Has America ever had a President so clearly in need of Impeachment as Bush?
2007-01-03 16:52:25 UTC
Let's first look at the list of the president's High Crimes and Misdemeanors. They are:

1. "A Crime Against Peace." Initiating a war of aggression against a nation that posed no immediate threat to the U.S.--a war that has needlessly killed 2550 Americans and maimed and damaged over 20,000 more, while killing over 100,000 innocent Iraqi men, women and children, is the number one war crime according to the Nuremberg Charter, a document which was largely drawn up by American lawyers after World War II.

2. Lying and organizing a conspiracy to trick the American people and the U.S. Congress into approving an unnecessary and illegal war. This is defined as "A Conspiracy to Commit a Crime Against Peace" in the Nuremberg Charter, to which the U.S. is a signatory.

3. Approving and encouraging, in violation of U.S. and international law, the use of torture, kidnapping and rendering of prisoners of war captured in Iraq and Afghanistan and in the course of the so-called War on Terror. Note that the Hamdan decision actually declares Bush to have violated the Third Geneva Convention on Treatment of Prisoners of War, which means the justices are in effect calling the president a war criminal. Under U.S. and international law, if prisoners have died because of such a violation--and many have died in illegal US captivity because of torture authorized by this president--the penalty is death (a point made to the president in a warning memo written by his then White House counsel Alberto Gonzales, the text of which is published in full in the appendix of our book).

4. Illegally stripping the right of citizenship and the protections of the Constitution from American citizens, denying them the fundamental right to have their cases heard in a court, to hear the charges against them, to be judged in a public court by a jury of their peers, and to have access to a lawyer.

5. Authorizing the spying on American citizens and their communications by the National Security Agency and other U.S. police and intelligence agencies, in violation of the First and Fourth Amendments and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

6. Obstructing investigation into and covering up knowledge of the deliberate exposing of the identity of a U.S. CIA undercover operative, and possibly conspiring in that initial outing itself.

7. Obstructing the investigation into the 9-11 attacks and lying to investigators from the Congress and the bi-partisan 9-11 Commission--actions that come perilously close to treason. (Former Florida Senator Bob Graham, who headed the Senate Intelligence Committee until his retirement at the end of 2002, has called this the president's most impeachable crime.)

8. Violating the due process and other constitutional rights of thousands of citizens and legal residents by rounding them up and disappearing or deporting them without hearings.

9. Abuse of power, undermining of the Constitution and violating the presidential oath of office by deliberately refusing to administer over 750 acts duly passed into law by the Congress--actions with if left unchallenged would make the Congress a vestigial body, and the president a dictator.

10. Criminal negligence in failing to provide American troops with adequate armor before sending them into a war of choice, criminal negligence in going to war against a weak, third-world nation without any planning for post war occupation and reconstruction, criminal negligence in failing to respond to a known and growing crisis in the storm-blasted city of New Orleans, and criminal negligence in failing to act, and in fact in actively obstructing efforts by other countries and American state governments, to deal with the looming crisis of global warming.

Crimes 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9, and possibly crimes 1, 2 and 6 have all been justified by the president using the claim of "special powers" in his role as commander in chief, the claim that was ruled invalid by the High Court, in relation to crime number 3.

It is clearly high time for all Democrats and Republicans in Congress, and for all American citizens, whatever our politics, who care about the Constitution, American democracy, and the basic freedoms that we as a nation have assumed for over two centuries to be our birthright, to demand that this criminal usurper in the White House be called to account, along with his cronies--especially Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

This is no time for Democrats to be crassly analyzing the political pros and cons of impeachment as a campaign strategy, the way Democratic Party leaders have been doing. Impeachment is the patriotic duty of anyone who has sworn to protect and defend the Constitution. No member of Congress should be re-elected who doesn't support putting the president in the dock.
36 answers:
2007-01-03 16:54:21 UTC
I support you all the way.
2007-01-03 17:16:37 UTC
Learn your facts

- A war against peace? Needless, posed no immediate threats??? Saddam is a criminal that has killed hundreds of thousands of woman and children alone because of his views, and he considered our country to be an enemy. Let’s ignore his involvement in the September 11th attacks, Iraq WAS an immediate threat to our country.

- Bush has not illegally taken any rights away from anybody. Weather you agree with the laws or bills written and APPROVED, he could not have done it by himself.

- 7???? What are you talking about? That we MAY have received non specific threats about September 11th before it happened? Even if we had, who could anticipate an attack like that? How could anyone have known to prevent such a unique and horrible attack?

- Does it really bother you that people that have come into our country illegally were kicked out? What would your policy be? "You can't come here.... but if you do sneak in, we'll take you in and we will help you out with welfare and other poverty aids." Come on.

