Exit Plan in Iraq?
2006-10-15 15:08:09 UTC
With all the Democrats whining about an exit plan it didn't take long to think well in WWI or WWII did the Congress say, "Lets wrap this up on this day and time. That way our enemy knows when we're leaving"

WWI - No exit plan
WWII - No exit plan
Korea - No exit plan
Vietnam - No exit plan
Somalia - No exit plan

Pattern here libbies? Now stay on topic here. Why do you insist on an exit plan when clearly our nation has never had one in any conflict? How does it benefit us as a nation to tell our enemy, "This day and time we're leaving"

Stay on topic now libbies. No conspiracy theories
21 answers:
2006-10-15 15:13:39 UTC
An exit plan with a set date or objective allows enemies to lay low until the last American boot leaves the battlefield only then to spring into action unopposed.

The only exit strategy should be excercised when the enemy has lost the will to make war.
2006-10-15 15:20:00 UTC
WWI - Wilson (A Democrat) had an exit plan. The truth is that Germany surrendered in large part due to a belief that Wilson's 14 points would be adopted. Unfortunately, the Versailles Treaty included the War Guilt clause that blamed WWI on the Germans. Bad call and the world paid for it 20 years later. Oh and the Republican Congress stymied Wilson at every turn and kept the US from joining the League of Nation.

WWII - exit strategy was clearly in place --- Unconditional Surrender and that's exactly what we got. Again, FDR, a Democrat had that one spelled out from the beginning.

Korea - well - this conflict is not over and you're right, we don't have an exit strategy for this one. But of course we can thank China for screwing this one up for the world. We had defeated the NK forces and were mopping up to the Yalu River when the Chinese launched their armies across the border and made the state of NK a possibility.

Vietnam --- LBJ --- let's all be honest -- this dude is pretty close to being a conservative even with all his domestic changes. Nixon, a Republican finally put forward the exit strategy, which led to the removal of US forces from a place we should never have been. As we so often do, we stood in the way of Vietnamese Nationalism, because they had selected communism as their form of government. They are communist today and you can pick up clothes made in Vietnam at your neighborhood Wal-Mart. So now Vietnam has the conservative seal of approval.

Somalia - total disaster with a Democrat at the helm. This liberal Democrat would have flattened Mogadishu the next day after the events of Black Hawk Down. Those ignorant people would have been blasted off the planet and the world we be better for it. In fact, we still ought to level that blighted city.

Iraq, well that one belongs to you Republicans. That's your baby so I'll let you tell me the exit strategy.
2006-10-15 19:16:09 UTC
Wow! Did you forget something? For starters, what do you think was the plan in the Gulf War under Bush the first? You probably don't agree with their decision to exit after controlling Kuwait, but that certainly was the plan.

Do you really think that any general would be satisfied with a plan to take out Saddam but not do anything about installing some kind of government??? Or do you think an exit plan is simply a statement of when we are leaving?

Forget liberal or conservative for once, and just read the evidence about how we planned (or not) for a post-invasion Iraq.
2006-10-15 15:30:45 UTC
As you have pointed out there is never an exit plan when you go into war. You exit when you have won the war and by that I mean you have killed so many of your enemy that they stop fighting and surrender. The Iraqi government and military is getting stronger every day. It will not be until they unite as a people instead of being divided by religious views that they will truly be able to have a secure country. Then we will leave. If we leave now like the democrats want the void of our departure will be filled by Iran backed terrorists.
Fun and Games
2006-10-15 15:11:42 UTC
This really isn't a war in the traditional sense. I think everything there belongs on your list except for Somalia. I only say that because peace is always the exit plan. Somalia was more like let's go help out the poor people so that their food doesn't get stolen.

As far as Iraq goes, since it's not a clearly drawn armed conflict with lines in the sand and clear cut objectives, I don't think it could have an exit plan either.
2006-10-15 15:27:06 UTC
Seems like the real problem was there was no plan of what to do after the initial part of the war was won. Before the need of an exit plan. As far as Dems go it seems their plan is --Not Cut and Run... and Not stay the course....Phase troops out based on private timeline known only to CENTCOM and redistribute 50% of those withdrawals to Afghanistan and find the real terrorist that attacked us...

