVID-19 out of their countries. CDC, NIH, HHS, & WHO all Failed, as governor Cuomo argued. Doctor Fauci & CDC Scientists have been operating as they have since Obama's Administration & this pandemic proved that the bureaucracy they had in place then could not handle SARS-COV-2 spreading at this magnitude. Thus, a Task Force requiring Defense Dept. & Private Sector involvement was crucial. WHO should've taken the role of an International Pandemic Response Agency mobilized as soon as there's a large outbreak of an unknown disease infecting humans in a city to quarantine & study. WHO was late to gather Data & sound the Alarm for every country in the world to brace it self from a pandemic the world connected by travel & transport where every day life requires social interactions in close proximity was not prepared for.

No One could've known about an "unknown" disease to infect humans that transmit from human to human simply by talking from people who weren't even showing signs of illness at the beginning stages & into a pandemic. A respiratory disease like COVID-19 can't really be contained absent of data on how fast & easily it spreads by 85% of infected people who never got ill or hospitalized (14.5%-14.95% are recovering) experiencing symptoms of a common cold for which the lightly infected & doctors overlooked it as just a cold, until an alarming number of hospitalized infected patients overwhelming the hospitals & 1/20 were dying weekly which prompted a Chinese doctor to look through a microscope ruling out the Africanized swine flu happening at the same time across China that started 3 months earlier. China took extraordinary measure when it was apparent how contagious the virus was, but it was too late as initially they focused on quarantining feverish people having acute symptoms which allowed the virus to spread out of Wuhan to the world through foreign tourist, diplomats & business travelers showing no signs of infection.

Despite the war cries against Chinese Wet Markets, there weren't much vitriol in African bush meat markets where Ebola & HIV were unleashed by undercooked primate/monkey meat. Small pox originated in North Africa Egypt, the Black Plague originated in central Asia through fleas, Malaria, Dengue, Yellow Fever, Syphilis originated in Tropical Humid Climates, should there be anger directed at tropical countries? Melanesians of Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea & Austronesians of Indonesia hunt & eat wild bats very well done. Americans eat Black & Brown Bears, Racoons, Nutria, Porcupines, even cougars to not waste the meat, but if Koreans, Vietnamese, Pilipino, Indonesian, Nigerians, Congolese, Kenyans, & S. American indigenous tribes eat dogs, bats & tarantulas its a crime of the century. Even eating Spectacled, Sun, & Moon Bears are a taboo for snooty European descent. Africa, S/E Asia, Oceana, Central & South America still have lots of wet Market. The US had wet markets up until after WWII when Birds Eye's frozen food took off. Obtaining fresh meat in the US now days is mostly harvested directly from the wilderness or farms.

Anti Trump zealots will push the 2009 Swine Flu response as fast & effective when 2009 H1N1 swine flu was just slightly different from the 1918 original H1N1 Spanish flu. It was weaker than the original 1918. Not much alarming concern came into light because it wasn't entirely new. Thousands of deaths are anticipated from H#N# variants annually since 1918. There were 4 pandemic flus before 2009 & vaccines for H#N# variants were and are being develop year after year.

The government under Trump began working on a vaccine BEFORE the first case in the US. Obama 6 days AFTER.

Trump had a test ready to go three days after the first case. Obama 13 days.

Trump declared coronavirus a public health emergency 9 days later. Obama 15 days.

Trump declared a national emergency 53 days later. Obama 204 days later.

Trump was warning everyone about the coronavirus 15 days after the first case. No warning from Obama at that point.

The country hit 1m cases of H1N1 71 days after the first case. On the 78th day there were 367,000 cases of corona in the US .

The first vaccines started getting tested 56 days later under Trump. It was 98 days for Obama.

Obama & CDC also used up all of the N95 masks, ventilators from the previous administration & didn't replace them while sending PPE production to China.

American virologists revealed that COVID-19 is a natural virus & that the Obama Administration funded the virology lab in Wuhan to research corona virus in bats. An Obama affiliate or CIA holdover probably bribed an underpaid personnel in the lab to release it. Peter Strokz did text to Liza Page that they have an insurance policy. Bill Maher, SJWs, & (D)wTDS were dreaming of this scenario before the second Impeachment inquiry began over a year ago. An Obama holdover most likely thought this was a good plan since all (D) cares about is power & sheeples are just tools to manipulate in the pursuit of power.

The 2nd & 5th sentence of the above paragraph is just a theory, a probable theory seeing what great lengths the Obama FBI, CIA, & NDI will conspire with FUSION GPS & FISA court to attempt an espionage coupe to get the POTUS impeached.
2020-04-20 00:54:50 UTC
lol .. if obongo was president he would have just went golfing and seen what happened ..the media would never have tried to make him look bad for doing nothing, they would just post some clip of obingo saying 'yes we can' get through this and that would be the end of it lol .. you know its true to ..
NEVER SUBMIT... to evil
2020-04-20 00:53:23 UTC
2020-04-22 17:44:25 UTC
Actually, it is good that we have the most people that have tested positive for COVID-19 per capita.  This ensures that we probably have developed some herd immunity.  This also means that we might not have to deal with as many waves as other nations.
2020-04-22 09:40:10 UTC
apparently facts mean little to a snowflake.  FACT, Obama took 55 days to respond to the bp oil spill DESPITE 13 countries offering help on day 3.  FACT.  Obama's "signature" legislation regarding health was a law based on a lie that you had to pass to see what's in it that was chiefly responsible for substantial rate increases and bankruptcies in the health care industry in this nation and YOU think this is good???  low information liberal voting....gotta love it (sic).
2020-04-22 07:29:22 UTC
No the problem would be solved quicker
2020-04-22 06:41:37 UTC
Personally, I think Trump is the best man for the job. And after he serves his 2nd term, I think the next best man will be Mike Pence.

