Is there a law that says you even have to have a lawn?
Around here people who're buying homes are taking out the lawn and in it's place putting in rocks or covering it with cement.
And there's a whole bunch of homes with dead grass and weeds in the front yard.
But those people are not Caucasian and were not born and raised here in America.
I think they are picking on a little old lady simply because they can knowing that no one is going to riot or protest because of it.
If I had the money I would pay to have the lady's lawn removed and in it's place put something that's easier and more affordable to manage.
Who knows maybe this is just the beginning for her and someone is fixing to seize her property claiming eminent domain and this is just a first in a long line of headaches to come.
And I don't think this should be happening in America.
If her lawn is bothering someone then instead of being a rat and reporting her for it why didn't they try and be a good neighbor and offer to help her with it?
That would be the American thing to do.
But not arresting her.
And she probably didn't want to give her name to the police officer because she was confused or afraid and even though that's still no excuse the police officer could have been more reasonable with her.
I remember when I last shopped at this one Safeway grocery store,outside was a homeless person two sheets to the wind and drinking a 40 ounce beer and swaying back and forth about to pass out drunk.
I called the police and when they arrived instead of hauling him off to jail for public intoxication they reasoned with him and pleaded with him to please get up and go home.
All the while the man was insulting them and waving the 40 ounce in their faces and finally agreed to leave and when he acted like he was leaving the police actually clapped their hands saying "hooray hooray", and then they left too.
Then the drunk went back to his post outside the Safeway grocery store where he passed out cold.
If they can be that lenient on a homeless drunk then I'm sure they can show a little more mercy to an old lady.