- We organized a system of checks and balances for a reason. It is a right for the president to veto a bill, not a crime.

- EVERY soldier at war has been issued body armor. Not good enough? Well who has been trying to raise a military budget, and who thinks we need to cut it? There is a lot more we go without besides body armor, and I think I know which political side you take. Hippie.

It is always easy to criticize, how about taking a little pride in our country? Supporting the people fighting? Doing something useful with your time?
2007-01-03 17:15:21 UTC
No. He is by far the worst. People who say that Clinton was worse have no idea what they are talking about. Yes, so he made an error in judgment. That affected perhaps three people: himself, his wife (who should run in '08), and the intern. Bush has made so many more mistakes. And his affect many, many people, the citizens of Iraq, and the American soldiers stationed there and other places, to name a few.
2016-10-17 03:18:33 UTC
Democratic, Republican, or self reliant aside. Our very last president became shamefully placed through the impeachment procedure after the discovery that he became upholding the lengthy status political custom of our presidents, having an extramarital affair it truly is the position i finished interpreting...You fool.
2007-01-03 18:17:48 UTC
Wow, it is lovely to know that some Americans are outraged by the actions of their President. Perhaps Americans are not as stupid as the rest of the world believes. Unfortunately, I doubt the strength and resolve of the Democratic Party to stand up to Bush and his right winged machine.
2007-01-03 17:00:15 UTC
That is the dumbest question I have ever heard. If he was soooo bad, why did he get elected a second time? The war was started before that. Bush did not ask to be attacked on 9/11, and he had to deal with it in the way he saw fit. I always want to ask you liberals, what would the country have done if he hadn't reacted? Do you think it would've been okay to just sit by and say, "Yeah, that hurt. Oh well."? Please. If he hadn't gone to war, people would still find fault with him.

And don't you realize how selfish you sound? No one can deny that Iraq was in need of an overhaul. The people were being abused. We are using our power to help them overcome oppression. I kind of think of it like the Good Samaritan law.
2007-01-03 17:06:15 UTC
In retrospect, Clinton was a very good president yet he was impeached for a foolish act which did not impact on the safety or the future good of America. Now we have this president who has caused so much damage to our country and except for some 'underground' talk and plans about impeaching him that came to nothing..he goes on and on...wreaking more damage to us all. No wonder he sees himself as God.

Shows you what great wealth and power can do, doesn't it?
2007-01-03 17:07:36 UTC
JFK,Carter and Clinton come to mind.JFK was a speed freak who nearly got us into a nuclear conflict,couldn't even defeat Cuba and got us into Vietnam.Carter killed the economy,it was so bad I remember the news shows broadcasting misery indexes,massive layoffs,people fleeing large cities like rats from a sinking ship,no gas at any price,hostages in Iran,a bungled rescue attempt.Clinton didn't give a damn about this country all he was after was money and he is still bragging about how much he got from selling pardons and nuclear documents,he was more worried about little willy that the safety of the American people and we have 9/11 as proof the man did nothing.
2007-01-03 16:54:45 UTC
Yes. Look up Tammany Hall and the Presidents of that era. Read ' The Scarlet Woman Of Wall Street '. Good place to start.
2007-01-03 17:00:22 UTC
Yes....President Clinton


(1) Used State Police for personal purposes.

(2) Directed State Police to fabricate incriminating evidence

against a political opponent: Terry Reed.

(3) Conspired with David Hale and Jim McDougal to defraud the

Small Business Administration.

(4) Was complicit in the shipment of drugs through Arkansas.

(5) Allowed laudering of drug money through ADFA.

(6) Appointed and protected Arkansas Medical Examiner Fahmy Malak who repeatedly obstructed justice by declaring murders as

"suicides" or "accidents."

(7) Has never accounted for his actions during 40 days behind the Iron Curtain during the Vietnam War.

(8) Tipped off Governor Tucker about upcoming criminal referral.

(9) Violated Arkansas campaign finance laws.

(10) Violated his oath ofoffice to uphold the Constitution by

signing into law an ex post facto law, a retroactive tax


(11) Fired RTC chiefAlbert Casey to allow his friend Roger

Altman to monitor and block Whitewater investigations.

(12) Fired FBI director William Sessions to prevent an

autonomous FBI from investigating the Foster suicide and from

resisting cooperation in the Filegate operation.

(13) Fired all U.S. Attorneys to appoint Paula Casey to prevent

Judge David Hale from testifying against Clinton.

(14) Offered State Troopers federal jobs in return for their

silence about Clinton's crimes.

(15) Blocked Justice Department indictments after Inspector

General Sherman Funk found "criminal violations of the Privacy

Act provable beyond reasonable doubt" when former Bush employee files were searched and leaked to the press.