I think Obama would've totally sold us out, just like he did. The only reason he got elected in the first place is because he was black. I'm sorry, but it is the truth.
2020-04-22 05:30:50 UTC
Many Conservative Republicans seem to think this is no worse than the flu, I’m not one of them. Our initial response was one of its a Hoax by the Democratic leaders and media. It definitely cost lives and cost trillions of dollars. We will never recover and our democracy is at risk by basically socializing our economy 
2020-04-22 05:17:10 UTC
We would have done a lot better and saved many lives. Not all conservatives support crazy Trump many are appalled by him.
2020-04-21 12:26:13 UTC
Detections per capita are more closely related to tests done, than to infection spread... the high US test and detection rates compared to other areas are in themselves no strong indicator of poor performance.

Deaths are potentially a more consistent measure, though they lag by a longer period than detection of infections (2-3 weeks or more). Here the US is doing worse than some, and better than others... the precise details are masked by the sheer size of the country. Some urban areas are doing very poorly indeed, with death rates exceeding tiny urban principalities like San Marino (where a small outbreak contained quickly still represented a huge per-capita death toll). Rural states with little population (and the rural areas with minimal contact to the downtown urban areas) have smaller death rates. Unsurprisingly as spread rates are lower when contact rates are lower and distancing easier.

Overall most Western nations have suffered heavily because of individualism, selfishness and foolishness. There are examples of communities heeding the danger, and working to isolate the infection and starve it of new hosts... we have had all the pain of this quarantine, but without the discipline and cooperation it is only slowing spread, and not eradicating it.
2020-04-21 08:35:51 UTC
If Obama were president we'd still be wondering why so many people are sick and dying, just like we did when he failed to make Swine Flu an issue for 6 months.

Just remember, the worst hit regions of COVID-19 are run by Obama wannabe liberal politicians.
2020-04-21 07:22:15 UTC
Obama is a Communist who never did anything right!  The "news" manufacturers may be lying about the statistics.  Besides, even in areas where there are a lot of cases of Covid-19, it was entirely the fault of the mayor (New Orleans) or the Governor (New York).  

On the other hand, if there had been no global economy, no mass-migration, and no interstate highways, there never would have been any pandemic.  The Lord Jesus Christ shall arrange that when He returns to rule in Israel.  "Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 3:2, KJV).  Even so, come, Lord Jesus!  Establish the Kingdom in Jerusalem, and keep the world safe from Democracy!
2020-04-21 02:33:11 UTC
Obama did a horrible job in comparison with the swine flu. Many more people infected and died before he tried to do anything about it. The media was on his side. The media is against Trump.
2020-04-20 20:29:43 UTC
He would be much worst as he was in allowing ISIS to grow & stablish a territorial Caliphate that encompasses large chunks of 2 war torn countries & making boneheaded deals with Iran just to stroke his narcissist ego.
2020-04-20 01:16:10 UTC
They know we wouldn't and they'll lie about it. One of the reason they hate Obama so much is because he's more competent and smarter than they are.
2020-04-20 01:04:49 UTC
In all honesty, I think we might be a bit worse.

Let me ask you, Ruth.  What do you think Obama would have done that would improve things?

Do you think he would have issued a Nationwide stay at home order, or do you think he would have left it up to governor's?  I tend to think he would have left it up to the states, just like Trump.

Do you think he would have done a better job with testing kits, ventilators, masks, etc?  How?  He had time to start stocking up on these supplies at the end of his administration, but didn't do it.  He might have forced businesses to make these things with whatever that defense act was, but I don't really think that the difference in timing was significant.  And I think it makes more sense to ask businesses to volunteer (they know better than the government of how long they can convert manufacturing).  And some of the supplies like ventilators don't prevent the virus.  They just deal with the aftermath.

In terms of halting the spread by closing borders, I think Trump was much better than Obama ever would have been.
2020-04-20 01:00:53 UTC
Well, let’s see. Under Obama 60,000,000 Americans got H1N1. Using the mortality rate of COVID 19, that would equal 3,000,000 deaths in the USA. You’re okay with this?
2020-04-20 00:57:45 UTC
Obama was less capable than Trump. He may have done a better job of manipulating metrics to give the appearance of greater success against the virus. But those manipulation usually lead to even more deaths and slower recovery. 
2020-04-20 00:55:53 UTC
If Obama were president I honestly believe that we would be on top of this just like were were during Ebola
2020-04-20 00:50:48 UTC
Millions would have died if that moron Obama was president.
2020-04-20 00:49:41 UTC
Obama would be banging his tranny "wife" and doing lines of coke off some dudes shlong

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.