Should Republicans and conservatives reciprocate the support given by liberals to the Bush Presidency, to the ?
2008-10-07 08:51:26 UTC
coming Obama Presidency?
Think back over the past 8 years about how supportive people on the left have been of President Bush?
Right from Day 1 alls they could do was to think up ways to try and destroy this Presidency.
Remember the statements about how the Presidency was stolen and that Al Gore was their President
And it has just gotten worse every step of the way
Is that how people on the right should act towards Obama's Presidency?
Should we reciprocate all the support that Bush got from Pelosi and the other democrats?
23 answers:
2008-10-07 08:56:40 UTC
I think conservatives need to start thinking about doing everything possible

to defeat Obama in 2012 and minimise the damage this left -wing radical is going to do

one thing for sure

Obama will never be my President

I can't stand him

Why don't they make him President of Chicago

or even better, Kenya
2008-10-07 09:01:34 UTC
Look back on the Clinton presidency. As of the 1994 midterm elections the man had no support from Congress, everyone admits to it. Even Republicans at the time stated that they were on a mission to deadlock any debates in Washington to make Clinton the most ineffective US president ever. But this was in their right to do as representatives of the populations and more greatly as American citizens. We are allowed to disagree with a President or protest Washington and failed policies.

Democrats have offered Bush a lot of support in their voting cover the last 8 years. Wire tapping, Iraq War, Patriot Act, Unilateral actions, etc. These were things that Bush promised we needed and the Dems did little to stop him. Look at the voting records available online and you will find that Bush has had an unprecedented amount of support. Speaking out is simply the way to let the American people know what is going on.

So yes, in answer to your question, I think the Republicans will give Obama a hard time. Presidents should not go unchecked. We have checks and balances for a reason and changes are supposed to be difficult. Otherwise we'd have a dictator and you wouldn't be allowed to ask these questions online.
2008-10-07 09:18:59 UTC
Not needed.

The Democrats got enough rope to hang themselves in the 2006 mid term elections when they took over congress and did not disappoint. This is the most un-popular congress in the History of congress.

There is no reason to expect anything different will happen when or if they get the Whitehouse.

Look at this cast of Characters:

Kerry Loser

Gore Loser

Clinton Bosnia, Somalia, Wag the Dog, Impeachment

Dukakis Loser

Mondale Loser

Humphrey Loser

Carter Iran hostage crisis. Unemployment, Taxes, inflation = Misery Index.

McGovern Loser

Johnson Vietnam. Nationwide Riots

Kennedy Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, Missile crisis

Adlai Stevenson Loser

Truman Nuclear Holocaust

FDR World War II

Al smith Loser

John Davis Loser

John Cox Loser

Woodrow Wilson World War I

Hold on to your hats kids. This is going to be a wild ride.
2008-10-07 09:09:54 UTC
yet the Democrats, most of them, allowed themselves to be terrorized into voting for all sort of unAmerican things pushed on them by the Bush administration (for fear of being ironically branded 'traitors')

-things like sjgning the Orwellianly named "Patriot Act"

-voting to allow a President to unilaterally declare war without a resolution from Congress

-looking the other way while the executive broke the law, spying on American citizens without a warrant (ostensibly to catch 'terrorists' but actually meant to blackmail and/or silence opposition - witness what happened to Elliot Spitzer)

-allowing the president to ignore any laws passed by Congress, for example laws against torture, by simply adding a presidential 'signing statement' saying that the president could ignore such laws at his discretion

there are many more examples of how the Democrats have REALLY supported and enabled the Bush administration to do thing that are self destructive for the country and the world, including giving in to the panic and signing through the 1 trillion dollar bailout of Wall Street, sold to us by Paulson, another self-interested Bush appointee who told us a year ago that everything was going strong...

So, yes, I hope the Republicans will give as much support to the next Democratic administration, as the Democrats have given Bush in the last 8 years.

Which is lots.

On the plus side, Republicans supporting Democrat policies won't hurt nearly as many people as vice versa.

and... You want to talk about "tax and spend." How about cutting spending where we need it least, in the Defense budget? America is finished as a lone superpower deciding how everyone should do things, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee. It is madness, now, for the US to continue to have a defense budget (actually more of an "agression" budget, in the last 8 years), which is greater than all other world countries' defense budgets combined. Keep troops at home, to defend the country, and stop sending them on bogus fools' errands for the sake of a few war-profiteering oil and defense contracting operations like Haliburton and Blackwater. It's time to throw these bums out, and turn everything inside-out.