Good enough answer for you or would you like to pick that apart also.
2006-10-15 15:16:59 UTC
perhaps we haven'tlearned from previous mistakes of not having an exit plan or at least not updating ourplans as the plot thickens

Perhaps needless deaths and sufferring and lossof nation's treasure mandates we become smarter and fight wars smarter not with more firepower and deaths. If we can't admit mistakes(don't go crazy now, e'one makes mistakes, dem or repub) and fine tune things or change course totally if needed, that doesn't show wisdom or military prowess. Yes war sucks and always will,bt that doesn't mean we can accept a total disaster without thinking about how to find a solution out of the problem. Just beating the same dead horse,saying, no way we didn't make any mistakes-just keep on the course- is not getting us anywhere. FOrget about elections and who is right or wrong by party lines. Our country is bleeding here,not to mention the Iraqi people and their country.Blame them if we need to, declare victory and lets move on to take care of our own.
2006-10-15 15:17:11 UTC
Ask the lib's about there exit plan for Vietnam .

President Ford tries to mobilize the troops to return to South Vietnam because North Vietnam broke its end of the Paris peace accords .

And what does the democratically controlled congress do they said . "NO" using the war powers act .

Kind of nice of the democrats to start a war then lose interest in it and then to use trail lawyer procedures to prevent us from upholding our end of the treaty is shameful .

Is it any real wonder that there has only been 3 democratic president is the last 40 years .
2006-10-15 16:08:57 UTC
Well the dim-witted Dems foisted of the, "war on poverty" onto the American people which resulted in a redistribution of some $8 trillion from the productive to the parasitic since its inception in 1965...


Social Welfare - Did you ever notice how some people love

to be "generous" with money earned by others?

2006-10-15 15:17:21 UTC
The Democrats want to tell our enemies everything.

They've already compromised a bunch of our National Security Secrets.

It was Democrats that leaked the information to the terrorists best friend: The New York Times.

The New York Times offers a special Subscription Discount To Terrorist Organizations.
2006-10-15 15:18:03 UTC
Great POINT! We are STILL in some of the countries we fought against - Germany, Japan, etc.

Giving an "exit" strategy only benefits the enemy.

Now WHY do the LIBS want us to do something good for the enemy unless...hmmm
2016-10-19 15:08:52 UTC
can no longer have a series date and time. The democrats are genuinely seeking to kill US voters down the line in the event that they want us to desert Iraq as that us of a could in simple terms develop right into a cess-pool of Islamo-Facists that ought to hold dying and terror to our us of a. we ought to stay till that government can perform and guard their very own us of a. as quickly as Iraq has a longtime democracy, the muslims interior the encircling international places will upward push up against their dictators including in Iran and insist equivalent rights additionally. that's what the Arab worldwide is maximum frightened of and that's the reason they hate us being in Iraq. we ought to do away with all of the Islam-Facist!!!
2006-10-15 15:11:10 UTC
Hmmm...what is the exit plan of the republicans?

Oh I know!! Keep troops stationed there until 2010.


I think diplomacy is what we need now, don't you?

Diplomacy is the exit plan of the democrats. It sure as hell is a better exit plan than the Bush administration has come up with.
2006-10-15 15:21:43 UTC
"The only exit strategy should be excercised when the enemy has lost the will to make war"

Do you think you can change a religious fanatics mind or break their will? I have some news for you Sparky.
2006-10-15 15:20:48 UTC
The U.S. should have a slow withdrawal, we should not be on the streets of Iraq we should be advising and training the military and police of Iraq. Have enough troops to train and advise no more no less. I also think Iraq is an example on how you should not mix religion and politics together.
2006-10-15 15:12:27 UTC
We will succeed and then we will leave, that is our exit plan, and no whining, cut and run Libbie's as you call them will cause us to leave sooner.
2006-10-15 15:12:45 UTC
there is no exit plan imo ... its just a way to shut people up and pacify them for now until they move forward on the iran/syria phase of the mideast takeover....
2006-10-15 15:12:35 UTC
****, death plan in Iraq,as for exit,not until we make every Iraq ,eat peanut butter not rice,if that would happen the violence would die out as their spirit would be controlled by U,S,A...hail Bush....
2006-10-15 15:12:12 UTC
I see your point. But... how about through Iran this time?
2006-10-15 15:12:14 UTC
My position is there should have never been a ENTRANCE plan!!!!
2014-07-11 13:17:36 UTC

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