yet the Democrats, most of them, allowed themselves to be terrorized into voting for all sort of unAmerican things pushed on them by the Bush administration (for fear of being ironically branded 'traitors')
-things like sjgning the Orwellianly named "Patriot Act"
-voting to allow a President to unilaterally declare war without a resolution from Congress
-looking the other way while the executive broke the law, spying on American citizens without a warrant (ostensibly to catch 'terrorists' but actually meant to blackmail and/or silence opposition - witness what happened to Elliot Spitzer)
-allowing the president to ignore any laws passed by Congress, for example laws against torture, by simply adding a presidential 'signing statement' saying that the president could ignore such laws at his discretion
there are many more examples of how the Democrats have REALLY supported and enabled the Bush administration to do thing that are self destructive for the country and the world, including giving in to the panic and signing through the 1 trillion dollar bailout of Wall Street, sold to us by Paulson, another self-interested Bush appointee who told us a year ago that everything was going strong...
So, yes, I hope the Republicans will give as much support to the next Democratic administration, as the Democrats have given Bush in the last 8 years.
Which is lots.
On the plus side, Republicans supporting Democrat policies won't hurt nearly as many people as vice versa.
and... You want to talk about "tax and spend." How about cutting spending where we need it least, in the Defense budget? America is finished as a lone superpower deciding how everyone should do things, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee. It is madness, now, for the US to continue to have a defense budget (actually more of an "agression" budget, in the last 8 years), which is greater than all other world countries' defense budgets combined. Keep troops at home, to defend the country, and stop sending them on bogus fools' errands for the sake of a few war-profiteering oil and defense contracting operations like Haliburton and Blackwater. It's time to throw these bums out, and turn everything inside-out.
Do it.
Good day.