(16) Appointed friend and now-convicted felon Webster Hubbell to

number 3 position in Justice Department in order to be able to

block Whitewater criminal referrals.

(17) Blocked the criminal trial of Representative Ford, a

Tennessee Democrat.

(18) Appointed a campaign activist to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, without the mandated "advice and consent" of the Senate, to derail a probe of his and Hillary's financial dealings.
Timothy M
2007-01-03 17:06:27 UTC
Probably not. More people favor impeaching Bush now (>50%) than favored impeaching Nixon (29%).
2007-01-03 17:00:39 UTC
Bush is probably the worst President ever.

Polls show the majority of Americans want Bush impeached.
2007-01-03 17:13:19 UTC
If Clinton never existed as a President, then maybe I could take your question more seriously!!!!!...LOL
2007-01-03 16:56:48 UTC
yes i say impeach him. He has done nothing but killed our americans in this crazy war that is not going anywhere. And giving us tax break? please. he only doing that because its our taxes that is going to this war that is costing us more tax out our paycheck. He has turned the whole world against us, and he is creating more violence in other countries that form alliances with us. he is a plague and he needs to get out. If he doesnt im gonna leave cuz i am not going to risk my life because of a president decisions that ultimately las a lifetime
2007-01-03 17:15:22 UTC
how about clinton for having oral recreation done in the oval office?
2007-01-03 16:58:39 UTC
Yes 1 Nixon, and if you don't like the way Bush is running this country TUFF. I didn't vote for him but alot of you out there did so live with it. Just thank god he can't run for office again.
2007-01-03 17:00:27 UTC
Wow! I have never heard anyone put it that way. Then I would have to say that, No. We have never had a President as worthy.
Mr Bellows
2007-01-03 16:56:19 UTC
You obviously need to find a job because you have way too much time on your hands.And to answer your question,Bill Clinton.He brought shame and dishonor to the office of president.
robert r
2007-01-03 16:57:37 UTC
if you can get past the hysterical for the question, yes, in reverse order, clinton, nixon and lb johnson, g bush the father for getting jr into where we are now
2007-01-03 16:56:13 UTC
I agree with all your reasons to impeach him darkstar, but I figure if we leave him in there until 2008, we will never have another idiot like him again in office.
Roger K
2007-01-03 16:56:40 UTC
2007-01-03 16:55:29 UTC
People in glass houses can't cast stones.
2007-01-03 16:55:22 UTC
Thanks for the heads up on information. If only everyone felt the same way. ;-) Great info, and hope it gets noticed by all. I would love to see what happened to a not so long ago figure happen to him.
Eric E
2007-01-03 16:59:46 UTC
never had one more impeacheable or deserving of.
2007-01-03 16:55:00 UTC
Damn you really did your research, unless you just plagiarized and did copy and paste. Anyway, I agree. Bush is a douchebag and needs to be lynched just like Sadam.
2007-01-03 16:54:52 UTC
There have been other bad Presidents but you make a good case.
Bob Bobobob
2007-01-03 16:54:26 UTC

2007-01-03 16:55:53 UTC
You're pathetic. We've

had no more 9/11's. Your buddy Billy (I love cigars and young interns) was a piece of work.
shut up dummy
2007-01-03 17:09:49 UTC
2007-01-03 16:55:09 UTC
Yes. The name "Clinton" springs to mind.
Frank R
2007-01-03 16:59:31 UTC
Thank you I believe in what you have said totally. It's the American public's and the weakness of the Democratic party in letting this slide anymore than that it has had. He needs to be impeached as a people we need to let our representatives know this is what we want. Dumya had the audacity to "write" an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal declaring that the Democrats must work with him to achieve success in the War against Terror, after spending 6 years totally ignoring them. Republicans should be as outraged against this rogue, he is a disgrace as are any person that still stupidly supports him.

Edit. For the people that say Clinton should have been impeached his transgression had to do with a dalliance, not with a war, not with violating the constitution, and nobody DIED from it. People that can even compare the two are they just so out of sync with reality that need to check into the nearest psychiatric hospital. Also, for people saying these are not me and everyone else a favor-----READ A NEWSPAPER SOMETIME!!!!!!! Or get off your duff and walk into a library, It is widely known that Americans for all our supposed power are probably the most globally ignorant people on earth.


1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Washington , DC 20520



I was arrested in Kennebunkport, Maine, in 1976 for driving under

the influence of alcohol. I pled guilty, paid a fine, and had my

driver's license suspended for 30 days. My Texas driving record has been "lost" and is not available.


I joined the Texas Air National Guard and went AWOL. I refused to

take a drug test or answer any questions about my drug use. By

joining the Texas Air National Guard, I was able to avoid combat duty in Vietnam.