Do it.

Good day.
2008-10-07 09:07:20 UTC
Its America and people should freely complain and protest against the president no matter who is in office

The left only gave support, when Bush was briefly mega popular, or when 9/11 overshadowed politics. So Conservatives might give Obama the same treatment if the circumstances prescribe.
2016-10-06 03:00:57 UTC
at a similar time as there have been some who suggested it grew to become into unpatriotic, i did no longer and that i'm a conservative. I did regardless of the indisputable fact that view extremely some the movements by way of specific contributors of the Democrat occasion as unpatriotic or down top unlawful. Take working example Murtha calling the troops murderers, or Kerry comparing them to Genghis Khan, or whoever the fool grew to become into asserting we've been like the Nazis, or human beings like Pelosi going to Syria in sparkling violation of the Logan Act... just to call some. Dissent is high quality, yet while your movements take you to international locations that of course are against us, or your movements of course undermine distant places coverage or a conflict attempt by way of offering media fabric to the enemy, then i think of you're way previous being unpatriotic, relatively you're in all probability bordering on treason.
2008-10-07 08:59:57 UTC
Yes if the Obama is as big of a Failure I hope so-

Fortunately I don't think 2 people on this Earth could do as poor a job as Bush-
Big Paesano
2008-10-07 09:06:58 UTC
Well, since that was in turn reciprocating the support given to Clinton I suppose we should continue this never ending cycle of partisanship. Could you please make an edit acknowledging the fact that Clinton spent most of his time in office under fire by Republicans? It would be a testament to your integrity if you did.
2008-10-07 08:59:48 UTC
There is no way you can bash anyone for not appreciating Bush's horrible policies. It wasn't only liberals that saw what a fiasco this man created for this country and people. The fact that you and a few like you chose not to take him to task over these things is not the fault of anyone. I also find this question hypocritical. Which is no surprise.
2008-10-07 08:56:30 UTC
Sweet heart Why do you think the congress has such a low rating? It is because of the lack of support given to the president. You should stop watching the MSM.
2008-10-07 09:01:06 UTC
No, we should take the higher road.

The Democratics who spent the last 8 years sucking sour grapes and making up pitifiul catch-phrases sicken me and are an embarrassment to their party and this nation.

No matter who the president is, we should respect and support him, and we should respect the choice of the voters. We can still disagree and debate, but please, let's have a little more class than has been exhibited in the past 8 years.
2008-10-07 08:55:50 UTC
Oh, no you didn't just bring up reciprocity! What about the way conservatives treated Bill Clinton? Liberals were just reciprocating those sentiments. At least, we liberals didn't resort to impeachment, even though we had much more justification for doing so.
2008-10-07 08:55:21 UTC
Just like they did for the Clinton presidency. The difference being that the Clinton administration was actually successful, and the attacks were just sour grapes, while Bush has been an unmitigated failure, and the attacks have been warranted.
2008-10-07 08:57:41 UTC
Uh, remember when Bush had a 90% approval rate? We oppose him because of things he's done since, not because of the R after his name.
2008-10-07 09:00:01 UTC
Republicans actually care about this country. It would be fair of us to create a financial crisis like the one we're in now (that the democrat congress is mostly responsible for), and blame it on Obama, but we shouldn't stoop to the democrat level.
2008-10-07 08:55:02 UTC
No you're from the right so you should just crawl back in your holes and eat children.
Blue Haired Old Lady
2008-10-07 08:54:54 UTC
How about we work together for the good of America?
2008-10-07 08:54:33 UTC
Poor, defenseless George Bush.

We took a model from you neocons and what you did to Clinton.

Don't act like Democrats invented non-support, sweetie.

And "alls" is not a freaking word.
2008-10-07 08:58:27 UTC
Your name there says it all.
2008-10-07 09:02:54 UTC
Wasn't that already their plan?
2008-10-07 08:57:01 UTC
Liberalism is a mental disorder. And the pseudo American in the empty suit is not ready for prime time.
gone fishin
2008-10-07 08:57:11 UTC
I certainly hope not. Filibuster, I say. Or hopefully, we can get Congress back, which would be awesome.
truth seeker
2008-10-07 08:54:31 UTC
where were you during Clinton's Presidency????????????

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