I graduated from Yale University with a low C average.

I was a cheerleader.


I ran for U.S. Congress and lost.

I began my career in the oil business in Midland, Texas, in 1975.

I bought an oil company, but couldn't find any oil in Texas . The

company went bankrupt shortly after I sold all my stock.

I bought the Texas Rangers baseball team in a sweetheart deal that took land using taxpayer money.

With the help of my father and our friends in the oil industry,

including Enron CEO Ken Lay, I was elected governor of Texas.


I changed Texas pollution laws to favor power and oil companies,

making Texas the most polluted state in the Union.

During my tenure, Houston replaced Los Angeles as the most

smog-ridden city in America.

I cut taxes and bankrupted the Texas treasury to the tune of billions in borrowed money.

I set the record for the most executions by any governor in

American history.

With the help of my brother, the governor of Florida, and my

father's appointments to the Supreme Court, I became President after losing by over 500,000 votes.


I am the first President in U.S. history to enter office with a

criminal record.

I invaded and occupied two countries at a continuing cost of over

one billion dollars per week.

I spent the U.S. surplus and effectively bankrupted the U.S.

Treasury. I shattered the record for the largest annual deficit in

U.S. history.

I set an economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in

any 12-month period.

I set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12-month period.

I set the all-time record for the biggest drop in the history of

the US stock market.

In my first year in office, over 2 million Americans lost their

jobs and that trend continues every month.

I'm proud that the members of my cabinet are the richest of any

administration in U.S. history. My "poorest millionaire," Condoleeza

Rice, had a Chevron oil tanker named after her.

I set the record for most campaign fund-raising trips by a U.S.

President. I am the all-time U.S. and world record-holder for

receiving the most corporate campaign donations.

My largest lifetime campaign contributor, and one of my best

friends, Kenneth Lay, presided over the largest corporate bankruptcy fraud in U.S. History, Enron.

My political party used Enron private jets and corporate attorneys

to assure my success with the U.S. Supreme Court during my election decision.

I have protected my friends at Enron and Halliburton against

investigation or prosecution.

More time and money was spent investigating the Monica Lewinsky affair than has been spent investigating one of the biggest corporate rip-offs in history.

I presided over the biggest energy crisis in U.S. history and

refused to intervene when corruption involving the oil industry was revealed.

I presided over the highest gasoline prices in U.S. history.

I changed the U.S. policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded

government contracts.

I appointed more convicted criminals to administration than any

President in U.S. history.

I created the Ministry of Homeland Security, the largest

bureaucracy in the history of the United States government.

I've broken more international treaties than any President in U.S. history.

I am the first President in U.S. history to have the United Nations

remove the U.S. from the Human Rights Commission.

I withdrew the U.S. from the World Court of Law.

I refused to allow inspectors access to U.S. "prisoners of war"

detainees and thereby have refused to abide by the Geneva Convention.

I am the first President in history to refuse United Nations

election inspectors (during the 2002 U.S. election).

I set the record for fewest numbers of press conferences of any

President since the advent of television.

I set the all-time record for most days on vacation in any one-year period.

After taking off the entire month of August, I presided over the

worst security failure in U.S. history.

I garnered the most sympathy for the U.S. after the World Trade

Center attacks and less than a year later made the U.S.the most hated country in the world, the largest failure of diplomacy in world history.

I have set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously protest me in public venues (15 million people), shattering the record for protests against any person in the history of mankind.

I am the first President in U.S. history to order an unprovoked,

pre-emptive attack and the military occupation of a sovereign nation. I did so against the will of the United Nations, the majority of U.S. citizens, and the world community.

I have cut health care benefits for war veterans and support a cut

in duty benefits for active duty troops and their families-in-wartime.

In my State of the Union Address, I lied about our reasons for

attacking Iraq and then blamed the lies on our British friends.

I am the first President in history to have a majority of Europeans

(71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and security.

I am supporting development of a nuclear "Tactical Bunker Buster," a WMD.

I have so far failed to fulfill my pledge to bring Osama Bin Laden to justice.


All records of my tenure as governor of Texas are now in my

father's library, sealed and unavailable for public view.

All records of SEC investigations into my insider trading and my

bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.

All records or minutes from meetings that I, or my Vice-President,

attended regarding public energy policy are sealed in secrecy and

unavailable for public review.

I am a member of the Republican Party.

2007-01-03 16:57:02 UTC
you wasted ten points on that?
2007-01-03 16:54:19 UTC
2007-01-03 16:54:28 UTC
Can you paste something new for once? This one is getting old..
2007-01-03 16:54:36 UTC
2007-01-03 16:55:40 UTC
You can't back up a single one of your stupid assertions with fact. HERE'S YOUR SIGN!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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